Category: News
RL DDPG agent does not seem to learn, aircraft control problem
Hello everyone,
I’m back with some updates on my mixed Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Supervised Learning training. A few days ago, I posted a question here on MathWorks about the working principle of “external actions” in the RL training block. Based on the suggestions I received, I have started a hybrid training approach.
I begin by injecting external actions from the controller for 75 seconds (1/4 of the entire episode length). After this, the agent takes action until the pitch rate error reaches 5 degrees per second. When this threshold is reached, the external agent takes control again. The external actions are then cut off when the pitch rate is very close to 0 degrees per second for about 40 seconds. The agent then takes control again, and this cycle continues.
I have also introduced a maximum number of allowed interventions. If the agent exceeds this threshold, the simulation stops and a penalty is applied. I also apply a penalty every time the external controller must intervene again, while a bonus is given every time the agent makes progress within the time window when it is left alone. This system of bonuses and penalties is added to the standard reward, which takes into account the altitude error, the flight path angle error, and the pitch rate error. The weight coefficients for these errors are 1, 1, and 10, respectively, because I want to emphasize that the aircraft must maintain level wings.
The initial conditions are always random, and the setpoint for altitude is always set 50 meters above the initial altitude.
Unfortunately, after the first training session, I haven’t seen any progress. According to your opinion, is it worth taking another attempt or is the whole setup wrong? Thank you.Hello everyone,
I’m back with some updates on my mixed Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Supervised Learning training. A few days ago, I posted a question here on MathWorks about the working principle of “external actions” in the RL training block. Based on the suggestions I received, I have started a hybrid training approach.
I begin by injecting external actions from the controller for 75 seconds (1/4 of the entire episode length). After this, the agent takes action until the pitch rate error reaches 5 degrees per second. When this threshold is reached, the external agent takes control again. The external actions are then cut off when the pitch rate is very close to 0 degrees per second for about 40 seconds. The agent then takes control again, and this cycle continues.
I have also introduced a maximum number of allowed interventions. If the agent exceeds this threshold, the simulation stops and a penalty is applied. I also apply a penalty every time the external controller must intervene again, while a bonus is given every time the agent makes progress within the time window when it is left alone. This system of bonuses and penalties is added to the standard reward, which takes into account the altitude error, the flight path angle error, and the pitch rate error. The weight coefficients for these errors are 1, 1, and 10, respectively, because I want to emphasize that the aircraft must maintain level wings.
The initial conditions are always random, and the setpoint for altitude is always set 50 meters above the initial altitude.
Unfortunately, after the first training session, I haven’t seen any progress. According to your opinion, is it worth taking another attempt or is the whole setup wrong? Thank you. Hello everyone,
I’m back with some updates on my mixed Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Supervised Learning training. A few days ago, I posted a question here on MathWorks about the working principle of “external actions” in the RL training block. Based on the suggestions I received, I have started a hybrid training approach.
I begin by injecting external actions from the controller for 75 seconds (1/4 of the entire episode length). After this, the agent takes action until the pitch rate error reaches 5 degrees per second. When this threshold is reached, the external agent takes control again. The external actions are then cut off when the pitch rate is very close to 0 degrees per second for about 40 seconds. The agent then takes control again, and this cycle continues.
I have also introduced a maximum number of allowed interventions. If the agent exceeds this threshold, the simulation stops and a penalty is applied. I also apply a penalty every time the external controller must intervene again, while a bonus is given every time the agent makes progress within the time window when it is left alone. This system of bonuses and penalties is added to the standard reward, which takes into account the altitude error, the flight path angle error, and the pitch rate error. The weight coefficients for these errors are 1, 1, and 10, respectively, because I want to emphasize that the aircraft must maintain level wings.
The initial conditions are always random, and the setpoint for altitude is always set 50 meters above the initial altitude.
