Category: News
Enhancing Student Resumes: An Innovative Approach Using Azure OpenAI ChatGPT-4o
LinkedIn offers a valuable feature that allows users to create and download resumes directly from their profiles, effectively eliminating the challenges associated with resume formatting. However, students, being inexperienced, often struggle to craft high-quality resumes. As one of the career mentors, I find myself reviewing over 200 student resumes in an iterative process. Unfortunately, due to the sheer volume, my colleagues often overlook the quality of these resumes, allowing students to indiscriminately send out subpar or error-ridden resumes to potential employers.
This practice has resulted in a decreased employment rate and has negatively impacted the reputation of our course.
Furthermore, career mentors need to review/check each resume, analysis student’s profile, provide feedback to student and refer them to different types of job role.
We request students to upload their LinkedIn Resume PDFs to our Learning Management System (LMS) – Moodle as a part of their assignment. We frequently review these resumes using Azure OpenAI ChatGPT-4o.
In this post, I won’t delve into the specifics of data preprocessing, but here are the key steps involved:
Unzip the submitted resumes.
Rename the folder to the respective student’s name, ensuring there are no duplicates.
Transform each page of the LinkedIn PDF resume into a PNG format.
AI Resume Reviewer
AI career master’s system prompt, and it shows the function for AI Resume Reviewer.
As a dedicated career guide, your responsibility is to meticulously examine student resumes and provide feedback in Markdown format. Here are the detailed instructions:
Identify and enumerate contact details, list actual value of the email address, mobile number, and LinkedIn Profile URL, in the initial section.
List out all URLs present in the resume.
List out all technologies mentioned.
List out all skills highlighted.
List out all certifications acquired.
List out all educational qualifications along with the duration.
List out all professional experiences along with the duration.
The resume **should** contain an email and phone number for communication. Issue an alert if these details are missing.
The profile section **should** contain the student’s name, course name, institution, and GitHub URL. Issue an alert if any of these elements are missing.
Students are anticipated to be enrolled in the **Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration** course in Hong Kong. Issue an alert if this information is missing or incorrect.
Be vigilant for any illogical content (excluding irrelevant/non-IT work experience) or spelling mistakes. Issue an alert and underline the errors if any are detected.
The summary section should be devoid of any pronouns.
Ensure the consistency of tenses throughout the resume.
Propose a suitable job title for the student based on the resume content.
Assign a “Resume Rating” on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 signifies an outstanding resume.
If there are any alerts or missing information, the “Resume Rating” **should not** exceed 5.
If the phone number or email address is missing, the “Resume Rating” **should** be 0.
Assume the role of an IT interviewer and justify the “Resume Rating”, correlating it with the likelihood of securing a job.
Suggest the kind of job the student is likely to land, such as a Cloud Engineer, Data Centre Technician, or Network Engineer, based on the resume content.
Group resumes images for each student
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# Define the path to the “data” folder
data_folder = “data”
cv_images = []
# Traverse through each subfolder inside the “data” folder
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_folder):
# Iterate over each file in the current subfolder
for file in files:
# Check if the file has a PNG extension
if file.endswith(“.png”):
# Print the file path
# print(os.path.join(root, file))
cv_images.append(os.path.join(root, file))
# Group cv_images by folder
cv_images_by_folder = defaultdict(list)
for image_path in cv_images:
folder = os.path.dirname(image_path)
Prepare the chat prompts
import base64
# Function to encode an image file as a base64 string
def encode_image(image_path):
with open(image_path, “rb”) as image_file:
return base64.b64encode(“utf-8”)
# Function to create messages for the AI model
def create_messages(base64_images):
return [
{“role”: “system”, “content”: system_prompt},
{“role”: “user”, “content”: [
{“type”: “text”, “text”: “Describe the images as an alternative text, provide feedback, warning if any and ratiing on the resume.”},
{“type”: “image_url”, “image_url”: {“url”: f”data:image/png;base64,{img}”}}
for img in base64_images
AI Review and saves the result for each student
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
from langchain_openai import AzureChatOpenAI
llm = AzureChatOpenAI(
# Sort the cv_images_by_folder dictionary by folder
sorted_cv_images_by_folder = dict(sorted(cv_images_by_folder.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
for folder, images in tqdm(sorted_cv_images_by_folder.items(), desc=”Processing folders”):
save_path = os.path.join(folder, ‘’)
if os.path.exists(save_path):
encode_images = [encode_image(image) for image in images]
messages = create_messages(encode_images)
ai_message = llm.invoke(messages)
# print(ai_message.content)
# Save ai_message.content to a file
with open(save_path, ‘w’) as file:
Masked sample results 1
### Alternative Text Description
The image is a resume for XXXXXXXX. The resume is divided into three main sections: Contact, Experience, and Education.
