Category: News
“Satellite Communication simulation(main title)” Undergraduate projects, Do you have any good Ideas?
I have picked the title but don’t know which direction to take it. Looking for any and all inspiration. I took the project as it sounded interesting when reading into it, but I’m a satellite novice, and my degree is in electronics.I have picked the title but don’t know which direction to take it. Looking for any and all inspiration. I took the project as it sounded interesting when reading into it, but I’m a satellite novice, and my degree is in electronics. I have picked the title but don’t know which direction to take it. Looking for any and all inspiration. I took the project as it sounded interesting when reading into it, but I’m a satellite novice, and my degree is in electronics. dissertation, satellite, communication, simulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Bivariate normal value standardization
I want to standardize a bivariate normal CDF. I tried with Cholesky decomposition. The results are always different. I don’t know why.
X = [1,1];
disp([z,z1])I want to standardize a bivariate normal CDF. I tried with Cholesky decomposition. The results are always different. I don’t know why.
X = [1,1];
disp([z,z1]) I want to standardize a bivariate normal CDF. I tried with Cholesky decomposition. The results are always different. I don’t know why.
X = [1,1];
disp([z,z1]) mvncdf, chol MATLAB Answers — New Questions
edge canary 128.0.2739.0 Error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION on a lot of pages
for example
disabling extensions doesn’t help, inprivate windows allows to work.
for example extensions doesn’t help, inprivate windows allows to work. Read More
Hi everyone
I’ve tried to install SQL Sever in my Pc but before the process started a message just pop out
Has anyone have any idea how to fix it?
I need help please :c
Hi everyoneI’ve tried to install SQL Sever in my Pc but before the process started a message just pop outHas anyone have any idea how to fix it?I need help please :c Read More
Bitlocker setup the max attemps before need the recovery code
I’m trying to configure Bitlocker with GPO for Windows 11 H2 workstations.
My need : after 4 wrong PIN code entered, the user must enter the recovery code.
I’ve tried these GPO, without success :
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Trusted Platform Module Services
Standard User Individual Lockout Threshold : EnabledMaximum number of authorization failures per duration = 4Standard User Total Lockout Threshold : EnabledMaximum number of authorization failures per duration = 4
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > BitLocker Drive Encryption > Operating System Drivers
Allow enhanced PINs for startup : EnableConfigure minimum PIN length for startup : EnabledMinimum charcaters = 8
Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options
Interactive logon: Machine account lockout threshold = 4
With PowerShell :
LockoutHealTime = 10 minutesLockoutMax = 31
LockoutHealTime = 2 hoursLockoutMax = 10
I dont understand why the TPM value (lockoutMax) is 31. I want it equals 4. Where I’m wrong?
Thanks in advance
I’m trying to configure Bitlocker with GPO for Windows 11 H2 workstations.My need : after 4 wrong PIN code entered, the user must enter the recovery code. I’ve tried these GPO, without success : Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Trusted Platform Module ServicesStandard User Individual Lockout Threshold : EnabledMaximum number of authorization failures per duration = 4Standard User Total Lockout Threshold : EnabledMaximum number of authorization failures per duration = 4Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > BitLocker Drive Encryption > Operating System DriversAllow enhanced PINs for startup : EnableConfigure minimum PIN length for startup : EnabledMinimum charcaters = 8Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security OptionsInteractive logon: Machine account lockout threshold = 4With PowerShell :Get-TpmLockoutHealTime = 10 minutesLockoutMax = 31 Clear-TpmLockoutHealTime = 2 hoursLockoutMax = 10 I dont understand why the TPM value (lockoutMax) is 31. I want it equals 4. Where I’m wrong? Thanks in advance Read More
Generating a 2D array from sumifs on the columns of another 2D array
I have a 2D array of costs by month and want a sumif equivalent based on another dynamic array of Divisions see below. i.e. Jan Div 1 is in M2 so I can refer to this as M2# to get the full table Jan to May for all the data. The divisions for this table are in K2 so K2# gets those
I also have the unique divisions Div 1 to 3 in an array in K10 so K10# gets that. I want to build dynamically the totals by division table. I can easily do this row by row using
=BYCOL(M$2#, LAMBDA(c,SUMPRODUCT(($K$2#=$K10)*c))) but this just gives me the first row. I can copy down for the rest. But I want them in a single 2D array and just cannot get my head around how to do this. I tried embedding in a ToRow on list of divisions. I tried dynamic VStacking but can’t figure out how to get this to work.
