Category: News
Problem with single agent Simulink using RL toolbox
I am using RL toolbox to train a single agent with the following specifications:
for type=1
% obsMat = [1 1];
obsMat = [4 3; 5 3; 6 3; 7 3; 8 3; 9 3; 5 11; 6 11; 7 11; 8 11; 6 12; 7 12; 3 12; ];
% obsMat = [ ];
sA0 = [2 5];
switch type
case 1
s0 = [sA0];
Ts = 0.1;
Tf = 100;
maxsteps = ceil(Tf/Ts);
switch type
case 1
mdl = "rlAreaCoverage1";
% Define observation specifications.
obsSize = [12 12 4];
oinfo = rlNumericSpec(obsSize);
oinfo.Name = "observations";
% Define action specifications.
switch numAct
case 131
actionSpace = {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 137 140 141 142 143 144};
ainfo = rlFiniteSetSpec(actionSpace);
ainfo.Name = "actions";
switch type
case 1
blks = mdl + ["/Agent A (Red)"];
switch type
case 1
env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl,blks,{oinfo},{ainfo});
env.ResetFcn = @(in) resetMap(in, obsMat);
but I see this error:
Error using rlSimulinkEnv>localValidateIOSpecs (line 178)
Invalid size or type for observation specification.
Error in rlSimulinkEnv (line 90)
Do you have any idea what is wrong in my setup?I am using RL toolbox to train a single agent with the following specifications:
for type=1
% obsMat = [1 1];
obsMat = [4 3; 5 3; 6 3; 7 3; 8 3; 9 3; 5 11; 6 11; 7 11; 8 11; 6 12; 7 12; 3 12; ];
% obsMat = [ ];
sA0 = [2 5];
switch type
case 1
s0 = [sA0];
Ts = 0.1;
Tf = 100;
maxsteps = ceil(Tf/Ts);
switch type
case 1
mdl = "rlAreaCoverage1";
% Define observation specifications.
obsSize = [12 12 4];
oinfo = rlNumericSpec(obsSize);
oinfo.Name = "observations";
% Define action specifications.
switch numAct
case 131
actionSpace = {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 137 140 141 142 143 144};
ainfo = rlFiniteSetSpec(actionSpace);
ainfo.Name = "actions";
switch type
case 1
blks = mdl + ["/Agent A (Red)"];
switch type
case 1
env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl,blks,{oinfo},{ainfo});
env.ResetFcn = @(in) resetMap(in, obsMat);
but I see this error:
Error using rlSimulinkEnv>localValidateIOSpecs (line 178)
Invalid size or type for observation specification.
Error in rlSimulinkEnv (line 90)
Do you have any idea what is wrong in my setup? I am using RL toolbox to train a single agent with the following specifications:
for type=1
% obsMat = [1 1];
obsMat = [4 3; 5 3; 6 3; 7 3; 8 3; 9 3; 5 11; 6 11; 7 11; 8 11; 6 12; 7 12; 3 12; ];
% obsMat = [ ];
sA0 = [2 5];
switch type
case 1
s0 = [sA0];
Ts = 0.1;
Tf = 100;
maxsteps = ceil(Tf/Ts);
switch type
case 1
mdl = "rlAreaCoverage1";
% Define observation specifications.
obsSize = [12 12 4];
oinfo = rlNumericSpec(obsSize);
oinfo.Name = "observations";
% Define action specifications.
switch numAct
case 131
actionSpace = {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 137 140 141 142 143 144};
ainfo = rlFiniteSetSpec(actionSpace);
ainfo.Name = "actions";
switch type
case 1
blks = mdl + ["/Agent A (Red)"];
switch type
case 1
env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl,blks,{oinfo},{ainfo});
env.ResetFcn = @(in) resetMap(in, obsMat);
but I see this error:
Error using rlSimulinkEnv>localValidateIOSpecs (line 178)
Invalid size or type for observation specification.
Error in rlSimulinkEnv (line 90)
Do you have any idea what is wrong in my setup? reinforcement learning MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I want to plot the auto correlation function for 15 numbers without using the inbuilt function. My series is P=[ 47,64,23,71,38,64,55,41,59,48,71,35,57,40,58 ] and the plot should be autocorrelation function vs lags.
