Category: News
Getting Error while loading SharePoint site particular folder
Please i need your help on this issue.
We are getting Error while loading SharePoint site particular folder
Hello Please i need your help on this issue. We are getting Error while loading SharePoint site particular folder Read More
Issue with inviting people to Teams meeting
Hi. We have recently created an enterprise Azure account with Entra licences and are piloting MS Teams, with a view to rolling this out to all staff next month. Azure is synched with our on-prem AD. Currently we have asked out ICT Unit to install Teams (though some are on leave right now).
Our AD users’ Display Names are usually saved in the format “Surname, Forename” and their AD Description is saved in the format “Forename_Surname”. (No, I don’t know why, either!)
When I go to invite users to a Teams meeting, and begin typing a forename – e.g., Maria – it will bring back two results that I can click on:
Surname1, Maria – with their Description and Job Title (taken from AD) on the line below;a (random?) string of letters, numbers and dashes, e.g., ene34k56-3lkj9-kc34-23431m345m66 – with their Description on the line below (Job Title is not present, but is recorded in AD)
Entering a more common name in the invite field, e.g., John, brings back 11 results (correct), but again they’re a mixture of Surname, Forename on the first line with correct Description and Job Title on the second line; or a random string of letters/numbers with correct name on the second line, and no Job Title.
It’s also bringing back administrator accounts, which do not have associated mailboxes and have not been set up on Teams.
I can’t roll out Teams on a wider basis while this is happening. Any help appreciated.
Hi. We have recently created an enterprise Azure account with Entra licences and are piloting MS Teams, with a view to rolling this out to all staff next month. Azure is synched with our on-prem AD. Currently we have asked out ICT Unit to install Teams (though some are on leave right now). Our AD users’ Display Names are usually saved in the format “Surname, Forename” and their AD Description is saved in the format “Forename_Surname”. (No, I don’t know why, either!) When I go to invite users to a Teams meeting, and begin typing a forename – e.g., Maria – it will bring back two results that I can click on: Surname1, Maria – with their Description and Job Title (taken from AD) on the line below;a (random?) string of letters, numbers and dashes, e.g., ene34k56-3lkj9-kc34-23431m345m66 – with their Description on the line below (Job Title is not present, but is recorded in AD) Entering a more common name in the invite field, e.g., John, brings back 11 results (correct), but again they’re a mixture of Surname, Forename on the first line with correct Description and Job Title on the second line; or a random string of letters/numbers with correct name on the second line, and no Job Title. It’s also bringing back administrator accounts, which do not have associated mailboxes and have not been set up on Teams. I can’t roll out Teams on a wider basis while this is happening. Any help appreciated. Read More
TIFF save file not working
Hello, I have a 32bit grayscale tiff image composed by 41 slices.
I’m saving file always as a stack but it dont works:
Error using Tiff/writeAllStrips
Unable to retrieve ImageLength.
Error in Tiff/write (line 1486)
This is the portion of code
% salva il nuovo file con lo stesso nome ma aggiungendo "modified"
newFilename = fullfile(folder, [fileList(i).name(1:end-4) ‘_modified.tif’]);
t = Tiff(newFilename, ‘w’);
% ottieni le informazioni dalla prima immagine dello stack originale
info = imfinfo(filename);
% tagstruct.ImageLength = size(newStack(:,:,1),1);
% tagstruct.ImageWidth = size(newStack(:,:,1),2);
% tagstruct.Photometric = Tiff.Photometric.MinIsBlack;
% tagstruct.BitsPerSample = 32;
% tagstruct.SamplesPerPixel = 1;
% tagstruct.RowsPerStrip = 16;
% tagstruct.PlanarConfiguration = Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky;
% tagstruct.Software = ‘MATLAB’;
% imposta le informazioni nella nuova immagine Tiff
t.setTag(‘Photometric’, 1);
t.setTag(‘Compression’, 1); % 1 = nessuna compressione, 8 = compressione Deflate
t.setTag(‘BitsPerSample’, info(1).BitsPerSample);
t.setTag(‘SamplesPerPixel’, info(1).SamplesPerPixel);
t.setTag(‘SampleFormat’, Tiff.SampleFormat.UInt);
t.setTag(‘ImageLength’, info(1).Height);
t.setTag(‘ImageWidth’, info(1).Width);
t.setTag(‘PlanarConfiguration’, Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky);
for j = 1:numImages
%t.setTag(info(j)); % commenta questa riga per testare se il problema è qui
This is iminfo of source file
FileModDate: ’30-dic-2022 09:47:14′
FileSize: 492005745
Format: ‘tif’
FormatVersion: []
Width: 2000
Height: 1500
BitDepth: 32
ColorType: ‘grayscale’
FormatSignature: [77 77 0 42]
ByteOrder: ‘big-endian’
NewSubFileType: 0
BitsPerSample: 32
Compression: ‘Uncompressed’
PhotometricInterpretation: ‘BlackIsZero’
StripOffsets: 225
SamplesPerPixel: 1
RowsPerStrip: 1500
StripByteCounts: 12000000
XResolution: []
YResolution: []
ResolutionUnit: ‘Inch’
Colormap: []
PlanarConfiguration: ‘Chunky’
TileWidth: []
TileLength: []
TileOffsets: []
TileByteCounts: []
Orientation: 1
FillOrder: 1
GrayResponseUnit: 0.0100
MaxSampleValue: 4.2950e+09
MinSampleValue: 0
Thresholding: 1
Offset: 8
ImageDescription: ‘ImageJ=1.53n↵images=41↵slices=41↵loop=false↵min=0.0↵max=1.401298464324817E-45↵’
SampleFormat: ‘IEEE floating point’
Many thanksHello, I have a 32bit grayscale tiff image composed by 41 slices.