Unfortunately, after the first training session, I haven’t seen any progress. According to your opinion, is it worth taking another attempt or is the whole setup wrong? Thank you. rl, reinforcement learning, machine learning, ddpg, control theory, aircraft MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Create and populate a custom worksheet with imported data
I am working on a spreadsheet to record my options trading activity. I have created a basic worksheet with some formulas and conditional formatting to calculate and display the desired data from each set of trade transactions (option exchange files report trade activity over various intervals.) At this point, I am manually importing the data from the exchange platform in their default format of CSV, then converting to conventional Excel worksheet format to use in my custom worksheet, and then clumsily copying/applying the formulas and conditional formatting manually to the new data set.
My objective is to create an Excel workbook that will import the data from the CSV file, automatically populate the associated fields in the dedicated worksheet correctly, and apply the formulas and conditional formatting to produce the desired output. I anticipate the workbook will consist of worksheet tabs for each trading day’s activity (i.e., Monday through Friday).
Any tips, hints or suggestions are very much appreciated. Finally, is there a means to attach sample files in these threads? Thank you!
I am working on a spreadsheet to record my options trading activity. I have created a basic worksheet with some formulas and conditional formatting to calculate and display the desired data from each set of trade transactions (option exchange files report trade activity over various intervals.) At this point, I am manually importing the data from the exchange platform in their default format of CSV, then converting to conventional Excel worksheet format to use in my custom worksheet, and then clumsily copying/applying the formulas and conditional formatting manually to the new data set. My objective is to create an Excel workbook that will import the data from the CSV file, automatically populate the associated fields in the dedicated worksheet correctly, and apply the formulas and conditional formatting to produce the desired output. I anticipate the workbook will consist of worksheet tabs for each trading day’s activity (i.e., Monday through Friday). Any tips, hints or suggestions are very much appreciated. Finally, is there a means to attach sample files in these threads? Thank you! Read More
جلب الحبيب ٠٠٩٦٦٥٤٠٩٦٦٩٨٣
جلب الحبيب ٠٠٩٦٦٥٤٠٩٦٦٩٨٣
رد المطلقة ، فك السحر ، خواتم روحانية ، زواج العانس ، سحر التفريق ، السعودية ، قطر ، البحرين ، الامارات، عُمان
جلب الحبيب ٠٠٩٦٦٥٤٠٩٦٦٩٨٣رد المطلقة ، فك السحر ، خواتم روحانية ، زواج العانس ، سحر التفريق ، السعودية ، قطر ، البحرين ، الامارات، عُمان Read More
جلب الحبيب🌹 𝟬𝟬𝟗𝟔𝟔𝟱𝟒𝟬𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟑المهيدب🌹 – شيخ روحاني – السعودية – الكويت
جلب الحبيب:rose: 𝟬𝟬𝟗𝟔𝟔𝟱𝟒𝟬𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟑المهيدب:rose: – شيخ روحاني – السعودية – الكويت
جلب الحبيب:rose: 𝟬𝟬𝟗𝟔𝟔𝟱𝟒𝟬𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟑المهيدب:rose: – شيخ روحاني – السعودية – الكويت Read More
جلب الحبيب 🌞| 𝟬𝟬𝟗𝟔𝟔𝟱𝟒𝟬𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟑المهيدب السعودية – الكويت – قطر – الامارات
جلب الحبيب :sun_with_face:| 𝟬𝟬𝟗𝟔𝟔𝟱𝟒𝟬𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟑المهيدب السعودية – الكويت – قطر – الامارات
جلب الحبيب :sun_with_face:| 𝟬𝟬𝟗𝟔𝟔𝟱𝟒𝟬𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟑المهيدب السعودية – الكويت – قطر – الامارات Read More
جـلب الــحبيب 🔅 34328955 : 00.973
تلفون معالج روحاني بالمحرق، البحرين السعودية قطر الامارات الكويت
تلفون معالج روحاني بالمحرق، البحرين السعودية قطر الامارات الكويت Read More
F-Test Fixed Effects SSRs – reduced model smaller than complete model
Hello! I’m trying to make a modelwide (not individual coefficient specific, like with anova) f-test for my fixed-effects regressions – I can’t seem to find a native function in matlab for them so I’m just building them, but if you’ve got one send it my way. My plan was to do something like the following:
