Category: News
How to Set a Default Input Method
I have added Japanese language support to my system in addition to UK English, as I develop software that requires translation. I have configured the keyboard to the UK Extended layout for UK English.
After installing Japanese language support, despite having UK English set as my current language, the Input Method Editor (IME) defaults to the Japanese IME with the 102/106 key layout. This means that I need to remember to switch the input method to the UK Extended Keyboard every time I log on. Otherwise, pressing Shift-2 produces the @ character instead of “.
Is there a way to make the system use the UK Extended keyboard layout by default instead of the Japanese IME?
Thank you,
I have added Japanese language support to my system in addition to UK English, as I develop software that requires translation. I have configured the keyboard to the UK Extended layout for UK English. After installing Japanese language support, despite having UK English set as my current language, the Input Method Editor (IME) defaults to the Japanese IME with the 102/106 key layout. This means that I need to remember to switch the input method to the UK Extended Keyboard every time I log on. Otherwise, pressing Shift-2 produces the @ character instead of “. Is there a way to make the system use the UK Extended keyboard layout by default instead of the Japanese IME? Thank you,David Read More
New ASUS PN53 mini PC Lacks Sleep Support
I recently purchased a GEEKOM AS 6, which is essentially a rebranded version of the Asus PN53.
Oddly enough, I’ve encountered an issue where this computer does not seem to be compatible with the sleep function. Despite attempting to put it to sleep, it appears that only the monitors shut off while the fans continue running at their lowest RPM. Additionally, the computer continues to draw 10 watts of power even in this state.
Upon checking the power settings, it seems that the “Modern Standby” feature is enabled. Despite going through the BIOS settings, the only power-related options I could find were “CEC/ERP Ready,” none of which seemed to have any effect on the sleep mode.
I find it perplexing that a brand-new PC like this does not support basic sleep functionality. When running the “powercfg -a” command, I discovered that only a limited number of sleep states are available, with options like Standby (S0 Low Power Idle), Hibernate, and Fast Startup. In contrast, Standby options like S1, S2, and S3, as well as Hybrid Sleep, are not supported. Despite attempting to disable S0 in the registry, the system still indicates that the firmware does not support those standby states, resulting in the sleep option disappearing from the shutdown menu.
I recently purchased a GEEKOM AS 6, which is essentially a rebranded version of the Asus PN53. Oddly enough, I’ve encountered an issue where this computer does not seem to be compatible with the sleep function. Despite attempting to put it to sleep, it appears that only the monitors shut off while the fans continue running at their lowest RPM. Additionally, the computer continues to draw 10 watts of power even in this state. Upon checking the power settings, it seems that the “Modern Standby” feature is enabled. Despite going through the BIOS settings, the only power-related options I could find were “CEC/ERP Ready,” none of which seemed to have any effect on the sleep mode. I find it perplexing that a brand-new PC like this does not support basic sleep functionality. When running the “powercfg -a” command, I discovered that only a limited number of sleep states are available, with options like Standby (S0 Low Power Idle), Hibernate, and Fast Startup. In contrast, Standby options like S1, S2, and S3, as well as Hybrid Sleep, are not supported. Despite attempting to disable S0 in the registry, the system still indicates that the firmware does not support those standby states, resulting in the sleep option disappearing from the shutdown menu. Read More
MinidroneCompetition track evaluation, how can I build our own tracks?
As the rules introduced, our minidrone will be tested on multiple tracks. Does anyone know who we can build our own tracks for evaluation in the simulink?As the rules introduced, our minidrone will be tested on multiple tracks. Does anyone know who we can build our own tracks for evaluation in the simulink? As the rules introduced, our minidrone will be tested on multiple tracks. Does anyone know who we can build our own tracks for evaluation in the simulink? minidronecompetition MATLAB Answers — New Questions
possible solution to speed up with power function?
Is there any solution to speed up this code? The power function is too expensive. Any help is much appreciated.
N = 1000000;
Linput = 500;
t = 1:Linput;
mTT = rand(N,1);
alf = rand(N,1);
beta = mTT./alf;
faktor = 1./(beta.^alf.*gamma(alf));
A = t.^(alf-1);
B = -t./beta ;
C = faktor.*A.*exp(B);
Elapsed time is 104.574729 seconds.Is there any solution to speed up this code? The power function is too expensive. Any help is much appreciated.
N = 1000000;
Linput = 500;
t = 1:Linput;
mTT = rand(N,1);
alf = rand(N,1);
beta = mTT./alf;
faktor = 1./(beta.^alf.*gamma(alf));
A = t.^(alf-1);
B = -t./beta ;
C = faktor.*A.*exp(B);
Elapsed time is 104.574729 seconds. Is there any solution to speed up this code? The power function is too expensive. Any help is much appreciated.