I’m saving file always as a stack but it dont works:
Error using Tiff/writeAllStrips
Unable to retrieve ImageLength.
Error in Tiff/write (line 1486)
This is the portion of code
% salva il nuovo file con lo stesso nome ma aggiungendo "modified"
newFilename = fullfile(folder, [fileList(i).name(1:end-4) ‘_modified.tif’]);
t = Tiff(newFilename, ‘w’);
% ottieni le informazioni dalla prima immagine dello stack originale
info = imfinfo(filename);
% tagstruct.ImageLength = size(newStack(:,:,1),1);
% tagstruct.ImageWidth = size(newStack(:,:,1),2);
% tagstruct.Photometric = Tiff.Photometric.MinIsBlack;
% tagstruct.BitsPerSample = 32;
% tagstruct.SamplesPerPixel = 1;
% tagstruct.RowsPerStrip = 16;
% tagstruct.PlanarConfiguration = Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky;
% tagstruct.Software = ‘MATLAB’;
% imposta le informazioni nella nuova immagine Tiff
t.setTag(‘Photometric’, 1);
t.setTag(‘Compression’, 1); % 1 = nessuna compressione, 8 = compressione Deflate
t.setTag(‘BitsPerSample’, info(1).BitsPerSample);
t.setTag(‘SamplesPerPixel’, info(1).SamplesPerPixel);
t.setTag(‘SampleFormat’, Tiff.SampleFormat.UInt);
t.setTag(‘ImageLength’, info(1).Height);
t.setTag(‘ImageWidth’, info(1).Width);
t.setTag(‘PlanarConfiguration’, Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky);
for j = 1:numImages
%t.setTag(info(j)); % commenta questa riga per testare se il problema è qui
This is iminfo of source file
FileModDate: ’30-dic-2022 09:47:14′
FileSize: 492005745
Format: ‘tif’
FormatVersion: []
Width: 2000
Height: 1500
BitDepth: 32
ColorType: ‘grayscale’
FormatSignature: [77 77 0 42]
ByteOrder: ‘big-endian’
NewSubFileType: 0
BitsPerSample: 32
Compression: ‘Uncompressed’
PhotometricInterpretation: ‘BlackIsZero’
StripOffsets: 225
SamplesPerPixel: 1
RowsPerStrip: 1500
StripByteCounts: 12000000
XResolution: []
YResolution: []
ResolutionUnit: ‘Inch’
Colormap: []
PlanarConfiguration: ‘Chunky’
TileWidth: []
TileLength: []
TileOffsets: []
TileByteCounts: []
Orientation: 1
FillOrder: 1
GrayResponseUnit: 0.0100
MaxSampleValue: 4.2950e+09
MinSampleValue: 0
Thresholding: 1
Offset: 8
ImageDescription: ‘ImageJ=1.53n↵images=41↵slices=41↵loop=false↵min=0.0↵max=1.401298464324817E-45↵’
SampleFormat: ‘IEEE floating point’
Many thanks Hello, I have a 32bit grayscale tiff image composed by 41 slices.
I’m saving file always as a stack but it dont works:
Error using Tiff/writeAllStrips
Unable to retrieve ImageLength.