fe_green_money = fitlme(fixed_effects_green_data, ‘LogPatents ~ MoneyInvested + Dummy0Patents + (1|Organization)’)
fe_green_money_reduced = fitlme(fixed_effects_green_data, ‘LogPatents ~ 1 + (1|Organization)’)
F_fe_green_money = ((fe_green_money_reduced.SSR – fe_green_money.SSR) / 2) / (fe_green_money.SSR / fe_green_money.DFE);
p_fe_green_money = 1 – fcdf(F_fe_green_money, 2, fe_green_money.DFE)
But I’m running into a problem – fe_green_money_reduced.SSR is smaller (almost 2/3rds the size) than fe_green_money.SSR, which as I understand it should be impossible… Is there an alternate way I should be getting the SSRs or am I doing something wrong or is there another explanation I’m missing?Hello! I’m trying to make a modelwide (not individual coefficient specific, like with anova) f-test for my fixed-effects regressions – I can’t seem to find a native function in matlab for them so I’m just building them, but if you’ve got one send it my way. My plan was to do something like the following:
fe_green_money = fitlme(fixed_effects_green_data, ‘LogPatents ~ MoneyInvested + Dummy0Patents + (1|Organization)’)
fe_green_money_reduced = fitlme(fixed_effects_green_data, ‘LogPatents ~ 1 + (1|Organization)’)
F_fe_green_money = ((fe_green_money_reduced.SSR – fe_green_money.SSR) / 2) / (fe_green_money.SSR / fe_green_money.DFE);
p_fe_green_money = 1 – fcdf(F_fe_green_money, 2, fe_green_money.DFE)
But I’m running into a problem – fe_green_money_reduced.SSR is smaller (almost 2/3rds the size) than fe_green_money.SSR, which as I understand it should be impossible… Is there an alternate way I should be getting the SSRs or am I doing something wrong or is there another explanation I’m missing? Hello! I’m trying to make a modelwide (not individual coefficient specific, like with anova) f-test for my fixed-effects regressions – I can’t seem to find a native function in matlab for them so I’m just building them, but if you’ve got one send it my way. My plan was to do something like the following:
fe_green_money = fitlme(fixed_effects_green_data, ‘LogPatents ~ MoneyInvested + Dummy0Patents + (1|Organization)’)
fe_green_money_reduced = fitlme(fixed_effects_green_data, ‘LogPatents ~ 1 + (1|Organization)’)
F_fe_green_money = ((fe_green_money_reduced.SSR – fe_green_money.SSR) / 2) / (fe_green_money.SSR / fe_green_money.DFE);
p_fe_green_money = 1 – fcdf(F_fe_green_money, 2, fe_green_money.DFE)
But I’m running into a problem – fe_green_money_reduced.SSR is smaller (almost 2/3rds the size) than fe_green_money.SSR, which as I understand it should be impossible… Is there an alternate way I should be getting the SSRs or am I doing something wrong or is there another explanation I’m missing? fixed effects, matlab, f-test, sum of squared residuals MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Why I have a PV voltage at zero irradiance ? Why I don’t have current reading ?
Hello there,
I am trying to simulate the performance of a PV system and I have the site irradiance and assume a constant temperature. However, the voltage readings are not looks right. The voltage rise rate doesn’t look right and I even have a voltage at zero irradiance and I have zero current reading as shown in the attachments. When I connected a current source to drain current, results become more unlogic to me.Hello there,
I am trying to simulate the performance of a PV system and I have the site irradiance and assume a constant temperature. However, the voltage readings are not looks right. The voltage rise rate doesn’t look right and I even have a voltage at zero irradiance and I have zero current reading as shown in the attachments. When I connected a current source to drain current, results become more unlogic to me. Hello there,
I am trying to simulate the performance of a PV system and I have the site irradiance and assume a constant temperature. However, the voltage readings are not looks right. The voltage rise rate doesn’t look right and I even have a voltage at zero irradiance and I have zero current reading as shown in the attachments. When I connected a current source to drain current, results become more unlogic to me. simulink, pv MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to build an empiric cdf/pdf of a compound poisson continuos distribution
Hi everyone.