N = 1000000;
Linput = 500;
t = 1:Linput;
mTT = rand(N,1);
alf = rand(N,1);
beta = mTT./alf;
faktor = 1./(beta.^alf.*gamma(alf));
A = t.^(alf-1);
B = -t./beta ;
C = faktor.*A.*exp(B);
Elapsed time is 104.574729 seconds. speed up with power function MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to find the orientation of the entire platform by looking at the overall geometey of the objects/dots?
Hi, Im trying to find the orientation that is roll and pitch angle of my platform by analysing the overall geometery of the dots. To do so i have firstly detected the dots by using standard deviation and k-means clustering and dividing the image into 5×5 boxes then a plane fitting curve method is used to determine the overall geometery of the dots which further gives orientation of the plate. The obtained angles are incorrect what might have possibly gone wrong please help and suggest any possible solution. I’m actually trying to implement a blass on a plate system and i want to detect the orientation of the plate using webcam. Also im using MATLAB 2021a therefore im not sure how to calibrate my camera for such a pattern. The MATLAB code is given below;
clear all;
close all;
% Create a webcam object
cap = webcam(‘Adesso CyberTrack H3’);
% Adjust camera settings if supported
% Set the exposure time (shutter speed) in seconds
exposureTime = 0.01; % Adjust as needed
cap.ExposureMode = ‘manual’;
cap.Exposure = exposureTime;
catch ME
disp(‘Warning: Unable to set exposure time for the camera.’);
% Create the background subtractor object for ball detection
back_sub = vision.ForegroundDetector(‘NumTrainingFrames’, 100, ‘NumGaussians’, 3, ‘MinimumBackgroundRatio’, 0.7);
% Create structuring element for morphological operation
se = strel(‘rectangle’, [20, 20]);
% Initialize calibration values
calibration_pitch = 0;
calibration_roll = 0;
% Calibrate the system to set initial pitch and roll to zero
frame = snapshot(cap);
I_gray = rgb2gray(frame);
I_contrast = imadjust(I_gray);
bw = imbinarize(I_contrast, ‘adaptive’);
bw_filled = imfill(bw, ‘holes’);
bw_cleaned = bwareaopen(bw_filled, 50);
stats = regionprops(‘table’, bw_cleaned, ‘Centroid’, ‘BoundingBox’);
centroids = stats.Centroid;
if size(centroids, 1) >= 3
X = centroids(:, 1);
Y = centroids(:, 2);
Z = linspace(0, 1, size(centroids, 1))’;
A = [X, Y, ones(size(X))];
coeffs = A Z;
normal = [-coeffs(1), -coeffs(2), 1];
normal = normal / norm(normal);
calibration_pitch = asin(normal(1));
calibration_roll = asin(normal(2));
disp([‘Calibration Pitch: ‘, num2str(calibration_pitch), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Calibration Roll: ‘, num2str(calibration_roll), ‘ degrees’]);
disp(‘Not enough dots detected for calibration.’);
while true
% Read frame from webcam
frame = snapshot(cap);
% Part 1: Dot Detection and Tilt Angle Calculation
I_gray = rgb2gray(frame);
I_contrast = imadjust(I_gray);
bw = imbinarize(I_contrast, ‘adaptive’);
bw_filled = imfill(bw, ‘holes’);
bw_cleaned = bwareaopen(bw_filled, 50);
stats = regionprops(‘table’, bw_cleaned, ‘Centroid’, ‘BoundingBox’);
centroids = stats.Centroid;
boundingBoxes = stats.BoundingBox;
if size(centroids, 1) >= 3
X = centroids(:, 1);
Y = centroids(:, 2);
Z = linspace(0, 1, size(centroids, 1))’;
A = [X, Y, ones(size(X))];
coeffs = A Z;
normal = [-coeffs(1), -coeffs(2), 1];
normal = normal / norm(normal);
pitch = asin(normal(1)) – calibration_pitch;
roll = asin(normal(2)) – calibration_roll;
yaw = 0;
disp([‘Pitch (Tilt around Y-axis): ‘, num2str(pitch), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Roll (Tilt around X-axis): ‘, num2str(roll), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Yaw (Rotation around Z-axis): ‘, num2str(yaw), ‘ degrees’]);
pitch = 0;
roll = 0;
yaw = 0;
disp(‘Not enough dots detected to fit a plane.’);
for i = 1:size(boundingBoxes, 1)
frame = insertShape(frame, ‘Rectangle’, boundingBoxes(i, :), ‘Color’, ‘g’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
fg_mask = step(back_sub, frame);
fg_mask = imclose(fg_mask, se);
fg_mask = medfilt2(fg_mask, [5, 5]);
fg_mask = uint8(fg_mask) * 255;
[contours, ~] = bwlabel(fg_mask);
stats = regionprops(contours, ‘Area’, ‘BoundingBox’, ‘Centroid’);
if ~isempty(stats)
[~, max_index] = max([stats.Area]);
centroid = stats(max_index).Centroid;
boundingBox = stats(max_index).BoundingBox;
