Category: News
I am learning to build Logic Apps working with Sentinel inc
I am learning to build Logic Apps. The tasks will mainly involve querying Log Analytics and writing comments in incidents. How can I do this securely?
I understand that I need to add the Sentinel Contributor role for the Logic App, but what next? If I need the Logic App to be able to query, do I need to give it additional access, such as Log Analytics Contributor or Reader?
When I want to create a connection, I have three options:
OAuth – I see that I log in with my account, and then the Logic App has access to what I have access to. Is this secure?
Service Principal – I need to register an application and create a secret for it, then grant this application access to Sentinel. Can I use a single Service Principal for all Logic Apps? I understand that secrets need to be rotated – does this affect my Logic Apps? Will I need to update something to ensure everything works properly?
Managed Identity – This only works within the specific Logic App? This seems like the best solution, but I managed to add a new Managed Identity to query Log Analytics, and in the next step, I wanted it to add tasks to an incident in Sentinel, and unfortunately, it didn’t work. (However, I changed the last step and added it via OAuth, and it worked, allowing the Logic App to add tasks to the incident in Sentinel.)
this is one of example i am working on.
adding role assignment
I would be great if you can share your experiences! thank you
HelloI am learning to build Logic Apps. The tasks will mainly involve querying Log Analytics and writing comments in incidents. How can I do this securely?I understand that I need to add the Sentinel Contributor role for the Logic App, but what next? If I need the Logic App to be able to query, do I need to give it additional access, such as Log Analytics Contributor or Reader? When I want to create a connection, I have three options: OAuth – I see that I log in with my account, and then the Logic App has access to what I have access to. Is this secure? Service Principal – I need to register an application and create a secret for it, then grant this application access to Sentinel. Can I use a single Service Principal for all Logic Apps? I understand that secrets need to be rotated – does this affect my Logic Apps? Will I need to update something to ensure everything works properly? Managed Identity – This only works within the specific Logic App? This seems like the best solution, but I managed to add a new Managed Identity to query Log Analytics, and in the next step, I wanted it to add tasks to an incident in Sentinel, and unfortunately, it didn’t work. (However, I changed the last step and added it via OAuth, and it worked, allowing the Logic App to add tasks to the incident in Sentinel.) this is one of example i am working on. role assignment I would be great if you can share your experiences! thank you Read More
Excel – Sorting hierarchical numbers issue
Hi – I’m looking for some help with something I thought would be quick and easy but is proving not to be the case!
I’m trying to sort a data set of hierarchical numbers but am having issues with the 8.1 & 8.10 values (etc.), whereby the sort is treating them both as 8.1 –
Copying the data from another piece of software into a table it looks like this –
After sorting (by smallest to largest) it treats both the same and returns –
I looked on line and found a post suggesting using a VBA function which treats the string as text to sort –
Unfortunately this still returned the same value for the 8.1 & 8.10 items –
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi – I’m looking for some help with something I thought would be quick and easy but is proving not to be the case! I’m trying to sort a data set of hierarchical numbers but am having issues with the 8.1 & 8.10 values (etc.), whereby the sort is treating them both as 8.1 – Copying the data from another piece of software into a table it looks like this – After sorting (by smallest to largest) it treats both the same and returns – I looked on line and found a post suggesting using a VBA function which treats the string as text to sort – Unfortunately this still returned the same value for the 8.1 & 8.10 items – Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Read More
Unable to resolve the name cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix.
I do not solve this problem. I am trying to solve in many ways. Please anyone help me.
I find this problem:
Unable to resolve the name cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix.