I want to plot the auto correlation function for 15 numbers without using the inbuilt function.
My code is as follows:
P=[ 47,64,23,71,38,64,55,41,59,48]; %%,71,35,57,40,58 ];
sum= ((Q-u)*(R-u).’);
for k=1:N-1 %% k is no. of lags and its max value can be 14 here
Q1=P(1:N-k); %% Splitting the series into 2 series separated by lag k
sum1= ((Q1-u)*(R1-u).’);
But after execution of the loop,I am getting acf value only for last value of k, which rather should have been an array for values of k=1 to 14.
I am new to matlab. Plz help me resolve the code.I want to plot the auto correlation function for 15 numbers without using the inbuilt function.
My code is as follows:
P=[ 47,64,23,71,38,64,55,41,59,48]; %%,71,35,57,40,58 ];
sum= ((Q-u)*(R-u).’);
for k=1:N-1 %% k is no. of lags and its max value can be 14 here
Q1=P(1:N-k); %% Splitting the series into 2 series separated by lag k
sum1= ((Q1-u)*(R1-u).’);
But after execution of the loop,I am getting acf value only for last value of k, which rather should have been an array for values of k=1 to 14.
I am new to matlab. Plz help me resolve the code. I want to plot the auto correlation function for 15 numbers without using the inbuilt function.
My code is as follows:
P=[ 47,64,23,71,38,64,55,41,59,48]; %%,71,35,57,40,58 ];
sum= ((Q-u)*(R-u).’);
for k=1:N-1 %% k is no. of lags and its max value can be 14 here
Q1=P(1:N-k); %% Splitting the series into 2 series separated by lag k
sum1= ((Q1-u)*(R1-u).’);
But after execution of the loop,I am getting acf value only for last value of k, which rather should have been an array for values of k=1 to 14.
I am new to matlab. Plz help me resolve the code. auto correlation, for loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Different filters for pretrainned network
if i have a group of images and i filtered all of them with 8 different filters , is there a way or method or a published something or calculate a fator to know me which filtered group is best with specific pretrainned transfer learning network for classification task using matlab without training the network with each group of filtered imagesif i have a group of images and i filtered all of them with 8 different filters , is there a way or method or a published something or calculate a fator to know me which filtered group is best with specific pretrainned transfer learning network for classification task using matlab without training the network with each group of filtered images if i have a group of images and i filtered all of them with 8 different filters , is there a way or method or a published something or calculate a fator to know me which filtered group is best with specific pretrainned transfer learning network for classification task using matlab without training the network with each group of filtered images filtering pretrainned MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to display Chart diagram in a report, using report generator?
I have a problem with the visualization of Chart diagram and related properties in my model.
I using this code line (in a matlab script) to search all the subsystem object (including chart):
allsubsysObj = modelObj.find(‘-isa’,’Simulink.SubSystem’,’-or’,’-isa’,’Simulink.ModelReference’,’-depth’,1);
The script find the number of element that i’m expected (2 chart and 2 subsytem) but when i tried to put the diagram figure i obtained the inner content of the subsytem and the chart.
auxpara = CenterDiagram(Diagram(allsubsysObj(1)),R);
Cap = Text(strcat("Figure ",num2str(ChCounter),".",num2str(FigCounter),": ",allsubsysObj(1).Name," subsystem"));
Cap.Style = [{FontSize(Str.CapFontSize)},{Color(Str.CapColor)},{Bold(true)},{HAlign(Str.CapAlign)}];
FigCounter = FigCounter + 1;
How i can insert only the top level diagram of the chart?Hi,
I have a problem with the visualization of Chart diagram and related properties in my model.