**Contact Section:**
– Address: <deleted>
– Mobile: <deleted>
– Email: <deleted>
– LinkedIn:<deleted>
**Experience Section:**
– DFI Retail Group
– Position: Casual Sales Assistant
– Duration: August 2023 – Present (11 months)
– Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
**Education Section:**
– Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) at IVE (Lee Wai Lee)
– Course: Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration, Cloud Computing
– Duration: 2023 – 2025
### Feedback
#### Contact Details
– **Email:** Present
– **Phone Number:** Present
– **LinkedIn Profile URL:** Present
#### URLs
#### Technologies Mentioned
– None
#### Skills Highlighted
– None
#### Certifications Acquired
– None
#### Educational Qualifications
– Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration, Cloud Computing (2023 – 2025)
#### Professional Experiences
– Casual Sales Assistant at DFI Retail Group (August 2023 – Present, 11 months)
### Alerts and Warnings
1. **Missing Technologies and Skills:** The resume does not mention any specific technologies or skills.
2. **Missing Certifications:** No certifications are listed.
3. **Profile Section:** The profile section is missing the GitHub URL.
4. **Course Information:** The course name and institution are correctly mentioned.
5. **Spelling and Grammar:** No spelling mistakes detected.
6. **Summary Section:** The summary section is devoid of pronouns.
7. **Tense Consistency:** The tenses are consistent throughout the resume.
### Suggested Job Title
– Entry-Level Cloud and Data Centre Technician
### Resume Rating
**Rating: 4/10**
### Justification
The resume contains the essential contact details and educational qualifications, which are crucial for any job application. However, it lacks specific technologies, skills, and certifications that are vital for a career in cloud and data centre administration. The absence of a GitHub URL in the profile section is also a significant omission. These missing elements reduce the likelihood of securing a job in the desired field.
### Suggested Job
Based on the current content of the resume, the student is likely to land an entry-level position such as a Cloud and Data Centre Technician. To improve the chances of securing a job, it is recommended to include relevant technologies, skills, and certifications.
Masked sample results 2
### Alternative Text Description
The image is a resume for Kelvin Yiu, an XYZ Cloud Club Captain from New Territories, Hong Kong SAR. The resume is divided into several sections: Contact, Top Skills, Languages, Certifications, Summary, Experience, and Education.
#### Contact
– **Mobile:** <deleted>
– **Email:** <deleted>
– **LinkedIn:**<deleted>
– **GitHub:**<deleted>
#### Top Skills
– ______________ Services (XYZ)
– Terraform
– Kubernetes
#### Languages
– Cantonese (Native or Bilingual)
– Mandarin (Professional Working)
– English (Professional Working)
#### Certifications
– XYZ Certified Solutions Architect – Associate
– XYZ Academy Graduate – XYZ Academy Cloud Foundations
#### Summary
A tech enthusiast with at least 3 years of hands-on experience in developing with Python and Golang, working on several cloud projects. Has a cybersecurity background and led a team to participate in numerous public cybersecurity competitions in Hong Kong during high school studies.
#### Experience
**Amazon Web Services (XYZ)**
– **Role:** Cloud Captain
– **Duration:** March 2024 – Present (3 months)
– **Location:** Hong Kong SAR
– **Responsibilities:**
– Started the first XYZ Cloud Club in Hong Kong.
– Planned events to teach about clouds and prepare people for jobs in cloud technology.
– Helped students join XYZ Cloud Clubs to build a cloud community.
– Led the growth of the Hong Kong Regional Cloud Club.
#### Education
**Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) at IVE (Lee Wai Lee)**
– **Course:** Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration, Cloud Computing
– **Duration:** September 2023 – September 2025
### Feedback and Warnings
1. **Contact Details:**
– **Email:** <deleted>
– **Mobile Number:** <deleted>
– **LinkedIn Profile URL:**<deleted>
2. **URLs Present:**
3. **Technologies Mentioned:**
– Amazon Web Services (XYZ)
– Terraform
– Kubernetes
– Python
– Golang
4. **Skills Highlighted:**
– Amazon Web Services (XYZ)
– Terraform
– Kubernetes
5. **Certifications Acquired:**
– XYZ Certified Solutions Architect – Associate
– XYZ Academy Graduate – XYZ Academy Cloud Foundations
6. **Educational Qualifications:**
– Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration, Cloud Computing (September 2023 – September 2025)
7. **Professional Experiences:**
– XXXXXXXX Services (XYZ), Cloud Captain (March 2024 – Present, 3 months)
### Alerts
1. **Profile Section:**
– Missing GitHub URL in the profile section.
