Category: News
Overwhelmed by the Number of Files?
Greetings everyone,
Following my usage of Windows Defender, I ran a scan that detected a total of 1,127,605 files. This figure seems strangely high to me. Upon inspecting the Windows files for “Old Windows,” I found that it was not present. If this issue is not related to the absence of “Old Windows,” it must be originating from another source.
I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this matter.
Greetings everyone, Following my usage of Windows Defender, I ran a scan that detected a total of 1,127,605 files. This figure seems strangely high to me. Upon inspecting the Windows files for “Old Windows,” I found that it was not present. If this issue is not related to the absence of “Old Windows,” it must be originating from another source. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this matter. Read More
“Pinning Files to Taskbar Apps for Easy Access”
I am exploring a different challenge that arises from my transition to a Windows 11 machine. While I have successfully pinned files/folders/apps to the taskbar, a new issue has emerged. Specifically, I rely on Open Office to manage our bills through a custom spreadsheet I recreate annually. In Windows 10, I could easily drag a new file over the Open Office app on the taskbar to add it to the pinned list (as shown in the attached image).
However, this function no longer works in Windows 11, and the instructions available are focused on adding items directly to the taskbar. This change has resulted in two identical icons on the taskbar, making it challenging to differentiate or change them. I am seeking advice on whether this feature has been deactivated and how to address the duplication issue. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I am exploring a different challenge that arises from my transition to a Windows 11 machine. While I have successfully pinned files/folders/apps to the taskbar, a new issue has emerged. Specifically, I rely on Open Office to manage our bills through a custom spreadsheet I recreate annually. In Windows 10, I could easily drag a new file over the Open Office app on the taskbar to add it to the pinned list (as shown in the attached image). However, this function no longer works in Windows 11, and the instructions available are focused on adding items directly to the taskbar. This change has resulted in two identical icons on the taskbar, making it challenging to differentiate or change them. I am seeking advice on whether this feature has been deactivated and how to address the duplication issue. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
“What are Input Switch Notifications?”
I enabled the settings and received a notification prompt asking if I wished to activate it, and it appears to be already activated. It seems like just the usual pop-up messages to me. But what does “Input” refer to? Input of what exactly? And what is meant by “Switch”?
I tried searching for “input switch Windows 11,” but all the results relate to keyboard functionalities and nothing about what I am witnessing.
I enabled the settings and received a notification prompt asking if I wished to activate it, and it appears to be already activated. It seems like just the usual pop-up messages to me. But what does “Input” refer to? Input of what exactly? And what is meant by “Switch”? I tried searching for “input switch Windows 11,” but all the results relate to keyboard functionalities and nothing about what I am witnessing. Read More
ADF copy data with pagination headers not allowing dynamic filename for sink.
ADF copy data with pagination headers not allowing dynamic filename for sink.
In my ADF pipeline there is a single copy data activity with pagination headers to use pagination by using cursor parameter from body.
But the source is working for api request but the sink is not allowing dynamic filenames and only storing single file with all data instead of multiple files based on cursor
ADF copy data with pagination headers not allowing dynamic filename for sink.In my ADF pipeline there is a single copy data activity with pagination headers to use pagination by using cursor parameter from body.But the source is working for api request but the sink is not allowing dynamic filenames and only storing single file with all data instead of multiple files based on cursor Read More
Does SORTBY always sort by row whereas SORT can sort by row and can sort by column?
SORTBY always sorts by row whereas SORT can sort by row and can sort by column.
Do I interpret it correctly? Or is there a way, that SORTBY can sort by column?
SORTBY always sorts by row whereas SORT can sort by row and can sort by column.Do I interpret it correctly? Or is there a way, that SORTBY can sort by column? Read More
how to get a good estimate of the positive parameters that will give a good fit of the curves to real data?
