Category: News
Why does my GTX Titan Black GPU underperform in double precision calculations in MATLAB R2015a?
I experience unexpectedly slow performance of the GPU in double precision benchmarks.
I have a fast PC (Intel i7-4790 3.6GHz, 16GB of 1600MHz memory, Windows 7 64bit, and a nVidia GeForce GTX Titan Black GPU card, in PCIe 3.0×16 slot, with 850W power supply. I have downloaded the video drivers and CUDA toolkit and installed matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox:
>> gpuDeviceans =CUDADevice withproperties:Name: ‘GeForce GTX TITAN Black’Index: 1ComputeCapability: ‘3.5’SupportsDouble: 1DriverVersion: 7ToolkitVersion: 6.5000MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]SIMDWidth: 32TotalMemory: 6.4425e+09AvailableMemory: 6.2105e+09MultiprocessorCount: 15ClockRateKHz: 980000ComputeMode: ‘Default’GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1KernelExecutionTimeout: 1CanMapHostMemory: 1DeviceSupported: 1DeviceSelected: 1
I then downloaded the GPU benchmarking tool by by the MathWorks Parallel Computing Toolbox Team (version of Updated 05 Jan 2015), from executed the “gpuBench”.
The results show that my GPU performs similarly to Quadro K6000 in single precision benchmarks (with deviations up to 40%, as expected: both the cards have the same no of CUDA cores but the memory bandwidth is higher for my Titan Black and the amount of memory is higher K6000)
However, the GeForce GTX Titan Black performs 4 times (!) slower than Quadro K6000 in the double precision benchmarks! This is unexpected for several reasons.A) both cards are fairly similar:Specification type K6000 / Titan BlackCUDA cores: 2880 / 2880Clock: 902MHz /889MHzMemory clock: 6 Gbps/ 7GbpsMemory bandwidth: 288GB/s / 336GB/s
B) There are benchmarking tests done by the MathWorksParallel Computing Toolbox Team shown in the file “Older benchmarks for GPUs” attached. From those results, a GPU very similar to mine, GeForce GTX Titan (anolder GPU with 2688 CUDA cores, 837MHz clock, 6Gbps memory clock and 288GB/s memory bandwidth) shows benchmarks very much similar to Quadro K6000:
Card DOUBLE SINGLE Benchmark MTimes,Backlash, FFT, MTimes,Backlash,FFTK6000 1092 421 160 3017 831 334GTX Titan 1106 352 150 2933 582 298My GPU 252 163 110 4221 994 409
These results indicate that my GPU card (GeForce GTX Titan Black) should be faster than or similar to the Quadro K6000. However, the performance in the double precision is terrible (4x slower).I experience unexpectedly slow performance of the GPU in double precision benchmarks.
I have a fast PC (Intel i7-4790 3.6GHz, 16GB of 1600MHz memory, Windows 7 64bit, and a nVidia GeForce GTX Titan Black GPU card, in PCIe 3.0×16 slot, with 850W power supply. I have downloaded the video drivers and CUDA toolkit and installed matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox:
>> gpuDeviceans =CUDADevice withproperties:Name: ‘GeForce GTX TITAN Black’Index: 1ComputeCapability: ‘3.5’SupportsDouble: 1DriverVersion: 7ToolkitVersion: 6.5000MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]SIMDWidth: 32TotalMemory: 6.4425e+09AvailableMemory: 6.2105e+09MultiprocessorCount: 15ClockRateKHz: 980000ComputeMode: ‘Default’GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1KernelExecutionTimeout: 1CanMapHostMemory: 1DeviceSupported: 1DeviceSelected: 1
I then downloaded the GPU benchmarking tool by by the MathWorks Parallel Computing Toolbox Team (version of Updated 05 Jan 2015), from executed the “gpuBench”.
The results show that my GPU performs similarly to Quadro K6000 in single precision benchmarks (with deviations up to 40%, as expected: both the cards have the same no of CUDA cores but the memory bandwidth is higher for my Titan Black and the amount of memory is higher K6000)
However, the GeForce GTX Titan Black performs 4 times (!) slower than Quadro K6000 in the double precision benchmarks! This is unexpected for several reasons.A) both cards are fairly similar:Specification type K6000 / Titan BlackCUDA cores: 2880 / 2880Clock: 902MHz /889MHzMemory clock: 6 Gbps/ 7GbpsMemory bandwidth: 288GB/s / 336GB/s
B) There are benchmarking tests done by the MathWorksParallel Computing Toolbox Team shown in the file “Older benchmarks for GPUs” attached. From those results, a GPU very similar to mine, GeForce GTX Titan (anolder GPU with 2688 CUDA cores, 837MHz clock, 6Gbps memory clock and 288GB/s memory bandwidth) shows benchmarks very much similar to Quadro K6000:
Card DOUBLE SINGLE Benchmark MTimes,Backlash, FFT, MTimes,Backlash,FFTK6000 1092 421 160 3017 831 334GTX Titan 1106 352 150 2933 582 298My GPU 252 163 110 4221 994 409
These results indicate that my GPU card (GeForce GTX Titan Black) should be faster than or similar to the Quadro K6000. However, the performance in the double precision is terrible (4x slower). I experience unexpectedly slow performance of the GPU in double precision benchmarks.
I have a fast PC (Intel i7-4790 3.6GHz, 16GB of 1600MHz memory, Windows 7 64bit, and a nVidia GeForce GTX Titan Black GPU card, in PCIe 3.0×16 slot, with 850W power supply. I have downloaded the video drivers and CUDA toolkit and installed matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox:
>> gpuDeviceans =CUDADevice withproperties:Name: ‘GeForce GTX TITAN Black’Index: 1ComputeCapability: ‘3.5’SupportsDouble: 1DriverVersion: 7ToolkitVersion: 6.5000MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]SIMDWidth: 32TotalMemory: 6.4425e+09AvailableMemory: 6.2105e+09MultiprocessorCount: 15ClockRateKHz: 980000ComputeMode: ‘Default’GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1KernelExecutionTimeout: 1CanMapHostMemory: 1DeviceSupported: 1DeviceSelected: 1
I then downloaded the GPU benchmarking tool by by the MathWorks Parallel Computing Toolbox Team (version of Updated 05 Jan 2015), from executed the “gpuBench”.
The results show that my GPU performs similarly to Quadro K6000 in single precision benchmarks (with deviations up to 40%, as expected: both the cards have the same no of CUDA cores but the memory bandwidth is higher for my Titan Black and the amount of memory is higher K6000)
However, the GeForce GTX Titan Black performs 4 times (!) slower than Quadro K6000 in the double precision benchmarks! This is unexpected for several reasons.A) both cards are fairly similar:Specification type K6000 / Titan BlackCUDA cores: 2880 / 2880Clock: 902MHz /889MHzMemory clock: 6 Gbps/ 7GbpsMemory bandwidth: 288GB/s / 336GB/s
B) There are benchmarking tests done by the MathWorksParallel Computing Toolbox Team shown in the file “Older benchmarks for GPUs” attached. From those results, a GPU very similar to mine, GeForce GTX Titan (anolder GPU with 2688 CUDA cores, 837MHz clock, 6Gbps memory clock and 288GB/s memory bandwidth) shows benchmarks very much similar to Quadro K6000:
Card DOUBLE SINGLE Benchmark MTimes,Backlash, FFT, MTimes,Backlash,FFTK6000 1092 421 160 3017 831 334GTX Titan 1106 352 150 2933 582 298My GPU 252 163 110 4221 994 409
These results indicate that my GPU card (GeForce GTX Titan Black) should be faster than or similar to the Quadro K6000. However, the performance in the double precision is terrible (4x slower). gpu, slow, slower MATLAB Answers — New Questions
optimising hybrid energy design using genetic algorithm
i’m working on optimising a design of a hybrid PV/Wind energy system (with battery) using Genetic Algorithms ,and based on a research paper i have been able to code the following :
% Solar PV Generator script
function solargen = solar(Areapv)
% Input:
% Areapv = total area of all PV modules, one of the variables to be optimized
% x = solar irradiance (data read from an Excel file)
x = xlsread(‘éclairement_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
effpv = 0.227; % efficiency of the PV module specified by manufacturer
% Output:
% solargen = power produced by the PV generator (kW)
% solargen = Areapv * effpv * Irrad * 0.001;
w = effpv * Areapv * 0.001;
solargen = w .* x;
wind turbine script
% Wind Generator script
function windgen = windpower(Areawt)
% Inputs:
% Areawt = total rotor swept area of all wind turbines used (m2)
% Areawt is one of the variables to be optimized
coeff_wt = 45/100; % coefficient of power of wind turbine
rho = 1.1839; % density of air (kg/m3) at 1 atm pres and 25 degC temp
vci = 2.01168; % wind turbine cut-in/min wind speed (m/s)
vrat = 13.8582; % wind turbine rated wind speed (m/s)
vco = 17.8816; % wind turbine cut-out/max wind speed (m/s)
% vact = actual wind speed (data read from an Excel file)
vact = xlsread(‘wind_speed_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
y = length(vact); % number of wind speed data points
% windgen = power produced by the wind generator (kW)
b = zeros(1, y); % preallocation of memory outside loop
windgen = b.’;
for a = 1:y
if ((vact(a) < vci)||(vact(a) > vco)) % wind speed less than cut-in or greater than cut-out
z = 0;
elseif ((vact(a) >= vci)&&(vact(a) < vrat)) % wind speed between cut-in and rated
z = 0.5 * coeff_wt * rho * Areawt * (vrat.^3) * ((vact(a).^3 – vci.^3)/(vrat.^3 – vci.^3)) * 0.001;
else % wind speed between rated and cut-out
z = 0.5 * coeff_wt * rho * Areawt * (vrat.^3) * 0.001;
windgen(a) = z;
battery script
% Battery System script
function [battpower,Pload] = battery(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
% Inputs:
% Areapv = total area of all PV modules used (m2)
% Areawt = total rotor swept area of all wind turbines used (m2)
% Capbatt = total energy capacity of all batteries used (kWh)
% The three inputs are the variables to be optimized
% Pload = load demand (data read from an Excel file)
Pl = xlsread(‘charge_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
Pload = 0.001 * Pl; % load power in kW
eff_inv = 88/100; % efficiency of inverter
eff_batt_cha = 92/100; % efficiency of battery charging
eff_batt_disch = 100/100; % efficiency of battery discharging
Ppv = solar(Areapv); % generation from solar
Pwind = windpower(Areawt); % generation from wind
soc_max = 98/100; % maximum state of charge of battery
dod_max = 80/100; % maximum depth of discharge
y = length(Pload);
% preallocation of memory outside loop for some variables
c = zeros(1, y);
Pgen = c.’;
d = zeros(1, y);
soc = d.’;
e = zeros(1, y);
dod = e.’;
f = zeros(1, y);
Pdump = f.’;
g = zeros(1, y);
battpower = g.’;
h = zeros(1, y);
Pdef = h.’;
soc(1) = soc_max; % initial state of charge of battery
dod(1) = 1 – soc(1); % initial state of discharge of battery
for b = 1:y
Pgen(b) = Ppv(b) + Pwind(b);
soc(b) = soc(b) + (battpower(b)/(1000*Capbatt));
if Pgen(b) > (Pload(b)/eff_inv) % generation > load
if soc(b) < soc_max % battery not charged fully
battpower(b) = (Pgen(b) – (Pload(b)/eff_inv)) *eff_batt_cha; % battery charges, battpower is +ve
soc(b) >= soc_max; % battery charged to maximum
battpower(b) = 0; % no more charging
Pdump(b) = Pgen(b) – (Pload(b)/eff_inv);
% surplus power is dumped after battery charges to maximum
elseif Pgen(b) < (Pload(b)/eff_inv) % generation < load
if (dod(b)) < dod_max % battery not dicharged to maximum
battpower(b) = -((Pload(b)/eff_inv) – Pgen(b)) * eff_batt_disch; % battery discharges, battpower is -ve
dod(b) >= dod_max; % battery discharged to maximum
battpower(b) = 0; % no more discharging
Pdef(b) = Pload(b) – (Pgen(b) + ((1000 * Capbatt)* ((soc(b)-(1-dod_max))))* eff_inv);
% deficit power persists after battery discharged fully
else % Pgen(b) = (Pload(b)/eff_inv) i.e. generation = load
battpower(b) = 0; % No charging or discharging
LPSP script which is the non linear constraint script
function [LPSP_value,LPSP_eq] = LPSP(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
eff_inv = 88/100; % efficiency of inverter
s = solar(Areapv); % call solar function
w = windpower(Areawt); % call wind function
Pg = s + w; % generation = solar + wind
[b,Pl] = battery(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt); % call battery function
Pgen = sum(Pg); % total generation
Pload = sum(Pl); % total load
battp = sum(b); % total battery power
LPS = sum(Pdef);
LPSP_value = (LPS / Pload) – 0.05; % LPSP <= 0.05
LPSP_eq = [];
the cost script which is the objective function
% Total System Cost script
% The total system cost is the sum of the following costs:
% Capital/investment costs
% Operation and maintenance costs
% Replacement costs
% Salvage revenue (negative cost)
% The present value of the above cost components are found for each of the
% three main system components: solar pv generator, wind generator and
% battery system; all costs are then added to get the total system cost
% The total system cost is the objective function to be optimized by a
% genetic algorithm. The constraints of this function are the loss of power
% supply probability (defined in a separate function) and the input
% variables.