Each table will be fully dynamic so I need the output to be fully dynamic too
I know I can’t use Sumifs but opted for sumproduct over filter. I don’t mind what is used ultimately but need the simplest possible solution that others later may understand. Its always a trade off between getting the coolest solution and one that is most easy to follow
So many wiser people than me out there and this would save the day for me. Many thanks
I have a 2D array of costs by month and want a sumif equivalent based on another dynamic array of Divisions see below. i.e. Jan Div 1 is in M2 so I can refer to this as M2# to get the full table Jan to May for all the data. The divisions for this table are in K2 so K2# gets thoseI also have the unique divisions Div 1 to 3 in an array in K10 so K10# gets that. I want to build dynamically the totals by division table. I can easily do this row by row using=BYCOL(M$2#, LAMBDA(c,SUMPRODUCT(($K$2#=$K10)*c))) but this just gives me the first row. I can copy down for the rest. But I want them in a single 2D array and just cannot get my head around how to do this. I tried embedding in a ToRow on list of divisions. I tried dynamic VStacking but can’t figure out how to get this to work.Each table will be fully dynamic so I need the output to be fully dynamic tooI know I can’t use Sumifs but opted for sumproduct over filter. I don’t mind what is used ultimately but need the simplest possible solution that others later may understand. Its always a trade off between getting the coolest solution and one that is most easy to follow So many wiser people than me out there and this would save the day for me. Many thanks Read More
Buenas tardes
Saben si existe alguna posibilidad de crear tablas de contenido a través de lector de pdf de Edge, creo es lo único que le falta para ser la aplicación perfecta.
Buenas tardesSaben si existe alguna posibilidad de crear tablas de contenido a través de lector de pdf de Edge, creo es lo único que le falta para ser la aplicación perfecta. ¡Gracias! Read More
Faster R-CNN layer error
I have been at it for awhile but cannot figure it out, and I have also gotten lost in documentation for a few days now. I am attemping to train a Faster R-CNN model with a pretrained ResNet backbone. So far I have found documentation stating not to use lgraph and to use dlnetwork instead, so I attemtped it that way also and got the same error. More documentation stated not to use net=resnet50 either, and to use [net,classNames] = imagePretrainedNetwork instead. The issue is that I cannot figure out how to fit all of these pieces together. The dataset can be found here and downlaoded for free:
When the model attempts to run, it appears that it detects only 3 classes. I also used analyzeNetwork and network designer to look at the layers and it appears that the boxdeltas and R-CNN classification layers have the correct number of outputs. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Here is the code so far (some parts generated by chatgpt and others taken from official documentation), but I have several versions of this with slight variations:
%% Define the custom read function
function imgOut = ensureRGB(imgIn)
[~, ~, numChannels] = size(imgIn);
if numChannels == 1
imgOut = repmat(imgIn, [1 1 3]);
imgOut = imgIn;
%% Define the paths
imageFolder = "C:UsersUserDesktopFLIR_Thermal_DatasetFLIR_ADAS_v2images_thermal_train";
annotationFolder = "C:UsersUserDocumentsMATLABtrainingData.mat";
matFile = "C:UsersUserDocumentsMATLABtrainingData.mat"; % MATLAB format annotations(there is a function to convert the original data into this .mat file if anyone needs it)
%% Load the training data from the MAT-file
load(matFile, ‘trainingData’);
% Shuffle the training data
shuffledIdx = randperm(height(trainingData));
trainingData = trainingData(shuffledIdx,:);
%% Create image datastore with custom read function and specify file extensions
imds = imageDatastore(trainingData.imageFilename, …
‘ReadFcn’, @(filename) ensureRGB(imread(filename)), …
‘FileExtensions’, {‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’, ‘.png’, ‘.bmp’});
%% Create box label datastore
blds = boxLabelDatastore(trainingData(:, {‘bbox’, ‘label’}));
%% Combine the datastores
ds = combine(imds, blds);
%% Verify with a sample image
sampleImg = readimage(imds, 1);
[height, width, numChannels] = size(sampleImg);
disp([‘Sample Image Number of Channels: ‘, num2str(numChannels)]);
%% Define number of classes
numClasses = 16;
%% Define input image size and anchor boxes
inputImageSize = [512 640 3];
anchorBoxes = [32 32; 64 64; 128 128];
%% Load the ResNet-50 network
lgraph = layerGraph(resnet50);
% Specify the feature extraction layer
featureLayer = ‘activation_40_relu’;
% Create Faster R-CNN layers
dlnetwork = fasterRCNNLayers(inputImageSize, numClasses, anchorBoxes, lgraph, featureLayer);
%% Analyze the network to ensure all layers are correct
%% Define training options
options = trainingOptions(‘sgdm’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 16, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-4, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 10, …
‘Verbose’, true, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’);
% Train the network
detector = trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector(ds, dlnetwork, options);
Training a Faster R-CNN Object Detector for the following object classes:
* car
* light
* person
Error using trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector (line 33)
Invalid network.