close all
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]’;
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode23s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of monhiv cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
[k,fval] = fminsearch(@moderHS,k0)
%print final values of alpha and beta
%Draw the data with the final ODE
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
residuals = (Hdata+HSdata – Hh-HShs)./2;
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of mono-HIV cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) – (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) – ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) – (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) – (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) – ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) – ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) – ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function error_in_data = moderHS(k)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
[T, Y] = ode23s(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
%the solution at
A=(H – Hdata).^2;
B=(HS – HSdata).^2;
error_in_data =sum(A)./(11*D)+ sum(B)./(11*D1);
close all
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]’;
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode23s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of monhiv cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
[k,fval] = fminsearch(@moderHS,k0)
%print final values of alpha and beta
%Draw the data with the final ODE
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
residuals = (Hdata+HSdata – Hh-HShs)./2;
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of mono-HIV cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) – (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) – ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) – (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) – (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) – ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) – ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) – ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function error_in_data = moderHS(k)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
[T, Y] = ode23s(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
%the solution at
A=(H – Hdata).^2;
B=(HS – HSdata).^2;
error_in_data =sum(A)./(11*D)+ sum(B)./(11*D1);
end clear
close all
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]’;
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode23s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of monhiv cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
[k,fval] = fminsearch(@moderHS,k0)
%print final values of alpha and beta
%Draw the data with the final ODE
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
residuals = (Hdata+HSdata – Hh-HShs)./2;
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of mono-HIV cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) – (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) – ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) – (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) – (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) – ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) – ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) – ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function error_in_data = moderHS(k)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
[T, Y] = ode23s(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
%the solution at
A=(H – Hdata).^2;
B=(HS – HSdata).^2;
error_in_data =sum(A)./(11*D)+ sum(B)./(11*D1);
end curve fitting, parameters estimation, optimization, multiple curve fitting MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I purchase a Student Version License if I don’t have a Credit Card?
How can I purchase a Student Version License if I don’t have a Credit Card?How can I purchase a Student Version License if I don’t have a Credit Card? How can I purchase a Student Version License if I don’t have a Credit Card? student, version, purchase, no, credit, card MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Why do I get an error when I try to acess the PDF files in the MATLAB 6.0 (R12) HelpDesk?
I get the following error when I try to acess the printable documentation, or PDF, files in the MATLAB 6.0 (R12) HelpDesk.
ERROR: Documentation in PDF format is located on your Documentation CD.
Insert the CD, then click OK to continue.
I installed all the documentation files when I installed MATLAB.I get the following error when I try to acess the printable documentation, or PDF, files in the MATLAB 6.0 (R12) HelpDesk.
ERROR: Documentation in PDF format is located on your Documentation CD.
Insert the CD, then click OK to continue.
I installed all the documentation files when I installed MATLAB. I get the following error when I try to acess the printable documentation, or PDF, files in the MATLAB 6.0 (R12) HelpDesk.
ERROR: Documentation in PDF format is located on your Documentation CD.
Insert the CD, then click OK to continue.
I installed all the documentation files when I installed MATLAB. pdf, doc, helpdesk, install MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to calculate the determination coefficient R^2 with two matrix ?
hello I have two matrices A(i,j) and B (i,j). How to calculate for each i the covariance (A,B)? also calculate the determination coefficientR ^2?hello I have two matrices A(i,j) and B (i,j). How to calculate for each i the covariance (A,B)? also calculate the determination coefficientR ^2? hello I have two matrices A(i,j) and B (i,j). How to calculate for each i the covariance (A,B)? also calculate the determination coefficientR ^2? matrix, statistics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Struggling to Transfer Files as Efficiently in the New File Explorer
Wow, looks like I’ve upgraded to Windows 11! I’m still getting used to some of the changes in how applications function, but I’ll figure it out soon enough. I’ll provide all my specifications shortly. However, this specific issue doesn’t require those details right now.
I currently have three hard drives – C, D, and M. I designate a folder on my C drive for all my downloads, cleverly named Downloads!!! When I used to click on downloads, File Explorer in Windows 10 would pop up, making it easy to Move, Copy, Rename, etc with just a click. Now things seem different.
How can I MOVE a file or folder from my C Drive to my M Drive? And if I connect a USB stick, how do I COPY a file or folder to it? Thanks for your help in advance.
Wow, looks like I’ve upgraded to Windows 11! I’m still getting used to some of the changes in how applications function, but I’ll figure it out soon enough. I’ll provide all my specifications shortly. However, this specific issue doesn’t require those details right now. I currently have three hard drives – C, D, and M. I designate a folder on my C drive for all my downloads, cleverly named Downloads!!! When I used to click on downloads, File Explorer in Windows 10 would pop up, making it easy to Move, Copy, Rename, etc with just a click. Now things seem different. How can I MOVE a file or folder from my C Drive to my M Drive? And if I connect a USB stick, how do I COPY a file or folder to it? Thanks for your help in advance. Read More
Laptop Freezes Only During Specific Time Period When Upgrading to Windows 11
After upgrading to Windows 11 24H2 on my Dell laptop, I encountered a frustrating problem: every morning between 6-10 AM, the touchpad mouse would freeze for 5 seconds every minute or so. Despite trying various solutions like deleting scheduled tasks and even reinstalling different versions of Windows 11, the issue persisted. It is perplexing to me as everything was working perfectly before the update to Windows 11 24H2. Any advice on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
After upgrading to Windows 11 24H2 on my Dell laptop, I encountered a frustrating problem: every morning between 6-10 AM, the touchpad mouse would freeze for 5 seconds every minute or so. Despite trying various solutions like deleting scheduled tasks and even reinstalling different versions of Windows 11, the issue persisted. It is perplexing to me as everything was working perfectly before the update to Windows 11 24H2. Any advice on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
Gaining Mastery of my Windows 11 Pro System
I recently made the switch from using Linux to Windows 11 in order to focus on gaming without compatibility issues. While I appreciate the user-friendly interface of Windows, I am encountering challenges in gaining full control over my system. Despite upgrading to the Pro version for increased controls, I am struggling with automated events overriding my custom settings in regedit and gpedit. This leads me to question if I have the necessary permissions or privileges to make these changes.