function system_cost = cost(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
% Constraints
Areapv_max = 20 * 1.63; % 20 PV modules maximum (32.6 m2 max area)
Areapv(Areapv>Areapv_max) = Areapv_max;
Areapv_min = 10 * 1.63; % 10 PV modules minimum (16.3 m2 min area)
Areapv(Areapv<Areapv_min) = Areapv_min;
Areawt_max = 10 * pi * (0.85344.^2); % 10 wind turbines maximum
% (22.8821 m2 max area)
Areawt(Areawt>Areawt_max) = Areawt_max;
Areawt_min = 3 * pi * (0.85344.^2); % 3 wind turbines minimum
% (6.8646 m2 min area)
Areawt(Areawt<Areawt_min) = Areawt_min;
Capbatt_max = 20 * 1.68; % 20 battery units maximum (33.6 kWh max)
Capbatt(Capbatt>Capbatt_max) = Capbatt_max;
Capbatt_min = 10 * 1.68; % 10 battery units minimum (16.8 kWh min)
Capbatt(Capbatt<Capbatt_min) = Capbatt_min;
% Project lifetime
%proj_life = 25; % years
% Rates applicable
%int = 5/100; % interest rate that affects all costs
%infl = 3/100; % inflation rate that affects salvage costs
%inc = 4/100; % non-inflation rate at which non-salvage costs increase
% Solar specifications
cap_pv = 300/1.63; % capital cost of PV module (184.0491 UK pounds/m2)
oandm_pv = 7.5/1.63; % o & m cost of PV module (4.6012 UK pounds/m2/yr)
sal_pv = 60/1.63; % salvage revenue of PV module (36.8098 UK pounds/m2)
%life_pv = 25; % lifetime of PV module (years)
%rep_pv = (proj_life / life_pv) – 1; % number of replacements in project (0)
% Wind specifications
cap_wt = 1125/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % capital cost of turbine
% (491.6507 UK pounds/m2)
oandm_wt = 168.75/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % o & m cost of turbine
% (73.7476 UK pounds/m2/yr)
sal_wt = 225/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % salvage revenue of turbine
% (98.3301 UK pounds/m2)
%life_wt = 12.5; % lifetime of turbine (years)
%rep_wt = (proj_life / life_wt) – 1; % number of replacements in project (1)
% Battery specifications
cap_batt = 364/1.68; % capital cost of battery (216.6667 UK pounds/kWh)
oandm_batt = 3.64/1.68; % o & m cost of battery (2.1667 UK pounds/kWh/yr)
sal_batt = 36.4/1.68; % salvage revenue of battery (21.6667 UK pounds/kWh)
%life_batt = 2.5; % lifetime of battery (years)
%rep_batt = (proj_life / life_batt) – 1; % number of replacements in project;
% (9)
% Useful factors for net present value
%fac1 = (1+inc)/(1+int); % 0.9905
%fac2 = (1+infl)/(1+int); % 0.9810
%factor1a = symsum(fac1.^((k-1)*life_wt),k,1,rep_wt);
factor1a = 1; % summation of fac1^(k-1)*life_wt) for turbine replacements
%factor1b = symsum(fac1.^((k-1)*life_batt),k,1,rep_batt);
factor1b = 8.1943; % summation of fac1.^((k-1)*life_batt) for battery
% replacements
%factor2 = symsum(fac1.^k,k,1,proj_life);
factor2 = 22.1282; % summation of fac1^k for project life
% factor2 = fac1 + (fac1.^2) + (fac1.^3) + … + (fac1.^25)
%factor3a = ((1+infl).^proj_life)/((1+int).^proj_life);
factor3a = 0.6183;
%factor3b = symsum(fac2.^(x*life_wt),x,1,rep_wt);
factor3b = 0.7863; % summation of fac2^(x*life_wt) for turbine life
%factor3c = symsum(fac2.^(x*life_batt),x,1,rep_batt);
factor3c = 7.1315; % summation of fac2^(x*life_batt) for battery life
% Capital costs and replacement costs
% Solar
pv_caprep = cap_pv * Areapv;
pv_caprep_npv = pv_caprep;
const_pv1 = pv_caprep_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_caprep = cap_wt * Areawt;
windg_caprep_npv = windg_caprep * factor1a;
const_wt1 = windg_caprep_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_caprep = cap_batt * Capbatt;
batt_caprep_npv = batt_caprep * factor1b;
const_batt1 = batt_caprep_npv / Capbatt;
% Operation and maintenance costs
% Solar
pv_oandm = oandm_pv * Areapv;
pv_oandm_npv = pv_oandm * factor2;
const_pv2 = pv_oandm_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_oandm = oandm_wt * Areawt;
windg_oandm_npv = windg_oandm * factor2;
const_wt2 = windg_oandm_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_oandm = oandm_batt * Capbatt;
batt_oandm_npv = batt_oandm * factor2;
const_batt2 = batt_oandm_npv / Capbatt;
% Salvage revenues
% Solar
pv_sal = sal_pv * Areapv;
pv_sal_npv = pv_sal * factor3a;
const_pv3 = pv_sal_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_sal = sal_wt * Areawt;
windg_sal_npv = windg_sal * factor3b;
const_wt3 = windg_sal_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_sal = sal_batt * Capbatt;
batt_sal_npv = batt_sal * factor3c;
const_batt3 = batt_sal_npv / Capbatt;
% Total system cost
% In general: system cost = capital cost + o&m cost – salvage revenue
system_cost = ((const_pv1 + const_pv2 – const_pv3) * Areapv) + …
((const_wt1 + const_wt2 – const_wt3) * Areawt) +((const_batt1 + const_batt2 – const_batt3) * Capbatt);
the ga script
nvars = 3; % number of input variables
fun = @cost; % objective function to be optimized (system cost)
lb = [16.3 6.865 16.8]; % lower bounds of input variables
ub = [32.6 22.882 33.6]; % lower bounds of input variables
nonlcon = @LPSP; % nonlinear constraint function (loss of power supply
% probability
% Optimization command
[X,fval] = ga(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon);
i can provide the exel data files you need to run the function
these are the errors i could not fix :
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in solar (line 12)
solargen = w .* x;
Error in LPSP (line 9)
s = solar(Areapv); % call solar function
Error in createAnonymousFcn>@(x)fcn(x,FcnArgs{:}) (line 11)
fcn_handle = @(x) fcn(x,FcnArgs{:});
Error in constrValidate (line 23)
[cineq,ceq] = nonlcon(Iterate.x’);
Error in gacommon (line 132)
[LinearConstr, Iterate,nineqcstr,neqcstr,ncstr] = constrValidate(NonconFcn, …
Error in ga (line 336)
NonconFcn,options,Iterate,type] = gacommon(nvars,fun,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,lb,ub, …
Error in gen (line 28)
[X,fval] = ga(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon);
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied nonlinear constraint function evaluation.i’m working on optimising a design of a hybrid PV/Wind energy system (with battery) using Genetic Algorithms ,and based on a research paper i have been able to code the following :
% Solar PV Generator script
function solargen = solar(Areapv)
% Input:
% Areapv = total area of all PV modules, one of the variables to be optimized
% x = solar irradiance (data read from an Excel file)
x = xlsread(‘éclairement_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
effpv = 0.227; % efficiency of the PV module specified by manufacturer
% Output:
% solargen = power produced by the PV generator (kW)
% solargen = Areapv * effpv * Irrad * 0.001;
w = effpv * Areapv * 0.001;
solargen = w .* x;
wind turbine script
% Wind Generator script
function windgen = windpower(Areawt)
% Inputs:
% Areawt = total rotor swept area of all wind turbines used (m2)
% Areawt is one of the variables to be optimized
coeff_wt = 45/100; % coefficient of power of wind turbine
rho = 1.1839; % density of air (kg/m3) at 1 atm pres and 25 degC temp
vci = 2.01168; % wind turbine cut-in/min wind speed (m/s)
vrat = 13.8582; % wind turbine rated wind speed (m/s)
vco = 17.8816; % wind turbine cut-out/max wind speed (m/s)
% vact = actual wind speed (data read from an Excel file)
vact = xlsread(‘wind_speed_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
y = length(vact); % number of wind speed data points
% windgen = power produced by the wind generator (kW)
b = zeros(1, y); % preallocation of memory outside loop
windgen = b.’;
for a = 1:y
if ((vact(a) < vci)||(vact(a) > vco)) % wind speed less than cut-in or greater than cut-out
z = 0;
elseif ((vact(a) >= vci)&&(vact(a) < vrat)) % wind speed between cut-in and rated
z = 0.5 * coeff_wt * rho * Areawt * (vrat.^3) * ((vact(a).^3 – vci.^3)/(vrat.^3 – vci.^3)) * 0.001;
else % wind speed between rated and cut-out
z = 0.5 * coeff_wt * rho * Areawt * (vrat.^3) * 0.001;
windgen(a) = z;
battery script
% Battery System script
function [battpower,Pload] = battery(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
% Inputs:
% Areapv = total area of all PV modules used (m2)
% Areawt = total rotor swept area of all wind turbines used (m2)
% Capbatt = total energy capacity of all batteries used (kWh)
% The three inputs are the variables to be optimized
% Pload = load demand (data read from an Excel file)
Pl = xlsread(‘charge_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
Pload = 0.001 * Pl; % load power in kW
eff_inv = 88/100; % efficiency of inverter
eff_batt_cha = 92/100; % efficiency of battery charging
eff_batt_disch = 100/100; % efficiency of battery discharging
Ppv = solar(Areapv); % generation from solar
Pwind = windpower(Areawt); % generation from wind
soc_max = 98/100; % maximum state of charge of battery
dod_max = 80/100; % maximum depth of discharge
y = length(Pload);
% preallocation of memory outside loop for some variables
c = zeros(1, y);
Pgen = c.’;
d = zeros(1, y);
soc = d.’;
e = zeros(1, y);
dod = e.’;
f = zeros(1, y);
Pdump = f.’;
g = zeros(1, y);
battpower = g.’;
h = zeros(1, y);
Pdef = h.’;
soc(1) = soc_max; % initial state of charge of battery
dod(1) = 1 – soc(1); % initial state of discharge of battery
for b = 1:y
Pgen(b) = Ppv(b) + Pwind(b);
soc(b) = soc(b) + (battpower(b)/(1000*Capbatt));
if Pgen(b) > (Pload(b)/eff_inv) % generation > load
if soc(b) < soc_max % battery not charged fully
battpower(b) = (Pgen(b) – (Pload(b)/eff_inv)) *eff_batt_cha; % battery charges, battpower is +ve
soc(b) >= soc_max; % battery charged to maximum
battpower(b) = 0; % no more charging
Pdump(b) = Pgen(b) – (Pload(b)/eff_inv);
% surplus power is dumped after battery charges to maximum
elseif Pgen(b) < (Pload(b)/eff_inv) % generation < load
if (dod(b)) < dod_max % battery not dicharged to maximum
battpower(b) = -((Pload(b)/eff_inv) – Pgen(b)) * eff_batt_disch; % battery discharges, battpower is -ve
dod(b) >= dod_max; % battery discharged to maximum
battpower(b) = 0; % no more discharging
Pdef(b) = Pload(b) – (Pgen(b) + ((1000 * Capbatt)* ((soc(b)-(1-dod_max))))* eff_inv);
% deficit power persists after battery discharged fully
else % Pgen(b) = (Pload(b)/eff_inv) i.e. generation = load
battpower(b) = 0; % No charging or discharging
LPSP script which is the non linear constraint script
function [LPSP_value,LPSP_eq] = LPSP(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
eff_inv = 88/100; % efficiency of inverter
s = solar(Areapv); % call solar function
w = windpower(Areawt); % call wind function
Pg = s + w; % generation = solar + wind
[b,Pl] = battery(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt); % call battery function
Pgen = sum(Pg); % total generation
Pload = sum(Pl); % total load
battp = sum(b); % total battery power
LPS = sum(Pdef);
LPSP_value = (LPS / Pload) – 0.05; % LPSP <= 0.05
LPSP_eq = [];
the cost script which is the objective function
% Total System Cost script
% The total system cost is the sum of the following costs:
% Capital/investment costs
% Operation and maintenance costs
% Replacement costs
% Salvage revenue (negative cost)
% The present value of the above cost components are found for each of the
% three main system components: solar pv generator, wind generator and
% battery system; all costs are then added to get the total system cost
% The total system cost is the objective function to be optimized by a
% genetic algorithm. The constraints of this function are the loss of power
% supply probability (defined in a separate function) and the input
% variables.