Error in
untitled (line 74)
detector = trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector(ds, dlnetwork, options);
Caused by:
Layer ‘boxDeltas’: The input size must be 1×1×12. This R-CNN box regression layer expects the third input dimension to be 4 times the number of object classes
the network should detect (3 classes). See the
documentation for more details about creating Fast or Faster R-CNN networks.
Layer ‘rcnnClassification’: The input size must be 1×1×4. The classification layer expects the third input dimension to be the number of object classes the
network should detect (3 classes) plus 1. The additional class is required for the "background" class. See the
documentation for more details about creating
Fast or Faster R-CNN networks.
So far I have tried:
1) using dlnetwork instead of lgraph
2) using [net,classNames] = imagePretrainedNetwork instead of net=resnet50
3) manually changing the layers in the designer
4) changing the channels from 1 to 3. (when loaded into my python environment the images had three channels, in MATLAB they showed 1)
5) resizing the imagesI have been at it for awhile but cannot figure it out, and I have also gotten lost in documentation for a few days now. I am attemping to train a Faster R-CNN model with a pretrained ResNet backbone. So far I have found documentation stating not to use lgraph and to use dlnetwork instead, so I attemtped it that way also and got the same error. More documentation stated not to use net=resnet50 either, and to use [net,classNames] = imagePretrainedNetwork instead. The issue is that I cannot figure out how to fit all of these pieces together. The dataset can be found here and downlaoded for free:
When the model attempts to run, it appears that it detects only 3 classes. I also used analyzeNetwork and network designer to look at the layers and it appears that the boxdeltas and R-CNN classification layers have the correct number of outputs. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Here is the code so far (some parts generated by chatgpt and others taken from official documentation), but I have several versions of this with slight variations:
%% Define the custom read function
function imgOut = ensureRGB(imgIn)
[~, ~, numChannels] = size(imgIn);
if numChannels == 1
imgOut = repmat(imgIn, [1 1 3]);
imgOut = imgIn;
%% Define the paths
imageFolder = "C:UsersUserDesktopFLIR_Thermal_DatasetFLIR_ADAS_v2images_thermal_train";
annotationFolder = "C:UsersUserDocumentsMATLABtrainingData.mat";
matFile = "C:UsersUserDocumentsMATLABtrainingData.mat"; % MATLAB format annotations(there is a function to convert the original data into this .mat file if anyone needs it)
%% Load the training data from the MAT-file
load(matFile, ‘trainingData’);
% Shuffle the training data
shuffledIdx = randperm(height(trainingData));
trainingData = trainingData(shuffledIdx,:);
%% Create image datastore with custom read function and specify file extensions
imds = imageDatastore(trainingData.imageFilename, …
‘ReadFcn’, @(filename) ensureRGB(imread(filename)), …
‘FileExtensions’, {‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’, ‘.png’, ‘.bmp’});
%% Create box label datastore
blds = boxLabelDatastore(trainingData(:, {‘bbox’, ‘label’}));
%% Combine the datastores
ds = combine(imds, blds);
%% Verify with a sample image
sampleImg = readimage(imds, 1);
[height, width, numChannels] = size(sampleImg);
disp([‘Sample Image Number of Channels: ‘, num2str(numChannels)]);
%% Define number of classes
numClasses = 16;
%% Define input image size and anchor boxes
inputImageSize = [512 640 3];
anchorBoxes = [32 32; 64 64; 128 128];
%% Load the ResNet-50 network
lgraph = layerGraph(resnet50);
% Specify the feature extraction layer
featureLayer = ‘activation_40_relu’;
% Create Faster R-CNN layers
dlnetwork = fasterRCNNLayers(inputImageSize, numClasses, anchorBoxes, lgraph, featureLayer);
%% Analyze the network to ensure all layers are correct
%% Define training options
options = trainingOptions(‘sgdm’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 16, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-4, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 10, …
‘Verbose’, true, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’);
% Train the network
detector = trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector(ds, dlnetwork, options);
Training a Faster R-CNN Object Detector for the following object classes:
* car
* light
* person
Error using trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector (line 33)
Invalid network.