My goal is to have complete authority over antivirus and update processes, yet I find Windows Defender and automatic updates seemingly operating independently. I believe that an experienced user should have the ability to manage these aspects without constant interference. While I remember Windows software in the past being highly customizable, I am uncertain if the same level of flexibility exists now. Are professionals no longer able to tailor their systems to their needs?
I am determined to find a solution to prevent the OS from making decisions on my behalf. However, my online searches for answers have been inconclusive with many sources offering mere suggestions rather than definitive solutions. This leaves me wondering if this struggle for control is ongoing or if I am overlooking a crucial detail.
If anyone can provide guidance on how to elevate my user privileges to true system administrator status, I would greatly appreciate the assistance. Thank you!
I recently made the switch from using Linux to Windows 11 in order to focus on gaming without compatibility issues. While I appreciate the user-friendly interface of Windows, I am encountering challenges in gaining full control over my system. Despite upgrading to the Pro version for increased controls, I am struggling with automated events overriding my custom settings in regedit and gpedit. This leads me to question if I have the necessary permissions or privileges to make these changes. My goal is to have complete authority over antivirus and update processes, yet I find Windows Defender and automatic updates seemingly operating independently. I believe that an experienced user should have the ability to manage these aspects without constant interference. While I remember Windows software in the past being highly customizable, I am uncertain if the same level of flexibility exists now. Are professionals no longer able to tailor their systems to their needs? I am determined to find a solution to prevent the OS from making decisions on my behalf. However, my online searches for answers have been inconclusive with many sources offering mere suggestions rather than definitive solutions. This leaves me wondering if this struggle for control is ongoing or if I am overlooking a crucial detail. If anyone can provide guidance on how to elevate my user privileges to true system administrator status, I would greatly appreciate the assistance. Thank you! Read More
Ipad RD Client, Maintaining middle mouse click problem
Was redirected here, coming from:
When using middle mouse click maintained and dragging somewhere else with my bluetooth mouse, the cursor stay stuck in place instead of moving while clicked to suddenly traverse the screen and give input only once released, which is bothering for 3D programs or scrolling trough pages on firefox, preventing the scroll or moving viewport by staying blocked in placee instead of moving when moving the mouse.
Windows 11
Ipad Pro 3rd gen 12″, Ipad OS 17.5.3
Was redirected here, coming from: using middle mouse click maintained and dragging somewhere else with my bluetooth mouse, the cursor stay stuck in place instead of moving while clicked to suddenly traverse the screen and give input only once released, which is bothering for 3D programs or scrolling trough pages on firefox, preventing the scroll or moving viewport by staying blocked in placee instead of moving when moving the mouse.Windows 11Ipad Pro 3rd gen 12″, Ipad OS 17.5.3 Read More
Ipad RD Client, Keyboard in app Shortcuts problems
Was redirected here, original post:
So here is the problem I face:
My keyboard is working perfectly fine whenever I use it regurlarly, however, there seem to have problem when using shortcuts in apps.
Like, most of the time, I must to Ctrl + w instead of Ctrl + Z for having the Ctrl + Z working.
I Have a french keyboard, AZERTY, and it looks like the shortcuts are swapped? There are problem with those in different apps in any case;
Seenda keyboard.
Also, problem when using Blender, I did dug up an old post ( since I have the same problem, but will put it there too, but it seems that alphabetical and numerical inputs are not sent at all while using this program. (Also, when moving things around in the viewport with middle mouse button, the stream freeze while moving and can’t see how it update live, which is bothering (EDIT: Other problem that will be adressed in another post).)
Seems to be 3D apps in general? 3D Coat doesn’t register shortcut either (tried enter, and Alphabetical).