frame = insertShape(frame, ‘Rectangle’, boundingBox, ‘Color’, [0, 255, 0], ‘LineWidth’, 3);
text = [‘x: ‘, num2str(centroid(1)), ‘, y: ‘, num2str(centroid(2))];
frame = insertText(frame, [centroid(1) – 10, centroid(2) – 10], text, ‘FontSize’, 50, ‘TextColor’, [0, 255, 0]);
coordinates = [];
coordinates = [coordinates; centroid];
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 10], [‘Pitch: ‘, num2str(pitch), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 40], [‘Roll: ‘, num2str(roll), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 70], [‘Yaw: ‘, num2str(yaw), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
clear cap;Hi, Im trying to find the orientation that is roll and pitch angle of my platform by analysing the overall geometery of the dots. To do so i have firstly detected the dots by using standard deviation and k-means clustering and dividing the image into 5×5 boxes then a plane fitting curve method is used to determine the overall geometery of the dots which further gives orientation of the plate. The obtained angles are incorrect what might have possibly gone wrong please help and suggest any possible solution. I’m actually trying to implement a blass on a plate system and i want to detect the orientation of the plate using webcam. Also im using MATLAB 2021a therefore im not sure how to calibrate my camera for such a pattern. The MATLAB code is given below;
clear all;
close all;
% Create a webcam object
cap = webcam(‘Adesso CyberTrack H3’);
% Adjust camera settings if supported
% Set the exposure time (shutter speed) in seconds
exposureTime = 0.01; % Adjust as needed
cap.ExposureMode = ‘manual’;
cap.Exposure = exposureTime;
catch ME
disp(‘Warning: Unable to set exposure time for the camera.’);
% Create the background subtractor object for ball detection
back_sub = vision.ForegroundDetector(‘NumTrainingFrames’, 100, ‘NumGaussians’, 3, ‘MinimumBackgroundRatio’, 0.7);
% Create structuring element for morphological operation
se = strel(‘rectangle’, [20, 20]);
% Initialize calibration values
calibration_pitch = 0;
calibration_roll = 0;
% Calibrate the system to set initial pitch and roll to zero
frame = snapshot(cap);
I_gray = rgb2gray(frame);
I_contrast = imadjust(I_gray);
bw = imbinarize(I_contrast, ‘adaptive’);
bw_filled = imfill(bw, ‘holes’);
bw_cleaned = bwareaopen(bw_filled, 50);
stats = regionprops(‘table’, bw_cleaned, ‘Centroid’, ‘BoundingBox’);
centroids = stats.Centroid;
if size(centroids, 1) >= 3
X = centroids(:, 1);
Y = centroids(:, 2);
Z = linspace(0, 1, size(centroids, 1))’;
A = [X, Y, ones(size(X))];
coeffs = A Z;
normal = [-coeffs(1), -coeffs(2), 1];
normal = normal / norm(normal);
calibration_pitch = asin(normal(1));
calibration_roll = asin(normal(2));
disp([‘Calibration Pitch: ‘, num2str(calibration_pitch), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Calibration Roll: ‘, num2str(calibration_roll), ‘ degrees’]);
disp(‘Not enough dots detected for calibration.’);
while true
% Read frame from webcam
frame = snapshot(cap);
% Part 1: Dot Detection and Tilt Angle Calculation
I_gray = rgb2gray(frame);
I_contrast = imadjust(I_gray);
bw = imbinarize(I_contrast, ‘adaptive’);
bw_filled = imfill(bw, ‘holes’);
bw_cleaned = bwareaopen(bw_filled, 50);
stats = regionprops(‘table’, bw_cleaned, ‘Centroid’, ‘BoundingBox’);
centroids = stats.Centroid;
boundingBoxes = stats.BoundingBox;
if size(centroids, 1) >= 3
X = centroids(:, 1);
Y = centroids(:, 2);
Z = linspace(0, 1, size(centroids, 1))’;
A = [X, Y, ones(size(X))];
coeffs = A Z;
normal = [-coeffs(1), -coeffs(2), 1];
normal = normal / norm(normal);
pitch = asin(normal(1)) – calibration_pitch;
roll = asin(normal(2)) – calibration_roll;
yaw = 0;
disp([‘Pitch (Tilt around Y-axis): ‘, num2str(pitch), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Roll (Tilt around X-axis): ‘, num2str(roll), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Yaw (Rotation around Z-axis): ‘, num2str(yaw), ‘ degrees’]);
pitch = 0;
roll = 0;
yaw = 0;
disp(‘Not enough dots detected to fit a plane.’);
for i = 1:size(boundingBoxes, 1)
frame = insertShape(frame, ‘Rectangle’, boundingBoxes(i, :), ‘Color’, ‘g’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
fg_mask = step(back_sub, frame);
fg_mask = imclose(fg_mask, se);
fg_mask = medfilt2(fg_mask, [5, 5]);
fg_mask = uint8(fg_mask) * 255;