Error in
untitled (line 74)
detector = trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector(ds, dlnetwork, options);
Caused by:
Layer ‘boxDeltas’: The input size must be 1×1×12. This R-CNN box regression layer expects the third input dimension to be 4 times the number of object classes
the network should detect (3 classes). See the
documentation for more details about creating Fast or Faster R-CNN networks.
Layer ‘rcnnClassification’: The input size must be 1×1×4. The classification layer expects the third input dimension to be the number of object classes the
network should detect (3 classes) plus 1. The additional class is required for the "background" class. See the
documentation for more details about creating
Fast or Faster R-CNN networks.
So far I have tried:
1) using dlnetwork instead of lgraph
2) using [net,classNames] = imagePretrainedNetwork instead of net=resnet50
3) manually changing the layers in the designer
4) changing the channels from 1 to 3. (when loaded into my python environment the images had three channels, in MATLAB they showed 1)
5) resizing the images I have been at it for awhile but cannot figure it out, and I have also gotten lost in documentation for a few days now. I am attemping to train a Faster R-CNN model with a pretrained ResNet backbone. So far I have found documentation stating not to use lgraph and to use dlnetwork instead, so I attemtped it that way also and got the same error. More documentation stated not to use net=resnet50 either, and to use [net,classNames] = imagePretrainedNetwork instead. The issue is that I cannot figure out how to fit all of these pieces together. The dataset can be found here and downlaoded for free:
When the model attempts to run, it appears that it detects only 3 classes. I also used analyzeNetwork and network designer to look at the layers and it appears that the boxdeltas and R-CNN classification layers have the correct number of outputs. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Here is the code so far (some parts generated by chatgpt and others taken from official documentation), but I have several versions of this with slight variations:
%% Define the custom read function
function imgOut = ensureRGB(imgIn)
[~, ~, numChannels] = size(imgIn);
if numChannels == 1
imgOut = repmat(imgIn, [1 1 3]);
imgOut = imgIn;
%% Define the paths
imageFolder = "C:UsersUserDesktopFLIR_Thermal_DatasetFLIR_ADAS_v2images_thermal_train";
annotationFolder = "C:UsersUserDocumentsMATLABtrainingData.mat";
matFile = "C:UsersUserDocumentsMATLABtrainingData.mat"; % MATLAB format annotations(there is a function to convert the original data into this .mat file if anyone needs it)
%% Load the training data from the MAT-file
load(matFile, ‘trainingData’);
% Shuffle the training data
shuffledIdx = randperm(height(trainingData));
trainingData = trainingData(shuffledIdx,:);
%% Create image datastore with custom read function and specify file extensions
imds = imageDatastore(trainingData.imageFilename, …
‘ReadFcn’, @(filename) ensureRGB(imread(filename)), …
‘FileExtensions’, {‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’, ‘.png’, ‘.bmp’});
%% Create box label datastore
blds = boxLabelDatastore(trainingData(:, {‘bbox’, ‘label’}));
%% Combine the datastores
ds = combine(imds, blds);
%% Verify with a sample image
sampleImg = readimage(imds, 1);
[height, width, numChannels] = size(sampleImg);
disp([‘Sample Image Number of Channels: ‘, num2str(numChannels)]);
%% Define number of classes
numClasses = 16;
%% Define input image size and anchor boxes
inputImageSize = [512 640 3];
anchorBoxes = [32 32; 64 64; 128 128];
%% Load the ResNet-50 network
lgraph = layerGraph(resnet50);
% Specify the feature extraction layer
featureLayer = ‘activation_40_relu’;
% Create Faster R-CNN layers
dlnetwork = fasterRCNNLayers(inputImageSize, numClasses, anchorBoxes, lgraph, featureLayer);
%% Analyze the network to ensure all layers are correct
%% Define training options
options = trainingOptions(‘sgdm’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 16, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-4, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 10, …
‘Verbose’, true, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’);
% Train the network
detector = trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector(ds, dlnetwork, options);
Training a Faster R-CNN Object Detector for the following object classes:
* car
* light
* person
Error using trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector (line 33)
Invalid network.