2. **Summary Section:**
– Contains the pronoun “I” which should be avoided.
– Spelling mistake: “I have” should be “I have”.
3. **Course Information:**
– Correct course information is present.
### Resume Rating
**Rating: 4/10**
### Justification
The resume contains essential contact details, educational qualifications, and professional experiences. However, it has several issues:
– The summary section contains a pronoun and a spelling mistake.
– The GitHub URL is missing from the profile section.
– The professional experience is relatively short (3 months).
These issues reduce the overall quality and effectiveness of the resume, making it less likely to secure a job.
### Suggested Job Title
– Cloud Engineer
– Data Centre Technician
### Likely Job
Based on the resume content, the student is likely to land a job as a Cloud Engineer or Data Centre Technician.
AI Resume Extractor
It retrieves all the review outcomes and exports them to a Microsoft Excel file. This process involves a function calling that guarantees the data is returned in the correct format and mapped to a structured record.
Get all AI reviews
import os
# Define the path to the “data” folder
data_folder = “data”
chatgpt_results = []
# Traverse through each subfolder inside the “data” folder
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_folder):
# Iterate over each file in the current subfolder
for file in files:
if file == “”:
# Print the file path
chatgpt_results.append(os.path.join(root, file))
Setup the function calling with LangChain and Pydantic.
from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_function
from typing import List, Optional
from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class StudentCvRecord(BaseModel):
“””Call this to save a student CV record in markdown format.”””
name: str = Field(description=”Name of the student”)
email: Optional[str] = Field(description=”Email address”)
mobile_number: Optional[str] = Field(description=”Contact number”)
linkedin_profile_url: str = Field(description=”LinkedIn profile url”)
resume_rating: int = Field(
description=”Rating of the resume between 1 to 10″)
rationale: str = Field(description=”Rationale for the rating”)
warning: str = Field(description=”Any warning message”)
feedback: str = Field(description=”Feedback message”)
proposed_job_titles: List[str] = Field(description=”Proposed job titles”)
certifications: List[str] = Field(description=”List of certifications”)
technologies: List[str] = Field(description=”List of technologies”)
skills: List[str] = Field(description=”List of skills”)
work_experience: List[str] = Field(description=”List of work experiences”)
student_cv_record_function = convert_to_openai_function(StudentCvRecord)
Extract the result for each student, and fallback to GPT-4o if GPT-35-turbo cannot handle the JSON encode.
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
student_records = []
for result_path in tqdm(chatgpt_results):
result_path_json = result_path.replace(“.md”, “.json”)
if os.path.exists(result_path_json):
with open(result_path_json, “r”) as f:
result_json =
result = StudentCvRecord.parse_raw(result_json)
with open(result_path, “r”) as f:
cv =
name = result_path.split(“/”)[-2]
result = chain35.invoke({“cv”: cv})
except Exception as e:
result = chain4o.invoke({“cv”: cv}) = name
result_json = json.dumps(result.dict())
with open(result_path_json, “w”) as f:
Microsoft Excel Report
Now, we can mail merge the result to students and let them fix their resumes.
How to use it?
Create a GitHub Code Spaces
Fill in .env_template and rename it to .env.
Create data folder and upload zipped PDF resumes in it.
Modify zip_file_path and run data-preprocessing.ipynb
Run ai-resume-reviewer.ipynb to use Azure OpenAI ChatGPT4o to review resumes images.
Run ai-resume-extractor.ipynb to use Azure OpenAI ChatGPT 3.5 Tubo and 4o to extract the reviewer result.
The integration of Azure OpenAI ChatGPT-4o into our resume review process has significantly improved the quality of student resumes. By automating the initial review and feedback process, we ensure that each resume is meticulously examined for errors, missing information, and overall quality. This approach not only saves time for career mentors but also enhances the employability of our students by providing them with high-quality resumes. As a result, we have observed an increase in employment rates and a positive impact on the reputation of our course. This innovative solution demonstrates the potential of AI in transforming educational and career support services.
Enhancing a LinkedIn-generated resume PDF encourages students to maintain an impressive LinkedIn online presence. It’s crucial to uphold a well-crafted LinkedIn profile throughout one’s career.