[contours, ~] = bwlabel(fg_mask);
stats = regionprops(contours, ‘Area’, ‘BoundingBox’, ‘Centroid’);
if ~isempty(stats)
[~, max_index] = max([stats.Area]);
centroid = stats(max_index).Centroid;
boundingBox = stats(max_index).BoundingBox;
frame = insertShape(frame, ‘Rectangle’, boundingBox, ‘Color’, [0, 255, 0], ‘LineWidth’, 3);
text = [‘x: ‘, num2str(centroid(1)), ‘, y: ‘, num2str(centroid(2))];
frame = insertText(frame, [centroid(1) – 10, centroid(2) – 10], text, ‘FontSize’, 50, ‘TextColor’, [0, 255, 0]);
coordinates = [];
coordinates = [coordinates; centroid];
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 10], [‘Pitch: ‘, num2str(pitch), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 40], [‘Roll: ‘, num2str(roll), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 70], [‘Yaw: ‘, num2str(yaw), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
clear cap; Hi, Im trying to find the orientation that is roll and pitch angle of my platform by analysing the overall geometery of the dots. To do so i have firstly detected the dots by using standard deviation and k-means clustering and dividing the image into 5×5 boxes then a plane fitting curve method is used to determine the overall geometery of the dots which further gives orientation of the plate. The obtained angles are incorrect what might have possibly gone wrong please help and suggest any possible solution. I’m actually trying to implement a blass on a plate system and i want to detect the orientation of the plate using webcam. Also im using MATLAB 2021a therefore im not sure how to calibrate my camera for such a pattern. The MATLAB code is given below;
clear all;
close all;
% Create a webcam object
cap = webcam(‘Adesso CyberTrack H3’);
% Adjust camera settings if supported
% Set the exposure time (shutter speed) in seconds
exposureTime = 0.01; % Adjust as needed
cap.ExposureMode = ‘manual’;
cap.Exposure = exposureTime;
catch ME
disp(‘Warning: Unable to set exposure time for the camera.’);
% Create the background subtractor object for ball detection
back_sub = vision.ForegroundDetector(‘NumTrainingFrames’, 100, ‘NumGaussians’, 3, ‘MinimumBackgroundRatio’, 0.7);
% Create structuring element for morphological operation
se = strel(‘rectangle’, [20, 20]);
% Initialize calibration values
calibration_pitch = 0;
calibration_roll = 0;
% Calibrate the system to set initial pitch and roll to zero
frame = snapshot(cap);
I_gray = rgb2gray(frame);
I_contrast = imadjust(I_gray);
bw = imbinarize(I_contrast, ‘adaptive’);
bw_filled = imfill(bw, ‘holes’);
bw_cleaned = bwareaopen(bw_filled, 50);
stats = regionprops(‘table’, bw_cleaned, ‘Centroid’, ‘BoundingBox’);
centroids = stats.Centroid;
if size(centroids, 1) >= 3
X = centroids(:, 1);
Y = centroids(:, 2);
Z = linspace(0, 1, size(centroids, 1))’;
A = [X, Y, ones(size(X))];
coeffs = A Z;
normal = [-coeffs(1), -coeffs(2), 1];
normal = normal / norm(normal);
calibration_pitch = asin(normal(1));
calibration_roll = asin(normal(2));
disp([‘Calibration Pitch: ‘, num2str(calibration_pitch), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Calibration Roll: ‘, num2str(calibration_roll), ‘ degrees’]);
disp(‘Not enough dots detected for calibration.’);
while true
% Read frame from webcam
frame = snapshot(cap);
% Part 1: Dot Detection and Tilt Angle Calculation
I_gray = rgb2gray(frame);
I_contrast = imadjust(I_gray);
bw = imbinarize(I_contrast, ‘adaptive’);
bw_filled = imfill(bw, ‘holes’);
bw_cleaned = bwareaopen(bw_filled, 50);
stats = regionprops(‘table’, bw_cleaned, ‘Centroid’, ‘BoundingBox’);
centroids = stats.Centroid;
boundingBoxes = stats.BoundingBox;
if size(centroids, 1) >= 3
X = centroids(:, 1);
Y = centroids(:, 2);
Z = linspace(0, 1, size(centroids, 1))’;
A = [X, Y, ones(size(X))];
coeffs = A Z;
normal = [-coeffs(1), -coeffs(2), 1];
normal = normal / norm(normal);
pitch = asin(normal(1)) – calibration_pitch;
roll = asin(normal(2)) – calibration_roll;
yaw = 0;
disp([‘Pitch (Tilt around Y-axis): ‘, num2str(pitch), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Roll (Tilt around X-axis): ‘, num2str(roll), ‘ degrees’]);
disp([‘Yaw (Rotation around Z-axis): ‘, num2str(yaw), ‘ degrees’]);
pitch = 0;
roll = 0;
yaw = 0;
disp(‘Not enough dots detected to fit a plane.’);
for i = 1:size(boundingBoxes, 1)
frame = insertShape(frame, ‘Rectangle’, boundingBoxes(i, :), ‘Color’, ‘g’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