I using this code line (in a matlab script) to search all the subsystem object (including chart):
allsubsysObj = modelObj.find(‘-isa’,’Simulink.SubSystem’,’-or’,’-isa’,’Simulink.ModelReference’,’-depth’,1);
The script find the number of element that i’m expected (2 chart and 2 subsytem) but when i tried to put the diagram figure i obtained the inner content of the subsytem and the chart.
auxpara = CenterDiagram(Diagram(allsubsysObj(1)),R);
Cap = Text(strcat("Figure ",num2str(ChCounter),".",num2str(FigCounter),": ",allsubsysObj(1).Name," subsystem"));
Cap.Style = [{FontSize(Str.CapFontSize)},{Color(Str.CapColor)},{Bold(true)},{HAlign(Str.CapAlign)}];
FigCounter = FigCounter + 1;
How i can insert only the top level diagram of the chart? Hi,
I have a problem with the visualization of Chart diagram and related properties in my model.
I using this code line (in a matlab script) to search all the subsystem object (including chart):
allsubsysObj = modelObj.find(‘-isa’,’Simulink.SubSystem’,’-or’,’-isa’,’Simulink.ModelReference’,’-depth’,1);
The script find the number of element that i’m expected (2 chart and 2 subsytem) but when i tried to put the diagram figure i obtained the inner content of the subsytem and the chart.
auxpara = CenterDiagram(Diagram(allsubsysObj(1)),R);
Cap = Text(strcat("Figure ",num2str(ChCounter),".",num2str(FigCounter),": ",allsubsysObj(1).Name," subsystem"));
Cap.Style = [{FontSize(Str.CapFontSize)},{Color(Str.CapColor)},{Bold(true)},{HAlign(Str.CapAlign)}];
FigCounter = FigCounter + 1;
How i can insert only the top level diagram of the chart? report generation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
|| Challenge for Team ||
Dear Team
This mail is offering a challenge to your team; So, the challenge is: – Suppose an Employee Muster Roll (A sheet that shows employee status daily wise whether he/she is present or not) is there and my requirement is one wants to find out how many employees are there who are present continuously for 10 days or more, how to find this.
I am attaching a file for more details
Dear Team This mail is offering a challenge to your team; So, the challenge is: – Suppose an Employee Muster Roll (A sheet that shows employee status daily wise whether he/she is present or not) is there and my requirement is one wants to find out how many employees are there who are present continuously for 10 days or more, how to find this. I am attaching a file for more details Mr. XPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPWOWOPPPPPPMr. APPPPPPPPWOWOPPPPPPPPPPWOWOPPPPPPMr. BPPPPPPPPWOWOPPPPPPPPPPWOWOPPPPPP Read More
Azure Demo Lab
Hi All,
I have tried the Sentinel Training lab from “content hub” and now I want to create a small demo lab for Sentinel with certain Azure VMs.
One of the use cases is – alerting when a someone has logged in from different geolocations than where the VM is situated. How can I achieve getting logs of someone trying to connect from different geolocations to the same VM. I can create alerts based on that in Sentinel.
Thanks all !
Hi All,I have tried the Sentinel Training lab from “content hub” and now I want to create a small demo lab for Sentinel with certain Azure VMs.One of the use cases is – alerting when a someone has logged in from different geolocations than where the VM is situated. How can I achieve getting logs of someone trying to connect from different geolocations to the same VM. I can create alerts based on that in Sentinel.Thanks all ! Read More
Paperclip icon is missing
Why do I not have a paperclip icon as part of Copilot Pro?
Why do I not have a paperclip icon as part of Copilot Pro? Read More
E-mails sent by me go to SPAM folder or are not received at all
The e-mails I send are not being received or being sent directly to the Spam folder in other domains.
I checked all the information related to how avoid that situation, but nothing works (like not using Caps Lock in the Subject, for instance).
What can I do to avoid this problem? Is this a shared problem or just related to e-mail?
My domain is
Thank you very much in advance.
Hello! The e-mails I send are not being received or being sent directly to the Spam folder in other domains.I checked all the information related to how avoid that situation, but nothing works (like not using Caps Lock in the Subject, for instance). What can I do to avoid this problem? Is this a shared problem or just related to e-mail? My domain is Thank you very much in advance. Read More
Company portal – Mac os APP is stuck on Pending
Using Intune to install a .pkg app on macOS. After installation, the status is ‘Pending’ in the Company Portal. I manually uninstalled the app, but the status remains ‘Pending’. The goal is to test it before making the app available to all users, but it seems that the macOS Company Portal is failing.