Error in
untitled (line 74)
detector = trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector(ds, dlnetwork, options);
Caused by:
Layer ‘boxDeltas’: The input size must be 1×1×12. This R-CNN box regression layer expects the third input dimension to be 4 times the number of object classes
the network should detect (3 classes). See the
documentation for more details about creating Fast or Faster R-CNN networks.
Layer ‘rcnnClassification’: The input size must be 1×1×4. The classification layer expects the third input dimension to be the number of object classes the
network should detect (3 classes) plus 1. The additional class is required for the "background" class. See the
documentation for more details about creating
Fast or Faster R-CNN networks.
So far I have tried:
1) using dlnetwork instead of lgraph
2) using [net,classNames] = imagePretrainedNetwork instead of net=resnet50
3) manually changing the layers in the designer
4) changing the channels from 1 to 3. (when loaded into my python environment the images had three channels, in MATLAB they showed 1)
5) resizing the images faster r-cnn, deep learning, flir adas, resnet50 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Icona del wifi sbagliata
Mi sta succedendo una cosa strana dopo aver scaricato gli ultimi aggiornamenti di Windows: quando accendo il mio portatile l’icona della connessione Internet è quella che appare quando sei connesso via cavo anche se sono connesso in modalità wireless. Quando accedo l’icona è quella giusta.
Mi sta succedendo una cosa strana dopo aver scaricato gli ultimi aggiornamenti di Windows: quando accendo il mio portatile l’icona della connessione Internet è quella che appare quando sei connesso via cavo anche se sono connesso in modalità wireless. Quando accedo l’icona è quella giusta. Read More
جـلب الـحبيب < الرياض☎️ 578385770 : 966 +| مـعالج و شيــخ روحـــاني سـعودي KSA
جـلب الـحبيب < الرياض:telephone: 578385770 : 966 +| مـعالج و شيــخ روحـــاني سـعودي KSA
جـلب الـحبيب < الرياض:telephone: 578385770 : 966 +| مـعالج و شيــخ روحـــاني سـعودي KSA Read More
جـلب الـحبيب < جدة☎️ 34028443 :973 +| مـعالج و شيــخ روحـــاني سـعودي KSA
جـلب الـحبيب < جدة:telephone: 34028443 :973 +| مـعالج و شيــخ روحـــاني سـعودي KSA
جـلب الـحبيب < جدة:telephone: 34028443 :973 +| مـعالج و شيــخ روحـــاني سـعودي KSA Read More
Python (preview) in excel
How do I get the result of an if statement into the cell where I’ve selected the python script to display the result?
I’ve so far used this script, it only displays in the diagnostic preview pane
a = xl(“A1”)
if a == xl(“L1”):
print(“That’s a match”)
I want to display this in cell A2
How do I get the result of an if statement into the cell where I’ve selected the python script to display the result? I’ve so far used this script, it only displays in the diagnostic preview pane a = xl(“A1”)
if a == xl(“L1”):
print(“That’s a match”) I want to display this in cell A2 Read More
how to create vector 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2?