Error in undistortion>undistorb_images (line 92)
[newcameramtx, roi] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0,
Error in undistortion (line 1)
undistorb_images([], []);
undistorb_images([], []);
function [tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name)
%input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
raw = fileread(input_name);
input_params = jsondecode(raw);
camera_matrix = input_params.camera_matrix;
dist = input_params.dist_coefs;
tvec_json = input_params.translational_vectors;
%tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json);
rvec_json = input_params.rotational_vectors;
%rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json);
tvec = [];
rvec = [];
len = length(tvec_json);
for i = 1:len
%tvec.append(array(tvec_json(image + string(i))))
tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json(i));
%rvec.append(array(rvec_json(image + string(i))));
rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json(i));
function undistorb_images(inputParams, result)
%if result is None:
if isempty(result)
input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
[tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name);
tvec = result(4);
rvec = result(3);
camera_matrix = result(1);
dist = result(2);
if isempty(inputParams)
image_path = "images";
image_path = inputParams.opencv_storage.settings.Images_Folder;
%image_files = [];
files = [dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.jpg’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.png’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.jpeg’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.PNG’))];
%files = dir(fullfile(image_path, ‘*.(jpg|png)’));
L = length(files);
% kk=0;
% for i=1:L
% file=files(i).name;
% image_files = [image_files, file]
% end
% for f = dir(image_path)
% %ext = image_path(split(lower(f)));
% %disp(f)
% %if f.endsWith([".jpg",".jpeg",".png", ".PNG"])
% % image_files.append(f);
% %end
% end
image_file_name = [];
if ~isempty(files)
for i=1:L
image_file_name = [image_file_name,file];
image = imread(image_path + "" + file);
% [imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(image_file_name);
% squareSize = 29;
% worldPoints = generateCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize);
% I = readimage(image, 1);
% imageSize = [size(I,1), size(I,2)];
% [params, ~, estimationErrors] = estimateCameraParameters(imagePoinsts, worldPoints, ‘ImageSize’);
[height, width] = size(image);
%disp(string(height) + " " + string(width))
%[newCameraMatrix,w] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, dist, [width,height]);
[newcameramtx, roi] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0, [width,height]);
%dst = cv2.undistort(image, camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx)
% imageFileNames{i} = fullfile(matlabroot,’toolbox’,’vision’,’visiondata’,’calibration’,’webcam’,image_file_name);
% [imagePoints,~,imagesUsed] = detectCheckerboardPoints(imageFileNames, ‘PartialDetections’, false);
% imageFileNames = imageFileNames(imagesUsed);
% for i = 1:numel(imageFileNames)
% I = imread(imageFileNames{i});
% subplot(2, 2, i);
% imshow(I);
% hold on;
% plot(imagePoints(:,1,i),imagePoints(:,2,i),’ro’);
% end
[mapx, mapy] = cv.initUndistortRectifyMap(camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx, [width,height], 5);
dst = cv.remap(image, mapx, mapy, INTER_LINEAR);
x, y, w, h = roi;
dst = dst(y:y+h, x:x+w);
[height, width] = size(dst);
print(string(height) + " " + string(width));
imwrite("undistortion/" + file, dst);
endI do not solve this problem. I am trying to solve in many ways. Please anyone help me.
I find this problem:
Unable to resolve the name cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix.
Error in undistortion>undistorb_images (line 92)
[newcameramtx, roi] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0,
Error in undistortion (line 1)
undistorb_images([], []);
undistorb_images([], []);
function [tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name)
%input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
raw = fileread(input_name);
input_params = jsondecode(raw);
camera_matrix = input_params.camera_matrix;
dist = input_params.dist_coefs;
tvec_json = input_params.translational_vectors;
%tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json);
rvec_json = input_params.rotational_vectors;
%rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json);
tvec = [];
rvec = [];
len = length(tvec_json);
for i = 1:len
%tvec.append(array(tvec_json(image + string(i))))
tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json(i));
%rvec.append(array(rvec_json(image + string(i))));
rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json(i));
function undistorb_images(inputParams, result)
%if result is None:
if isempty(result)
input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
[tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name);
tvec = result(4);
rvec = result(3);
camera_matrix = result(1);
dist = result(2);
if isempty(inputParams)
image_path = "images";
image_path = inputParams.opencv_storage.settings.Images_Folder;
%image_files = [];
files = [dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.jpg’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.png’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.jpeg’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.PNG’))];
%files = dir(fullfile(image_path, ‘*.(jpg|png)’));
L = length(files);
% kk=0;
% for i=1:L
% file=files(i).name;
% image_files = [image_files, file]
% end
% for f = dir(image_path)
% %ext = image_path(split(lower(f)));
% %disp(f)
% %if f.endsWith([".jpg",".jpeg",".png", ".PNG"])
% % image_files.append(f);
% %end
% end
image_file_name = [];
if ~isempty(files)
for i=1:L
image_file_name = [image_file_name,file];
image = imread(image_path + "" + file);
% [imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(image_file_name);
% squareSize = 29;
% worldPoints = generateCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize);
% I = readimage(image, 1);
% imageSize = [size(I,1), size(I,2)];
% [params, ~, estimationErrors] = estimateCameraParameters(imagePoinsts, worldPoints, ‘ImageSize’);
[height, width] = size(image);
%disp(string(height) + " " + string(width))
%[newCameraMatrix,w] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, dist, [width,height]);
[newcameramtx, roi] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0, [width,height]);
%dst = cv2.undistort(image, camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx)
% imageFileNames{i} = fullfile(matlabroot,’toolbox’,’vision’,’visiondata’,’calibration’,’webcam’,image_file_name);
% [imagePoints,~,imagesUsed] = detectCheckerboardPoints(imageFileNames, ‘PartialDetections’, false);
% imageFileNames = imageFileNames(imagesUsed);
% for i = 1:numel(imageFileNames)
% I = imread(imageFileNames{i});
% subplot(2, 2, i);
% imshow(I);
% hold on;
% plot(imagePoints(:,1,i),imagePoints(:,2,i),’ro’);
% end
[mapx, mapy] = cv.initUndistortRectifyMap(camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx, [width,height], 5);
dst = cv.remap(image, mapx, mapy, INTER_LINEAR);
x, y, w, h = roi;
dst = dst(y:y+h, x:x+w);
[height, width] = size(dst);
print(string(height) + " " + string(width));
imwrite("undistortion/" + file, dst);
end I do not solve this problem. I am trying to solve in many ways. Please anyone help me.