Any ideas how to fix status update?
Using Intune to install a .pkg app on macOS. After installation, the status is ‘Pending’ in the Company Portal. I manually uninstalled the app, but the status remains ‘Pending’. The goal is to test it before making the app available to all users, but it seems that the macOS Company Portal is failing. Any ideas how to fix status update? Read More
Report all existing Sharing Links in all SharePoints
We are planning a complete cross-tenant migration, and need to somehow get a list of all existing Sharing Links in all of our (over 150) SharePoint sites, and which people (emails) are those links shared with, to replicate those accesses post-migration.
I have been investigating a lot about this but have been unable to find any solution for this case, even though it sounds like a pretty normal thing to me.
I know there are reports from SharePoint admin that will show the last 30-days activity in creation of Sharing Links (which is not enough).
There also is the possibility to manually access the Site Usage of any site and run a report that will be stored in a folder inside the same site. The report generated this way is almost what we need. Only problem is that the Sharing Links created to “SharePoint Groups” instead of specific users contain no info about what group was it actually shared with.
I know I could manually go to the file and check the groups that have access to it in “Manage Access” section, but that is exactly the thing we want to avoid by automating this.
I also had a PnP script shared with me by a Microsoft Engineer that have been throwing many different errors after every of the several attempts to make it work and fixing it, normally related to: “command was found in the module ‘SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline’, but the module could not be loaded due to the following error: [Could not load type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientAuthenticationMode’ from assembly ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime“
Some other times the error was referring to access denied.
I have been trying to find a way to do this for over a month now and I’m starting to despair a bit.
Anyone here knows a way to get this information?
Thank you in advance,
Hello,We are planning a complete cross-tenant migration, and need to somehow get a list of all existing Sharing Links in all of our (over 150) SharePoint sites, and which people (emails) are those links shared with, to replicate those accesses post-migration.I have been investigating a lot about this but have been unable to find any solution for this case, even though it sounds like a pretty normal thing to me.I know there are reports from SharePoint admin that will show the last 30-days activity in creation of Sharing Links (which is not enough). There also is the possibility to manually access the Site Usage of any site and run a report that will be stored in a folder inside the same site. The report generated this way is almost what we need. Only problem is that the Sharing Links created to “SharePoint Groups” instead of specific users contain no info about what group was it actually shared with.I know I could manually go to the file and check the groups that have access to it in “Manage Access” section, but that is exactly the thing we want to avoid by automating this. I also had a PnP script shared with me by a Microsoft Engineer that have been throwing many different errors after every of the several attempts to make it work and fixing it, normally related to: “command was found in the module ‘SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline’, but the module could not be loaded due to the following error: [Could not load type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientAuthenticationMode’ from assembly ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime”Some other times the error was referring to access denied. I have been trying to find a way to do this for over a month now and I’m starting to despair a bit.Anyone here knows a way to get this information?Thank you in advance,Alejandro. Read More
The Best YouTube Shorts Downloader that Works on Windows PC?
I’ve recently started a new project that involves curating and sharing short video content for educational purposes. YouTube Shorts has become a fantastic resource for finding quick, engaging videos that perfectly fit my needs. However, I’m facing a challenge in downloading these YouTube Shorts videos to my Windows PC for offline use and editing.
I’ve tried a few online youtube shorts downloaders, but they either don’t support YouTube Shorts specifically or come with limitations and security concerns. Can anyone recommend the best YouTube Shorts Downloader for Windows? I’m looking for a reliable, safe, and easy-to-use solutio that can handle downloading YouTube Shorts videos directly to my Windows PC without compromising quality.
Thanks in advance for your support and suggestions!