Error in Tiff/write (line 1486)
This is the portion of code
% salva il nuovo file con lo stesso nome ma aggiungendo "modified"
newFilename = fullfile(folder, [fileList(i).name(1:end-4) ‘_modified.tif’]);
t = Tiff(newFilename, ‘w’);
% ottieni le informazioni dalla prima immagine dello stack originale
info = imfinfo(filename);
% tagstruct.ImageLength = size(newStack(:,:,1),1);
% tagstruct.ImageWidth = size(newStack(:,:,1),2);
% tagstruct.Photometric = Tiff.Photometric.MinIsBlack;
% tagstruct.BitsPerSample = 32;
% tagstruct.SamplesPerPixel = 1;
% tagstruct.RowsPerStrip = 16;
% tagstruct.PlanarConfiguration = Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky;
% tagstruct.Software = ‘MATLAB’;
% imposta le informazioni nella nuova immagine Tiff
t.setTag(‘Photometric’, 1);
t.setTag(‘Compression’, 1); % 1 = nessuna compressione, 8 = compressione Deflate
t.setTag(‘BitsPerSample’, info(1).BitsPerSample);
t.setTag(‘SamplesPerPixel’, info(1).SamplesPerPixel);
t.setTag(‘SampleFormat’, Tiff.SampleFormat.UInt);
t.setTag(‘ImageLength’, info(1).Height);
t.setTag(‘ImageWidth’, info(1).Width);
t.setTag(‘PlanarConfiguration’, Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky);
for j = 1:numImages
%t.setTag(info(j)); % commenta questa riga per testare se il problema è qui
This is iminfo of source file
FileModDate: ’30-dic-2022 09:47:14′
FileSize: 492005745
Format: ‘tif’
FormatVersion: []
Width: 2000
Height: 1500
BitDepth: 32
ColorType: ‘grayscale’
FormatSignature: [77 77 0 42]
ByteOrder: ‘big-endian’
NewSubFileType: 0
BitsPerSample: 32
Compression: ‘Uncompressed’
PhotometricInterpretation: ‘BlackIsZero’
StripOffsets: 225
SamplesPerPixel: 1
RowsPerStrip: 1500
StripByteCounts: 12000000
XResolution: []
YResolution: []
ResolutionUnit: ‘Inch’
Colormap: []
PlanarConfiguration: ‘Chunky’
TileWidth: []
TileLength: []
TileOffsets: []
TileByteCounts: []
Orientation: 1
FillOrder: 1
GrayResponseUnit: 0.0100
MaxSampleValue: 4.2950e+09
MinSampleValue: 0
Thresholding: 1
Offset: 8
ImageDescription: ‘ImageJ=1.53n↵images=41↵slices=41↵loop=false↵min=0.0↵max=1.401298464324817E-45↵’
SampleFormat: ‘IEEE floating point’
Many thanks tiff, save MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to plot a polyhedron
Hi all,
I have a cloud of points that I have obtained by computing T = A*W where W = [w1 w2 w3 w4]’, A is a 3×4 matrix and T is a 3×1 matrix. All the parameters wi can be equal to [-1 0 1]. Hence, I found all the combination of W compunting by varying each wi and finally I have obtained all the 81 points T(:,i).
My goal is to depict the polyhedron, or 3D polygon, which is described by all the external points of the cloud T(:,i). I started to use the command "fill3(x,y,z,c)" and the results is quite good, but I’m doing it "by hands" and the cloud of points is not easily to visualize and hence is too difficoult to find all the vertices to plot each face of the polyhedron. It will be good if I can plot only the external points of the cloud or if there is a matlab command which plot the external surfaces of a cloud of points. I attach the picture of the cloud of points and some parts of the polygon I already found manually. Blue, red and green lines are related to x, y and z axis I order to help the visualization.
Someone can help me?
Thank you!
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/104894/poly.png>>Hi all,
I have a cloud of points that I have obtained by computing T = A*W where W = [w1 w2 w3 w4]’, A is a 3×4 matrix and T is a 3×1 matrix. All the parameters wi can be equal to [-1 0 1]. Hence, I found all the combination of W compunting by varying each wi and finally I have obtained all the 81 points T(:,i).
My goal is to depict the polyhedron, or 3D polygon, which is described by all the external points of the cloud T(:,i). I started to use the command "fill3(x,y,z,c)" and the results is quite good, but I’m doing it "by hands" and the cloud of points is not easily to visualize and hence is too difficoult to find all the vertices to plot each face of the polyhedron. It will be good if I can plot only the external points of the cloud or if there is a matlab command which plot the external surfaces of a cloud of points. I attach the picture of the cloud of points and some parts of the polygon I already found manually. Blue, red and green lines are related to x, y and z axis I order to help the visualization.