Project collaborators include, Kelvin Yiu, Karl Chan, and Mandy Lau from the IT114115 Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors candidates.
About the Author
Cyrus Wong is the senior lecturer of Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) at IVE(Lee Wai Lee). and he focuses on teaching public cloud technologies. He is one of the Microsoft Learn for Educators Ambassador and Microsoft Azure AI MVP from Hong Kong.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
how to find connected component in an image
i’m doing a project to recognize kannada text,the first step says find connected components from a binarynimage.i tried doing it using bwconncomp but i’m not able to display the image.soo can u please help me with dis.i’m doing a project to recognize kannada text,the first step says find connected components from a binarynimage.i tried doing it using bwconncomp but i’m not able to display the image.soo can u please help me with dis. i’m doing a project to recognize kannada text,the first step says find connected components from a binarynimage.i tried doing it using bwconncomp but i’m not able to display the image.soo can u please help me with dis. ocr, kannada, image segmentation, connected components MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I am running external mode on arduino mega and the analog inputs are always high. What is wrong in my settings?
I am trying to run external mode and read an Analog Input on an Arduino Mega. I always see the input set to high (5) no mater what my actual voltage is. I just convert the analog input to read between 0-5V (5/1023), but there is no other response. It’s always stuch in high. All Analog outputs are working properly, but I cannot fix my input readings. Is there a setting that I have to change? What am I doing wrong? TIAI am trying to run external mode and read an Analog Input on an Arduino Mega. I always see the input set to high (5) no mater what my actual voltage is. I just convert the analog input to read between 0-5V (5/1023), but there is no other response. It’s always stuch in high. All Analog outputs are working properly, but I cannot fix my input readings. Is there a setting that I have to change? What am I doing wrong? TIA I am trying to run external mode and read an Analog Input on an Arduino Mega. I always see the input set to high (5) no mater what my actual voltage is. I just convert the analog input to read between 0-5V (5/1023), but there is no other response. It’s always stuch in high. All Analog outputs are working properly, but I cannot fix my input readings. Is there a setting that I have to change? What am I doing wrong? TIA arduino mega, analog inputs, external mode MATLAB Answers — New Questions
LTE Turbo encoder with R = 1/2 – BER performance with LTE Toolbox
Hi there,
I am trying to make BER performance of LTE Turbo encoding with rate matching R = 1/2. But, when I implement symbol modulation and demodulation I can’t get BER = 0 (without any AWGN existence). This indicates that problem is in mod/demod part. I will be also great to use BPSK instead of QPSK but lteSymbolModulate doesn’t have this modulation scheme. Thank You in advance.
All best,
Code: (credits to answer how-to-use-rate-matching-to-alter-turbo-code-rate)
K = 128;
E = 2*K;
mbits = randi([0,1],K, 1);
crc = lteCRCEncode(mbits,’24A’);
cbs = lteCodeBlockSegment(crc); % This will provide a length 4096 bits that is input to the Turbo encoder
cd = lteTurboEncode(cbs);
cdrm = lteRateMatchTurbo(cd, E, 0);
%cdrm(cdrm == 0) = -1; % Make them as LLRs
txSymbols = lteSymbolModulate(cdrm,’QPSK’);
awgnchan = comm.AWGNChannel(‘NoiseMethod’,’Variance’,’Variance’,3);
rxSymbols = txSymbols;% awgnchan(txSymbols);
softBits= lteSymbolDemodulate(rxSymbols,’QPSK’,’Soft’);
cdrx = lteRateRecoverTurbo(softBits, K, 0);
mhat = lteTurboDecode(cdrx); % So after the Turbo decoding, it will have 4096 bits rather than 4032 bits, due to addition of filler bits and CRC
cbshat = lteCodeBlockDesegment(mhat, K+24);
crchat = lteCRCDecode(cbshat,’24A’); % This will return the same as message length
% Check the decoded bits with message bits
[~,BER] = biterr( double(crchat),mbits);
BERHi there,
I am trying to make BER performance of LTE Turbo encoding with rate matching R = 1/2. But, when I implement symbol modulation and demodulation I can’t get BER = 0 (without any AWGN existence). This indicates that problem is in mod/demod part. I will be also great to use BPSK instead of QPSK but lteSymbolModulate doesn’t have this modulation scheme. Thank You in advance.