I’ve recently started a new project that involves curating and sharing short video content for educational purposes. YouTube Shorts has become a fantastic resource for finding quick, engaging videos that perfectly fit my needs. However, I’m facing a challenge in downloading these YouTube Shorts videos to my Windows PC for offline use and editing. I’ve tried a few online youtube shorts downloaders, but they either don’t support YouTube Shorts specifically or come with limitations and security concerns. Can anyone recommend the best YouTube Shorts Downloader for Windows? I’m looking for a reliable, safe, and easy-to-use solutio that can handle downloading YouTube Shorts videos directly to my Windows PC without compromising quality. Thanks in advance for your support and suggestions! Read More
RD Gateway issue after update (Windows Server 2019)
I have pinpointed this to an issue with the aaedge.dll in System32 which has been updated in the latest update
Faulting application name: svchost.exe_TSGateway, version: 10.0.17763.3346, time stamp: 0xb6a0daab
Faulting module name: aaedge.dll, version: 10.0.17763.6054, time stamp: 0xce1c5805
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000005abe2
Faulting process id: 0x480
Faulting application start time: 0x01dae7de27a0f719
Faulting application path: C:Windowssystem32svchost.exe
Faulting module path: c:windowssystem32aaedge.dll
Report Id: 9df5f2de-f650-4f30-846e-872e6ca7e583
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
I am not sure if anyone has found this also or has a fix?
It only appears to be with this new version as I have an RD Gateway machine that hasn’t been updated yet that works perfectly fine.
I have pinpointed this to an issue with the aaedge.dll in System32 which has been updated in the latest update Faulting application name: svchost.exe_TSGateway, version: 10.0.17763.3346, time stamp: 0xb6a0daab
Faulting module name: aaedge.dll, version: 10.0.17763.6054, time stamp: 0xce1c5805
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000005abe2
Faulting process id: 0x480
Faulting application start time: 0x01dae7de27a0f719
Faulting application path: C:Windowssystem32svchost.exe
Faulting module path: c:windowssystem32aaedge.dll
Report Id: 9df5f2de-f650-4f30-846e-872e6ca7e583
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID: I am not sure if anyone has found this also or has a fix? It only appears to be with this new version as I have an RD Gateway machine that hasn’t been updated yet that works perfectly fine. Read More
Api Management v2 – Still only for the most wealthy
Good day,
I have been waiting for about 6 years for an affordable version of api management with network capability. The 2000USD a MONTH jump from standard to premium just to satisfy security with networking was unreasonable. Now I cannot explain the geek excitement with the announcement of standard v2 with networking for a fraction of the cost. I started planning for a bright future. But then…..
Basic v2 cannot be used as the development tier for Standard v2 production. It does not have the same features, especially the ones you would need to test networking.
So we would need 3x standard tier for dev, stg and production to continue with our IoC pipelines.
That will be an additional 1400USD a month. Ok, this is not 2000USD, but it could have been a $30000 it would have made no difference, it is still un justly expensive.
Microsoft response to me so far, we don’t understand why you would need to test in development, best to have everything in production and wait for future workspaces. Then you can safely redesign your whole networking and infrastructure architecture and test everything against your production instance to cater for this mmm, shortcoming or sneaky business tactic (I am making stuff up in my head as I do not get proper feedback).
Please can Microsoft explain this to me so I can understand. Maybe I am over re-acting and most company’s can afford this with a smile.
Good day, I have been waiting for about 6 years for an affordable version of api management with network capability. The 2000USD a MONTH jump from standard to premium just to satisfy security with networking was unreasonable. Now I cannot explain the geek excitement with the announcement of standard v2 with networking for a fraction of the cost. I started planning for a bright future. But then…..Basic v2 cannot be used as the development tier for Standard v2 production. It does not have the same features, especially the ones you would need to test networking.So we would need 3x standard tier for dev, stg and production to continue with our IoC pipelines.That will be an additional 1400USD a month. Ok, this is not 2000USD, but it could have been a $30000 it would have made no difference, it is still un justly expensive.Microsoft response to me so far, we don’t understand why you would need to test in development, best to have everything in production and wait for future workspaces. Then you can safely redesign your whole networking and infrastructure architecture and test everything against your production instance to cater for this mmm, shortcoming or sneaky business tactic (I am making stuff up in my head as I do not get proper feedback). Please can Microsoft explain this to me so I can understand. Maybe I am over re-acting and most company’s can afford this with a smile. Read More
Workgroup onboarding machine : Managed By Unknown
I have onboarded two workgroup computers in MDE since yesterday, but in the managed by i still see unknown instead of MDE:
Can anyone tell me what to check for troubleshooting?