as I said in the title i’m trying to obtain the empiric cdf (or pdf) of a compound poisson continuos distribution. Let be a compound poisson distribution with as parameters, while being the parameter of the random variable N (poisson) and F being the distribution of the i-th Y (assuming all are iid and extracted from the same lognormal distribution of given parameters). I managed to build a vector called "x_ptf" which contains random values extracted from , however im struggling into obtaining the empirical cdf/pdf.
clear all; close all; clc
%mean and standard deviation of a given sample (sample of Yi)
mu_c = 4432.62; var_c= 533130.21;
%lognormal parameters
var_log = log(var_c/mu_c^2+1); sig_log = sqrt(var_log);
mu_log = -var_log/2 +log(mu_c);
%Compound-Poisson distribution
lam = 570; %poisson distribution parameter
nsims = 10^5; %number of simulations
num = poissrnd(lam,1,nsims); %random numbers extracted from the N poisson variable
x_ptf = zeros(nsims,1); %iniziatiling the storage where the random generated numbers will be allocated
for i = 1:length(num)
x_ptf(i) = sum(lognrnd(mu_log,sig_log,1,num(i))); %building randomly generated numbers
[cdf, X_ptf] = ecdf(x_con);
X_con = X_con(2:end); cdf = cdf(2:end); %doing this because i get zero two times as the first two components of X_con vector
p = [cdf(1) diff(cdf)’]’; %building the pdf from the cdf
E = sum(X_con.*p); %empirical mean
plot(X_con,p,’*’); %this plot doesn’t make sense
The empirical mean is correct, but the pdf distribution is wrong as shown by the plot. I think it means there’s some problem with the "ecfd" function im using, is there any way to fix? Or maybe some other functions i could try? Ive already used "ksdensity" but it’s not working. Can somebody help?Hi everyone.
as I said in the title i’m trying to obtain the empiric cdf (or pdf) of a compound poisson continuos distribution. Let be a compound poisson distribution with as parameters, while being the parameter of the random variable N (poisson) and F being the distribution of the i-th Y (assuming all are iid and extracted from the same lognormal distribution of given parameters). I managed to build a vector called "x_ptf" which contains random values extracted from , however im struggling into obtaining the empirical cdf/pdf.
clear all; close all; clc
%mean and standard deviation of a given sample (sample of Yi)
mu_c = 4432.62; var_c= 533130.21;
%lognormal parameters
var_log = log(var_c/mu_c^2+1); sig_log = sqrt(var_log);
mu_log = -var_log/2 +log(mu_c);
%Compound-Poisson distribution
lam = 570; %poisson distribution parameter
nsims = 10^5; %number of simulations
num = poissrnd(lam,1,nsims); %random numbers extracted from the N poisson variable
x_ptf = zeros(nsims,1); %iniziatiling the storage where the random generated numbers will be allocated
for i = 1:length(num)
x_ptf(i) = sum(lognrnd(mu_log,sig_log,1,num(i))); %building randomly generated numbers
[cdf, X_ptf] = ecdf(x_con);
X_con = X_con(2:end); cdf = cdf(2:end); %doing this because i get zero two times as the first two components of X_con vector
p = [cdf(1) diff(cdf)’]’; %building the pdf from the cdf
E = sum(X_con.*p); %empirical mean
plot(X_con,p,’*’); %this plot doesn’t make sense
The empirical mean is correct, but the pdf distribution is wrong as shown by the plot. I think it means there’s some problem with the "ecfd" function im using, is there any way to fix? Or maybe some other functions i could try? Ive already used "ksdensity" but it’s not working. Can somebody help? Hi everyone.
as I said in the title i’m trying to obtain the empiric cdf (or pdf) of a compound poisson continuos distribution. Let be a compound poisson distribution with as parameters, while being the parameter of the random variable N (poisson) and F being the distribution of the i-th Y (assuming all are iid and extracted from the same lognormal distribution of given parameters). I managed to build a vector called "x_ptf" which contains random values extracted from , however im struggling into obtaining the empirical cdf/pdf.