I wasn’t given any function or limitation on this, however I just started learning about this(part of my HB after first lesson) and I’d love if someone can show me a simple and effective way to create a vector that looks like 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2I wasn’t given any function or limitation on this, however I just started learning about this(part of my HB after first lesson) and I’d love if someone can show me a simple and effective way to create a vector that looks like 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 I wasn’t given any function or limitation on this, however I just started learning about this(part of my HB after first lesson) and I’d love if someone can show me a simple and effective way to create a vector that looks like 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 homework, help MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Breast Density in Mammography Dicom Images
Is there a way to extract the breast density of a mammography through Matlab code?Is there a way to extract the breast density of a mammography through Matlab code? Is there a way to extract the breast density of a mammography through Matlab code? density, breast, mammography MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Good afternoon,
How could I create a graph with multiple y-axes: Millitm, PIT, TIT, PD, FIT
T2022_1 = readtable(‘data.csv’, ‘VariableNamingRule’,’preserve’);
MyDateTime = T2022_1.Date + T2022_1.Time;
MyDateTime.Format = ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’;
T2022_2 = [T2022_1(:,1) table(MyDateTime) T2022_1(:,[3:end])];
plot(T2022_2.MyDateTime, T2022_2.(‘PIT’), ‘-k’, ‘LineWidth’,1, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Pressure Separador’)
grid on
xlabel(‘Date & Time’)
ylabel(‘Pressure – Psig’)
lgd = legend;
lgd.NumColumns = 1;
for the help, thank you in advanceGood afternoon,
How could I create a graph with multiple y-axes: Millitm, PIT, TIT, PD, FIT
T2022_1 = readtable(‘data.csv’, ‘VariableNamingRule’,’preserve’);
MyDateTime = T2022_1.Date + T2022_1.Time;
MyDateTime.Format = ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’;
T2022_2 = [T2022_1(:,1) table(MyDateTime) T2022_1(:,[3:end])];
plot(T2022_2.MyDateTime, T2022_2.(‘PIT’), ‘-k’, ‘LineWidth’,1, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Pressure Separador’)
grid on
xlabel(‘Date & Time’)
ylabel(‘Pressure – Psig’)
lgd = legend;
lgd.NumColumns = 1;
for the help, thank you in advance Good afternoon,
How could I create a graph with multiple y-axes: Millitm, PIT, TIT, PD, FIT
T2022_1 = readtable(‘data.csv’, ‘VariableNamingRule’,’preserve’);
MyDateTime = T2022_1.Date + T2022_1.Time;
MyDateTime.Format = ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’;
T2022_2 = [T2022_1(:,1) table(MyDateTime) T2022_1(:,[3:end])];
plot(T2022_2.MyDateTime, T2022_2.(‘PIT’), ‘-k’, ‘LineWidth’,1, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Pressure Separador’)
grid on
xlabel(‘Date & Time’)
ylabel(‘Pressure – Psig’)
lgd = legend;
lgd.NumColumns = 1;
for the help, thank you in advance multiple y axes MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Matlab online cant open and return to login page after every login
My mathlab online unable to open, everytime login it will automatically return to the login pageMy mathlab online unable to open, everytime login it will automatically return to the login page My mathlab online unable to open, everytime login it will automatically return to the login page #errorinmathlabonline MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Integrating Newton Andor camera with Matlab.
Dear friends,
I am trying to integrate the Newton Andor 920 camera with MATLAB. Generally, we have ‘gentl’ adaptors for capturing the video with matlab. But here the company doesnot provide the direct adaptor to use in MATLAB.
Hence, I request to please let me know if the Newton Andor 920 camera has now a built in adaptor to use. Or if someone has found a way to use Newton Andor 920 camera with matlab. or If some has an idea to develope an adaptor in MATLAB for it then please let me know.
Thanking you,
Kind regardsDear friends,
I am trying to integrate the Newton Andor 920 camera with MATLAB. Generally, we have ‘gentl’ adaptors for capturing the video with matlab. But here the company doesnot provide the direct adaptor to use in MATLAB.
Hence, I request to please let me know if the Newton Andor 920 camera has now a built in adaptor to use. Or if someone has found a way to use Newton Andor 920 camera with matlab. or If some has an idea to develope an adaptor in MATLAB for it then please let me know.
Thanking you,
Kind regards Dear friends,
I am trying to integrate the Newton Andor 920 camera with MATLAB. Generally, we have ‘gentl’ adaptors for capturing the video with matlab. But here the company doesnot provide the direct adaptor to use in MATLAB.