Hello, I have onboarded two workgroup computers in MDE since yesterday, but in the managed by i still see unknown instead of MDE:Can anyone tell me what to check for troubleshooting? Read More
Securing Microsoft Fabric: User Authentication & Authorization Guidelines
Did you wonder what are the options to define users and permissions to access and operate in Microsoft Fabric?
Considering Conditional Access for Fabric users?
Looking to understand the best practices to define user roles in workspace level?
In this blog, we will talk about authentication and authorization options in Fabric including use case example.
Microsoft Fabric is a software as a service (SaaS) platform that lets users get, create, share, and visualize data.
Security is a top priority for any organization that wants to succeed in the digital age. You need to safeguard your assets from threats and follow your organization’s security policies.
One of the security design principles is Implement strong access controls that authenticate and authorize access to the system.
This blog describes recommendations for authenticating and authorizing users that are attempting to access Microsoft Fabric.
First, let understand Microsoft Fabric main infrastructure components with this diagram:
In this diagram, we can see the different components in Fabric and the possible relation:
Tenant – A tenant is a single instance of Fabric for an organization and is aligned with a Microsoft Entra ID.
OneLake – a single, unified, logical data lake for your whole organization. A data Lake processes large volumes of data from various sources. OneLake is the foundation of Microsoft Fabric for your tenant. There is one OneLake per Tenant.
Capacity – Capacity is a dedicated set of resources that is available at a given time to be used. Capacity defines the ability of a resource to perform an activity or to produce output. Different items consume different capacities at a certain time. Fabric offers capacity through the Fabric SKU and Trials. You can have multiple capacities for one OneLake.
Workspace – A workspace is a collection of items that bring together different functionality in a single environment designed for collaboration. It acts as a container that uses capacity for the work that is executed, and provides controls for who can access the items in it. For example, in a workspace, users create reports, notebooks, semantic models, etc. You can have multiple workspaces at one capacity.
Now, let’s examine Entra ID authentication and authorization on top of the layers.
Microsoft Entra tenant provides identity and access management (IAM) capabilities to applications and resources used by your organization. Since Fabric is deployed to a Microsoft Entra tenant, authentication and authorization are handled by Microsoft Entra.
Access token authentication:
Fabric relies on Microsoft Entra ID to authenticate users or service principals, when authenticated, users or service principals receive access tokens from Microsoft Entra ID. Fabric uses these tokens to perform operations in the context of the user or application.
Example: When a user logs into Fabric, they are authenticated by Microsoft Entra ID and receive an access token. This token is then used to access various resources within Fabric.
Note:An identity is a directory object authenticated and authorized for access to a resource. There are identity objects for human (users) and nonhuman identities. Human identities are referred to as identities, and nonhuman identities are workload identities. Nonhuman entities include application objects, Service Principals, managed identities, and devices. Generally, workload identity is for a software entity to authenticate with a system. This blog describes authentication options for users/humans while service principal/nonhuman is out of scope.
Non-Access Token authentication:
Non-access token activity in Fabric enables you to utilize external data sharing. Fabric external data sharing is a feature that allows Fabric users to share data from their tenant with users in another Fabric tenant.
Example: If you enable external data sharing, you are explicitly trusting other tenants, allowing them to access the shared data without complying with your Entra Conditional Access Policy. To enforce CA Policy for all cases, it is recommended to turn off external data sharing at the tenant level unless there is a specific need to use such external data.
Secured authentication via Conditional Access (CA)
A key feature of Microsoft Entra ID is conditional access. Conditional access ensures that customers can secure apps in their tenants, including:
Multifactor authentication
Allowing only Intune enrolled devices to access specific services
Restricting user locations and IP ranges
To configure conditional access for users in Fabric, you need to select several Azure services: Power BI, Azure Data Explorer, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Storage.
Setup of Power BI, Azure Data Explorer, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Storage block any access token activity in Fabric incase CA policy fails.