function system_cost = cost(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
% Constraints
Areapv_max = 20 * 1.63; % 20 PV modules maximum (32.6 m2 max area)
Areapv(Areapv>Areapv_max) = Areapv_max;
Areapv_min = 10 * 1.63; % 10 PV modules minimum (16.3 m2 min area)
Areapv(Areapv<Areapv_min) = Areapv_min;
Areawt_max = 10 * pi * (0.85344.^2); % 10 wind turbines maximum
% (22.8821 m2 max area)
Areawt(Areawt>Areawt_max) = Areawt_max;
Areawt_min = 3 * pi * (0.85344.^2); % 3 wind turbines minimum
% (6.8646 m2 min area)
Areawt(Areawt<Areawt_min) = Areawt_min;
Capbatt_max = 20 * 1.68; % 20 battery units maximum (33.6 kWh max)
Capbatt(Capbatt>Capbatt_max) = Capbatt_max;
Capbatt_min = 10 * 1.68; % 10 battery units minimum (16.8 kWh min)
Capbatt(Capbatt<Capbatt_min) = Capbatt_min;
% Project lifetime
%proj_life = 25; % years
% Rates applicable
%int = 5/100; % interest rate that affects all costs
%infl = 3/100; % inflation rate that affects salvage costs
%inc = 4/100; % non-inflation rate at which non-salvage costs increase
% Solar specifications
cap_pv = 300/1.63; % capital cost of PV module (184.0491 UK pounds/m2)
oandm_pv = 7.5/1.63; % o & m cost of PV module (4.6012 UK pounds/m2/yr)
sal_pv = 60/1.63; % salvage revenue of PV module (36.8098 UK pounds/m2)
%life_pv = 25; % lifetime of PV module (years)
%rep_pv = (proj_life / life_pv) – 1; % number of replacements in project (0)
% Wind specifications
cap_wt = 1125/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % capital cost of turbine
% (491.6507 UK pounds/m2)
oandm_wt = 168.75/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % o & m cost of turbine
% (73.7476 UK pounds/m2/yr)
sal_wt = 225/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % salvage revenue of turbine
% (98.3301 UK pounds/m2)
%life_wt = 12.5; % lifetime of turbine (years)
%rep_wt = (proj_life / life_wt) – 1; % number of replacements in project (1)
% Battery specifications
cap_batt = 364/1.68; % capital cost of battery (216.6667 UK pounds/kWh)
oandm_batt = 3.64/1.68; % o & m cost of battery (2.1667 UK pounds/kWh/yr)
sal_batt = 36.4/1.68; % salvage revenue of battery (21.6667 UK pounds/kWh)
%life_batt = 2.5; % lifetime of battery (years)
%rep_batt = (proj_life / life_batt) – 1; % number of replacements in project;
% (9)
% Useful factors for net present value
%fac1 = (1+inc)/(1+int); % 0.9905
%fac2 = (1+infl)/(1+int); % 0.9810
%factor1a = symsum(fac1.^((k-1)*life_wt),k,1,rep_wt);
factor1a = 1; % summation of fac1^(k-1)*life_wt) for turbine replacements
%factor1b = symsum(fac1.^((k-1)*life_batt),k,1,rep_batt);
factor1b = 8.1943; % summation of fac1.^((k-1)*life_batt) for battery
% replacements
%factor2 = symsum(fac1.^k,k,1,proj_life);
factor2 = 22.1282; % summation of fac1^k for project life
% factor2 = fac1 + (fac1.^2) + (fac1.^3) + … + (fac1.^25)
%factor3a = ((1+infl).^proj_life)/((1+int).^proj_life);
factor3a = 0.6183;
%factor3b = symsum(fac2.^(x*life_wt),x,1,rep_wt);
factor3b = 0.7863; % summation of fac2^(x*life_wt) for turbine life
%factor3c = symsum(fac2.^(x*life_batt),x,1,rep_batt);
factor3c = 7.1315; % summation of fac2^(x*life_batt) for battery life
% Capital costs and replacement costs
% Solar
pv_caprep = cap_pv * Areapv;
pv_caprep_npv = pv_caprep;
const_pv1 = pv_caprep_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_caprep = cap_wt * Areawt;
windg_caprep_npv = windg_caprep * factor1a;
const_wt1 = windg_caprep_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_caprep = cap_batt * Capbatt;
batt_caprep_npv = batt_caprep * factor1b;
const_batt1 = batt_caprep_npv / Capbatt;
% Operation and maintenance costs
% Solar
pv_oandm = oandm_pv * Areapv;
pv_oandm_npv = pv_oandm * factor2;
const_pv2 = pv_oandm_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_oandm = oandm_wt * Areawt;
windg_oandm_npv = windg_oandm * factor2;
const_wt2 = windg_oandm_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_oandm = oandm_batt * Capbatt;
batt_oandm_npv = batt_oandm * factor2;
const_batt2 = batt_oandm_npv / Capbatt;
% Salvage revenues
% Solar
pv_sal = sal_pv * Areapv;
pv_sal_npv = pv_sal * factor3a;
const_pv3 = pv_sal_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_sal = sal_wt * Areawt;
windg_sal_npv = windg_sal * factor3b;
const_wt3 = windg_sal_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_sal = sal_batt * Capbatt;
batt_sal_npv = batt_sal * factor3c;
const_batt3 = batt_sal_npv / Capbatt;
% Total system cost
% In general: system cost = capital cost + o&m cost – salvage revenue
system_cost = ((const_pv1 + const_pv2 – const_pv3) * Areapv) + …
((const_wt1 + const_wt2 – const_wt3) * Areawt) +((const_batt1 + const_batt2 – const_batt3) * Capbatt);
the ga script
nvars = 3; % number of input variables
fun = @cost; % objective function to be optimized (system cost)
lb = [16.3 6.865 16.8]; % lower bounds of input variables
ub = [32.6 22.882 33.6]; % lower bounds of input variables
nonlcon = @LPSP; % nonlinear constraint function (loss of power supply
% probability
% Optimization command
[X,fval] = ga(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon);
i can provide the exel data files you need to run the function
these are the errors i could not fix :
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in solar (line 12)
solargen = w .* x;
Error in LPSP (line 9)
s = solar(Areapv); % call solar function
Error in createAnonymousFcn>@(x)fcn(x,FcnArgs{:}) (line 11)
fcn_handle = @(x) fcn(x,FcnArgs{:});
Error in constrValidate (line 23)
[cineq,ceq] = nonlcon(Iterate.x’);
Error in gacommon (line 132)
[LinearConstr, Iterate,nineqcstr,neqcstr,ncstr] = constrValidate(NonconFcn, …
Error in ga (line 336)
NonconFcn,options,Iterate,type] = gacommon(nvars,fun,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,lb,ub, …
Error in gen (line 28)
[X,fval] = ga(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon);
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied nonlinear constraint function evaluation. i’m working on optimising a design of a hybrid PV/Wind energy system (with battery) using Genetic Algorithms ,and based on a research paper i have been able to code the following :
% Solar PV Generator script
function solargen = solar(Areapv)
% Input:
% Areapv = total area of all PV modules, one of the variables to be optimized
% x = solar irradiance (data read from an Excel file)
x = xlsread(‘éclairement_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
effpv = 0.227; % efficiency of the PV module specified by manufacturer
% Output:
% solargen = power produced by the PV generator (kW)
% solargen = Areapv * effpv * Irrad * 0.001;
w = effpv * Areapv * 0.001;
solargen = w .* x;
wind turbine script
% Wind Generator script
function windgen = windpower(Areawt)
% Inputs:
% Areawt = total rotor swept area of all wind turbines used (m2)
% Areawt is one of the variables to be optimized
coeff_wt = 45/100; % coefficient of power of wind turbine
rho = 1.1839; % density of air (kg/m3) at 1 atm pres and 25 degC temp
vci = 2.01168; % wind turbine cut-in/min wind speed (m/s)
vrat = 13.8582; % wind turbine rated wind speed (m/s)
vco = 17.8816; % wind turbine cut-out/max wind speed (m/s)
% vact = actual wind speed (data read from an Excel file)
vact = xlsread(‘wind_speed_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
y = length(vact); % number of wind speed data points
% windgen = power produced by the wind generator (kW)
b = zeros(1, y); % preallocation of memory outside loop
windgen = b.’;
for a = 1:y
if ((vact(a) < vci)||(vact(a) > vco)) % wind speed less than cut-in or greater than cut-out
z = 0;
elseif ((vact(a) >= vci)&&(vact(a) < vrat)) % wind speed between cut-in and rated
z = 0.5 * coeff_wt * rho * Areawt * (vrat.^3) * ((vact(a).^3 – vci.^3)/(vrat.^3 – vci.^3)) * 0.001;
else % wind speed between rated and cut-out
z = 0.5 * coeff_wt * rho * Areawt * (vrat.^3) * 0.001;
windgen(a) = z;
battery script
% Battery System script
function [battpower,Pload] = battery(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
% Inputs:
% Areapv = total area of all PV modules used (m2)
% Areawt = total rotor swept area of all wind turbines used (m2)
% Capbatt = total energy capacity of all batteries used (kWh)
% The three inputs are the variables to be optimized
% Pload = load demand (data read from an Excel file)
Pl = xlsread(‘charge_tlemcen.xlsx’,’A1:A8784′);
Pload = 0.001 * Pl; % load power in kW
eff_inv = 88/100; % efficiency of inverter
eff_batt_cha = 92/100; % efficiency of battery charging
eff_batt_disch = 100/100; % efficiency of battery discharging
Ppv = solar(Areapv); % generation from solar
Pwind = windpower(Areawt); % generation from wind
soc_max = 98/100; % maximum state of charge of battery
dod_max = 80/100; % maximum depth of discharge
y = length(Pload);
% preallocation of memory outside loop for some variables
c = zeros(1, y);
Pgen = c.’;
d = zeros(1, y);
soc = d.’;
e = zeros(1, y);
dod = e.’;
f = zeros(1, y);
Pdump = f.’;
g = zeros(1, y);
battpower = g.’;
h = zeros(1, y);
Pdef = h.’;
soc(1) = soc_max; % initial state of charge of battery
dod(1) = 1 – soc(1); % initial state of discharge of battery
for b = 1:y
Pgen(b) = Ppv(b) + Pwind(b);
soc(b) = soc(b) + (battpower(b)/(1000*Capbatt));
if Pgen(b) > (Pload(b)/eff_inv) % generation > load
if soc(b) < soc_max % battery not charged fully
battpower(b) = (Pgen(b) – (Pload(b)/eff_inv)) *eff_batt_cha; % battery charges, battpower is +ve
soc(b) >= soc_max; % battery charged to maximum
battpower(b) = 0; % no more charging
Pdump(b) = Pgen(b) – (Pload(b)/eff_inv);
% surplus power is dumped after battery charges to maximum
elseif Pgen(b) < (Pload(b)/eff_inv) % generation < load
if (dod(b)) < dod_max % battery not dicharged to maximum
battpower(b) = -((Pload(b)/eff_inv) – Pgen(b)) * eff_batt_disch; % battery discharges, battpower is -ve
dod(b) >= dod_max; % battery discharged to maximum
battpower(b) = 0; % no more discharging
Pdef(b) = Pload(b) – (Pgen(b) + ((1000 * Capbatt)* ((soc(b)-(1-dod_max))))* eff_inv);
% deficit power persists after battery discharged fully
else % Pgen(b) = (Pload(b)/eff_inv) i.e. generation = load
battpower(b) = 0; % No charging or discharging
LPSP script which is the non linear constraint script
function [LPSP_value,LPSP_eq] = LPSP(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
eff_inv = 88/100; % efficiency of inverter
s = solar(Areapv); % call solar function
w = windpower(Areawt); % call wind function
Pg = s + w; % generation = solar + wind
[b,Pl] = battery(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt); % call battery function
Pgen = sum(Pg); % total generation
Pload = sum(Pl); % total load
battp = sum(b); % total battery power
LPS = sum(Pdef);
LPSP_value = (LPS / Pload) – 0.05; % LPSP <= 0.05
LPSP_eq = [];
the cost script which is the objective function
% Total System Cost script
% The total system cost is the sum of the following costs:
% Capital/investment costs
% Operation and maintenance costs
% Replacement costs
% Salvage revenue (negative cost)
% The present value of the above cost components are found for each of the
% three main system components: solar pv generator, wind generator and
% battery system; all costs are then added to get the total system cost
% The total system cost is the objective function to be optimized by a
% genetic algorithm. The constraints of this function are the loss of power
% supply probability (defined in a separate function) and the input
% variables.