Someone can help me?
Thank you!
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/104894/poly.png>> Hi all,
I have a cloud of points that I have obtained by computing T = A*W where W = [w1 w2 w3 w4]’, A is a 3×4 matrix and T is a 3×1 matrix. All the parameters wi can be equal to [-1 0 1]. Hence, I found all the combination of W compunting by varying each wi and finally I have obtained all the 81 points T(:,i).
My goal is to depict the polyhedron, or 3D polygon, which is described by all the external points of the cloud T(:,i). I started to use the command "fill3(x,y,z,c)" and the results is quite good, but I’m doing it "by hands" and the cloud of points is not easily to visualize and hence is too difficoult to find all the vertices to plot each face of the polyhedron. It will be good if I can plot only the external points of the cloud or if there is a matlab command which plot the external surfaces of a cloud of points. I attach the picture of the cloud of points and some parts of the polygon I already found manually. Blue, red and green lines are related to x, y and z axis I order to help the visualization.
Someone can help me?
Thank you!
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/104894/poly.png>> 3d polygon, polyhedron, 3d plots MATLAB Answers — New Questions
MATLAB online not loading
When I log in and start the MATLAB Onramp course, and get to the first Module after the introduction, it just loads indefinitely. I have tried clearing session files, using a different browser, check internet speed and even using a mobile hotspot but it’s not helping.When I log in and start the MATLAB Onramp course, and get to the first Module after the introduction, it just loads indefinitely. I have tried clearing session files, using a different browser, check internet speed and even using a mobile hotspot but it’s not helping. When I log in and start the MATLAB Onramp course, and get to the first Module after the introduction, it just loads indefinitely. I have tried clearing session files, using a different browser, check internet speed and even using a mobile hotspot but it’s not helping. onramp MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Failed to Initialize MATLAB R2023b Runtime Library in Visual Studio 2019 C++ Project
I generated a C shared library type DLL for a custom function using the MATLAB Library Compiler and created a console C++ project in Visual Studio 2019 to call the DLL function and continue development. However, when initializing the DLL function, it reports a failure. I have set the PATH in the system environment variable to D:Program FilesMATLABMATLAB RuntimeR2023bbinwin64, and I have also set the include and library directories in Visual Studio 2019, and entered as many MATLAB runtime libraries as possible in the linker: mclmcr.lib; mclmcrrt.lib; libmat.lib; libmex.lib; libmx.lib; along with the custom .lib file. Why is the runtime library initialization still failing? My MATLAB version is R2023b, the compiler version is 23.2, and the runtime library version is 23. What could be causing the runtime library initialization to fail?I generated a C shared library type DLL for a custom function using the MATLAB Library Compiler and created a console C++ project in Visual Studio 2019 to call the DLL function and continue development. However, when initializing the DLL function, it reports a failure. I have set the PATH in the system environment variable to D:Program FilesMATLABMATLAB RuntimeR2023bbinwin64, and I have also set the include and library directories in Visual Studio 2019, and entered as many MATLAB runtime libraries as possible in the linker: mclmcr.lib; mclmcrrt.lib; libmat.lib; libmex.lib; libmx.lib; along with the custom .lib file. Why is the runtime library initialization still failing? My MATLAB version is R2023b, the compiler version is 23.2, and the runtime library version is 23. What could be causing the runtime library initialization to fail? I generated a C shared library type DLL for a custom function using the MATLAB Library Compiler and created a console C++ project in Visual Studio 2019 to call the DLL function and continue development. However, when initializing the DLL function, it reports a failure. I have set the PATH in the system environment variable to D:Program FilesMATLABMATLAB RuntimeR2023bbinwin64, and I have also set the include and library directories in Visual Studio 2019, and entered as many MATLAB runtime libraries as possible in the linker: mclmcr.lib; mclmcrrt.lib; libmat.lib; libmex.lib; libmx.lib; along with the custom .lib file. Why is the runtime library initialization still failing? My MATLAB version is R2023b, the compiler version is 23.2, and the runtime library version is 23. What could be causing the runtime library initialization to fail? library compiler, dll, visual studio2019, matlab compiler runtime, initialization, initialize() MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Best practice: CWT image generating for Deep Learning images
I am looking some advice/best practice for genrating, formating and saving CWT images.
The task: I have ~5000 hours of EEG data recorded with lables at each thirty second interval. I would like to generate the CWT image of each 30 second window and save it. The image, should be devoide of a border, tics, axis lables and titles (i.e. just the spectogram image).