All best,
Code: (credits to answer how-to-use-rate-matching-to-alter-turbo-code-rate)
K = 128;
E = 2*K;
mbits = randi([0,1],K, 1);
crc = lteCRCEncode(mbits,’24A’);
cbs = lteCodeBlockSegment(crc); % This will provide a length 4096 bits that is input to the Turbo encoder
cd = lteTurboEncode(cbs);
cdrm = lteRateMatchTurbo(cd, E, 0);
%cdrm(cdrm == 0) = -1; % Make them as LLRs
txSymbols = lteSymbolModulate(cdrm,’QPSK’);
awgnchan = comm.AWGNChannel(‘NoiseMethod’,’Variance’,’Variance’,3);
rxSymbols = txSymbols;% awgnchan(txSymbols);
softBits= lteSymbolDemodulate(rxSymbols,’QPSK’,’Soft’);
cdrx = lteRateRecoverTurbo(softBits, K, 0);
mhat = lteTurboDecode(cdrx); % So after the Turbo decoding, it will have 4096 bits rather than 4032 bits, due to addition of filler bits and CRC
cbshat = lteCodeBlockDesegment(mhat, K+24);
crchat = lteCRCDecode(cbshat,’24A’); % This will return the same as message length
% Check the decoded bits with message bits
[~,BER] = biterr( double(crchat),mbits);
BER Hi there,
I am trying to make BER performance of LTE Turbo encoding with rate matching R = 1/2. But, when I implement symbol modulation and demodulation I can’t get BER = 0 (without any AWGN existence). This indicates that problem is in mod/demod part. I will be also great to use BPSK instead of QPSK but lteSymbolModulate doesn’t have this modulation scheme. Thank You in advance.
All best,
Code: (credits to answer how-to-use-rate-matching-to-alter-turbo-code-rate)
K = 128;
E = 2*K;
mbits = randi([0,1],K, 1);
crc = lteCRCEncode(mbits,’24A’);
cbs = lteCodeBlockSegment(crc); % This will provide a length 4096 bits that is input to the Turbo encoder
cd = lteTurboEncode(cbs);
cdrm = lteRateMatchTurbo(cd, E, 0);
%cdrm(cdrm == 0) = -1; % Make them as LLRs
txSymbols = lteSymbolModulate(cdrm,’QPSK’);
awgnchan = comm.AWGNChannel(‘NoiseMethod’,’Variance’,’Variance’,3);
rxSymbols = txSymbols;% awgnchan(txSymbols);
softBits= lteSymbolDemodulate(rxSymbols,’QPSK’,’Soft’);
cdrx = lteRateRecoverTurbo(softBits, K, 0);
mhat = lteTurboDecode(cdrx); % So after the Turbo decoding, it will have 4096 bits rather than 4032 bits, due to addition of filler bits and CRC
cbshat = lteCodeBlockDesegment(mhat, K+24);
crchat = lteCRCDecode(cbshat,’24A’); % This will return the same as message length
% Check the decoded bits with message bits
[~,BER] = biterr( double(crchat),mbits);
BER lte toolbox, lte rate match turbo MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Sub query
I want to use a query to pick out the latest record for a user. A user may have 5 records in the database and I want to pick the latest one. The latest one can be determined by the user Id and max mod id as there is a new id created every time a user registers for one.
Is this the most efficient query to pick the latest record
, MC.Id AS ModID
,CAST(MC.ExpiryDate AS DATETIME2) ExpiryDate
WHEN ExpiryDate >= GETDATE() AND
IsDeleted = 0 THEN 1
END AS Compliance
,MAX(MC.Id) AS Max_Record
AND MC.Id = Latest.Max_Record
I want to use a query to pick out the latest record for a user. A user may have 5 records in the database and I want to pick the latest one. The latest one can be determined by the user Id and max mod id as there is a new id created every time a user registers for one. Is this the most efficient query to pick the latest record SELECT MC.USERID ,OG.OrganisationID , MC.Id AS ModID , MC.TYPE AS ResID ,CAST(MC.EndDateTime AS DATETIME2) AS EndDate ,CAST(MC.ExpiryDate AS DATETIME2) ExpiryDate ,CASE WHEN ExpiryDate >= GETDATE() AND IsDeleted = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Compliance FROMMCLEFT JOIN OG ON MC.USERID = OG. USERID INNER JOIN ( SELECT MC.USERID ,MAX(MC.Id) AS Max_Record FROM MC GROUP BY MC.USERID) Latest ON MC.USERID = Latest.USERID AND MC.Id = Latest.Max_Record Read More
For loop on .txt serie
I have a time serie mySerie.txt (1000×1).
I need to evaluate a function on consecutive subseries with increase in length, from 350 points up to 750 points.