I find this problem:
Unable to resolve the name cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix.
Error in undistortion>undistorb_images (line 92)
[newcameramtx, roi] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0,
Error in undistortion (line 1)
undistorb_images([], []);
undistorb_images([], []);
function [tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name)
%input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
raw = fileread(input_name);
input_params = jsondecode(raw);
camera_matrix = input_params.camera_matrix;
dist = input_params.dist_coefs;
tvec_json = input_params.translational_vectors;
%tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json);
rvec_json = input_params.rotational_vectors;
%rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json);
tvec = [];
rvec = [];
len = length(tvec_json);
for i = 1:len
%tvec.append(array(tvec_json(image + string(i))))
tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json(i));
%rvec.append(array(rvec_json(image + string(i))));
rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json(i));
function undistorb_images(inputParams, result)
%if result is None:
if isempty(result)
input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
[tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name);
tvec = result(4);
rvec = result(3);
camera_matrix = result(1);
dist = result(2);
if isempty(inputParams)
image_path = "images";
image_path = inputParams.opencv_storage.settings.Images_Folder;
%image_files = [];
files = [dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.jpg’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.png’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.jpeg’)); dir(fullfile(image_path,’*.PNG’))];
%files = dir(fullfile(image_path, ‘*.(jpg|png)’));
L = length(files);
% kk=0;
% for i=1:L
% file=files(i).name;
% image_files = [image_files, file]
% end
% for f = dir(image_path)
% %ext = image_path(split(lower(f)));
% %disp(f)
% %if f.endsWith([".jpg",".jpeg",".png", ".PNG"])
% % image_files.append(f);
% %end
% end
image_file_name = [];
if ~isempty(files)
for i=1:L
image_file_name = [image_file_name,file];
image = imread(image_path + "" + file);
% [imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(image_file_name);
% squareSize = 29;
% worldPoints = generateCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize);
% I = readimage(image, 1);
% imageSize = [size(I,1), size(I,2)];
% [params, ~, estimationErrors] = estimateCameraParameters(imagePoinsts, worldPoints, ‘ImageSize’);
[height, width] = size(image);
%disp(string(height) + " " + string(width))
%[newCameraMatrix,w] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, dist, [width,height]);
[newcameramtx, roi] = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0, [width,height]);
%dst = cv2.undistort(image, camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx)
% imageFileNames{i} = fullfile(matlabroot,’toolbox’,’vision’,’visiondata’,’calibration’,’webcam’,image_file_name);
% [imagePoints,~,imagesUsed] = detectCheckerboardPoints(imageFileNames, ‘PartialDetections’, false);
% imageFileNames = imageFileNames(imagesUsed);
% for i = 1:numel(imageFileNames)
% I = imread(imageFileNames{i});
% subplot(2, 2, i);
% imshow(I);
% hold on;
% plot(imagePoints(:,1,i),imagePoints(:,2,i),’ro’);
% end
[mapx, mapy] = cv.initUndistortRectifyMap(camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx, [width,height], 5);
dst = cv.remap(image, mapx, mapy, INTER_LINEAR);
x, y, w, h = roi;
dst = dst(y:y+h, x:x+w);
[height, width] = size(dst);
print(string(height) + " " + string(width));
imwrite("undistortion/" + file, dst);
end image processing, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Bessel function has problems in converting symbolic function into handle function.
I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, so I first construct the spherical Bessel function by using Bessel function.
Because I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, I want to first construct a symbolic expression of the spherical Bessel function, and then use the diff function to get the first derivative, and then convert it into a function handle.