fg_mask = step(back_sub, frame);
fg_mask = imclose(fg_mask, se);
fg_mask = medfilt2(fg_mask, [5, 5]);
fg_mask = uint8(fg_mask) * 255;
[contours, ~] = bwlabel(fg_mask);
stats = regionprops(contours, ‘Area’, ‘BoundingBox’, ‘Centroid’);
if ~isempty(stats)
[~, max_index] = max([stats.Area]);
centroid = stats(max_index).Centroid;
boundingBox = stats(max_index).BoundingBox;
frame = insertShape(frame, ‘Rectangle’, boundingBox, ‘Color’, [0, 255, 0], ‘LineWidth’, 3);
text = [‘x: ‘, num2str(centroid(1)), ‘, y: ‘, num2str(centroid(2))];
frame = insertText(frame, [centroid(1) – 10, centroid(2) – 10], text, ‘FontSize’, 50, ‘TextColor’, [0, 255, 0]);
coordinates = [];
coordinates = [coordinates; centroid];
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 10], [‘Pitch: ‘, num2str(pitch), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 40], [‘Roll: ‘, num2str(roll), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
frame = insertText(frame, [10, 70], [‘Yaw: ‘, num2str(yaw), ‘°’], ‘FontSize’, 18, ‘BoxColor’, ‘red’, ‘TextColor’, ‘white’);
clear cap; matlab, image processing, computer vision MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to generate a2l (asap2) file for Autosar classic platform with Matlab R2021b?
In Matlab R2021b, the method of generating a2l file is changed. But the new a2l generation tool named Generate Calibration Files suppors only targets like ert, grt and adaptive autosar. It does not support the classic Autosar target.
How to generate a2l (asap2) file for the classic autosar simulink models with Matlab R2021b?In Matlab R2021b, the method of generating a2l file is changed. But the new a2l generation tool named Generate Calibration Files suppors only targets like ert, grt and adaptive autosar. It does not support the classic Autosar target.
How to generate a2l (asap2) file for the classic autosar simulink models with Matlab R2021b? In Matlab R2021b, the method of generating a2l file is changed. But the new a2l generation tool named Generate Calibration Files suppors only targets like ert, grt and adaptive autosar. It does not support the classic Autosar target.
How to generate a2l (asap2) file for the classic autosar simulink models with Matlab R2021b? aspa2, a2l, simulink, r2021b, autosar, classic autosar MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Problem with Organizing Folders.
Can anyone help me troubleshoot the issue I’m having with not being able to click on “add new types” and then search by date and set preferences, etc. on my system? I’m using Windows 11 build 22621.2506 with Startallback.
Previously, when I could perform these actions, they would reset every time, even within the same folder, requiring me to do it repeatedly. It’s frustrating that selecting a new type doesn’t automatically sort by that parameter, forcing me to go through the right-click process each time.
Feeling frustrated and venting – thanks in advance for any assistance.
Can anyone help me troubleshoot the issue I’m having with not being able to click on “add new types” and then search by date and set preferences, etc. on my system? I’m using Windows 11 build 22621.2506 with Startallback. Previously, when I could perform these actions, they would reset every time, even within the same folder, requiring me to do it repeatedly. It’s frustrating that selecting a new type doesn’t automatically sort by that parameter, forcing me to go through the right-click process each time. Feeling frustrated and venting – thanks in advance for any assistance. Read More
Error in MCP Management Service
I recently acquired a Windows 11 desktop and noticed a service called “McpManagementService” listed in the services with the description showing “Failed to read description. Error Code:15100.” Despite conducting thorough research, I couldn’t determine the purpose of this service. I am seeking information on whether it is essential, and if so, how to resolve any issues. On the other hand, if it is unnecessary, I would like to know how to remove it (it is currently disabled). Any helpful insights would be greatly appreciated. An amusing anecdote to share: I spent 4 hours and 52 minutes attempting to contact Microsoft support regarding this matter, experiencing multiple disconnections after enduring lengthy hold times.