Example: starting from latest 350 points (from 651 : 1000, first serie) I have to apply myFunction and get a result,then do the same but this time on data from 650:1000, and again from 649 : 1000 and so on up to the last iteration on 251:1000.These are 750 iterations and I will get 750 result from myFunction, saved in an array or vector in order to be plotted.Thanks for any help.I have a time serie mySerie.txt (1000×1).
I need to evaluate a function on consecutive subseries with increase in length, from 350 points up to 750 points.
Example: starting from latest 350 points (from 651 : 1000, first serie) I have to apply myFunction and get a result,then do the same but this time on data from 650:1000, and again from 649 : 1000 and so on up to the last iteration on 251:1000.These are 750 iterations and I will get 750 result from myFunction, saved in an array or vector in order to be plotted.Thanks for any help. I have a time serie mySerie.txt (1000×1).
I need to evaluate a function on consecutive subseries with increase in length, from 350 points up to 750 points.
Example: starting from latest 350 points (from 651 : 1000, first serie) I have to apply myFunction and get a result,then do the same but this time on data from 650:1000, and again from 649 : 1000 and so on up to the last iteration on 251:1000.These are 750 iterations and I will get 750 result from myFunction, saved in an array or vector in order to be plotted.Thanks for any help. for loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions
model settings- dialog box is not opening
i want to change certain settings in model – matlab- stateflow,
but i am facing errors
error:- issue while creating model configuration parameters dialog box, i have attached snipi want to change certain settings in model – matlab- stateflow,
but i am facing errors
error:- issue while creating model configuration parameters dialog box, i have attached snip i want to change certain settings in model – matlab- stateflow,
but i am facing errors
error:- issue while creating model configuration parameters dialog box, i have attached snip stateflow, matlab2022b MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to merge tables without any common keywords?
I have a 20*20,a 20*1 and a 1*20 tables. I would like add the last two tables into the first one and become a 21*21 table. However all of the three tables are exactly numeric and do not have name for rows and columns and no common keywords.I have a 20*20,a 20*1 and a 1*20 tables. I would like add the last two tables into the first one and become a 21*21 table. However all of the three tables are exactly numeric and do not have name for rows and columns and no common keywords. I have a 20*20,a 20*1 and a 1*20 tables. I would like add the last two tables into the first one and become a 21*21 table. However all of the three tables are exactly numeric and do not have name for rows and columns and no common keywords. merge tables, add row in table, add column in table MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to create configurable number of inputs/outputs channel.
We are working creating generic model which will have upto 10 input/output bus channels. But based on project we may need anything between 1 to 10 channels. How can we make configurable model which can select the inputs/outputs required.We are working creating generic model which will have upto 10 input/output bus channels. But based on project we may need anything between 1 to 10 channels. How can we make configurable model which can select the inputs/outputs required. We are working creating generic model which will have upto 10 input/output bus channels. But based on project we may need anything between 1 to 10 channels. How can we make configurable model which can select the inputs/outputs required. simulink, variant subsystem MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Monitor keeps waking up from standby mode
I have been facing a persistent issue for an extended period (possibly even longer than a few months). I can’t pinpoint exactly when it began, but here’s what typically occurs:
At random intervals ranging from 3 to 7 minutes, my monitor will enter standby mode. It then unexpectedly reactivates, briefly displaying a black screen before shutting off again. Following this, the screen briefly shows “DisplayPort” in the top right corner before returning to standby mode.
After switching out my DisplayPort cable, I observed a peculiar pattern where the monitor would only perform this wake sequence every other time it went to sleep. It seemed to be consistently alternating—meaning, every second time the monitor entered standby mode, it would either stay in standby or go through the wake cycle.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance or insights to resolve this frustrating issue that has been plaguing me for an extensive period!
I have been facing a persistent issue for an extended period (possibly even longer than a few months). I can’t pinpoint exactly when it began, but here’s what typically occurs: At random intervals ranging from 3 to 7 minutes, my monitor will enter standby mode. It then unexpectedly reactivates, briefly displaying a black screen before shutting off again. Following this, the screen briefly shows “DisplayPort” in the top right corner before returning to standby mode. After switching out my DisplayPort cable, I observed a peculiar pattern where the monitor would only perform this wake sequence every other time it went to sleep. It seemed to be consistently alternating—meaning, every second time the monitor entered standby mode, it would either stay in standby or go through the wake cycle. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or insights to resolve this frustrating issue that has been plaguing me for an extensive period! Read More
Exploring Windows 11: A Guide to Windows Explorer
Hello everyone,
I recently made a major upgrade from Win 10 Pro to Win 11 Pro and I’ve encountered a significant issue.