However, when n is large, the symbolic expression of spherical Bessel function has problems(In the figure below, I haven’t derived the spherical Bessel function yet, but there has been a case of non-convergence, so it can be seen that the derivative is also non-convergence):
If I don’t need to find the derivative of Bessel function, then I only need to use the handle to complete this task. I need to construct a function to find the first derivative of spherical Bessel function at any point. Is there any good way?I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, so I first construct the spherical Bessel function by using Bessel function.
Because I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, I want to first construct a symbolic expression of the spherical Bessel function, and then use the diff function to get the first derivative, and then convert it into a function handle.
However, when n is large, the symbolic expression of spherical Bessel function has problems(In the figure below, I haven’t derived the spherical Bessel function yet, but there has been a case of non-convergence, so it can be seen that the derivative is also non-convergence):
If I don’t need to find the derivative of Bessel function, then I only need to use the handle to complete this task. I need to construct a function to find the first derivative of spherical Bessel function at any point. Is there any good way? I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, so I first construct the spherical Bessel function by using Bessel function.
Because I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, I want to first construct a symbolic expression of the spherical Bessel function, and then use the diff function to get the first derivative, and then convert it into a function handle.
However, when n is large, the symbolic expression of spherical Bessel function has problems(In the figure below, I haven’t derived the spherical Bessel function yet, but there has been a case of non-convergence, so it can be seen that the derivative is also non-convergence):
If I don’t need to find the derivative of Bessel function, then I only need to use the handle to complete this task. I need to construct a function to find the first derivative of spherical Bessel function at any point. Is there any good way? bessel function, numerical method, restrain oneself MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Weird bugs when solving three coupled second order differential equations using ode45
Hi guys, I am new to ode45 so I am very confused about its results. I have good results when solving two coupled differential equations (say, x1 and y ), but when I add one more equation (say x2), then the results are very different and even if I set x2 equation the same as x1, which doesn’t make much sense for me. Here are the codes I used:
eq1 = diff(x1,2) == -2*gamma_ir*omega_ir1*dx1 – omega_ir1^2*x1 + y + 2*x2*y;
eq2 = diff(x2,2) == -2*gamma_ir*omega_ir2*dx2 – omega_ir2^2*x2 + y + 2*x1*y;
eq3 = diff(y,2) == -2*gamma_r*omega_r*dy – omega_r^2*y + x1*x2;
V = odeToVectorField(eq1,eq2,eq3);
M = matlabFunction(V,’vars’, {‘t’,’Y’});
interval = t0;
ySol = ode45(M,interval,y0);
tValues = linspace(interval(1),interval(2),tNum);
sol = deval(ySol,tValues,3);
Thanks in advance!Hi guys, I am new to ode45 so I am very confused about its results. I have good results when solving two coupled differential equations (say, x1 and y ), but when I add one more equation (say x2), then the results are very different and even if I set x2 equation the same as x1, which doesn’t make much sense for me. Here are the codes I used:
eq1 = diff(x1,2) == -2*gamma_ir*omega_ir1*dx1 – omega_ir1^2*x1 + y + 2*x2*y;
eq2 = diff(x2,2) == -2*gamma_ir*omega_ir2*dx2 – omega_ir2^2*x2 + y + 2*x1*y;
eq3 = diff(y,2) == -2*gamma_r*omega_r*dy – omega_r^2*y + x1*x2;
V = odeToVectorField(eq1,eq2,eq3);
M = matlabFunction(V,’vars’, {‘t’,’Y’});
interval = t0;
ySol = ode45(M,interval,y0);
tValues = linspace(interval(1),interval(2),tNum);
sol = deval(ySol,tValues,3);
Thanks in advance! Hi guys, I am new to ode45 so I am very confused about its results. I have good results when solving two coupled differential equations (say, x1 and y ), but when I add one more equation (say x2), then the results are very different and even if I set x2 equation the same as x1, which doesn’t make much sense for me. Here are the codes I used:
eq1 = diff(x1,2) == -2*gamma_ir*omega_ir1*dx1 – omega_ir1^2*x1 + y + 2*x2*y;
eq2 = diff(x2,2) == -2*gamma_ir*omega_ir2*dx2 – omega_ir2^2*x2 + y + 2*x1*y;
eq3 = diff(y,2) == -2*gamma_r*omega_r*dy – omega_r^2*y + x1*x2;
V = odeToVectorField(eq1,eq2,eq3);
M = matlabFunction(V,’vars’, {‘t’,’Y’});
interval = t0;
ySol = ode45(M,interval,y0);
tValues = linspace(interval(1),interval(2),tNum);
sol = deval(ySol,tValues,3);
Thanks in advance! differential equations, ode45 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to overlay box plot with distribution histogram in the same graph
I want to overlay box plot on my distribution histogram (something like as shown in the figure). How can I do that?I want to overlay box plot on my distribution histogram (something like as shown in the figure). How can I do that? I want to overlay box plot on my distribution histogram (something like as shown in the figure). How can I do that? box plot, histogram, overlay MATLAB Answers — New Questions
ROI for learning Copilot
Can we predict an individual’s ROI for giving effort in Generative AI (specifically Copilot) learning, adoption and implementation?