I recently acquired a Windows 11 desktop and noticed a service called “McpManagementService” listed in the services with the description showing “Failed to read description. Error Code:15100.” Despite conducting thorough research, I couldn’t determine the purpose of this service. I am seeking information on whether it is essential, and if so, how to resolve any issues. On the other hand, if it is unnecessary, I would like to know how to remove it (it is currently disabled). Any helpful insights would be greatly appreciated. An amusing anecdote to share: I spent 4 hours and 52 minutes attempting to contact Microsoft support regarding this matter, experiencing multiple disconnections after enduring lengthy hold times. Read More
How to Convert PST files into MBOX format?
Convertertool’s PST to MBOX Converter is a professional tool designed to convert all your Exchange PST files into MBOX format along with their mail attachments. This versatile tool can also convert PST mailboxes into several other file formats, including EML, PDF, MBOX, TXT, HTML, and more. It allows for the easy migration of Outlook PST mailboxes into MBOX with all their attachments and supports the conversion of PST files into various formats such as MBOX, EML, HTML, PDF, MHTML, and TXT. Additionally, it enables the transfer of PST files to multiple email clients, including Thunderbird, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Office 365, AOL, Opera Mail, and more.
Convertertool’s PST to MBOX Converter is a professional tool designed to convert all your Exchange PST files into MBOX format along with their mail attachments. This versatile tool can also convert PST mailboxes into several other file formats, including EML, PDF, MBOX, TXT, HTML, and more. It allows for the easy migration of Outlook PST mailboxes into MBOX with all their attachments and supports the conversion of PST files into various formats such as MBOX, EML, HTML, PDF, MHTML, and TXT. Additionally, it enables the transfer of PST files to multiple email clients, including Thunderbird, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Office 365, AOL, Opera Mail, and more. Read More
Is it possible to recover data from an SD card?
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! I recently encountered an issue with my SD card, which suddenly became unreadable. I had important photos and files stored on it that I desperately need to recover. I’ve tried plugging it into different devices, but nothing seems to work. I’m seeking guidance on the best methods or tools to recover data from my SD card.
I’ve heard about various data recovery software options available online, but I’m unsure which one would be the most effective or user-friendly to recover data from SD Card. Are there any particular programs or services that you would recommend? Something straightforward is more welcomed, as I’m not very tech-savvy. Additionally, if anyone has tips on what to do or not do during the recovery process, I’d greatly appreciate it!
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! I recently encountered an issue with my SD card, which suddenly became unreadable. I had important photos and files stored on it that I desperately need to recover. I’ve tried plugging it into different devices, but nothing seems to work. I’m seeking guidance on the best methods or tools to recover data from my SD card. I’ve heard about various data recovery software options available online, but I’m unsure which one would be the most effective or user-friendly to recover data from SD Card. Are there any particular programs or services that you would recommend? Something straightforward is more welcomed, as I’m not very tech-savvy. Additionally, if anyone has tips on what to do or not do during the recovery process, I’d greatly appreciate it! Read More
Mini Computers: A Compact Solution
Greetings all, I’m excited to engage in the Eleven community. This marks my debut post, having been a long-time member of the Ten forum.
Recently, I made a purchase on Amazon of a miniature computer. This acquisition came complete with Windows 11 Pro already integrated. Quite a technological surprise!
My attempts to install Windows 11 on my existing home and work computers have faced obstacles, mainly related to TPM and processor compatibility issues. The intriguing part is that this inexpensive mini PC, priced at under $200, seems more adaptable to Windows 11 than my high-end tower computers, which cost a significantly larger sum. Although my established computers are showing their age, the mini computer outperforms them regarding OS compatibility.
Now, I find myself reevaluating my perception of mini PCs. Initially, I had reservations about the performance of this budget mini computer, but it has pleasantly surprised me. While there may be slight lags, I appreciate its functionality, especially in my endeavors with a 3018 CNC router. The compact size and efficiency of this mini PC suit my needs perfectly. It effortlessly handles applications like LaserGRBL and Universal GCode Sender, without issues.
Considering such positive experiences, I am contemplating a shift in my office PC setup by potentially replacing a tower computer or two with mini PCs. The affordability and performance of the mini computer, varying from budget-friendly models to higher-priced options, have sparked my interest in exploring further.
If anyone in this community has insights on mini computers, I’d greatly appreciate your input. Are they truly dependable and worth the investment in the long run? While my experience has been favorable thus far, I am curious to learn about others’ experiences with the reliability of mini PCs.
Thanks for taking the time to read this extended post and for any guidance offered. Apologies if my content categorization falls outside the norm; I couldn’t locate a specific forum section for hardware discussions.