function system_cost = cost(Areapv,Areawt,Capbatt)
% Constraints
Areapv_max = 20 * 1.63; % 20 PV modules maximum (32.6 m2 max area)
Areapv(Areapv>Areapv_max) = Areapv_max;
Areapv_min = 10 * 1.63; % 10 PV modules minimum (16.3 m2 min area)
Areapv(Areapv<Areapv_min) = Areapv_min;
Areawt_max = 10 * pi * (0.85344.^2); % 10 wind turbines maximum
% (22.8821 m2 max area)
Areawt(Areawt>Areawt_max) = Areawt_max;
Areawt_min = 3 * pi * (0.85344.^2); % 3 wind turbines minimum
% (6.8646 m2 min area)
Areawt(Areawt<Areawt_min) = Areawt_min;
Capbatt_max = 20 * 1.68; % 20 battery units maximum (33.6 kWh max)
Capbatt(Capbatt>Capbatt_max) = Capbatt_max;
Capbatt_min = 10 * 1.68; % 10 battery units minimum (16.8 kWh min)
Capbatt(Capbatt<Capbatt_min) = Capbatt_min;
% Project lifetime
%proj_life = 25; % years
% Rates applicable
%int = 5/100; % interest rate that affects all costs
%infl = 3/100; % inflation rate that affects salvage costs
%inc = 4/100; % non-inflation rate at which non-salvage costs increase
% Solar specifications
cap_pv = 300/1.63; % capital cost of PV module (184.0491 UK pounds/m2)
oandm_pv = 7.5/1.63; % o & m cost of PV module (4.6012 UK pounds/m2/yr)
sal_pv = 60/1.63; % salvage revenue of PV module (36.8098 UK pounds/m2)
%life_pv = 25; % lifetime of PV module (years)
%rep_pv = (proj_life / life_pv) – 1; % number of replacements in project (0)
% Wind specifications
cap_wt = 1125/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % capital cost of turbine
% (491.6507 UK pounds/m2)
oandm_wt = 168.75/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % o & m cost of turbine
% (73.7476 UK pounds/m2/yr)
sal_wt = 225/(pi*(0.85344.^2)); % salvage revenue of turbine
% (98.3301 UK pounds/m2)
%life_wt = 12.5; % lifetime of turbine (years)
%rep_wt = (proj_life / life_wt) – 1; % number of replacements in project (1)
% Battery specifications
cap_batt = 364/1.68; % capital cost of battery (216.6667 UK pounds/kWh)
oandm_batt = 3.64/1.68; % o & m cost of battery (2.1667 UK pounds/kWh/yr)
sal_batt = 36.4/1.68; % salvage revenue of battery (21.6667 UK pounds/kWh)
%life_batt = 2.5; % lifetime of battery (years)
%rep_batt = (proj_life / life_batt) – 1; % number of replacements in project;
% (9)
% Useful factors for net present value
%fac1 = (1+inc)/(1+int); % 0.9905
%fac2 = (1+infl)/(1+int); % 0.9810
%factor1a = symsum(fac1.^((k-1)*life_wt),k,1,rep_wt);
factor1a = 1; % summation of fac1^(k-1)*life_wt) for turbine replacements
%factor1b = symsum(fac1.^((k-1)*life_batt),k,1,rep_batt);
factor1b = 8.1943; % summation of fac1.^((k-1)*life_batt) for battery
% replacements
%factor2 = symsum(fac1.^k,k,1,proj_life);
factor2 = 22.1282; % summation of fac1^k for project life
% factor2 = fac1 + (fac1.^2) + (fac1.^3) + … + (fac1.^25)
%factor3a = ((1+infl).^proj_life)/((1+int).^proj_life);
factor3a = 0.6183;
%factor3b = symsum(fac2.^(x*life_wt),x,1,rep_wt);
factor3b = 0.7863; % summation of fac2^(x*life_wt) for turbine life
%factor3c = symsum(fac2.^(x*life_batt),x,1,rep_batt);
factor3c = 7.1315; % summation of fac2^(x*life_batt) for battery life
% Capital costs and replacement costs
% Solar
pv_caprep = cap_pv * Areapv;
pv_caprep_npv = pv_caprep;
const_pv1 = pv_caprep_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_caprep = cap_wt * Areawt;
windg_caprep_npv = windg_caprep * factor1a;
const_wt1 = windg_caprep_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_caprep = cap_batt * Capbatt;
batt_caprep_npv = batt_caprep * factor1b;
const_batt1 = batt_caprep_npv / Capbatt;
% Operation and maintenance costs
% Solar
pv_oandm = oandm_pv * Areapv;
pv_oandm_npv = pv_oandm * factor2;
const_pv2 = pv_oandm_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_oandm = oandm_wt * Areawt;
windg_oandm_npv = windg_oandm * factor2;
const_wt2 = windg_oandm_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_oandm = oandm_batt * Capbatt;
batt_oandm_npv = batt_oandm * factor2;
const_batt2 = batt_oandm_npv / Capbatt;
% Salvage revenues
% Solar
pv_sal = sal_pv * Areapv;
pv_sal_npv = pv_sal * factor3a;
const_pv3 = pv_sal_npv / Areapv;
% Wind
windg_sal = sal_wt * Areawt;
windg_sal_npv = windg_sal * factor3b;
const_wt3 = windg_sal_npv / Areawt;
% Battery
batt_sal = sal_batt * Capbatt;
batt_sal_npv = batt_sal * factor3c;
const_batt3 = batt_sal_npv / Capbatt;
% Total system cost
% In general: system cost = capital cost + o&m cost – salvage revenue
system_cost = ((const_pv1 + const_pv2 – const_pv3) * Areapv) + …
((const_wt1 + const_wt2 – const_wt3) * Areawt) +((const_batt1 + const_batt2 – const_batt3) * Capbatt);
the ga script
nvars = 3; % number of input variables
fun = @cost; % objective function to be optimized (system cost)
lb = [16.3 6.865 16.8]; % lower bounds of input variables
ub = [32.6 22.882 33.6]; % lower bounds of input variables
nonlcon = @LPSP; % nonlinear constraint function (loss of power supply
% probability
% Optimization command
[X,fval] = ga(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon);
i can provide the exel data files you need to run the function
these are the errors i could not fix :
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in solar (line 12)
solargen = w .* x;
Error in LPSP (line 9)
s = solar(Areapv); % call solar function
Error in createAnonymousFcn>@(x)fcn(x,FcnArgs{:}) (line 11)
fcn_handle = @(x) fcn(x,FcnArgs{:});
Error in constrValidate (line 23)
[cineq,ceq] = nonlcon(Iterate.x’);
Error in gacommon (line 132)
[LinearConstr, Iterate,nineqcstr,neqcstr,ncstr] = constrValidate(NonconFcn, …
Error in ga (line 336)
NonconFcn,options,Iterate,type] = gacommon(nvars,fun,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,lb,ub, …
Error in gen (line 28)
[X,fval] = ga(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,nonlcon);
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied nonlinear constraint function evaluation. genetic algorithm MATLAB Answers — New Questions
windows 11 insider beta program feedback hub too young to send feedback
Hi i just joined the Insider beta program i am unable to provide feedback on the windows app windows free me i wanna be apart of the beta community if anyone can help me please let me know i hope everyone is having a good day or night wherever you may be!(:
Hi i just joined the Insider beta program i am unable to provide feedback on the windows app windows free me i wanna be apart of the beta community if anyone can help me please let me know i hope everyone is having a good day or night wherever you may be!(: Read More
Error with the simulink downsample component
I am using the downsample component in simulink, but I am getting the error message:
"Nonzero sample time offsets are not supported"
during C++ generation.
My sample offset is set to 0 in the block parameters window. I also tried to use a workspace variable set to 0 to see if it makes a difference. No change.
I have used this block before without any problem. Any recommendation on how to debug this?
I am using the downsample component in simulink, but I am getting the error message:
"Nonzero sample time offsets are not supported"
during C++ generation.
My sample offset is set to 0 in the block parameters window. I also tried to use a workspace variable set to 0 to see if it makes a difference. No change.
I have used this block before without any problem. Any recommendation on how to debug this?
Thanks! Hello,
I am using the downsample component in simulink, but I am getting the error message:
"Nonzero sample time offsets are not supported"
during C++ generation.
My sample offset is set to 0 in the block parameters window. I also tried to use a workspace variable set to 0 to see if it makes a difference. No change.
I have used this block before without any problem. Any recommendation on how to debug this?
Thanks! simulink, downsample MATLAB Answers — New Questions
FAQ: When is a Marketplace Private Offer Legally Binding?
Q: At what point in the transaction process does a Private Offer become legally binding? The reason why was it would determine who in the organisation could approve the Private Offer, and then purchase software.
Step 1 – Approval of the Private Offer?
Step 2 – Purchase the Software?
Step 3 – Only when the ISV has configured the software?
A: It is binding at the time of accepting the offer (Step 1). “Accepting the private offer means you agree to the terms and prices listed in the offer, creating a contractual agreement between your organization and the Microsoft partner” –
Q: At what point in the transaction process does a Private Offer become legally binding? The reason why was it would determine who in the organisation could approve the Private Offer, and then purchase software.
Step 1 – Approval of the Private Offer?
Step 2 – Purchase the Software?
Step 3 – Only when the ISV has configured the software?
A: It is binding at the time of accepting the offer (Step 1). “Accepting the private offer means you agree to the terms and prices listed in the offer, creating a contractual agreement between your organization and the Microsoft partner” –
FAQ: Is Bicep supported when creating a transactable Azure Managed Application
Q: Is Bicep supported when creating a transactable Azure Managed Application? Right now, I am only aware that ARM templates are supported. Also, have you encountered a way that PowerShell scripts can also be executed within a managed application? Are DevOps pipelines recommended or is there any other best practice?
A: Bicep are not supported directly. You can export the BICEP to ARM and use that inside the For the second question, research ARM deployment scripts…. It allows to run scripts in ARM Templates. Link below:
You can also refer to this blog on using PowerShell in ARM Template:
Q: Is Bicep supported when creating a transactable Azure Managed Application? Right now, I am only aware that ARM templates are supported. Also, have you encountered a way that PowerShell scripts can also be executed within a managed application? Are DevOps pipelines recommended or is there any other best practice?
A: Bicep are not supported directly. You can export the BICEP to ARM and use that inside the For the second question, research ARM deployment scripts…. It allows to run scripts in ARM Templates. Link below:
You can also refer to this blog on using PowerShell in ARM Template:
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Learning project accelerator
Is there training anywhere that goes over the project accelerator? I am interested in learning how to customize it to meet the needs of my business. For example, how do I edit the different fields for the intake form. Another thing I would like to learn is how to customize which fields are used in Risks and issues.
Is there training anywhere that goes over the project accelerator? I am interested in learning how to customize it to meet the needs of my business. For example, how do I edit the different fields for the intake form. Another thing I would like to learn is how to customize which fields are used in Risks and issues. Read More
Code de parrainage BIT GET : (bet365) – Qu’est-ce que le bonus d’inscription de nouvel utilisateur ?
Code de parrainage BIT GET : (bet365) – Qu’est-ce que le bonus d’inscription de nouvel utilisateur ?
Vous recherchez le code de parrainage BIT GET ? Le dernier pour 2024 est (bet365). En utilisant ce code, les nouveaux utilisateurs et traders peuvent bénéficier d’une réduction de 50 % sur les frais de négociation. De plus, ceux qui s’inscrivent avec le code promotionnel (bet365) peuvent recevoir un bonus promotionnel exclusif d’une valeur de 5 000 USDT, comprenant une boîte mystère d’une valeur de 500 USDT.
Le code (bet365) du programme de code de parrainage BIT GET sert de code de parrainage. En saisissant ce code, les nouveaux utilisateurs bénéficieront d’une réduction permanente des frais de trading ainsi que d’une remise de 50 % sur leurs transactions. De plus, si vous partagez votre code de parrainage avec des amis, vous avez la possibilité de gagner un généreux bonus de 50 %. L’utilisation de ce code offre une opportunité précieuse de réduire les frais et potentiellement d’augmenter vos revenus en attirant d’autres personnes sur la plateforme.
### Quel est le meilleur code de parrainage BIT GET pour 2024 ?
Le code de parrainage BIT GET hautement recommandé est (bet365). Les nouveaux traders utilisant ce code lors de leur inscription recevront un généreux bonus de 5 000 USDT. Ce bonus comprend une boîte mystère d’une valeur de 500 USDT et une réduction de 50 % sur les frais de négociation. Partager votre code avec des amis vous donnera la chance de gagner une commission substantielle de 50 %. Cela vous offre la possibilité de recevoir un bonus d’inscription maximum allant jusqu’à 5 000 USDT en guise de récompense de bienvenue. C’est un moyen fantastique d’améliorer votre expérience de trading avec des avantages supplémentaires tout en encourageant les autres à nous rejoindre et à gagner leurs propres récompenses.
### Comment utiliser le code de parrainage BIT GET ?
Le code de parrainage BIT GET est disponible pour les nouveaux utilisateurs et les nouveaux traders qui ne se sont pas encore inscrits sur la bourse. Malheureusement, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le code de parrainage si vous possédez déjà un compte. Cependant, BIT GET propose plusieurs autres façons de participer à des promotions et de gagner des récompenses. Explorons ces alternatives.
Pour ceux qui découvrent BIT GET, voici un guide étape par étape sur la façon d’appliquer le code de parrainage BIT GET :
1. Visitez BIT GET et cliquez sur le bouton bleu « S’inscrire ».
2. Entrez les détails précis de l’utilisateur car ils seront vérifiés pour se conformer aux procédures KYC et AML.
3. Lorsqu’on vous demande votre code de parrainage, saisissez (bet365).
4. Terminez le processus d’inscription et toutes les vérifications requises.
5. Une fois toutes les conditions remplies, vous recevrez immédiatement le bonus de bienvenue.
Cette méthode garantit que les nouveaux utilisateurs peuvent facilement terminer le processus d’inscription et recevoir un bonus de bienvenue après avoir rempli les conditions définies.