Can we predict an individual’s ROI for giving effort in Generative AI (specifically Copilot) learning, adoption and implementation? Read More
SharePoint Online Site versioning limit.
Please i need your help on this issue.
Please help with issue we have faced with SPO Site versioning limit.
We are trying to limit number of major to 5 and minor versions to 3.
MajorVersionLimit : 5
MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit : 3.
Mentioned settings applied to SP Site, but if we continue work with Documents, counts of versions keep increasing for example 0.1 till 0.22 and up.
For existing and new files in Document library..
What was done:
Enable expiration feature on tenant
Set-SPOTenant -EnableVersionExpirationSetting $true
Read site settings:
Get-SPOSite -Identity https://Site/….. | fl Url, EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim, ExpireVersionsAfterDays, MajorVersionLimit
Set Versions limit and expiration time
Set-SPOSite -Identity https://Site/….. -EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim $false -MajorVersionLimit 5 -ExpireVersionsAfterDays 0 -MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit 3
Track progress of applying changes:
Get-SPOSiteVersionPolicyJobProgress -Identity https://Site/…
In this scenario expected to get 5 Major version and 3 Minor version for document.
As was tested – settings applied only to new documents or to new library.
For existing documents – rule don’t apply. Also don’t apply to Minor version limit
As an example:
Existing file, should be version limit 3, but it don’t work
Correct example for 5 Major versions
Hot to apply this setting for all documents – existing and new correctly? And how correctly apply limit for example – versions Last 5 users Major versions and 3 minor versions per user?
P.S. Maybe we have miss some settings.
Hello Please i need your help on this issue. Please help with issue we have faced with SPO Site versioning limit. We are trying to limit number of major to 5 and minor versions to 3. MajorVersionLimit : 5MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit : 3. Mentioned settings applied to SP Site, but if we continue work with Documents, counts of versions keep increasing for example 0.1 till 0.22 and up. For existing and new files in Document library.. What was done: Enable expiration feature on tenantSet-SPOTenant -EnableVersionExpirationSetting $true Read site settings:Get-SPOSite -Identity https://Site/….. | fl Url, EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim, ExpireVersionsAfterDays, MajorVersionLimit Set Versions limit and expiration timeSet-SPOSite -Identity https://Site/….. -EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim $false -MajorVersionLimit 5 -ExpireVersionsAfterDays 0 -MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit 3 Track progress of applying changes:Get-SPOSiteVersionPolicyJobProgress -Identity https://Site/… In this scenario expected to get 5 Major version and 3 Minor version for document. As was tested – settings applied only to new documents or to new library. For existing documents – rule don’t apply. Also don’t apply to Minor version limit As an example: Existing file, should be version limit 3, but it don’t work Correct example for 5 Major versionsHot to apply this setting for all documents – existing and new correctly? And how correctly apply limit for example – versions Last 5 users Major versions and 3 minor versions per user? P.S. Maybe we have miss some settings. Read More
The Maddening Side of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
All software has unique quirks, and the foibles of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK are well known. But it’s much harder when the underlying foundation contributes to the craziness as described in this article. Graph pagination works in a specific way and Microsoft tunes the Graph to deliver great performance by reducing the set of properties returned for objects. Both can cause concern for developers.
All software has unique quirks, and the foibles of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK are well known. But it’s much harder when the underlying foundation contributes to the craziness as described in this article. Graph pagination works in a specific way and Microsoft tunes the Graph to deliver great performance by reducing the set of properties returned for objects. Both can cause concern for developers. Read More
Android Dedicated Azure AD Shared Device – Issues
Hi All,
Having significant issues with the roll out of this.
We have two requirements for Android Enterprise devices:
1 – Single App mode
2 – Multi App mode with Microsoft Entra ID Sign in
We managed to create the enrollment profile, configuration profile and compliance for Single app mode and it works perfectly. The device registers, the dynamic group updates and the single app installs and launches.