Windows 11 on laptop
Ipad is 3rd gen 12″, IpadOs 17.5.1
Was redirected here, original post:,So here is the problem I face:My keyboard is working perfectly fine whenever I use it regurlarly, however, there seem to have problem when using shortcuts in apps.Like, most of the time, I must to Ctrl + w instead of Ctrl + Z for having the Ctrl + Z working.I Have a french keyboard, AZERTY, and it looks like the shortcuts are swapped? There are problem with those in different apps in any case;Seenda keyboard.Also, problem when using Blender, I did dug up an old post ( since I have the same problem, but will put it there too, but it seems that alphabetical and numerical inputs are not sent at all while using this program. (Also, when moving things around in the viewport with middle mouse button, the stream freeze while moving and can’t see how it update live, which is bothering (EDIT: Other problem that will be adressed in another post).)Seems to be 3D apps in general? 3D Coat doesn’t register shortcut either (tried enter, and Alphabetical).Windows 11 on laptopIpad is 3rd gen 12″, IpadOs 17.5.1 Read More
On import high dimensional data from csv, how to assign them appropriate optimal datatypes automatically?
I am working with a dataset that has 30,000 features most of them are logocal datatypes.
I wish that when this data is imported to workspace an appropriate optimal datatypes is assiged automatically to each column(attributes).
I observe through the data cleaning tool that they are not being assigned the optimal datatypes
such as logical datatypes are assigned double( wasting alot of space).
Manualy assigning will be very tedious task because of 30 thousand features.
Moreover, other algorithms are demanding too much memory because of this such as feature ranking methods and machine learning algorithms
Th system i am using has 32GB of RAM.I am working with a dataset that has 30,000 features most of them are logocal datatypes.
I wish that when this data is imported to workspace an appropriate optimal datatypes is assiged automatically to each column(attributes).
I observe through the data cleaning tool that they are not being assigned the optimal datatypes
such as logical datatypes are assigned double( wasting alot of space).
Manualy assigning will be very tedious task because of 30 thousand features.
Moreover, other algorithms are demanding too much memory because of this such as feature ranking methods and machine learning algorithms
Th system i am using has 32GB of RAM. I am working with a dataset that has 30,000 features most of them are logocal datatypes.
I wish that when this data is imported to workspace an appropriate optimal datatypes is assiged automatically to each column(attributes).
I observe through the data cleaning tool that they are not being assigned the optimal datatypes
such as logical datatypes are assigned double( wasting alot of space).
Manualy assigning will be very tedious task because of 30 thousand features.
Moreover, other algorithms are demanding too much memory because of this such as feature ranking methods and machine learning algorithms
Th system i am using has 32GB of RAM. high dimansional data, optimal datatypes casting, importing high dimensional data MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Hi, I am trying to get a curve fit to real data. and I have had a lot of problems. I am using the fminsearch function to get an estimate of the parameters; my questions are: 1
close all
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]’;
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode23s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of monhiv cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
[k,fval] = fminsearch(@moderHS,k0)
%print final values of alpha and beta
%Draw the data with the final ODE
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
residuals = (Hdata+HSdata – Hh-HShs)./2;
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of mono-HIV cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) – (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) – ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) – (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) – (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) – ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) – ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) – ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function error_in_data = moderHS(k)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
[T, Y] = ode23s(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
%the solution at
A=(H – Hdata).^2;
B=(HS – HSdata).^2;
error_in_data =sum(A)./(11*D)+ sum(B)./(11*D1);
close all
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]’;
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode23s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of monhiv cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
[k,fval] = fminsearch(@moderHS,k0)
%print final values of alpha and beta
%Draw the data with the final ODE
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
residuals = (Hdata+HSdata – Hh-HShs)./2;
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of mono-HIV cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) – (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) – ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) – (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) – (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) – ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) – ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) – ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function error_in_data = moderHS(k)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
[T, Y] = ode23s(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
%the solution at
A=(H – Hdata).^2;
B=(HS – HSdata).^2;
error_in_data =sum(A)./(11*D)+ sum(B)./(11*D1);
end clear
close all
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]’;
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode23s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of monhiv cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, ‘r*’);
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, ‘b-‘);
xlabel(‘time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
[k,fval] = fminsearch(@moderHS,k0)
%print final values of alpha and beta
%Draw the data with the final ODE
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
residuals = (Hdata+HSdata – Hh-HShs)./2;
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of mono-HIV cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
hold on
xlabel(‘Time in days’);
ylabel(‘Number of Coinfection cases’);
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend(‘Data’, ‘Model estimation’);
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) – (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) – ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) – (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) – (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) – ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) – ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) – ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function error_in_data = moderHS(k)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
[T, Y] = ode23s(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of …
%the solution at
A=(H – Hdata).^2;
B=(HS – HSdata).^2;
error_in_data =sum(A)./(11*D)+ sum(B)./(11*D1);
end fiting, code, estimation of parameters, optimization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
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