Greetings all, I’m excited to engage in the Eleven community. This marks my debut post, having been a long-time member of the Ten forum. Recently, I made a purchase on Amazon of a miniature computer. This acquisition came complete with Windows 11 Pro already integrated. Quite a technological surprise! My attempts to install Windows 11 on my existing home and work computers have faced obstacles, mainly related to TPM and processor compatibility issues. The intriguing part is that this inexpensive mini PC, priced at under $200, seems more adaptable to Windows 11 than my high-end tower computers, which cost a significantly larger sum. Although my established computers are showing their age, the mini computer outperforms them regarding OS compatibility. Now, I find myself reevaluating my perception of mini PCs. Initially, I had reservations about the performance of this budget mini computer, but it has pleasantly surprised me. While there may be slight lags, I appreciate its functionality, especially in my endeavors with a 3018 CNC router. The compact size and efficiency of this mini PC suit my needs perfectly. It effortlessly handles applications like LaserGRBL and Universal GCode Sender, without issues. Considering such positive experiences, I am contemplating a shift in my office PC setup by potentially replacing a tower computer or two with mini PCs. The affordability and performance of the mini computer, varying from budget-friendly models to higher-priced options, have sparked my interest in exploring further. If anyone in this community has insights on mini computers, I’d greatly appreciate your input. Are they truly dependable and worth the investment in the long run? While my experience has been favorable thus far, I am curious to learn about others’ experiences with the reliability of mini PCs. Thanks for taking the time to read this extended post and for any guidance offered. Apologies if my content categorization falls outside the norm; I couldn’t locate a specific forum section for hardware discussions. Read More
Which Boot Option to Choose?
I have encountered several boot options when trying to boot my laptop using a USB drive in the BIOS, but I am unsure of which one to select due to the different terms used. Should I list them here or is there someone who already knows the correct option? Thank you in advance for your assistance!
I have encountered several boot options when trying to boot my laptop using a USB drive in the BIOS, but I am unsure of which one to select due to the different terms used. Should I list them here or is there someone who already knows the correct option? Thank you in advance for your assistance! Read More
Sending Laptop for Repair
I need to have my son’s laptop repaired and I distinctly remember there being a feature in Windows 11 that allowed me to secure the device before sending it in for repairs. Although I had not used it before, I was certain that there was an option like that available. However, now that I need it, I am unable to locate it. I am unsure if it was removed or if I simply imagined it. As a solution, I plan to create an image of the drive and then reinstall Windows. Nonetheless, I am curious about what happened to that option or if my memory is mistaken. Thank you for your assistance.
I need to have my son’s laptop repaired and I distinctly remember there being a feature in Windows 11 that allowed me to secure the device before sending it in for repairs. Although I had not used it before, I was certain that there was an option like that available. However, now that I need it, I am unable to locate it. I am unsure if it was removed or if I simply imagined it. As a solution, I plan to create an image of the drive and then reinstall Windows. Nonetheless, I am curious about what happened to that option or if my memory is mistaken. Thank you for your assistance. Read More
Unable to Remove Shadows for Icons and Text After Latest Update.
I encountered an interesting issue after my computer updated last night with the 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354). Following the update, I noticed that shadows beneath text and icons were back on my screen. Despite confirming in the system properties that shadows were turned off (as per my previous settings), toggling the settings and even adjusting the registry entry for the DWORD named ListviewShadow did not resolve the issue after several restarts.
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to address this persistent shadow problem, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
Hello, I encountered an interesting issue after my computer updated last night with the 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354). Following the update, I noticed that shadows beneath text and icons were back on my screen. Despite confirming in the system properties that shadows were turned off (as per my previous settings), toggling the settings and even adjusting the registry entry for the DWORD named ListviewShadow did not resolve the issue after several restarts. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to address this persistent shadow problem, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Read More
New Laptop Experiencing Full System Freeze Without Event Logs or BSOD in Windows 11 22H2
Issue Summary:
Despite having a brand new laptop (HP G9 Fury, Intel i9-12950HX, Nvidia RTX A3000) with all drivers updated using ‘DriverEasy’ and the BIOS up to date, the system keeps freezing randomly without any visible cause. The screen freezes, mouse and keyboard lock up, and even CTRL/ALT/DEL does not work, requiring a hard reboot each time.
Current Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
– Unable to identify a pattern for the freezes, which occur randomly after logging in, during inactivity, or even when pressing keys.
– No relevant entries in event logs until improper shutdown is logged after reboot.
– Memory test yielded no results in event viewer.
– ‘sfc /scannow’ command showed no issues.
– Reliability history tool did not point to any underlying cause.
Next Steps:
Seeking further guidance on any other troubleshooting steps to resolve the freezing issue would be greatly appreciated.