When it comes to the multi app, we are stuck. I have created the enrollment token, configuration profiles and app groups as required. We have set up the config profile to be Multi App, sign in with MHS etc. However, the device registers, goes to the home screen and never does anything else. Even after 12 hours, the apps show as ‘awaiting install’, the profiles don’t install and neither does the compliance profile. The Dynamic group is working and when looking at the device on Intune, it sees that it’s part of that group. It never seems to progress to the next part of the setup which is configuration and enable MHS.
I have tried also using the App Configuration profile even though this is no longer needed. I’ve also deleted all profiles and tokens related to this, re-created them using the Microsoft defaults as per the guide and still nothing yet Single App enrollment (Dedicated Device NOT Dedicated Device Shared Azure AD) works everytime.
Any thoughts? I have launched this as a Microsoft ticket as well but previous experience suggests this will be a long winded approach.
Hi All, Having significant issues with the roll out of this. We have two requirements for Android Enterprise devices:1 – Single App mode2 – Multi App mode with Microsoft Entra ID Sign in We managed to create the enrollment profile, configuration profile and compliance for Single app mode and it works perfectly. The device registers, the dynamic group updates and the single app installs and launches. When it comes to the multi app, we are stuck. I have created the enrollment token, configuration profiles and app groups as required. We have set up the config profile to be Multi App, sign in with MHS etc. However, the device registers, goes to the home screen and never does anything else. Even after 12 hours, the apps show as ‘awaiting install’, the profiles don’t install and neither does the compliance profile. The Dynamic group is working and when looking at the device on Intune, it sees that it’s part of that group. It never seems to progress to the next part of the setup which is configuration and enable MHS. I have tried also using the App Configuration profile even though this is no longer needed. I’ve also deleted all profiles and tokens related to this, re-created them using the Microsoft defaults as per the guide and still nothing yet Single App enrollment (Dedicated Device NOT Dedicated Device Shared Azure AD) works everytime. Any thoughts? I have launched this as a Microsoft ticket as well but previous experience suggests this will be a long winded approach. Read More
Percentage progress based on dates in a ROW for staff training
table shows staff training – conditional formatted it to show when it’s out of date or due for renewal in 3 months from today.
Can % of tasks completed/in date show in column B. based dates in each row? There are 19 tasks – column G is blank to divide between different types of training but can be removed if necessary. Any help gratefully received. Thanks in advance
table shows staff training – conditional formatted it to show when it’s out of date or due for renewal in 3 months from today. Can % of tasks completed/in date show in column B. based dates in each row? There are 19 tasks – column G is blank to divide between different types of training but can be removed if necessary. Any help gratefully received. Thanks in advance Read More
mobikwik कस्टमर केयर से कैसे बात करें
की ग्राहक सेवा टीम या तो फोन, 096648-47919. ईमेल, या उनकी वेबसाइट के ग्राहक सहायता पोर्टल के माध्यम से। 080164–56551., लिखित शिकायत दर्ज करें: अपनी मौखिक शिकायत के बाद लिखित शिकायत दर्ज करें।
की ग्राहक सेवा टीम या तो फोन, 096648-47919. ईमेल, या उनकी वेबसाइट के ग्राहक सहायता पोर्टल के माध्यम से। 080164–56551., लिखित शिकायत दर्ज करें: अपनी मौखिक शिकायत के बाद लिखित शिकायत दर्ज करें। Read More
Having Boxplot problem with not defined double type
Hello, I am trying to plot boxplot.
x = [1 2 3 4 5];
y = [1.13465 1.17166 1.19973 1.78338 1.83673
3.96e-12 3.6e-11 0.109991 1.0131 1.57166
0.574522 0.619429 0.685391 1.21099 1.73831
1.27e-11 0.142583 0.308049 0.890379 1.38142
3.5e-12 0.0606085 0.137094 0.565742 0.915032
1.77e-11 0.0206984 0.096124 0.213596 0.548369
0.343735 0.358206 0.386193 1.04343 1.80219
0.342868 0.333045 0.341806 0.760036 1.41684
0.423389 0.412866 0.415499 0.569211 0.564488
4e-12 3.67e-11 0.109991 1.0131 1.57166
0.692851 0.696025 0.704127 1.30321 1.88094
5.5e-11 0.0395349 0.180155 0.639514 1.04088];
this is the code that I used,
but when I tried to plot, it said
‘The function ‘boxplot’ is not defined for inputs of type ‘double’.
Error occurred: untitled (line 22) boxplot(x,y)’
Can anyone help me to solve the problem?