### Quel est le code de parrainage BIT GET recommandé ?
Le code de parrainage BIT GET recommandé est (bet365). Pour obtenir 50 % de réduction sur votre commission BIT GET, suivez ces étapes :
1. Enregistrez un nouveau compte avec BIT GET.
2. Assurez-vous d’utiliser le code de parrainage BIT GET (bet365).
### Quel est le montant du bonus de parrainage BIT GET ?
Invitez vos amis à rejoindre BIT GET et gagnez ensemble une part du pot de récompense de parrainage ! Chaque ami que vous invitez peut gagner 50 $, jusqu’à un maximum de 5 000 USDT par utilisateur. Les utilisateurs peuvent inviter des amis à s’inscrire sur BIT GET. S’ils remplissent toutes les conditions, vous et vos amis recevrez des bonus de trading de 50 $ jusqu’à la limite maximale.
### Comment obtenir le bonus BIT GET ?
Gagnez des points quotidiennement et échangez-les contre des USDT. Relevez le défi dans les sept jours pour débloquer toutes les récompenses. Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir un package de bienvenue d’une valeur de 5 000 USDT. Déposez au moins 50 $ pour gagner 200 points. Faites votre première transaction d’une valeur d’au moins 50 $ et gagnez 500 points.
### Les réductions sur les commissions de négociation sont-elles appliquées automatiquement ?
Absolument. Une fois inscrit avec notre code de parrainage exclusif BIT GET (bet365), la réduction de 50 % sera appliquée automatiquement. Aucune autre action est nécessaire. Plongez simplement dans le trading et bénéficiez d’une remise permanente de 10 % sur toutes les commissions.
Code de parrainage BIT GET : (bet365) – Qu’est-ce que le bonus d’inscription de nouvel utilisateur ?Vous recherchez le code de parrainage BIT GET ? Le dernier pour 2024 est (bet365). En utilisant ce code, les nouveaux utilisateurs et traders peuvent bénéficier d’une réduction de 50 % sur les frais de négociation. De plus, ceux qui s’inscrivent avec le code promotionnel (bet365) peuvent recevoir un bonus promotionnel exclusif d’une valeur de 5 000 USDT, comprenant une boîte mystère d’une valeur de 500 USDT.Le code (bet365) du programme de code de parrainage BIT GET sert de code de parrainage. En saisissant ce code, les nouveaux utilisateurs bénéficieront d’une réduction permanente des frais de trading ainsi que d’une remise de 50 % sur leurs transactions. De plus, si vous partagez votre code de parrainage avec des amis, vous avez la possibilité de gagner un généreux bonus de 50 %. L’utilisation de ce code offre une opportunité précieuse de réduire les frais et potentiellement d’augmenter vos revenus en attirant d’autres personnes sur la plateforme.### Quel est le meilleur code de parrainage BIT GET pour 2024 ?Le code de parrainage BIT GET hautement recommandé est (bet365). Les nouveaux traders utilisant ce code lors de leur inscription recevront un généreux bonus de 5 000 USDT. Ce bonus comprend une boîte mystère d’une valeur de 500 USDT et une réduction de 50 % sur les frais de négociation. Partager votre code avec des amis vous donnera la chance de gagner une commission substantielle de 50 %. Cela vous offre la possibilité de recevoir un bonus d’inscription maximum allant jusqu’à 5 000 USDT en guise de récompense de bienvenue. C’est un moyen fantastique d’améliorer votre expérience de trading avec des avantages supplémentaires tout en encourageant les autres à nous rejoindre et à gagner leurs propres récompenses.### Comment utiliser le code de parrainage BIT GET ?Le code de parrainage BIT GET est disponible pour les nouveaux utilisateurs et les nouveaux traders qui ne se sont pas encore inscrits sur la bourse. Malheureusement, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le code de parrainage si vous possédez déjà un compte. Cependant, BIT GET propose plusieurs autres façons de participer à des promotions et de gagner des récompenses. Explorons ces alternatives.Pour ceux qui découvrent BIT GET, voici un guide étape par étape sur la façon d’appliquer le code de parrainage BIT GET :1. Visitez BIT GET et cliquez sur le bouton bleu « S’inscrire ».2. Entrez les détails précis de l’utilisateur car ils seront vérifiés pour se conformer aux procédures KYC et AML.3. Lorsqu’on vous demande votre code de parrainage, saisissez (bet365).4. Terminez le processus d’inscription et toutes les vérifications requises.5. Une fois toutes les conditions remplies, vous recevrez immédiatement le bonus de bienvenue.Cette méthode garantit que les nouveaux utilisateurs peuvent facilement terminer le processus d’inscription et recevoir un bonus de bienvenue après avoir rempli les conditions définies.### Quel est le code de parrainage BIT GET recommandé ?Le code de parrainage BIT GET recommandé est (bet365). Pour obtenir 50 % de réduction sur votre commission BIT GET, suivez ces étapes :1. Enregistrez un nouveau compte avec BIT GET.2. Assurez-vous d’utiliser le code de parrainage BIT GET (bet365).### Quel est le montant du bonus de parrainage BIT GET ?Invitez vos amis à rejoindre BIT GET et gagnez ensemble une part du pot de récompense de parrainage ! Chaque ami que vous invitez peut gagner 50 $, jusqu’à un maximum de 5 000 USDT par utilisateur. Les utilisateurs peuvent inviter des amis à s’inscrire sur BIT GET. S’ils remplissent toutes les conditions, vous et vos amis recevrez des bonus de trading de 50 $ jusqu’à la limite maximale.### Comment obtenir le bonus BIT GET ?Gagnez des points quotidiennement et échangez-les contre des USDT. Relevez le défi dans les sept jours pour débloquer toutes les récompenses. Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir un package de bienvenue d’une valeur de 5 000 USDT. Déposez au moins 50 $ pour gagner 200 points. Faites votre première transaction d’une valeur d’au moins 50 $ et gagnez 500 points.### Les réductions sur les commissions de négociation sont-elles appliquées automatiquement ?Absolument. Une fois inscrit avec notre code de parrainage exclusif BIT GET (bet365), la réduction de 50 % sera appliquée automatiquement. Aucune autre action est nécessaire. Plongez simplement dans le trading et bénéficiez d’une remise permanente de 10 % sur toutes les commissions. Read More
BIT GET Empfehlungscode: (bet365)
Sie suchen den BIT GET-Empfehlungscode? Der neueste für 2024 ist (bet365). Mit diesem Code können neue Benutzer und Händler 50 % Rabatt auf Handelsgebühren erhalten. Darüber hinaus können diejenigen, die sich mit dem code (bet365) registrieren, einen exklusiven Werbebonus im Wert von 5.000 USDT erhalten, einschließlich einer Mystery-Box im Wert von 500 USDT.
Der Code (bet365) im BIT GET-Empfehlungscodeprogramm dient als Empfehlungscode. Durch die Eingabe dieses Codes erhalten neue Benutzer eine dauerhafte Reduzierung der Handelsgebühren sowie 50 % Rabatt auf ihre Trades. Wenn Sie Ihren Empfehlungscode außerdem mit Freunden teilen, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, einen großzügigen Bonus von 50 % zu verdienen. Die Verwendung dieses Codes bietet eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, Gebühren zu senken und möglicherweise Ihre Einnahmen zu steigern, indem Sie andere auf die Plattform bringen.
### Was ist der beste BIT GET-Empfehlungscode für 2024?
Der sehr empfehlenswerte BIT GET-Empfehlungscode ist (bet365). Neue Trader, die diesen Code bei der Anmeldung verwenden, erhalten einen großzügigen Bonus von 5.000 USDT. Dieser Bonus umfasst eine Überraschungsbox im Wert von 500 USDT und einen Rabatt von 50 % auf Handelsgebühren. Wenn Sie Ihren Code mit Freunden teilen, haben Sie die Chance, eine beträchtliche Provision von 50 % zu verdienen. Dies bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, einen maximalen Anmeldebonus von bis zu 5.000 USDT als Willkommensprämie zu erhalten. Dies ist eine fantastische Möglichkeit, Ihr Handelserlebnis mit zusätzlichen Vorteilen zu verbessern und gleichzeitig andere zu ermutigen, beizutreten und ihre eigenen Prämien zu verdienen.
### Wie verwende ich den BIT GET-Empfehlungscode?
Der BIT GET-Empfehlungscode ist für neue Benutzer und neue Trader verfügbar, die sich noch nicht an der Börse registriert haben. Leider können Sie den Empfehlungscode nicht verwenden, wenn Sie bereits ein Konto haben. BIT GET bietet jedoch mehrere andere Möglichkeiten, an Werbeaktionen teilzunehmen und Prämien zu verdienen. Lassen Sie uns diese Alternativen erkunden.
Für alle, die neu bei BIT GET sind, gibt es hier eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Anwendung des BIT GET-Empfehlungscodes:
1. Besuchen Sie BIT GET und klicken Sie auf die blaue Schaltfläche „Anmelden“.
2. Geben Sie genaue Benutzerdaten ein, da diese überprüft werden, um den KYC- und AML-Verfahren zu entsprechen.
3. Wenn Sie nach Ihrem Empfehlungscode gefragt werden, geben Sie (bet365) ein.
4. Schließen Sie den Registrierungsprozess und alle erforderlichen Überprüfungen ab.
5. Sobald alle Bedingungen erfüllt sind, erhalten Sie sofort den Willkommensbonus.
Diese Methode stellt sicher, dass neue Benutzer den Registrierungsprozess problemlos abschließen und nach Erfüllung der festgelegten Anforderungen einen Willkommensbonus erhalten können.
### Was ist der empfohlene BIT GET-Empfehlungscode?
Der empfohlene BIT GET-Empfehlungscode ist (bet365). Um 50 % Rabatt auf Ihre BIT GET-Provision zu erhalten, befolgen Sie diese Schritte:
1. Registrieren Sie ein neues Konto bei BIT GET.
2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den BIT GET-Empfehlungscode (bet365) verwenden.
### Wie hoch ist der BIT GET-Empfehlungsbonus?
Laden Sie Ihre Freunde ein, BIT GET beizutreten, und gewinnen Sie gemeinsam einen Anteil des Empfehlungsprämientopfs! Jeder Freund, den Sie einladen, kann 50 $ verdienen, bis zu einem Maximum von 5.000 USDT pro Benutzer. Benutzer können Freunde einladen, sich bei BIT GET zu registrieren. Wenn sie alle Anforderungen erfüllen, erhalten sowohl Sie als auch Ihre Freunde Handelsboni von 50 $ bis zum Höchstlimit.
### Wie bekomme ich den BIT GET-Bonus?
Sammeln Sie täglich Punkte und tauschen Sie sie in USDT ein. Schließen Sie die Herausforderung innerhalb von sieben Tagen ab, um alle Belohnungen freizuschalten. Registrieren Sie sich, um ein Willkommenspaket im Wert von 5.000 USDT zu erhalten. Zahlen Sie mindestens 50 $ ein, um 200 Punkte zu verdienen. Machen Sie Ihren ersten Handel im Wert von mindestens 50 $ und verdienen Sie 500 Punkte.
### Werden Handelsprovisionsrabatte automatisch angewendet?
Absolut. Sobald Sie sich mit unserem exklusiven BIT GET-Empfehlungscode (bet365) registrieren, wird der Rabatt von 50 % automatisch angewendet. Es sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen erforderlich. Tauchen Sie einfach in den Handel ein und profitieren Sie dauerhaft von 10 % Rabatt auf alle Provisionen.