The Problem: I can generate an image with cwt(sig,fs), which is square, however includes all the extra bits I don’t want, like borders:
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
I could extract the image out with a handle and save that way:
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
fig = cwt(mtlb,"bump",Fs); % Hide the output as it’s quite long.
However, it quicly becomes apparent that the image data is not square, but rectangular.
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
fig = cwt(mtlb,"bump",Fs);
imshow(abs(fig)) % here’s the same image in grayscale.
While I understand that the image is fundamentally rectangular, the skeewed aspect ratio becomes an unknown when ingested by a DL algoritum, to that end I would like to have all my images processed and "squared up" before being ingested. I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions as to the best way to generate these CWT images in a manner that is easily ingested by DL networks, not disimilar to this paper, however the detail are light.Hi,
I am looking some advice/best practice for genrating, formating and saving CWT images.
The task: I have ~5000 hours of EEG data recorded with lables at each thirty second interval. I would like to generate the CWT image of each 30 second window and save it. The image, should be devoide of a border, tics, axis lables and titles (i.e. just the spectogram image).
The Problem: I can generate an image with cwt(sig,fs), which is square, however includes all the extra bits I don’t want, like borders:
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
I could extract the image out with a handle and save that way:
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
fig = cwt(mtlb,"bump",Fs); % Hide the output as it’s quite long.
However, it quicly becomes apparent that the image data is not square, but rectangular.
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
fig = cwt(mtlb,"bump",Fs);
imshow(abs(fig)) % here’s the same image in grayscale.
While I understand that the image is fundamentally rectangular, the skeewed aspect ratio becomes an unknown when ingested by a DL algoritum, to that end I would like to have all my images processed and "squared up" before being ingested. I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions as to the best way to generate these CWT images in a manner that is easily ingested by DL networks, not disimilar to this paper, however the detail are light. Hi,
I am looking some advice/best practice for genrating, formating and saving CWT images.
The task: I have ~5000 hours of EEG data recorded with lables at each thirty second interval. I would like to generate the CWT image of each 30 second window and save it. The image, should be devoide of a border, tics, axis lables and titles (i.e. just the spectogram image).
The Problem: I can generate an image with cwt(sig,fs), which is square, however includes all the extra bits I don’t want, like borders:
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
I could extract the image out with a handle and save that way:
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
fig = cwt(mtlb,"bump",Fs); % Hide the output as it’s quite long.
However, it quicly becomes apparent that the image data is not square, but rectangular.
load mtlb
w = cwt(mtlb);
fig = cwt(mtlb,"bump",Fs);
imshow(abs(fig)) % here’s the same image in grayscale.
While I understand that the image is fundamentally rectangular, the skeewed aspect ratio becomes an unknown when ingested by a DL algoritum, to that end I would like to have all my images processed and "squared up" before being ingested. I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions as to the best way to generate these CWT images in a manner that is easily ingested by DL networks, not disimilar to this paper, however the detail are light. image processing, image analysis, cwt MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Title: Folders Not Refreshing Automatically After Installing Update KB5032190
I typically manage numerous images on a weekly basis, organizing them in folders displayed in medium and large thumbnail views. By default, all folders are sorted alphabetically. Before the installation of the KB5032190 update, folders would refresh automatically, eliminating the need to constantly press F5 whenever I made edits or duplicates. Prior to KB5032190, if I held down the CTRL key while dragging to duplicate an image, the duplicate would automatically be placed in front of the original. However, after installing KB5032190, duplicates are now placed at the end of the folder, requiring me to manually refresh the folder by hitting F5 to reorder them how I desire. This issue also presents itself when editing and saving images, as the edited image is pushed to the end of the folder until I manually refresh it using the F5 key. Despite researching online for several days and trying various solutions such as rebuilding the thumbnail cache and system repairs, the only effective resolution was to uninstall KB5032190. I am reluctant to disable Windows updates or block this patch indefinitely, and instead, I am seeking a viable solution or recommendation to address this persistent issue.
I typically manage numerous images on a weekly basis, organizing them in folders displayed in medium and large thumbnail views. By default, all folders are sorted alphabetically. Before the installation of the KB5032190 update, folders would refresh automatically, eliminating the need to constantly press F5 whenever I made edits or duplicates. Prior to KB5032190, if I held down the CTRL key while dragging to duplicate an image, the duplicate would automatically be placed in front of the original. However, after installing KB5032190, duplicates are now placed at the end of the folder, requiring me to manually refresh the folder by hitting F5 to reorder them how I desire. This issue also presents itself when editing and saving images, as the edited image is pushed to the end of the folder until I manually refresh it using the F5 key. Despite researching online for several days and trying various solutions such as rebuilding the thumbnail cache and system repairs, the only effective resolution was to uninstall KB5032190. I am reluctant to disable Windows updates or block this patch indefinitely, and instead, I am seeking a viable solution or recommendation to address this persistent issue. Read More
How to Turn Off Windows Hello Notifications
Hey there, just got my hands on a new webcam that’s Windows Hello compatible. After setting up Windows Hello, I can now breeze through logins without the hassle of passwords or pins.