clear all; close all; clc
%mean and standard deviation of a given sample (sample of Yi)
mu_c = 4432.62; var_c= 533130.21;
%lognormal parameters
var_log = log(var_c/mu_c^2+1); sig_log = sqrt(var_log);
mu_log = -var_log/2 +log(mu_c);
%Compound-Poisson distribution
lam = 570; %poisson distribution parameter
nsims = 10^5; %number of simulations
num = poissrnd(lam,1,nsims); %random numbers extracted from the N poisson variable
x_ptf = zeros(nsims,1); %iniziatiling the storage where the random generated numbers will be allocated
for i = 1:length(num)
x_ptf(i) = sum(lognrnd(mu_log,sig_log,1,num(i))); %building randomly generated numbers
[cdf, X_ptf] = ecdf(x_con);
X_con = X_con(2:end); cdf = cdf(2:end); %doing this because i get zero two times as the first two components of X_con vector
p = [cdf(1) diff(cdf)’]’; %building the pdf from the cdf
E = sum(X_con.*p); %empirical mean
plot(X_con,p,’*’); %this plot doesn’t make sense
The empirical mean is correct, but the pdf distribution is wrong as shown by the plot. I think it means there’s some problem with the "ecfd" function im using, is there any way to fix? Or maybe some other functions i could try? Ive already used "ksdensity" but it’s not working. Can somebody help? matlab, montecarlo, random number generator, empirical cdf, statistics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Gas (Petrol) Prices and how they fluctuate…
Hello Excellers,
I hope you are doing EXCELlent ,
Ever since the “Conflict” in Ukraine I have been tracking the price of gas (petrol) as a project that I am interested in. And once you see the data you can imagine so many scenarios. OK enough lets talk about Excel.
In the image below I have the price per gallon of gas in Column A. The Green means the price went down from the prior day, Yellow means no change in price from the prior day, and Red means the price increased from the prior day. The Dates are in Column F off the image.
What I would like to do is count the days it took to recover all the increases. For example on Row 899 the price increased. So the Target Price will be 3.088 (Row 898) Then on Row 903 the price started decreasing and we see that on Row 906 the price recovered to an equal amount (Row 900). And then on Row 909 the price is now <= to Target Price. 3.079 < 3.088 (Target Price) so all of the increases have been eliminated and now we are back to the last lowest price (and some more).
What Formula can I use to count the days it took the price to become <= the Target Price (3.088)
Thanks in Advance!
Hello Excellers, I hope you are doing EXCELlent , Ever since the “Conflict” in Ukraine I have been tracking the price of gas (petrol) as a project that I am interested in. And once you see the data you can imagine so many scenarios. OK enough lets talk about Excel. In the image below I have the price per gallon of gas in Column A. The Green means the price went down from the prior day, Yellow means no change in price from the prior day, and Red means the price increased from the prior day. The Dates are in Column F off the image. What I would like to do is count the days it took to recover all the increases. For example on Row 899 the price increased. So the Target Price will be 3.088 (Row 898) Then on Row 903 the price started decreasing and we see that on Row 906 the price recovered to an equal amount (Row 900). And then on Row 909 the price is now <= to Target Price. 3.079 < 3.088 (Target Price) so all of the increases have been eliminated and now we are back to the last lowest price (and some more). What Formula can I use to count the days it took the price to become <= the Target Price (3.088) Thanks in Advance!GiGi Read More
Restaurar una versión anterior de una lista de To Do
Necesito acceder al historial de modificaciones de Microsoft To Do, para deshacer unos cambios en una lista de tareas. He perdido accidentalmente el contenido de la lista y necesito recuperarla. Quisiera restaurar la lista tal y como estaba antes de la modificación que he hecho hoy.