Thank you!Hello, I am trying to plot boxplot.
x = [1 2 3 4 5];
y = [1.13465 1.17166 1.19973 1.78338 1.83673
3.96e-12 3.6e-11 0.109991 1.0131 1.57166
0.574522 0.619429 0.685391 1.21099 1.73831
1.27e-11 0.142583 0.308049 0.890379 1.38142
3.5e-12 0.0606085 0.137094 0.565742 0.915032
1.77e-11 0.0206984 0.096124 0.213596 0.548369
0.343735 0.358206 0.386193 1.04343 1.80219
0.342868 0.333045 0.341806 0.760036 1.41684
0.423389 0.412866 0.415499 0.569211 0.564488
4e-12 3.67e-11 0.109991 1.0131 1.57166
0.692851 0.696025 0.704127 1.30321 1.88094
5.5e-11 0.0395349 0.180155 0.639514 1.04088];
this is the code that I used,
but when I tried to plot, it said
‘The function ‘boxplot’ is not defined for inputs of type ‘double’.
Error occurred: untitled (line 22) boxplot(x,y)’
Can anyone help me to solve the problem?
Thank you! Hello, I am trying to plot boxplot.
x = [1 2 3 4 5];
y = [1.13465 1.17166 1.19973 1.78338 1.83673
3.96e-12 3.6e-11 0.109991 1.0131 1.57166
0.574522 0.619429 0.685391 1.21099 1.73831
1.27e-11 0.142583 0.308049 0.890379 1.38142
3.5e-12 0.0606085 0.137094 0.565742 0.915032
1.77e-11 0.0206984 0.096124 0.213596 0.548369
0.343735 0.358206 0.386193 1.04343 1.80219
0.342868 0.333045 0.341806 0.760036 1.41684
0.423389 0.412866 0.415499 0.569211 0.564488
4e-12 3.67e-11 0.109991 1.0131 1.57166
0.692851 0.696025 0.704127 1.30321 1.88094
5.5e-11 0.0395349 0.180155 0.639514 1.04088];
this is the code that I used,
but when I tried to plot, it said
‘The function ‘boxplot’ is not defined for inputs of type ‘double’.
Error occurred: untitled (line 22) boxplot(x,y)’
Can anyone help me to solve the problem?
Thank you! boxplot, typedouble MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Why is the output from Signal Editor not as expected?
The signal output from Signal Editor does not match the expected signal created in the scenario. Why is this happening?The signal output from Signal Editor does not match the expected signal created in the scenario. Why is this happening? The signal output from Signal Editor does not match the expected signal created in the scenario. Why is this happening? MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to obtain coefficients and other data from a curve fit object, of the interpolant type, using linear method?
From a set of data, I could easily obtain a curve fit using curveFitter. The fit is of the interpolant type, using linear method. From what I understand, the underlying method is linear triangular interpolation. But then, I’m unable to get the internal data of the model. I mean, there should be triangle boundaries, coefficients and other constants describing the triangular pieces of surface that approximate my data set, but I was unable to read them from the obtained fit.
So, for this particular fit (linear interpolant), how to get the inside data?From a set of data, I could easily obtain a curve fit using curveFitter. The fit is of the interpolant type, using linear method. From what I understand, the underlying method is linear triangular interpolation. But then, I’m unable to get the internal data of the model. I mean, there should be triangle boundaries, coefficients and other constants describing the triangular pieces of surface that approximate my data set, but I was unable to read them from the obtained fit.
So, for this particular fit (linear interpolant), how to get the inside data? From a set of data, I could easily obtain a curve fit using curveFitter. The fit is of the interpolant type, using linear method. From what I understand, the underlying method is linear triangular interpolation. But then, I’m unable to get the internal data of the model. I mean, there should be triangle boundaries, coefficients and other constants describing the triangular pieces of surface that approximate my data set, but I was unable to read them from the obtained fit.
So, for this particular fit (linear interpolant), how to get the inside data? curve fitting, interpolant, linear MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Hide Simulink badge icons
When using Simulink Data Dictionary or colouring sample times, badge icons are displayed in the bottom left corner of the Simulink/Stateflow diagram.
I would like to hide or deactivate them.
What is the best way to do this, preferably programmatically?Hello,
When using Simulink Data Dictionary or colouring sample times, badge icons are displayed in the bottom left corner of the Simulink/Stateflow diagram.
I would like to hide or deactivate them.
What is the best way to do this, preferably programmatically? Hello,
When using Simulink Data Dictionary or colouring sample times, badge icons are displayed in the bottom left corner of the Simulink/Stateflow diagram.