Unlike in Windows 10 where I could easily open File Explorer in full screen mode by selecting “run maximized” on the shortcut, I am struggling to achieve the same in Windows 11.
I’ve attempted various methods – choosing “run maximize,” opening File Explorer in full screen, then closing and reopening it – but to no avail.
Despite trying suggestions that have worked for Windows 8 and 10, none seem to work for Windows 11.
If anyone has successfully managed to open File Explorer in full screen mode in Windows 11, please share your solution with me. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hello everyone, I recently made a major upgrade from Win 10 Pro to Win 11 Pro and I’ve encountered a significant issue. Unlike in Windows 10 where I could easily open File Explorer in full screen mode by selecting “run maximized” on the shortcut, I am struggling to achieve the same in Windows 11. I’ve attempted various methods – choosing “run maximize,” opening File Explorer in full screen, then closing and reopening it – but to no avail. Despite trying suggestions that have worked for Windows 8 and 10, none seem to work for Windows 11. If anyone has successfully managed to open File Explorer in full screen mode in Windows 11, please share your solution with me. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
How To Restore System Permissions to Default After Accidentally Locking Yourself Out
I attempted to remove a file by assuming ownership, which ended up affecting all the configurations. As a result, I am currently blocked from accessing my drive and experiencing malfunctions on my system. I am unable to adjust screen brightness, install or uninstall apps, and only a few settings are functional at the moment. Despite numerous restart attempts, the situation remains unchanged. How can I reset the system permissions and ownership settings to resolve this issue?
I attempted to remove a file by assuming ownership, which ended up affecting all the configurations. As a result, I am currently blocked from accessing my drive and experiencing malfunctions on my system. I am unable to adjust screen brightness, install or uninstall apps, and only a few settings are functional at the moment. Despite numerous restart attempts, the situation remains unchanged. How can I reset the system permissions and ownership settings to resolve this issue? Read More
System Center Service Manager Request Offering populate fields from a SQL database
I am working on a automation project in System Center Service Manager 2019. I have a Request Offering which have fields I would like to populate from an sql database server. So when user access the form, the drop down would pull data in from an database vs mainly importing it.
HeyI am working on a automation project in System Center Service Manager 2019. I have a Request Offering which have fields I would like to populate from an sql database server. So when user access the form, the drop down would pull data in from an database vs mainly importing it. Read More
Surface Laptop 5 SSD Upgrade issues
Hi all,
I recently upgraded the SSD from 256gb to 1tb in my Surface Laptop 5. I cloned the original SSD since I had a bunch of files and installed software already. It works great, but when I turn on the device, the initial Windows logo restarts around four to five times before it shows the spinning wheel loading Windows. Before the ssd upgrade, this wasn’t happening so I’m pretty sure it’s something talked to the new ssd and the booting. Any thoughts on how to solve this?
Hi all, I recently upgraded the SSD from 256gb to 1tb in my Surface Laptop 5. I cloned the original SSD since I had a bunch of files and installed software already. It works great, but when I turn on the device, the initial Windows logo restarts around four to five times before it shows the spinning wheel loading Windows. Before the ssd upgrade, this wasn’t happening so I’m pretty sure it’s something talked to the new ssd and the booting. Any thoughts on how to solve this? Read More
I get the illegal instruction error while running Matlab code with GPU
I get the illegal instruction error while running Matlab code with GPU.
when using matlab train networks and calculate big matrix with GPU, this error will happen.I get the illegal instruction error while running Matlab code with GPU.
when using matlab train networks and calculate big matrix with GPU, this error will happen. I get the illegal instruction error while running Matlab code with GPU.
when using matlab train networks and calculate big matrix with GPU, this error will happen. gpu MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Exchange Server Vulnerability – Vulnerable Schema Class (CVE-2021-34470)
Howdy ! Exchange Brain Trust,
Working with a customer who’s fully on 365 with no Exchange servers left on-prem but the Vulnerable Schema Class exists from a previous implementation of Exchange.
Even after uninstallation of all Exchange servers, the schema extensions made by Exchange to the Active Directory are not removed. Therefore, customer is currently vulnerable to CVE-2021-34470 and should execute this script to address this vulnerability.
If anyone have dealt with this before or can help me clarifying what implications this change can have to the normal operations and future objects provisioning (or any risk at all to the environment), that’d be really appreciated!.