Hola:Necesito acceder al historial de modificaciones de Microsoft To Do, para deshacer unos cambios en una lista de tareas. He perdido accidentalmente el contenido de la lista y necesito recuperarla. Quisiera restaurar la lista tal y como estaba antes de la modificación que he hecho hoy. Read More
زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUT | المميزات والعيوب
زراعة الشعر أصبحت من الحلول الشائعة لمشاكل تساقط الشعر والصلع. تتنوع تقنيات زراعة الشعر، ومن بينها تقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة، والمعروفة باسم FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). في هذا المقال، سنقدم لك نظرة شاملة عن هذه التقنية، مميزاتها، عيوبها، ومقارنتها بالتقنيات الأخرى، مع تسليط الضوء على مركز الدكتور محمد السيد كواحد من أبرز مراكز زراعة الشعر في مصر.
ما هي تقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة FUT؟
تقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة FUT تعتمد على استخراج شريحة صغيرة من الجلد من منطقة مانحة (عادة تكون من مؤخرة الرأس)، ثم تقسيم هذه الشريحة إلى وحدات جريبية صغيرة تُزرع في المناطق التي تعاني من الصلع أو تساقط الشعر. هذه الوحدات تحتوي على بصيلات الشعر التي تنمو بشكل طبيعي بعد الزراعة.
مميزات زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUT
عدد كبير من البصيلات: يمكن لعملية FUT أن توفر عددًا كبيرًا من بصيلات الشعر في جلسة واحدة، مما يجعلها فعالة للمناطق الكبيرة التي تحتاج إلى زراعة.
نمو طبيعي للشعر: البصيلات المزروعة تنمو بشكل طبيعي ودائم، مما يمنح مظهرًا طبيعيًا للشعر المزروع.
تكلفة مناسبة: بالمقارنة مع بعض التقنيات الأخرى، فإن FUT يمكن أن تكون أقل تكلفة، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بزراعة مساحات كبيرة من الشعر.
عيوب زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUT
ندبات جراحية: تتطلب عملية استخراج الشريحة شقًا جراحيًا في فروة الرأس، مما يمكن أن يترك ندبة طويلة في المنطقة المانحة. هذه الندبة قد تكون مرئية إذا لم يُعتنَ بها جيدًا.
فترة شفاء أطول: تحتاج العملية لفترة شفاء أطول بالمقارنة مع بعض التقنيات الأخرى، حيث يتطلب الجرح وقتًا للالتئام.
آلام بعد الجراحة: قد يشعر المرضى ببعض الألم والانزعاج بعد العملية، ويتطلب ذلك تناول مسكنات الألم لفترة من الوقت.
مقارنة زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUT مع التقنيات الأخرى
تقنية زراعة الشعر بالاقتطاف FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
تقنية FUE تعتمد على استخراج بصيلات الشعر مباشرة من المنطقة المانحة وزراعتها في المنطقة المستقبلة. وهذه مقارنة بين FUT وFUE:
ندبات أقل: تقنية FUE تترك ندبات صغيرة جدًا مقارنة بـ FUT، مما يجعلها مفضلة للأشخاص الذين يفضلون تجنب الندبات الكبيرة.فترة شفاء أسرع: فترة الشفاء في FUE أسرع نسبيًا، حيث تكون الجروح صغيرة وتلتئم بسرعة.عدد الجلسات: قد تحتاج تقنية FUE لعدد أكبر من الجلسات للوصول إلى نفس عدد البصيلات المزروعة في جلسة واحدة بتقنية FUT.
تقنية زراعة الشعر بتقنية DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)
تقنية DHI تعتبر من التقنيات الحديثة وتستخدم أداة خاصة لزراعة البصيلات مباشرة في فروة الرأس دون الحاجة لعمل شقوق كبيرة. وهذه مقارنة بين FUT وDHI:
دقة عالية: تقنية DHI تتيح زراعة البصيلات بدقة عالية مما يمنح مظهرًا أكثر طبيعية.فترة شفاء قصيرة: مثل FUE، تتميز DHI بفترة شفاء قصيرة.تكلفة أعلى: تقنية DHI قد تكون مكلفة أكثر بالمقارنة مع FUT وFUE.