I was wondering, is it feasible to eliminate the need for facial recognition confirmation with each login? If the system recognizes me, why the extra step of clicking OK each time? It seems redundant.
Wouldn’t it be smoother if the system automatically proceeded once it identified my face, without requiring the additional click? Is there a way to set this up?
Hey there, just got my hands on a new webcam that’s Windows Hello compatible. After setting up Windows Hello, I can now breeze through logins without the hassle of passwords or pins. I was wondering, is it feasible to eliminate the need for facial recognition confirmation with each login? If the system recognizes me, why the extra step of clicking OK each time? It seems redundant. Wouldn’t it be smoother if the system automatically proceeded once it identified my face, without requiring the additional click? Is there a way to set this up? Read More
Macro not activating
Hi, I’m a VBA beginner and I’m trying to set up a macro to auto-sort the contents of the sheet “ranked masterlist” when the database in “deviation masterlist” (which the ranked masterlist references) is updated. I’ve managed to cobble this code together from what I’ve seen online, but when I edit one of the cells in “deviation masterlist” at B1:B447, nothing happens. I know the sorting code works because I can trigger it with a button press, but presumably there’s a syntax issue in how I’ve added the condition at the start. If anyone could point to what I’m doing wrong, it would be much appreciated.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“deviation masterlist”).Range(“C2:C455”)) Is Nothing Then
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort.SortFields.Clear
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:= _
Range(“B1:B447”), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:= _
Range(“F1:F447”), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort
.SetRange Range(“B1:G447”)
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End If
End Sub
Hi, I’m a VBA beginner and I’m trying to set up a macro to auto-sort the contents of the sheet “ranked masterlist” when the database in “deviation masterlist” (which the ranked masterlist references) is updated. I’ve managed to cobble this code together from what I’ve seen online, but when I edit one of the cells in “deviation masterlist” at B1:B447, nothing happens. I know the sorting code works because I can trigger it with a button press, but presumably there’s a syntax issue in how I’ve added the condition at the start. If anyone could point to what I’m doing wrong, it would be much appreciated. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“deviation masterlist”).Range(“C2:C455”)) Is Nothing Then
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort.SortFields.Clear
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:= _
Range(“B1:B447”), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:= _
Range(“F1:F447”), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(“ranked masterlist”).Sort
.SetRange Range(“B1:G447”)
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End If
End Sub Read More
Taskbar widgets button has been relocated unexpectedly.
I recently discovered a significant change on my computer’s taskbar. The widget button, typically located between the start button and quick access icons, has mysteriously shifted to the right side next to the clock and system tray. Despite checking the settings and adjusting alignment options, the widget button remains stubbornly misplaced.
I attempted to drag and drop it back to its original position without success. How can I rectify this unexpected relocation?
I recently discovered a significant change on my computer’s taskbar. The widget button, typically located between the start button and quick access icons, has mysteriously shifted to the right side next to the clock and system tray. Despite checking the settings and adjusting alignment options, the widget button remains stubbornly misplaced. I attempted to drag and drop it back to its original position without success. How can I rectify this unexpected relocation? Read More
Help with Recalling New Features in Windows 11
Are you concerned about your privacy and customization settings in Windows 11 Pro? Windows Recall, a feature that captures screenshots and records keylogging entries every 5 seconds, might be causing some unease. Is there a way to turn off this intrusive functionality?
Additionally, the constant battle of customizing your Windows 11 computer, such as toggling settings like disabling personalized ads, only to have them reset mysteriously during future Windows updates, can be frustrating. How can you break this cycle and ensure that your preferred customizations remain unchanged even after system updates?
I would be happy to help guide you on how to safeguard your privacy and maintain your customization preferences amid these challenges.