I would like to hide or deactivate them.
What is the best way to do this, preferably programmatically? simulink, stateflow, badge, diagram MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to read a ‘CompactSVMModel’ saved in a .mat file from a C++/Qt program
I tried to save a machine learning model into a .mat file, and then read it from a Qt/C++ application. Following the documentation, I managed to read files containing basic types like double or int. As my model is of type ‘classreg.learning.classif.CompactClassificationSVM’, I wonder if it is still possible to read it.
As and example, i saved this iosnosphere model on matlab
load ionosphere
SVMModel = fitcsvm(X,Y,’Standardize’,true,’ClassNames’,{‘b’,’g’})
CompactSVMModel = compact(SVMModel)
save("CompactSVMModel.mat", "CompactSVMModel")
I imported the relevant library in the CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(target PRIVATE Matlab::mat )
I used the "mat.h" library to open and read the data.
#include "mat.h"
int main () {
std::string stdFilename = "/filepath/CompactSVMModel.mat";
const char *variableName = "CompactSVMModel";
// Open the MAT-File
MATFile *matFile = matOpen(stdFilename.c_str(), "r");
if (!matFile) {
qDebug() << "Error opening MAT file: " << stdFilename;
// Read the variable from the MAT-File
mxArray *dataArray = matGetVariable(matFile, variableName);
if (!dataArray) {
qDebug() << "Error reading variable: " << variableName << " from MAT file: " << stdFilename;
// read a save the diffrent fields into containers
return 0;
At the first if statement, matFile is NULL.I tried to save a machine learning model into a .mat file, and then read it from a Qt/C++ application. Following the documentation, I managed to read files containing basic types like double or int. As my model is of type ‘classreg.learning.classif.CompactClassificationSVM’, I wonder if it is still possible to read it.
As and example, i saved this iosnosphere model on matlab
load ionosphere
SVMModel = fitcsvm(X,Y,’Standardize’,true,’ClassNames’,{‘b’,’g’})
CompactSVMModel = compact(SVMModel)
save("CompactSVMModel.mat", "CompactSVMModel")
I imported the relevant library in the CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(target PRIVATE Matlab::mat )
I used the "mat.h" library to open and read the data.
#include "mat.h"
int main () {
std::string stdFilename = "/filepath/CompactSVMModel.mat";
const char *variableName = "CompactSVMModel";
// Open the MAT-File
MATFile *matFile = matOpen(stdFilename.c_str(), "r");
if (!matFile) {
qDebug() << "Error opening MAT file: " << stdFilename;
// Read the variable from the MAT-File
mxArray *dataArray = matGetVariable(matFile, variableName);
if (!dataArray) {
qDebug() << "Error reading variable: " << variableName << " from MAT file: " << stdFilename;
// read a save the diffrent fields into containers
return 0;
At the first if statement, matFile is NULL. I tried to save a machine learning model into a .mat file, and then read it from a Qt/C++ application. Following the documentation, I managed to read files containing basic types like double or int. As my model is of type ‘classreg.learning.classif.CompactClassificationSVM’, I wonder if it is still possible to read it.
As and example, i saved this iosnosphere model on matlab
load ionosphere
SVMModel = fitcsvm(X,Y,’Standardize’,true,’ClassNames’,{‘b’,’g’})
CompactSVMModel = compact(SVMModel)
save("CompactSVMModel.mat", "CompactSVMModel")
I imported the relevant library in the CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(target PRIVATE Matlab::mat )
I used the "mat.h" library to open and read the data.
#include "mat.h"
int main () {
std::string stdFilename = "/filepath/CompactSVMModel.mat";
const char *variableName = "CompactSVMModel";
// Open the MAT-File
MATFile *matFile = matOpen(stdFilename.c_str(), "r");
if (!matFile) {
qDebug() << "Error opening MAT file: " << stdFilename;
// Read the variable from the MAT-File
mxArray *dataArray = matGetVariable(matFile, variableName);
if (!dataArray) {
qDebug() << "Error reading variable: " << variableName << " from MAT file: " << stdFilename;
// read a save the diffrent fields into containers
return 0;
At the first if statement, matFile is NULL. matlab, c++, machine learning, matrix MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Compare columns
I want two compare columns using Find & Select → Go to special and pick Column differences.
One of the columns is just number and the other one is number with a formula. It seems like its not possible to compare them when one of the has formula. How can I do that?
I want two compare columns using Find & Select → Go to special and pick Column differences.One of the columns is just number and the other one is number with a formula. It seems like its not possible to compare them when one of the has formula. How can I do that? Read More