Sie suchen den BIT GET-Empfehlungscode? Der neueste für 2024 ist (bet365). Mit diesem Code können neue Benutzer und Händler 50 % Rabatt auf Handelsgebühren erhalten. Darüber hinaus können diejenigen, die sich mit dem code (bet365) registrieren, einen exklusiven Werbebonus im Wert von 5.000 USDT erhalten, einschließlich einer Mystery-Box im Wert von 500 USDT.Der Code (bet365) im BIT GET-Empfehlungscodeprogramm dient als Empfehlungscode. Durch die Eingabe dieses Codes erhalten neue Benutzer eine dauerhafte Reduzierung der Handelsgebühren sowie 50 % Rabatt auf ihre Trades. Wenn Sie Ihren Empfehlungscode außerdem mit Freunden teilen, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, einen großzügigen Bonus von 50 % zu verdienen. Die Verwendung dieses Codes bietet eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, Gebühren zu senken und möglicherweise Ihre Einnahmen zu steigern, indem Sie andere auf die Plattform bringen.### Was ist der beste BIT GET-Empfehlungscode für 2024?Der sehr empfehlenswerte BIT GET-Empfehlungscode ist (bet365). Neue Trader, die diesen Code bei der Anmeldung verwenden, erhalten einen großzügigen Bonus von 5.000 USDT. Dieser Bonus umfasst eine Überraschungsbox im Wert von 500 USDT und einen Rabatt von 50 % auf Handelsgebühren. Wenn Sie Ihren Code mit Freunden teilen, haben Sie die Chance, eine beträchtliche Provision von 50 % zu verdienen. Dies bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, einen maximalen Anmeldebonus von bis zu 5.000 USDT als Willkommensprämie zu erhalten. Dies ist eine fantastische Möglichkeit, Ihr Handelserlebnis mit zusätzlichen Vorteilen zu verbessern und gleichzeitig andere zu ermutigen, beizutreten und ihre eigenen Prämien zu verdienen.### Wie verwende ich den BIT GET-Empfehlungscode?Der BIT GET-Empfehlungscode ist für neue Benutzer und neue Trader verfügbar, die sich noch nicht an der Börse registriert haben. Leider können Sie den Empfehlungscode nicht verwenden, wenn Sie bereits ein Konto haben. BIT GET bietet jedoch mehrere andere Möglichkeiten, an Werbeaktionen teilzunehmen und Prämien zu verdienen. Lassen Sie uns diese Alternativen erkunden.Für alle, die neu bei BIT GET sind, gibt es hier eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Anwendung des BIT GET-Empfehlungscodes:1. Besuchen Sie BIT GET und klicken Sie auf die blaue Schaltfläche „Anmelden“.2. Geben Sie genaue Benutzerdaten ein, da diese überprüft werden, um den KYC- und AML-Verfahren zu entsprechen.3. Wenn Sie nach Ihrem Empfehlungscode gefragt werden, geben Sie (bet365) ein.4. Schließen Sie den Registrierungsprozess und alle erforderlichen Überprüfungen ab.5. Sobald alle Bedingungen erfüllt sind, erhalten Sie sofort den Willkommensbonus.Diese Methode stellt sicher, dass neue Benutzer den Registrierungsprozess problemlos abschließen und nach Erfüllung der festgelegten Anforderungen einen Willkommensbonus erhalten können.### Was ist der empfohlene BIT GET-Empfehlungscode?Der empfohlene BIT GET-Empfehlungscode ist (bet365). Um 50 % Rabatt auf Ihre BIT GET-Provision zu erhalten, befolgen Sie diese Schritte:1. Registrieren Sie ein neues Konto bei BIT GET.2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den BIT GET-Empfehlungscode (bet365) verwenden.### Wie hoch ist der BIT GET-Empfehlungsbonus?Laden Sie Ihre Freunde ein, BIT GET beizutreten, und gewinnen Sie gemeinsam einen Anteil des Empfehlungsprämientopfs! Jeder Freund, den Sie einladen, kann 50 $ verdienen, bis zu einem Maximum von 5.000 USDT pro Benutzer. Benutzer können Freunde einladen, sich bei BIT GET zu registrieren. Wenn sie alle Anforderungen erfüllen, erhalten sowohl Sie als auch Ihre Freunde Handelsboni von 50 $ bis zum Höchstlimit.### Wie bekomme ich den BIT GET-Bonus?Sammeln Sie täglich Punkte und tauschen Sie sie in USDT ein. Schließen Sie die Herausforderung innerhalb von sieben Tagen ab, um alle Belohnungen freizuschalten. Registrieren Sie sich, um ein Willkommenspaket im Wert von 5.000 USDT zu erhalten. Zahlen Sie mindestens 50 $ ein, um 200 Punkte zu verdienen. Machen Sie Ihren ersten Handel im Wert von mindestens 50 $ und verdienen Sie 500 Punkte.### Werden Handelsprovisionsrabatte automatisch angewendet?Absolut. Sobald Sie sich mit unserem exklusiven BIT GET-Empfehlungscode (bet365) registrieren, wird der Rabatt von 50 % automatisch angewendet. Es sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen erforderlich. Tauchen Sie einfach in den Handel ein und profitieren Sie dauerhaft von 10 % Rabatt auf alle Provisionen. Read More
can simulink code generated unique codes can be kept same irrespective of simulink version ?
whenever matlab generates a code it assigns unique code for each subsystem and its used for classification of parameters from that particular subsytem , here the problem is everytime the user uses different version of matlab ,in the subsystem this code numbers gets changed and there is lot of manual work involved in mapping these parameters used in hand written codes for interfaces , hence I wanted to check if there is any configuration settings available in the simulink to keep the unique subsystem code representations same irrespective of code gen in any version of matlab/simulink ??whenever matlab generates a code it assigns unique code for each subsystem and its used for classification of parameters from that particular subsytem , here the problem is everytime the user uses different version of matlab ,in the subsystem this code numbers gets changed and there is lot of manual work involved in mapping these parameters used in hand written codes for interfaces , hence I wanted to check if there is any configuration settings available in the simulink to keep the unique subsystem code representations same irrespective of code gen in any version of matlab/simulink ?? whenever matlab generates a code it assigns unique code for each subsystem and its used for classification of parameters from that particular subsytem , here the problem is everytime the user uses different version of matlab ,in the subsystem this code numbers gets changed and there is lot of manual work involved in mapping these parameters used in hand written codes for interfaces , hence I wanted to check if there is any configuration settings available in the simulink to keep the unique subsystem code representations same irrespective of code gen in any version of matlab/simulink ?? simulink generated code MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Was ist der OKX-Empfehlungscode?
Suchen Sie nach OKX-Empfehlungscodes für 2024? Verwenden Sie ab dem 25. Juli 2024 bei der Registrierung eines Kontos den Einladungscode OKX [BET888], um das ganze Jahr über besondere Belohnungen freizuschalten. Belohnung bis zu 10.000 USDT. Teilen Sie Ihren Empfehlungscode mit Freunden und Familie, um 50 % Rabatt auf die Handelsgebühren bei OKX zu erhalten, einer sicheren, weltweit bekannten Kryptowährungsbörse. OKX bietet eine vertrauenswürdige Plattform für den Handel mit Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, EOS und vielen anderen Kryptowährungen.
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Suchen Sie nach OKX-Empfehlungscodes für 2024? Verwenden Sie ab dem 25. Juli 2024 bei der Registrierung eines Kontos den Einladungscode OKX [BET888], um das ganze Jahr über besondere Belohnungen freizuschalten. Belohnung bis zu 10.000 USDT. Teilen Sie Ihren Empfehlungscode mit Freunden und Familie, um 50 % Rabatt auf die Handelsgebühren bei OKX zu erhalten, einer sicheren, weltweit bekannten Kryptowährungsbörse. OKX bietet eine vertrauenswürdige Plattform für den Handel mit Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, EOS und vielen anderen Kryptowährungen.Welcher OKX-Empfehlungscode ist der beste?Ab dem 25. Juli 2024 lautet der OKX-Empfehlungscode [BET888]. Verdienen Sie bis zu 50 % Handelsprovision für jede erfolgreiche Empfehlung, von der Sie und Ihr Netzwerk profitieren, während Sie den Kryptohandel auf OKX erkunden. Read More
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Vous recherchez un code de parrainage OKX pour 2024 ? Utilisez le code [ BET888 ] lorsque vous **vous inscrivez** sur OKX pour débloquer des bonus spéciaux pour l’année. Partagez votre code de parrainage avec vos amis et votre famille pour profiter d’une réduction de 50 % sur les frais de négociation sur OKX, un échange de crypto-monnaie sécurisé et de renommée mondiale. OKX offre une plateforme fiable pour échanger du Bitcoin, de l’Ethereum, de l’USDT, de l’EOS et d’autres crypto-monnaies.
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Entrez le code de parrainage [BET888] dans l’application OKX pour activer des remises continues sur les frais de négociation. Gagnez jusqu’à 50 % de commissions de trading pour chaque parrainage réussi, ce qui est avantageux pour vous et votre réseau lorsque vous explorez le trading de crypto-monnaie sur OKX.
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Maximisez vos avantages avec le code de parrainage [ BET888 ]. Utilisez ce code lors de l’inscription pour réclamer un bonus allant jusqu’à 10 000 $ en USDT. Partagez le code pour gagner une commission importante de 50 %. Commencez votre parcours commercial avec des avantages supplémentaires et invitez d’autres personnes à vous rejoindre pour des expériences enrichissantes.
### Comment utiliser le code de parrainage OKX ?
**Inscrivez-vous** sur OKX avec le code de parrainage [ BET888 ] pour accéder aux promotions en cours, y compris l’offre de boîte mystère pour les nouveaux utilisateurs.
Bonus d’inscription OKX
Suivez ces étapes pour créer rapidement votre compte OKX :
Visitez le site Web OKX et cliquez sur « S’inscrire » dans le coin supérieur droit.Entrez votre adresse email.Saisissez le code de référence [ BET888 ].Vérifiez votre boîte de réception pour l’e-mail de vérification OKX.Copiez le code de vérification de l’e-mail.Collez le code dans le champ “Entrer le code”.Cliquez sur Suivant.”Créez un mot de passe fort.
### FAQ sur les codes de parrainage OKX
Quel est le code de parrainage pour OKX ?
Le code de parrainage pour OKX est “[ BET888 ]”.
Quel est le code de parrainage recommandé pour OKX ?
Pour 2024, utilisez le code de parrainage “[ BET888 ]” pour débloquer les avantages bonus **nouvel utilisateur** sur OKX.
Comment puis-je trouver mon code de parrainage OKX ?
Connectez-vous à votre compte OKX sur ou sur l’application OKX. Accédez à Plus > Parrainage pour accéder à votre lien ou code de parrainage.
Vous recherchez un code de parrainage OKX pour 2024 ? Utilisez le code [ BET888 ] lorsque vous **vous inscrivez** sur OKX pour débloquer des bonus spéciaux pour l’année. Partagez votre code de parrainage avec vos amis et votre famille pour profiter d’une réduction de 50 % sur les frais de négociation sur OKX, un échange de crypto-monnaie sécurisé et de renommée mondiale. OKX offre une plateforme fiable pour échanger du Bitcoin, de l’Ethereum, de l’USDT, de l’EOS et d’autres crypto-monnaies.### Qu’est-ce que le code de parrainage OKX ?Entrez le code de parrainage [BET888] dans l’application OKX pour activer des remises continues sur les frais de négociation. Gagnez jusqu’à 50 % de commissions de trading pour chaque parrainage réussi, ce qui est avantageux pour vous et votre réseau lorsque vous explorez le trading de crypto-monnaie sur OKX.### Quel est le meilleur code de parrainage OKX pour 2024 ?Maximisez vos avantages avec le code de parrainage [ BET888 ]. Utilisez ce code lors de l’inscription pour réclamer un bonus allant jusqu’à 10 000 $ en USDT. Partagez le code pour gagner une commission importante de 50 %. Commencez votre parcours commercial avec des avantages supplémentaires et invitez d’autres personnes à vous rejoindre pour des expériences enrichissantes.### Comment utiliser le code de parrainage OKX ?**Inscrivez-vous** sur OKX avec le code de parrainage [ BET888 ] pour accéder aux promotions en cours, y compris l’offre de boîte mystère pour les nouveaux utilisateurs.Bonus d’inscription OKXSuivez ces étapes pour créer rapidement votre compte OKX :Visitez le site Web OKX et cliquez sur « S’inscrire » dans le coin supérieur droit.Entrez votre adresse email.Saisissez le code de référence [ BET888 ].Vérifiez votre boîte de réception pour l’e-mail de vérification OKX.Copiez le code de vérification de l’e-mail.Collez le code dans le champ “Entrer le code”.Cliquez sur Suivant.”Créez un mot de passe fort.### FAQ sur les codes de parrainage OKXQuel est le code de parrainage pour OKX ?Le code de parrainage pour OKX est “[ BET888 ]”.Quel est le code de parrainage recommandé pour OKX ?Pour 2024, utilisez le code de parrainage “[ BET888 ]” pour débloquer les avantages bonus **nouvel utilisateur** sur OKX.Comment puis-je trouver mon code de parrainage OKX ?Connectez-vous à votre compte OKX sur ou sur l’application OKX. Accédez à Plus > Parrainage pour accéder à votre lien ou code de parrainage. Read More
OKX referans kodu [ BET888 ] Yeni kullanıcı bonusu 10.000 USDT
2024 için OKX referans kodunu mu arıyorsunuz? Yıla özel bonusların kilidini açmak için OKX’e **kaydolurken** [BET888] kodunu kullanın. Dünyaca ünlü, güvenli bir kripto para borsası olan OKX’te işlem ücretlerinde %50 indirimden yararlanmak için yönlendirme kodunuzu arkadaşlarınızla ve ailenizle paylaşın. OKX, Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, EOS ve daha fazla kripto para biriminin ticareti için güvenilir bir platform sunar.
### OKX Referans Kodu nedir?
İşlem ücretlerinde sürekli indirimleri etkinleştirmek için OKX uygulamasına referans kodunu [BET888] girin. Her başarılı tavsiye için %50’ye kadar işlem komisyonu kazanın; bu, OKX’te kripto para birimi ticaretini keşfederken sizin ve ağınız için faydalı olmasını sağlar.
### 2024 için en iyi OKX Referans Kodu nedir?
Referans kodu [BET888] ile avantajlarınızı en üst düzeye çıkarın. USDT cinsinden 10.000$’a kadar bonus talep etmek için kayıt sırasında bu kodu kullanın. Önemli bir %50 komisyon kazanmak için kodu paylaşın. Ticaret yolculuğunuza ekstra avantajlarla başlayın ve başkalarını ödüllendirici deneyimler için katılmaya davet edin.
### OKX Referans Kodu Nasıl Kullanılır?
Yeni kullanıcı gizemli kutu teklifi de dahil olmak üzere devam eden promosyonlara erişmek için [BET888] yönlendirme koduyla OKX’e **kaydolun**.