مركز الدكتور محمد السيد لزراعة الشعر
يُعد مركز الدكتور محمد السيد من أبرز مراكز زراعة الشعر في مصر، حيث يتميز بالعديد من الخصائص التي تجعله وجهة مفضلة للكثيرين:
خبرة واسعة: يمتلك المركز فريقًا طبيًا ذا خبرة طويلة في مجال زراعة الشعر باستخدام مختلف التقنيات، بما في ذلك FUT وFUE وDHI.تقنيات حديثة: يحرص المركز على استخدام أحدث التقنيات والأدوات لضمان أفضل النتائج الممكنة.رعاية مميزة: يوفر المركز رعاية شاملة قبل وبعد العملية، لضمان راحة المرضى وتحقيق أفضل النتائج.
تقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة FUT تعتبر خيارًا ممتازًا لمن يعانون من تساقط الشعر ويرغبون في استعادة مظهرهم الطبيعي. ومع وجود مراكز مثل مركز الدكتور محمد السيد في مصر، يمكن للمرضى الحصول على رعاية طبية متقدمة ونتائج مرضية. من المهم دائمًا استشارة الأطباء المتخصصين لتحديد التقنية الأنسب حسب الحالة الفردية لكل مريض.
زراعة الشعر أصبحت من الحلول الشائعة لمشاكل تساقط الشعر والصلع. تتنوع تقنيات زراعة الشعر، ومن بينها تقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة، والمعروفة باسم FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). في هذا المقال، سنقدم لك نظرة شاملة عن هذه التقنية، مميزاتها، عيوبها، ومقارنتها بالتقنيات الأخرى، مع تسليط الضوء على مركز الدكتور محمد السيد كواحد من أبرز مراكز زراعة الشعر في مصر.ما هي تقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة FUT؟تقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة FUT تعتمد على استخراج شريحة صغيرة من الجلد من منطقة مانحة (عادة تكون من مؤخرة الرأس)، ثم تقسيم هذه الشريحة إلى وحدات جريبية صغيرة تُزرع في المناطق التي تعاني من الصلع أو تساقط الشعر. هذه الوحدات تحتوي على بصيلات الشعر التي تنمو بشكل طبيعي بعد الزراعة. مميزات زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUTعدد كبير من البصيلات: يمكن لعملية FUT أن توفر عددًا كبيرًا من بصيلات الشعر في جلسة واحدة، مما يجعلها فعالة للمناطق الكبيرة التي تحتاج إلى زراعة.نمو طبيعي للشعر: البصيلات المزروعة تنمو بشكل طبيعي ودائم، مما يمنح مظهرًا طبيعيًا للشعر المزروع.تكلفة مناسبة: بالمقارنة مع بعض التقنيات الأخرى، فإن FUT يمكن أن تكون أقل تكلفة، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بزراعة مساحات كبيرة من الشعر.عيوب زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUTندبات جراحية: تتطلب عملية استخراج الشريحة شقًا جراحيًا في فروة الرأس، مما يمكن أن يترك ندبة طويلة في المنطقة المانحة. هذه الندبة قد تكون مرئية إذا لم يُعتنَ بها جيدًا.فترة شفاء أطول: تحتاج العملية لفترة شفاء أطول بالمقارنة مع بعض التقنيات الأخرى، حيث يتطلب الجرح وقتًا للالتئام.آلام بعد الجراحة: قد يشعر المرضى ببعض الألم والانزعاج بعد العملية، ويتطلب ذلك تناول مسكنات الألم لفترة من الوقت.مقارنة زراعة الشعر بتقنية FUT مع التقنيات الأخرىتقنية زراعة الشعر بالاقتطاف FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)تقنية FUE تعتمد على استخراج بصيلات الشعر مباشرة من المنطقة المانحة وزراعتها في المنطقة المستقبلة. وهذه مقارنة بين FUT وFUE:ندبات أقل: تقنية FUE تترك ندبات صغيرة جدًا مقارنة بـ FUT، مما يجعلها مفضلة للأشخاص الذين يفضلون تجنب الندبات الكبيرة.فترة شفاء أسرع: فترة الشفاء في FUE أسرع نسبيًا، حيث تكون الجروح صغيرة وتلتئم بسرعة.عدد الجلسات: قد تحتاج تقنية FUE لعدد أكبر من الجلسات للوصول إلى نفس عدد البصيلات المزروعة في جلسة واحدة بتقنية FUT.تقنية زراعة الشعر بتقنية DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)تقنية DHI تعتبر من التقنيات الحديثة وتستخدم أداة خاصة لزراعة البصيلات مباشرة في فروة الرأس دون الحاجة لعمل شقوق كبيرة. وهذه مقارنة بين FUT وDHI:دقة عالية: تقنية DHI تتيح زراعة البصيلات بدقة عالية مما يمنح مظهرًا أكثر طبيعية.فترة شفاء قصيرة: مثل FUE، تتميز DHI بفترة شفاء قصيرة.تكلفة أعلى: تقنية DHI قد تكون مكلفة أكثر بالمقارنة مع FUT وFUE.