Hence, I request to please let me know if the Newton Andor 920 camera has now a built in adaptor to use. Or if someone has found a way to use Newton Andor 920 camera with matlab. or If some has an idea to develope an adaptor in MATLAB for it then please let me know.
Thanking you,
Kind regards image acquisition, matlab, adaptor, camera MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to calculate mean of specified row and column of multiple dataset of structure?
I’m dealing with a structure full of data, one of the data is called BEST and there are 50 of them so that is data(i).best in which i is from 1 to 50, each data(i).best contains a 10×10 table of numbers. I need to calculate mean of each row and column corresponding to each data(i).best, for example I need to sum up all of the data that are in data(i).best(5,7) (i is from 1 to 50) and devide it by 50. how am I supposed to do so? I tried using three layers of "for" and it didn’t seem to help.I’m dealing with a structure full of data, one of the data is called BEST and there are 50 of them so that is data(i).best in which i is from 1 to 50, each data(i).best contains a 10×10 table of numbers. I need to calculate mean of each row and column corresponding to each data(i).best, for example I need to sum up all of the data that are in data(i).best(5,7) (i is from 1 to 50) and devide it by 50. how am I supposed to do so? I tried using three layers of "for" and it didn’t seem to help. I’m dealing with a structure full of data, one of the data is called BEST and there are 50 of them so that is data(i).best in which i is from 1 to 50, each data(i).best contains a 10×10 table of numbers. I need to calculate mean of each row and column corresponding to each data(i).best, for example I need to sum up all of the data that are in data(i).best(5,7) (i is from 1 to 50) and devide it by 50. how am I supposed to do so? I tried using three layers of "for" and it didn’t seem to help. structures, mean, data MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Generative AI with Azure Cosmos DB
Leverage Azure Cosmos DB for generative AI workloads for automatic scalability, low latency, and global distribution to handle massive data volumes and real-time processing. With support for versatile data models and built-in vector indexing, it efficiently retrieves natural language queries, making it ideal for grounding large language models. Seamlessly integrate with Azure OpenAI Studio for API-level access to GPT models and access a comprehensive gallery of open-source tools and frameworks in Azure AI Studio to enhance your AI applications.
Automatic and horizontal scaling.
Handle massive increases in data volume and transactions. See why Azure Cosmos DB is ideal for real-time data processing and generative AI workloads.
Optimal performance and reliability.
Azure Cosmos DB allows data to be distributed globally across multiple regions, routing requests to the closest region. See it here.
Built-in vector indexing and search capabilities.
Efficient retrieval of natural language queries. Check out how Azure Cosmos DB grounds large language models with accurate and relevant data.
Watch our video here:
00:00 — Azure Cosmos DB for generative AI workloads
00:18 — Versatile Data Models|
00:39 — Scalability and performance
01:19 — Global distribution
01:31 — Vector indexing and search
02:07 — Grounding LLMs
02:30 — Wrap up
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Video Transcript:
-The right database plays a critical role in the speed and the scale of data retrieval for the grounding of large language models to efficiently return more accurate responses. Let’s break down the characteristics of Azure Cosmos DB and what makes it suited for generative AI workloads.
-Did you know the ChatGPT service itself, with its hundreds of millions of users globally, uses Azure Cosmos DB for the automatic indexing and storing of user conversation history?
-Importantly, it’s capable of working with any data with support for multiple data models, such as the document model for representing conversational data, which is the case for ChatGPT. And as your volume of data grows, Azure Cosmos DB will automatically and horizontally scale physical partitions of dedicated compute and storage as needed.
-This limitless and automatic scale makes it ideal for real-time data processing. For example, in November 2023, when OpenAI announced several new capabilities, the transactions jumped from 4.7 billion to 10.6 billion transactions almost overnight. And Azure Cosmos DB automatically scaled to meet this exponential demand, so it’s ideal for real-time transactional workloads.
-And with its low latency, single-digit millisecond response times, it’s fast. Additionally, you can choose to distribute data globally across multiple regions around the world, so as requests come in, they get routed to the closest available region to your users and operations. Then, to efficiently retrieve natural language queries, the vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB has vector indexing and vector search built into the database.