Hello, Are you concerned about your privacy and customization settings in Windows 11 Pro? Windows Recall, a feature that captures screenshots and records keylogging entries every 5 seconds, might be causing some unease. Is there a way to turn off this intrusive functionality? Additionally, the constant battle of customizing your Windows 11 computer, such as toggling settings like disabling personalized ads, only to have them reset mysteriously during future Windows updates, can be frustrating. How can you break this cycle and ensure that your preferred customizations remain unchanged even after system updates? I would be happy to help guide you on how to safeguard your privacy and maintain your customization preferences amid these challenges. Read More
Fix: Unable to log in with Microsoft Account
I own a high-performance PC running on the W11 Pro operating system, which has three user accounts. Two of these accounts are local, while the third one is linked to a Microsoft ( account. Recently, when I attempted to switch to the Microsoft account, I encountered a frustrating issue – I could not enter the password correctly. Even using the onscreen keyboard did not help as the characters typed were not appearing in the password field. Despite rebooting the system, the problem persisted.
Interestingly, both local accounts were functioning without any issues. To clarify, no characters were showing up in the password box when I attempted to type. I could only navigate around using the tab key and press enter for options like ‘forgot password’.
However, after some troubleshooting, I was able to resolve the issue by selecting the ‘forgot password’ option. By providing the rescue email address, I successfully completed the steps, canceled out, and was able to log into the MS account.
The system had recently undergone some changes, including the addition of Veracrypt encryption and switching from a wireless to a wired mouse. Apart from these alterations, there were no other significant modifications made.
I own a high-performance PC running on the W11 Pro operating system, which has three user accounts. Two of these accounts are local, while the third one is linked to a Microsoft ( account. Recently, when I attempted to switch to the Microsoft account, I encountered a frustrating issue – I could not enter the password correctly. Even using the onscreen keyboard did not help as the characters typed were not appearing in the password field. Despite rebooting the system, the problem persisted. Interestingly, both local accounts were functioning without any issues. To clarify, no characters were showing up in the password box when I attempted to type. I could only navigate around using the tab key and press enter for options like ‘forgot password’. However, after some troubleshooting, I was able to resolve the issue by selecting the ‘forgot password’ option. By providing the rescue email address, I successfully completed the steps, canceled out, and was able to log into the MS account. The system had recently undergone some changes, including the addition of Veracrypt encryption and switching from a wireless to a wired mouse. Apart from these alterations, there were no other significant modifications made. Read More
How to find all labeled Documents deleted by a specific person
Hi there,
I try to create a Powershell AuditLog Search which finds me all labeled documents deleted by a specific person.
After a person has been dismissed, the aim is to find the sensitive documents that this person deleted shortly beforehand.
My script has no output at all and in the moment I am clueless what the reason could be. I made it simpler than my acutal question is:
$daysAgo = 30; $startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysAgo)
$results = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate (Get-Date) -RecordType SharePoint -Operations FileDeleted -ResultSize 5000 |
Where-Object {
$_.CreationTime -gt $startDate
} |
Select-Object CreationTime, UserIds, Operations, AuditData
$results | Export-Csv -Path “PATH.csv” -NoTypeInformation
Does anybody see my error? Thanks in advance :crossed_fingers:
Hi there, I try to create a Powershell AuditLog Search which finds me all labeled documents deleted by a specific person. After a person has been dismissed, the aim is to find the sensitive documents that this person deleted shortly beforehand. My script has no output at all and in the moment I am clueless what the reason could be. I made it simpler than my acutal question is: $daysAgo = 30; $startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysAgo)$results = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate (Get-Date) -RecordType SharePoint -Operations FileDeleted -ResultSize 5000 |Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -gt $startDate} |Select-Object CreationTime, UserIds, Operations, AuditData$results | Export-Csv -Path “PATH.csv” -NoTypeInformation Does anybody see my error? Thanks in advance :crossed_fingers: Read More
There was an issue with your Windows Hello PIN. Please try again later.
Here is the revised version of the content with a significant change:
“I’ve been using my PIN for a long time without any issues, but suddenly I received a message saying that I need to update my PIN for my organization. However, this is my personal computer and not associated with any organization. When I go to the sign-in options and try to set up a new Windows Hello PIN, I encounter an error message saying ‘Something went wrong. Try again later.’ I tried removing the PIN, but now the ‘Add’ button is inaccessible. Since this is my personal device with no group policies, I am puzzled about what could have caused this issue. I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this so I can reinstate my PIN.”
Alternatively, for your situation: “Out of the blue, my facial recognition and PIN, which have been working flawlessly for over two years, suddenly stopped functioning. After receiving a code from Microsoft sent to my recovery email, I entered it only to encounter the same error mentioned in this forum thread’s title. By clicking ‘Skip,’ I could bypass the issue and access my account.”