مركز الدكتور محمد السيد لزراعة الشعريُعد مركز الدكتور محمد السيد من أبرز مراكز زراعة الشعر في مصر، حيث يتميز بالعديد من الخصائص التي تجعله وجهة مفضلة للكثيرين:خبرة واسعة: يمتلك المركز فريقًا طبيًا ذا خبرة طويلة في مجال زراعة الشعر باستخدام مختلف التقنيات، بما في ذلك FUT وFUE وDHI.تقنيات حديثة: يحرص المركز على استخدام أحدث التقنيات والأدوات لضمان أفضل النتائج الممكنة.رعاية مميزة: يوفر المركز رعاية شاملة قبل وبعد العملية، لضمان راحة المرضى وتحقيق أفضل النتائج.الختامتقنية زراعة الشعر بالشريحة FUT تعتبر خيارًا ممتازًا لمن يعانون من تساقط الشعر ويرغبون في استعادة مظهرهم الطبيعي. ومع وجود مراكز مثل مركز الدكتور محمد السيد في مصر، يمكن للمرضى الحصول على رعاية طبية متقدمة ونتائج مرضية. من المهم دائمًا استشارة الأطباء المتخصصين لتحديد التقنية الأنسب حسب الحالة الفردية لكل مريض. Read More
Defender for Endpoint policies assignment
Hello All,
I seek clarification regarding the assignment of Defender for Endpoint policies.
My objective is to create and implement Defender for Endpoint policies across all devices by default. I have a few concerns and would appreciate your insights on the following points:
1. Impact Scope: When applying these policies universally, will they affect only the devices that are already onboarded, or will there be any impact on other devices within our network?
2. Exclusion Management: After the policies are applied to all devices, is it possible to exclude certain devices by grouping them and specifying these exclusions within the relevant policies?
Your guidance on these matters would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,
Hello All, I seek clarification regarding the assignment of Defender for Endpoint policies.My objective is to create and implement Defender for Endpoint policies across all devices by default. I have a few concerns and would appreciate your insights on the following points: 1. Impact Scope: When applying these policies universally, will they affect only the devices that are already onboarded, or will there be any impact on other devices within our network?2. Exclusion Management: After the policies are applied to all devices, is it possible to exclude certain devices by grouping them and specifying these exclusions within the relevant policies? Your guidance on these matters would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Read More
How to drive a prismatic joint by setting the input to “motion / provided by input”
I would like to set the input of the prismatic joint to "motion / provided by input" and raise it by 0.5 meters. As far as I know, a prismatic joint can be driven to a target position if it has inputs for position, velocity, and acceleration. However, I do not know the method to input these values. If anyone knows, could you please provide an example of the input method? Thank you.I would like to set the input of the prismatic joint to "motion / provided by input" and raise it by 0.5 meters. As far as I know, a prismatic joint can be driven to a target position if it has inputs for position, velocity, and acceleration. However, I do not know the method to input these values. If anyone knows, could you please provide an example of the input method? Thank you. I would like to set the input of the prismatic joint to "motion / provided by input" and raise it by 0.5 meters. As far as I know, a prismatic joint can be driven to a target position if it has inputs for position, velocity, and acceleration. However, I do not know the method to input these values. If anyone knows, could you please provide an example of the input method? Thank you. simulink, simscape MATLAB Answers — New Questions