Issue Summary:Despite having a brand new laptop (HP G9 Fury, Intel i9-12950HX, Nvidia RTX A3000) with all drivers updated using ‘DriverEasy’ and the BIOS up to date, the system keeps freezing randomly without any visible cause. The screen freezes, mouse and keyboard lock up, and even CTRL/ALT/DEL does not work, requiring a hard reboot each time. Current Troubleshooting Steps Taken:- Unable to identify a pattern for the freezes, which occur randomly after logging in, during inactivity, or even when pressing keys.- No relevant entries in event logs until improper shutdown is logged after reboot.- Memory test yielded no results in event viewer.- ‘sfc /scannow’ command showed no issues.- Reliability history tool did not point to any underlying cause. Next Steps:Seeking further guidance on any other troubleshooting steps to resolve the freezing issue would be greatly appreciated. Read More
Unable to Delete Folder
Hello, I’m experiencing an issue with a stubborn folder on my system that I’ve been unable to delete. The folder, identified as (Desktop) and consuming a significant 27 gigabytes of space, seems to persistently reappear in my backups. Despite my attempts to remove it using various programs, including those offering “force delete” options, as well as my research for online solutions, I have been unsuccessful in eliminating it. Additionally, even attempts to securely delete the folder and its individual files using methods like “shredding” have proven ineffective.
The folder’s path initiates with a sequence of backslashes: \?. I am seeking suggestions for any advanced Windows tricks or techniques that might help resolve this dilemma. Your guidance and expertise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hello, I’m experiencing an issue with a stubborn folder on my system that I’ve been unable to delete. The folder, identified as (Desktop) and consuming a significant 27 gigabytes of space, seems to persistently reappear in my backups. Despite my attempts to remove it using various programs, including those offering “force delete” options, as well as my research for online solutions, I have been unsuccessful in eliminating it. Additionally, even attempts to securely delete the folder and its individual files using methods like “shredding” have proven ineffective. The folder’s path initiates with a sequence of backslashes: \?. I am seeking suggestions for any advanced Windows tricks or techniques that might help resolve this dilemma. Your guidance and expertise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
Performance of ode solvers in Matlab and Simulink
I have implemented a simulation of a system with around 20k states in Simulink via a Matlab System using iterpreted execution (since I was lazy, I used simbolic variables in the setupImpl() function for deriving the stepImpl() function more easily). The model simulates rather slow, and thus I am thinking on what to do next to improve performance. I thought about
1) rewrite the matlab system such that I can use code generation for execution
2) use the obj.stepImpl() function in the workspace and call there an ode solver.
Do you have a guess which of the options is going to show better performance? Are there any advantages of both options? Option 2) would be much easier for me to implement.
Thanks in advance!I have implemented a simulation of a system with around 20k states in Simulink via a Matlab System using iterpreted execution (since I was lazy, I used simbolic variables in the setupImpl() function for deriving the stepImpl() function more easily). The model simulates rather slow, and thus I am thinking on what to do next to improve performance. I thought about
1) rewrite the matlab system such that I can use code generation for execution
2) use the obj.stepImpl() function in the workspace and call there an ode solver.
Do you have a guess which of the options is going to show better performance? Are there any advantages of both options? Option 2) would be much easier for me to implement.
Thanks in advance! I have implemented a simulation of a system with around 20k states in Simulink via a Matlab System using iterpreted execution (since I was lazy, I used simbolic variables in the setupImpl() function for deriving the stepImpl() function more easily). The model simulates rather slow, and thus I am thinking on what to do next to improve performance. I thought about
1) rewrite the matlab system such that I can use code generation for execution
2) use the obj.stepImpl() function in the workspace and call there an ode solver.
Do you have a guess which of the options is going to show better performance? Are there any advantages of both options? Option 2) would be much easier for me to implement.
Thanks in advance! ode, simulink, performance, code generation, interpreted execution, matlab system MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Plotting Discrete Time Functions
I need to plot 5 cos(π n /6 – π/2) as a discrete tim signal. But I am not getting the proper result.
n = [-5:0.001:5];
y = 5*cos(pi*(n/2)-(pi/2));
What am I missing from this code to get the discrete time signals?I need to plot 5 cos(π n /6 – π/2) as a discrete tim signal. But I am not getting the proper result.
n = [-5:0.001:5];
y = 5*cos(pi*(n/2)-(pi/2));
What am I missing from this code to get the discrete time signals? I need to plot 5 cos(π n /6 – π/2) as a discrete tim signal. But I am not getting the proper result.
n = [-5:0.001:5];
y = 5*cos(pi*(n/2)-(pi/2));
What am I missing from this code to get the discrete time signals? discrete time signals, functions MATLAB Answers — New Questions