-Vectors are calculated as data is ingested into Azure Cosmos DB. These are a coordinate-like way to refer to chunks of data in your database that are used later for similarity lookups. In the case of generative AI, when a user submits their prompt, that too is converted to a vector embedding, and the lookup finds the closest matches for the prompts vectors to those in the database, making responses more efficient and accurate.
-Grounding large language models with vector index data in Azure Cosmos DB is easy. In environments like Azure OpenAI Studio, just select Azure Cosmos DB as your data source. This gives you API-level access to the GPT models in the Azure OpenAI service. And with Azure AI Studio, you have access to a huge gallery of open-source models, tools, and frameworks.
-In fact, as part of a secure AI architecture, Azure Cosmos DB is recommended as you build your enterprise generative AI apps to store and maintain chat session history. It’s these reasons and more that make Azure Cosmos DB uniquely and well suited for your generative AI apps and workloads.
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When will the transition from Java to Javascript be complete?
It’s been nearly ten years since MATLAB began to transition from Java to Javascript graphics. Is there any roadmap for when this transition will be complete? Long ago I was told that the final product would be seemless, i.e. traditional graphic commands would invoke Javascript yet otherwise function like the legacy Java version. Despite many improvements in the new system, the two are still quite different. The difference is most obvious on Mac systems, where uifigures are clearly handled separately from figures. I have stayed with traditional figures for most of this period, waiting for the Javascript alternative to mature, but this is no longer viable due to frequent crashes (as described here).
Recent experence suggests that uifigures are almost ready for general use, but there are a number of missing features. For me, the big ones are limited export options (e.g., improper size scaling for PDF) and the lack of an Extent property; the latter helps size items based on the text held inside them. If I had those features, I could justify the time investment in switching over to uifigures full time. There are also a lot of undocumented things, such as the fact that classic uicontrols can go inside Javascript uifigures, even though the formal documentation says otherwise. I wish Mathworks would be more forthright about this substantial change, focusing less on Live Editor and App Designer updates in each release.It’s been nearly ten years since MATLAB began to transition from Java to Javascript graphics. Is there any roadmap for when this transition will be complete? Long ago I was told that the final product would be seemless, i.e. traditional graphic commands would invoke Javascript yet otherwise function like the legacy Java version. Despite many improvements in the new system, the two are still quite different. The difference is most obvious on Mac systems, where uifigures are clearly handled separately from figures. I have stayed with traditional figures for most of this period, waiting for the Javascript alternative to mature, but this is no longer viable due to frequent crashes (as described here).
Recent experence suggests that uifigures are almost ready for general use, but there are a number of missing features. For me, the big ones are limited export options (e.g., improper size scaling for PDF) and the lack of an Extent property; the latter helps size items based on the text held inside them. If I had those features, I could justify the time investment in switching over to uifigures full time. There are also a lot of undocumented things, such as the fact that classic uicontrols can go inside Javascript uifigures, even though the formal documentation says otherwise. I wish Mathworks would be more forthright about this substantial change, focusing less on Live Editor and App Designer updates in each release. It’s been nearly ten years since MATLAB began to transition from Java to Javascript graphics. Is there any roadmap for when this transition will be complete? Long ago I was told that the final product would be seemless, i.e. traditional graphic commands would invoke Javascript yet otherwise function like the legacy Java version. Despite many improvements in the new system, the two are still quite different. The difference is most obvious on Mac systems, where uifigures are clearly handled separately from figures. I have stayed with traditional figures for most of this period, waiting for the Javascript alternative to mature, but this is no longer viable due to frequent crashes (as described here).
Recent experence suggests that uifigures are almost ready for general use, but there are a number of missing features. For me, the big ones are limited export options (e.g., improper size scaling for PDF) and the lack of an Extent property; the latter helps size items based on the text held inside them. If I had those features, I could justify the time investment in switching over to uifigures full time. There are also a lot of undocumented things, such as the fact that classic uicontrols can go inside Javascript uifigures, even though the formal documentation says otherwise. I wish Mathworks would be more forthright about this substantial change, focusing less on Live Editor and App Designer updates in each release. graphics, java, javascript MATLAB Answers — New Questions