Here is the revised version of the content with a significant change: “I’ve been using my PIN for a long time without any issues, but suddenly I received a message saying that I need to update my PIN for my organization. However, this is my personal computer and not associated with any organization. When I go to the sign-in options and try to set up a new Windows Hello PIN, I encounter an error message saying ‘Something went wrong. Try again later.’ I tried removing the PIN, but now the ‘Add’ button is inaccessible. Since this is my personal device with no group policies, I am puzzled about what could have caused this issue. I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this so I can reinstate my PIN.” Alternatively, for your situation: “Out of the blue, my facial recognition and PIN, which have been working flawlessly for over two years, suddenly stopped functioning. After receiving a code from Microsoft sent to my recovery email, I entered it only to encounter the same error mentioned in this forum thread’s title. By clicking ‘Skip,’ I could bypass the issue and access my account.” Read More
Excel scripting in JS : enhance getRange adress format resolution
Hi !
Just stumbled over a thing that I think could be interesting to be added in the Excel Javascript API, especially in the ranges’ selection with addresses.
For a script I’m writing to parse some data in a worksheet in Excel 365 on desktop, I need to select a column starting a certain cell (basically to ignore headers).
When testing the Worksheet getRange(adress) method, I realized that I can either select a specific set of cells (like using the adress “A2:A1235”) or a complete column or line (i.e. with adress “A:A” or “2:2”), but I cannot select either a column or a row from or up to an offset :
“A2:A” to select column A from row 2 to end of column or “B2:2” to select the line from column B is not valid according to the js console.
I don’t know if this is just that I’m using the wrong way to format the address for what I want to do (in this case, the API doc needs to be clarified in my opinion), but if it is not originally planned, I think expanding the address format to support offset in both ways (with CL:C and C:CL formats for columns with an offset, and CL:L and L:CL for rows with an offset) could be a neat feature.
Best regards
Hi ! Just stumbled over a thing that I think could be interesting to be added in the Excel Javascript API, especially in the ranges’ selection with addresses. For a script I’m writing to parse some data in a worksheet in Excel 365 on desktop, I need to select a column starting a certain cell (basically to ignore headers). When testing the Worksheet getRange(adress) method, I realized that I can either select a specific set of cells (like using the adress “A2:A1235”) or a complete column or line (i.e. with adress “A:A” or “2:2″), but I cannot select either a column or a row from or up to an offset :”A2:A” to select column A from row 2 to end of column or “B2:2” to select the line from column B is not valid according to the js console. I don’t know if this is just that I’m using the wrong way to format the address for what I want to do (in this case, the API doc needs to be clarified in my opinion), but if it is not originally planned, I think expanding the address format to support offset in both ways (with CL:C and C:CL formats for columns with an offset, and CL:L and L:CL for rows with an offset) could be a neat feature. Best regards Read More
Random Binary Bits Generation
Working with NIST Test Suite which have 16 Test to test Randomness of data,
My Problem is I want such random binary bits of length 10^6, which have P-Value over .95 for all the NIST Test, I’ve spend almost a week trying different Stream Ciphers, RNG PRNG, different combination of these, nothing works for me is it possible to generate these numbers consistantly with desired P-Values.
Thank YouWorking with NIST Test Suite which have 16 Test to test Randomness of data,
My Problem is I want such random binary bits of length 10^6, which have P-Value over .95 for all the NIST Test, I’ve spend almost a week trying different Stream Ciphers, RNG PRNG, different combination of these, nothing works for me is it possible to generate these numbers consistantly with desired P-Values.
Thank You Working with NIST Test Suite which have 16 Test to test Randomness of data,
My Problem is I want such random binary bits of length 10^6, which have P-Value over .95 for all the NIST Test, I’ve spend almost a week trying different Stream Ciphers, RNG PRNG, different combination of these, nothing works for me is it possible to generate these numbers consistantly with desired P-Values.
Thank You nist, random number generator, cryptography, binary MATLAB Answers — New Questions
lqr controller tuning way
while controlling two variables using lqr controller not able to properly tune Q and R . what is best way to tune themwhile controlling two variables using lqr controller not able to properly tune Q and R . what is best way to tune them while controlling two variables using lqr controller not able to properly tune Q and R . what is best way to tune them lqr controller MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Share a List view as an embed on a different SharePoint site
I have the following case:
Site A has a List with lots of different views
Site B is shared with my customer
I would like my customer to be able to see one of those views on Site B, but I don’t want to share Site A with them.
Is that possible?
I have the following case: Site A has a List with lots of different viewsSite B is shared with my customer I would like my customer to be able to see one of those views on Site B, but I don’t want to share Site A with them. Is that possible? Read More