Changes: Schema Modification
If the -ApplyFix parameter is used, the script modifies the schema by clearing the possSuperiors propertyof the ms-Exch-Storage-Group entry.
Thank you!
Howdy ! Exchange Brain Trust,Working with a customer who’s fully on 365 with no Exchange servers left on-prem but the Vulnerable Schema Class exists from a previous implementation of Exchange. Even after uninstallation of all Exchange servers, the schema extensions made by Exchange to the Active Directory are not removed. Therefore, customer is currently vulnerable to CVE-2021-34470 and should execute this script to address this vulnerability. If anyone have dealt with this before or can help me clarifying what implications this change can have to the normal operations and future objects provisioning (or any risk at all to the environment), that’d be really appreciated!. Changes: Schema ModificationIf the -ApplyFix parameter is used, the script modifies the schema by clearing the possSuperiors propertyof the ms-Exch-Storage-Group entry. Thank you! Read More
Want to go out from insider dev without usb😭😭😭
I joined insider on release preview and updated win. 11 24h2 but mistakely i clicked then on Dev channel and now i want to come out from it!
I also restarted my PC / clicked on leave programme but it don’t works and suggesting to reinstall windows……
I don’t have USB so please help me to tell how can i reinstall windows without USB:loudly_crying_face::loudly_crying_face:plzzz help suggesting other method in which usb is not needed i don’t care of wipe data plzzzzzzz:loudly_crying_face::loudly_crying_face:
Hello,I joined insider on release preview and updated win. 11 24h2 but mistakely i clicked then on Dev channel and now i want to come out from it!I also restarted my PC / clicked on leave programme but it don’t works and suggesting to reinstall windows……I don’t have USB so please help me to tell how can i reinstall windows without USB:loudly_crying_face::loudly_crying_face:plzzz help suggesting other method in which usb is not needed i don’t care of wipe data plzzzzzzz:loudly_crying_face::loudly_crying_face: Read More
“Troubleshooting Issue with File Explorer on Windows 10”
When I attempt to open a folder in the file explorer by right-clicking, I encounter the same issue twice before it finally shows the contents:
Error Message: Folder is corrupted and unreadable.
Is there anyone who has faced this issue before or can suggest a solution?
Device: Windows 10 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4651
When I attempt to open a folder in the file explorer by right-clicking, I encounter the same issue twice before it finally shows the contents: Error Message: Folder is corrupted and unreadable. Is there anyone who has faced this issue before or can suggest a solution? Device: Windows 10 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4651 Read More
Can you rephrase this laptop problem for me?
When you receive a new laptop, what steps do you take after unboxing it to ensure everything is in working order?
Have you considered creating a full backup using Macrium immediately after unboxing to safeguard against any potential issues in the future? Would you keep this initial backup indefinitely or delete it once it’s no longer needed?
Thank you.
Hello, When you receive a new laptop, what steps do you take after unboxing it to ensure everything is in working order? Have you considered creating a full backup using Macrium immediately after unboxing to safeguard against any potential issues in the future? Would you keep this initial backup indefinitely or delete it once it’s no longer needed? Thank you. Read More
Nightly Restart of Windows Computers
There is no Group Policy Object (GPO) in place to handle this issue. I observed this in my event viewer. This is occurring on both Windows 10 and 11 systems.
Automatic updates are disabled, and the “Do not automatically restart” setting is activated for Windows Update. To investigate further, I have paused the updates for a week, even though no recent updates have been installed. I have not identified any tasks in the Task Scheduler that I personally set up.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.2861]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The system boot time is recorded as July 22, 2024, at 3:03:14 AM.
A restart of the computer was initiated by the process C:Windowssystem32wbemwmiprvse.exe (*******-LT), executed by the user NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. The reason given for the restart is unknown, with the reason code noted as 0x80070015.
Shutdown Type: Restart.
There is no Group Policy Object (GPO) in place to handle this issue. I observed this in my event viewer. This is occurring on both Windows 10 and 11 systems. Automatic updates are disabled, and the “Do not automatically restart” setting is activated for Windows Update. To investigate further, I have paused the updates for a week, even though no recent updates have been installed. I have not identified any tasks in the Task Scheduler that I personally set up. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.2861](c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The system boot time is recorded as July 22, 2024, at 3:03:14 AM. A restart of the computer was initiated by the process C:Windowssystem32wbemwmiprvse.exe (*******-LT), executed by the user NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. The reason given for the restart is unknown, with the reason code noted as 0x80070015. Shutdown Type: Restart. Read More