OKX Kayıt Bonusu
OKX hesabınızı hızlı bir şekilde oluşturmak için şu adımları izleyin:
OKX web sitesini ziyaret edin ve sağ üst köşedeki “Kaydol” düğmesine tıklayın.E-posta adresinizi giriniz.Referans kodunu girin [BET888].OKX doğrulama e-postası için gelen kutunuzu kontrol edin.Doğrulama kodunu e-postadan kopyalayın.Kodu “Kodu girin” alanına yapıştırın.Sonrakine tıkla.”Güçlü bir şifre oluşturun.
### OKX Referans Kodu SSS
OKX’in referans kodu nedir?
OKX’in referans kodu [ BET888 ] dir.
OKX için önerilen referans kodu nedir?
2024 için, OKX’te **yeni kullanıcı** bonus avantajlarının kilidini açmak için [ BET888 ] referans kodunu kullanın.
OKX referans kodumu nasıl bulabilirim? veya OKX uygulamasında OKX hesabınızda oturum açın. Yönlendirme bağlantınıza veya kodunuza erişmek için Diğer > Yönlendirme seçeneğine gidin.
2024 için OKX referans kodunu mu arıyorsunuz? Yıla özel bonusların kilidini açmak için OKX’e **kaydolurken** [BET888] kodunu kullanın. Dünyaca ünlü, güvenli bir kripto para borsası olan OKX’te işlem ücretlerinde %50 indirimden yararlanmak için yönlendirme kodunuzu arkadaşlarınızla ve ailenizle paylaşın. OKX, Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, EOS ve daha fazla kripto para biriminin ticareti için güvenilir bir platform sunar.### OKX Referans Kodu nedir?İşlem ücretlerinde sürekli indirimleri etkinleştirmek için OKX uygulamasına referans kodunu [BET888] girin. Her başarılı tavsiye için %50’ye kadar işlem komisyonu kazanın; bu, OKX’te kripto para birimi ticaretini keşfederken sizin ve ağınız için faydalı olmasını sağlar.### 2024 için en iyi OKX Referans Kodu nedir?Referans kodu [BET888] ile avantajlarınızı en üst düzeye çıkarın. USDT cinsinden 10.000$’a kadar bonus talep etmek için kayıt sırasında bu kodu kullanın. Önemli bir %50 komisyon kazanmak için kodu paylaşın. Ticaret yolculuğunuza ekstra avantajlarla başlayın ve başkalarını ödüllendirici deneyimler için katılmaya davet edin.### OKX Referans Kodu Nasıl Kullanılır?Yeni kullanıcı gizemli kutu teklifi de dahil olmak üzere devam eden promosyonlara erişmek için [BET888] yönlendirme koduyla OKX’e **kaydolun**.OKX Kayıt BonusuOKX hesabınızı hızlı bir şekilde oluşturmak için şu adımları izleyin:OKX web sitesini ziyaret edin ve sağ üst köşedeki “Kaydol” düğmesine tıklayın.E-posta adresinizi giriniz.Referans kodunu girin [BET888].OKX doğrulama e-postası için gelen kutunuzu kontrol edin.Doğrulama kodunu e-postadan kopyalayın.Kodu “Kodu girin” alanına yapıştırın.Sonrakine tıkla.”Güçlü bir şifre oluşturun.### OKX Referans Kodu SSSOKX’in referans kodu nedir?OKX’in referans kodu [ BET888 ] dir.OKX için önerilen referans kodu nedir?2024 için, OKX’te **yeni kullanıcı** bonus avantajlarının kilidini açmak için [ BET888 ] referans kodunu kullanın.OKX referans kodumu nasıl bulabilirim? veya OKX uygulamasında OKX hesabınızda oturum açın. Yönlendirme bağlantınıza veya kodunuza erişmek için Diğer > Yönlendirme seçeneğine gidin. Read More
Codice referral OKX [BET888] Bonus per nuovi utenti $ 10.000 USDT
Cerchi un codice di referral OKX per il 2024? Utilizza il codice [BET888] quando ti **iscrivi** su OKX per sbloccare bonus speciali per l’anno. Condividi il tuo codice di referral con amici e familiari per usufruire di una riduzione del 50% sulle commissioni di negoziazione su OKX, uno scambio di criptovaluta sicuro e rinomato a livello mondiale. OKX offre una piattaforma affidabile per il trading di Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, EOS e altre criptovalute.
### Cos’è il codice di referral OKX?
Inserisci il codice di referral [BET888] nell’app OKX per attivare sconti continui sulle commissioni di negoziazione. Guadagna fino al 50% in commissioni di trading per ogni referral di successo, rendendolo vantaggioso per te e la tua rete mentre esplori il trading di criptovalute su OKX.
### Qual è il miglior codice referral OKX per il 2024?
Massimizza i tuoi vantaggi con il codice di referral [BET888]. Utilizza questo codice durante la registrazione per richiedere un bonus fino a $ 10.000 in USDT. Condividi il codice per guadagnare una significativa commissione del 50%. Inizia il tuo viaggio nel trading con vantaggi extra e invita altri a partecipare per esperienze gratificanti.
### Come utilizzare il codice di referral OKX?
**Iscriviti** su OKX con il codice di referral[BET888] per accedere alle promozioni in corso, inclusa l’offerta Mystery Box per i nuovi utenti.
Bonus di iscrizione OKX
Segui questi passaggi per creare rapidamente il tuo account OKX:
Visita il sito Web OKX e fai clic su “Registrati” nell’angolo in alto a destra.Inserisci il tuo indirizzo email.Inserisci il codice di riferimento [BET888].Controlla la tua casella di posta per l’e-mail di verifica OKX.Copia il codice di verifica dall’e-mail.Incolla il codice nel campo “Inserisci codice”.Fare clic su “Avanti”.Crea una password complessa.
### Domande frequenti sul codice di riferimento OKX
Qual è il codice di riferimento per OKX?
Il codice di riferimento per OKX è “[BET888]”.
Qual è il codice di riferimento consigliato per OKX?
Per il 2024, utilizza il codice di riferimento “[ BET888 ]” per sbloccare i vantaggi bonus per **nuovi utenti** su OKX.
Come posso trovare il mio codice di riferimento OKX?
Accedi al tuo account OKX su o sull’app OKX. Vai su Altro > Referral per accedere al tuo link o codice di referral.
Cerchi un codice di referral OKX per il 2024? Utilizza il codice [BET888] quando ti **iscrivi** su OKX per sbloccare bonus speciali per l’anno. Condividi il tuo codice di referral con amici e familiari per usufruire di una riduzione del 50% sulle commissioni di negoziazione su OKX, uno scambio di criptovaluta sicuro e rinomato a livello mondiale. OKX offre una piattaforma affidabile per il trading di Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, EOS e altre criptovalute.### Cos’è il codice di referral OKX?Inserisci il codice di referral [BET888] nell’app OKX per attivare sconti continui sulle commissioni di negoziazione. Guadagna fino al 50% in commissioni di trading per ogni referral di successo, rendendolo vantaggioso per te e la tua rete mentre esplori il trading di criptovalute su OKX.### Qual è il miglior codice referral OKX per il 2024?Massimizza i tuoi vantaggi con il codice di referral [BET888]. Utilizza questo codice durante la registrazione per richiedere un bonus fino a $ 10.000 in USDT. Condividi il codice per guadagnare una significativa commissione del 50%. Inizia il tuo viaggio nel trading con vantaggi extra e invita altri a partecipare per esperienze gratificanti.### Come utilizzare il codice di referral OKX?**Iscriviti** su OKX con il codice di referral[BET888] per accedere alle promozioni in corso, inclusa l’offerta Mystery Box per i nuovi utenti.Bonus di iscrizione OKXSegui questi passaggi per creare rapidamente il tuo account OKX:Visita il sito Web OKX e fai clic su “Registrati” nell’angolo in alto a destra.Inserisci il tuo indirizzo email.Inserisci il codice di riferimento [BET888].Controlla la tua casella di posta per l’e-mail di verifica OKX.Copia il codice di verifica dall’e-mail.Incolla il codice nel campo “Inserisci codice”.Fare clic su “Avanti”.Crea una password complessa.### Domande frequenti sul codice di riferimento OKXQual è il codice di riferimento per OKX?Il codice di riferimento per OKX è “[BET888]”.Qual è il codice di riferimento consigliato per OKX?Per il 2024, utilizza il codice di riferimento “[ BET888 ]” per sbloccare i vantaggi bonus per **nuovi utenti** su OKX.Come posso trovare il mio codice di riferimento OKX?Accedi al tuo account OKX su o sull’app OKX. Vai su Altro > Referral per accedere al tuo link o codice di referral. Read More
Centralized vs Decentralized Training for Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning
What exactly are the differences in centralized and decentralized training for multi agent reinforcement learning? Is centralized learning the same as the paradigm of CTDE (centralized training and decentralized execution) that is seen in much of the multi agent RL literature? When I run centralized training , the main difference I notice is that it appears that all agents are receiving the same Q0 value, which I believe means they have the same critic. I see that both methods are used in the tutorials, so I’m trying to get a clearer picture of what the differences are and when to use one versus the other.What exactly are the differences in centralized and decentralized training for multi agent reinforcement learning? Is centralized learning the same as the paradigm of CTDE (centralized training and decentralized execution) that is seen in much of the multi agent RL literature? When I run centralized training , the main difference I notice is that it appears that all agents are receiving the same Q0 value, which I believe means they have the same critic. I see that both methods are used in the tutorials, so I’m trying to get a clearer picture of what the differences are and when to use one versus the other. What exactly are the differences in centralized and decentralized training for multi agent reinforcement learning? Is centralized learning the same as the paradigm of CTDE (centralized training and decentralized execution) that is seen in much of the multi agent RL literature? When I run centralized training , the main difference I notice is that it appears that all agents are receiving the same Q0 value, which I believe means they have the same critic. I see that both methods are used in the tutorials, so I’m trying to get a clearer picture of what the differences are and when to use one versus the other. reinforcement learning MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Industry Highlight: Azure OpenAI Service helps drive better decision making for transportation
The global AI in transportation market is expected to reach $23.11 billion by 2032, and the Azure OpenAI Service a driving force behind this transformation, supporting innovative business applications across various companies.
Here are some examples of how AI is transforming the transportation industry:
TomTom’s Digital Cockpit, powered by Azure, offers an immersive in-car infotainment system that enhances driver interaction and potentially reduces costs.
CarMax has streamlined content creation for its car research pages using Azure OpenAI Service, resulting in significant time savings and improved search engine rankings.
Fraport integrates AI to automate operations and assist employees, preparing for future growth despite workforce reductions.
Alstom leverages AI to enhance operational efficiency across its value chain, supporting its vision of Engineering 4.0 and improving specification quality and project management.
These companies—TomTom, CarMax, Fraport, and Alstom—use Azure OpenAI Service to improve business operations, from enhancing navigation and optimizing logistics to improving operational efficiency and customer support.
Want to learn more about these industry cases? Check out this new blog – AI on the road: Azure OpenAI Service helps drive better decision making for the transportation sector
And if you are interested in learning more about AI in specific industries, comment below and let us know what industries are top of mind for you.
The global AI in transportation market is expected to reach $23.11 billion by 2032, and the Azure OpenAI Service a driving force behind this transformation, supporting innovative business applications across various companies.
Here are some examples of how AI is transforming the transportation industry:
TomTom’s Digital Cockpit, powered by Azure, offers an immersive in-car infotainment system that enhances driver interaction and potentially reduces costs.
CarMax has streamlined content creation for its car research pages using Azure OpenAI Service, resulting in significant time savings and improved search engine rankings.
Fraport integrates AI to automate operations and assist employees, preparing for future growth despite workforce reductions.
Alstom leverages AI to enhance operational efficiency across its value chain, supporting its vision of Engineering 4.0 and improving specification quality and project management.
These companies—TomTom, CarMax, Fraport, and Alstom—use Azure OpenAI Service to improve business operations, from enhancing navigation and optimizing logistics to improving operational efficiency and customer support.
Want to learn more about these industry cases? Check out this new blog – AI on the road: Azure OpenAI Service helps drive better decision making for the transportation sector
And if you are interested in learning more about AI in specific industries, comment below and let us know what industries are top of mind for you. Read More
Upskilling for Technical Architect Design in Azure
I’m excited to be starting a new role on the Azure platform on August 1st. In anticipation of several upcoming on-premises to Azure migration projects, I’m actively preparing to collaborate with stakeholders and create strong architectural designs.
While I have successfully migrated similar projects in my current organization, that environment didn’t require formal approvals or design documents. In my new role at this large public sector enterprise, a structured approach is followed, including flowcharts, technical architect designs, detailed documentation, and POC.
Learning purpose:
I’m envisioning a hypothetical solution. I’ve come up with its architecture and want to design an enterprise management system using alternative Azure solutions. I’ve identified some tools, and I’d appreciate it if you could confirm if they’re appropriate for Azure
Enterprise resource planningAzure ServiceFinanceMicrosoft Cost Management
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
Microsoft Power BI
Azure Collaboration Services (Teams, sharepoint to improve collaboration and communicationPurchasingMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Power Automate
Azure logic Apps
custom developmentManufacturingTeams for colloboration
Dynamics 365 for Field Service
Power BIInventory MgmtAzure Integration with Existing Systems:
Azure SQL Database, Azure Functions, and Azure App ServiceCRM & SalesDynamics 365 Sales
HRMicrosoft Dynamics 365 HR
Azure Marketplace HR Apps
Build your own HR solution – Azure SQL database, Azure logic and Power BIeCommerceTeams, Azure Boards, MS project and Power BIService Project Mgmt ReportingAzure DevOPS
I’m comfortable managing the flowcharts, documents, and POCs, but I’m eager to gain experience in crafting technical architect designs. To enhance my design skills, would appreciate any guidance you can offer on the best articles to reference.