All Fabric permissions are stored centrally by the metadata platform. Fabric services query the metadata platform on demand in order to retrieve authorization information and to authorize and validate user requests.
In this blog, we will focus on Workspace level permissions, you can read more on Item permissions here
Authorization in Workspace level
Organizational teams can have individual workspaces where different personas collaborate and work on generating content. Access to the items in the workspace is regulated via workspace roles assigned to users by the workspace admin.
You can either assign roles to individuals or to groups.
Guidance: Data owners should recommend users who could be workspace administrators. These could be team leaders in your organization, for example. These workspace administrators should then govern access to the items in their workspace by assigning appropriate workspace roles to users and consumers of the items.
There are four Workspace roles and they apply to all items within the workspace. Users that don’t have any of these roles can’t access the workspace. The roles are:
Viewer – Can view all content in the workspace but can’t modify it.
Contributor – Can view and modify all content in the workspace.
Member – Can view, modify, and share all content in the workspace.
Admin – Can view, modify, share, and manage all content in the workspace, including managing permissions.
You can define workspace level access in Fabric via:
UI as explained in Give users access to workspaces via UI
API as explained in Add Workspace Role Assignment via Fabric API
This diagram demonstrates the Authentication and Authorization options described above:
What can you do to manage access easily and efficiently?
Microsoft Entra groups are used to manage users that all need the same access and permissions to resources, such as potentially restricted apps and services. Instead of adding special permissions to individual users, you create a group that applies the special permissions to every member of that group.
When user leave the organization, you can easily remove the user form the group, that will remove user access to the different workspaces.
Let look on one example: Organization with multiple users granting access to Fabric dev, test and prod workspaces via Entra groups.
The first step will be to define groups for Fabric users in Microsoft 365 admin center.
Potential groups implementation:
1.Fabric all – include all Fabric users that will get access to Fabric
2.Development + Test users:
Fabric dev+test workspace viewers – assign users per need
Fabric dev+test workspace members – assign users per need
Fabric dev+test workspace contributors – assign users per need
Fabric dev+test workspace admins – potentially assign to workspace owners + team leads
3.Production users:
Fabric prod workspace viewers – assign users per need
Fabric prod workspace members – assign users per need
Fabric prod workspace contributors – assign users per need
Fabric prod workspace admins – potentially assign to workspace owners + team leads
Here you can see sample groups from Microsoft 365 admin center:
The next steps will be:
Define Conditional Access policy for Fabric users, via the group we created before – Fabric all, as explained in Conditional access – Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn
Define workspace level access in Fabric UI as explained in Give users access to workspaces or via API as explained in Workspaces – Add Workspace Role Assignment
Here we can see sample UI of assigning Admin rights on the workspace via the group we created before:
1.Go to Manage Access
2.Add the relevant group:
3.Assign permission to the group:
In conclusion, implementing strong access controls to authenticate and authorize users is a crucial security design principle for any organization using Microsoft Fabric. Understanding the different components and layers of the platform can aid in the configuration of authentication and authorization options, such as Entra ID and Conditional Access policies.
Conditional Access provides an additional layer of security and requires Microsoft Entra ID P1 licenses.
Authorization at the workspace level is regulated via workspace roles, which can be assigned to users or groups.
It is recommended that data owners assign workspace administrators and govern access to the workspace by assigning appropriate roles to users and consumers of the items
Additional reference: End-to-end security overview for Fabric can be found here
Assaf & Inbal.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Solved: How I Resolved Slow Boot Issue in Windows 11
I recently encountered a frustrating issue with my Windows 11 system – an extremely slow boot process that involved multiple black screens and would take upwards of twenty minutes to complete. Despite diligently researching and attempting various fixes without success, I eventually decided to take a break and address the problem later.
Upon returning, I discovered that a faulty ROM drive was to blame for the slow boot. After replacing it and restarting the system, the issue was completely resolved – a simple solution to what had seemed like a complex problem.
My system currently consists of a 120GB SSD, 16GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce GT 730 GPU. I plan to upgrade the GPU to 32GB soon, and also hope to successfully clone a 1TB SSD in the near future. For now, however, the system boots up smoothly without any delays. I share this experience in the hopes that it may assist others facing a similar challenge.
I recently encountered a frustrating issue with my Windows 11 system – an extremely slow boot process that involved multiple black screens and would take upwards of twenty minutes to complete. Despite diligently researching and attempting various fixes without success, I eventually decided to take a break and address the problem later. Upon returning, I discovered that a faulty ROM drive was to blame for the slow boot. After replacing it and restarting the system, the issue was completely resolved – a simple solution to what had seemed like a complex problem. My system currently consists of a 120GB SSD, 16GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce GT 730 GPU. I plan to upgrade the GPU to 32GB soon, and also hope to successfully clone a 1TB SSD in the near future. For now, however, the system boots up smoothly without any delays. I share this experience in the hopes that it may assist others facing a similar challenge. Read More
Dynamic lock is no longer functioning
Currently, the dynamic lock feature is not functioning as expected. Despite resetting the settings and re-enabling it, the issue persists shortly after. Any suggestions to address this problem?
Operating System: Windows 11
Mobile Device: iPhone 15 running iOS 17.0
Currently, the dynamic lock feature is not functioning as expected. Despite resetting the settings and re-enabling it, the issue persists shortly after. Any suggestions to address this problem? Operating System: Windows 11Mobile Device: iPhone 15 running iOS 17.0 Read More
“How to View Hidden Items in File Explorer on Windows 11”
In Windows 10, I had full visibility of all ribbon options in File Explorer. However, in Windows 11, I am unable to see the same level of detail. It requires multiple clicks to access the previous view settings for displaying or hiding hidden files. It appears that Windows 11 has regressed in this aspect, unless there is a specific setting that I am unaware of to customize the ribbon display. Is there a way to achieve this in Windows 11?
In Windows 10, I had full visibility of all ribbon options in File Explorer. However, in Windows 11, I am unable to see the same level of detail. It requires multiple clicks to access the previous view settings for displaying or hiding hidden files. It appears that Windows 11 has regressed in this aspect, unless there is a specific setting that I am unaware of to customize the ribbon display. Is there a way to achieve this in Windows 11? Read More
“Missing ‘Empty Recycle Bin’ Button in Recycle Bin Window”
Previously, in the Recycle Bin’s command bar, there used to be a visible “Empty Recycle Bin” button. However, with the latest update, this button has been replaced by a three-dot menu. To access the “Empty” command now, you need to click on the three dots. If you prefer the previous button functionality, I can provide you with steps to set it up that way. Just let me know if you would like to make this adjustment.
Previously, in the Recycle Bin’s command bar, there used to be a visible “Empty Recycle Bin” button. However, with the latest update, this button has been replaced by a three-dot menu. To access the “Empty” command now, you need to click on the three dots. If you prefer the previous button functionality, I can provide you with steps to set it up that way. Just let me know if you would like to make this adjustment. Read More
Powershell to get Owners of all Teams
We have 95k Teams.
I have a script that is running and works.
# Loop through the teams
foreach($team in $teamColl)
# Get the team owners
Get-TeamUser -GroupId $teamColl.GroupId -Role Owner | Select-Object $teamColl.GroupId,$owner.UserId,$owner.User | export-csv -encoding unicode -NoTypeInformation -path E:”Path”Report_Components_Owners.csv -append
But at the beginning is fetching all the informations previously to write it down.
Is there a possibility to write it at the fetching or avoid to read 95k Teams at once and then write it.
HelloWe have 95k Teams.I have a script that is running and works. # Loop through the teams
foreach($team in $teamColl)
# Get the team owners
Get-TeamUser -GroupId $teamColl.GroupId -Role Owner | Select-Object $teamColl.GroupId,$owner.UserId,$owner.User | export-csv -encoding unicode -NoTypeInformation -path E:”Path”Report_Components_Owners.csv -append
But at the beginning is fetching all the informations previously to write it down. Is there a possibility to write it at the fetching or avoid to read 95k Teams at once and then write it. Regards JFM_12 Read More