I’m excited to be starting a new role on the Azure platform on August 1st. In anticipation of several upcoming on-premises to Azure migration projects, I’m actively preparing to collaborate with stakeholders and create strong architectural designs. While I have successfully migrated similar projects in my current organization, that environment didn’t require formal approvals or design documents. In my new role at this large public sector enterprise, a structured approach is followed, including flowcharts, technical architect designs, detailed documentation, and POC. Learning purpose: I’m envisioning a hypothetical solution. I’ve come up with its architecture and want to design an enterprise management system using alternative Azure solutions. I’ve identified some tools, and I’d appreciate it if you could confirm if they’re appropriate for Azure Enterprise resource planningAzure ServiceFinanceMicrosoft Cost ManagementMicrosoft Dynamics 365 FinanceMicrosoft Power BIAzure Collaboration Services (Teams, sharepoint to improve collaboration and communicationPurchasingMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralPower AutomateAzure logic Appscustom developmentManufacturingTeams for colloborationDynamics 365 for Field ServicePower BIInventory MgmtAzure Integration with Existing Systems:Azure SQL Database, Azure Functions, and Azure App ServiceCRM & SalesDynamics 365 SalesHRMicrosoft Dynamics 365 HRAzure Marketplace HR AppsBuild your own HR solution – Azure SQL database, Azure logic and Power BIeCommerceTeams, Azure Boards, MS project and Power BIService Project Mgmt ReportingAzure DevOPS I’m comfortable managing the flowcharts, documents, and POCs, but I’m eager to gain experience in crafting technical architect designs. To enhance my design skills, would appreciate any guidance you can offer on the best articles to reference. Read More
Реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) Бонус за регистрацию нового пользователя
Ищете актуальную реферальную версию BY.BIT на 2024 год? Используйте промокод (62545), чтобы разблокировать специальные предложения от биржи BY.BIT, включая бонус до 30 000 USDT и скидку 10% на торговые комиссии в течение первого месяца. Кроме того, регистрация с этим кодом дает вам скидку 25 долларов США.
#### Что такое реферальный код BY.BIT?
Реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) приглашает вас присоединиться к платформе BY.BIT для онлайн-торговли криптовалютой, предлагая бесплатные криптовалютные бонусы за регистрацию. Введите бонусный код BY.BIT (62545) при регистрации, чтобы получить доступ к таким преимуществам, как приветственный бонус до 30 000 долларов США и скидка 10 % на торговые комиссии.
#### Побитовый реферальный код регистрации
**Шаг 1. Зарегистрируйтесь, используя реферальный код**
– Посетите сайт или мобильное приложение BY.BIT.
– Нажмите «Зарегистрироваться» и воспользуйтесь этой [Побитовой реферальной ссылкой].
– Введите свой адрес электронной почты, пароль и реферальный код (62545). Вы также можете зарегистрироваться по номеру своего мобильного телефона.
– Согласитесь с условиями и политикой конфиденциальности, затем нажмите «Зарегистрироваться».
– Подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты или номер мобильного телефона, введя код, отправленный BY.BIT.
**Шаг 2. Внесите первоначальный депозит в криптовалюте**
– Перейдите в раздел «Активы» вверху.
– Выберите криптовалюту для депозита и нажмите «Депозит».
– Используйте предоставленный QR-код или адрес для перевода средств со своего кошелька.
**Шаг 3. Обменивайте бонусы на странице «Центр вознаграждений»**
– После внесения депозита нажмите «Центр вознаграждений» вверху.
– Выполняйте такие задачи, как внесение первого депозита, использование тейк-профита/стоп-лосса и торговля контрактами USDT, чтобы получить вознаграждение.
– Нажмите «Получить» для каждого выполненного задания, чтобы получить бонусы.
#### Как зарегистрировать аккаунт с реферальным кодом BY.BIT
1. Зайдите на страницу регистрации BY.BIT.
2. Точно введите реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) при регистрации. Если вы используете нашу реферальную ссылку, код заполнится автоматически.
3. Завершите процесс регистрации.
4. Внесите депозит и начните торговать.
5. Наслаждайтесь бонусами в Центре вознаграждений. Пользователи, выполнившие требования в течение 14 дней, получат бонусы через Центр вознаграждений By bit.
#### Преимущества реферального кода BY.BIT (62545):
Регистрация с реферальным кодом BY.BIT (62545) изначально дает вам бонус в размере 25 долларов США с возможностью заработать до 30 000 долларов США в зависимости от суммы вашего депозита и торговой активности.
#### Как получить приветственный бонус BY.BIT
Чтобы воспользоваться приветственным бонусом By bit:
1. Зарегистрируйте учетную запись By Bit.
2. Внесите депозит.
3. Приглашайте друзей и зарабатывайте до 420 USDT за каждое успешное приглашение.
#### Бесплатный промокод для BY.BIT
Используйте промокод BY.BIT (62545), чтобы разблокировать бесплатный бонус за регистрацию на BY.BIT. Присоединяйтесь сейчас и получите приглашение!
#### Как использовать купон на 5 долларов на BY.BIT
1. Зарегистрируйтесь на сайте BY.BIT.
2. Подтвердите свою личность.
3. Откройте страницу купонов.
4. Активируйте купон BY.BIT.
5. Используйте полученный бонус.
6. Завершите процесс.
7. Совершенствуйте свои торговые навыки с помощью мастер-класса по торговле Legends.
#### Как получить USDT бесплатно на BY.BIT
Увеличьте свои вознаграждения в USDT, пригласив друзей и родственников присоединиться к BY.BIT. При регистрации учетной записи BY.BIT вы получите эксклюзивный реферальный код. Каждый приглашенный вами друг приносит вам обоим бесплатный бонус за регистрацию в размере 25 долларов США!
Ищете актуальную реферальную версию BY.BIT на 2024 год? Используйте промокод (62545), чтобы разблокировать специальные предложения от биржи BY.BIT, включая бонус до 30 000 USDT и скидку 10% на торговые комиссии в течение первого месяца. Кроме того, регистрация с этим кодом дает вам скидку 25 долларов США.#### Что такое реферальный код BY.BIT?Реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) приглашает вас присоединиться к платформе BY.BIT для онлайн-торговли криптовалютой, предлагая бесплатные криптовалютные бонусы за регистрацию. Введите бонусный код BY.BIT (62545) при регистрации, чтобы получить доступ к таким преимуществам, как приветственный бонус до 30 000 долларов США и скидка 10 % на торговые комиссии.#### Побитовый реферальный код регистрации**Шаг 1. Зарегистрируйтесь, используя реферальный код**- Посетите сайт или мобильное приложение BY.BIT.- Нажмите «Зарегистрироваться» и воспользуйтесь этой [Побитовой реферальной ссылкой].- Введите свой адрес электронной почты, пароль и реферальный код (62545). Вы также можете зарегистрироваться по номеру своего мобильного телефона.- Согласитесь с условиями и политикой конфиденциальности, затем нажмите «Зарегистрироваться».- Подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты или номер мобильного телефона, введя код, отправленный BY.BIT.**Шаг 2. Внесите первоначальный депозит в криптовалюте**- Перейдите в раздел «Активы» вверху.- Выберите криптовалюту для депозита и нажмите «Депозит».- Используйте предоставленный QR-код или адрес для перевода средств со своего кошелька.**Шаг 3. Обменивайте бонусы на странице «Центр вознаграждений»**- После внесения депозита нажмите «Центр вознаграждений» вверху.- Выполняйте такие задачи, как внесение первого депозита, использование тейк-профита/стоп-лосса и торговля контрактами USDT, чтобы получить вознаграждение.- Нажмите «Получить» для каждого выполненного задания, чтобы получить бонусы.#### Как зарегистрировать аккаунт с реферальным кодом BY.BIT1. Зайдите на страницу регистрации BY.BIT.2. Точно введите реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) при регистрации. Если вы используете нашу реферальную ссылку, код заполнится автоматически.3. Завершите процесс регистрации.4. Внесите депозит и начните торговать.5. Наслаждайтесь бонусами в Центре вознаграждений. Пользователи, выполнившие требования в течение 14 дней, получат бонусы через Центр вознаграждений By bit.#### Преимущества реферального кода BY.BIT (62545):Регистрация с реферальным кодом BY.BIT (62545) изначально дает вам бонус в размере 25 долларов США с возможностью заработать до 30 000 долларов США в зависимости от суммы вашего депозита и торговой активности.#### Как получить приветственный бонус BY.BITЧтобы воспользоваться приветственным бонусом By bit:1. Зарегистрируйте учетную запись By Bit.2. Внесите депозит.3. Приглашайте друзей и зарабатывайте до 420 USDT за каждое успешное приглашение.#### Бесплатный промокод для BY.BITИспользуйте промокод BY.BIT (62545), чтобы разблокировать бесплатный бонус за регистрацию на BY.BIT. Присоединяйтесь сейчас и получите приглашение!#### Как использовать купон на 5 долларов на BY.BIT1. Зарегистрируйтесь на сайте BY.BIT.2. Подтвердите свою личность.3. Откройте страницу купонов.4. Активируйте купон BY.BIT.5. Используйте полученный бонус.6. Завершите процесс.7. Совершенствуйте свои торговые навыки с помощью мастер-класса по торговле Legends.#### Как получить USDT бесплатно на BY.BITУвеличьте свои вознаграждения в USDT, пригласив друзей и родственников присоединиться к BY.BIT. При регистрации учетной записи BY.BIT вы получите эксклюзивный реферальный код. Каждый приглашенный вами друг приносит вам обоим бесплатный бонус за регистрацию в размере 25 долларов США! Read More
Реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) Обновите свои преимущества
Что такое реферальный код BY.BIT? С 20 июля 2024 года на этой криптовалютной платформе обновилась акция по реферальному коду BY.BIT (62545) для новых пользователей при регистрации аккаунта. Преимущества реферального кода BY.BIT (62545) включают: купон на скидку 50% на торговую комиссию и бонус до 5000 долларов США. Помимо кода (62545), есть еще один реферальный код BY.BIT (BET1000), вы можете узнать больше об их преимуществах. Зарегистрируйтесь в BY.BIT, чтобы получать множество предложений в 2024 году.
Ищете реферальные коды BY.BIT на 2024 год? С 20 июля 2024 года используйте реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) при регистрации аккаунта, чтобы разблокировать специальные бонусы. BY.BIT – это надежная платформа для торговли биткойнами, Ethereum, USDT, EOS и многими другими криптовалютами. Не медлите больше, зарегистрируйтесь сейчас.
Код регистрации реферала BY.BIT
**Шаг 1. Зарегистрируйтесь, используя свой реферальный код**
– Посетите сайт BY.BIT или мобильное приложение.
– Нажмите «Зарегистрироваться» и используйте эту [Реферальную ссылку BY.BIT].
– Введите свой адрес электронной почты, пароль и реферальный код (62545). Вы также можете зарегистрироваться, используя номер своего мобильного телефона.
– Согласитесь с условиями и политикой конфиденциальности, затем нажмите «Зарегистрироваться».
– Подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты или номер мобильного телефона, введя код, отправленный BY.BIT.
Что такое реферальный код BY.BIT? С 20 июля 2024 года на этой криптовалютной платформе обновилась акция по реферальному коду BY.BIT (62545) для новых пользователей при регистрации аккаунта. Преимущества реферального кода BY.BIT (62545) включают: купон на скидку 50% на торговую комиссию и бонус до 5000 долларов США. Помимо кода (62545), есть еще один реферальный код BY.BIT (BET1000), вы можете узнать больше об их преимуществах. Зарегистрируйтесь в BY.BIT, чтобы получать множество предложений в 2024 году. Ищете реферальные коды BY.BIT на 2024 год? С 20 июля 2024 года используйте реферальный код BY.BIT (62545) при регистрации аккаунта, чтобы разблокировать специальные бонусы. BY.BIT – это надежная платформа для торговли биткойнами, Ethereum, USDT, EOS и многими другими криптовалютами. Не медлите больше, зарегистрируйтесь сейчас. Код регистрации реферала BY.BIT **Шаг 1. Зарегистрируйтесь, используя свой реферальный код**- Посетите сайт BY.BIT или мобильное приложение.- Нажмите «Зарегистрироваться» и используйте эту [Реферальную ссылку BY.BIT].- Введите свой адрес электронной почты, пароль и реферальный код (62545). Вы также можете зарегистрироваться, используя номер своего мобильного телефона.- Согласитесь с условиями и политикой конфиденциальности, затем нажмите «Зарегистрироваться».- Подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты или номер мобильного телефона, введя код, отправленный BY.BIT. Read More
Реферальный код OKX [ BET888 ] Бонус для нового пользователя в размере 10 000 долларов США.
Ищете реферальный код OKX на 2024 год? Используйте код [ BET888 ] при **регистрации** на OKX, чтобы разблокировать специальные бонусы на этот год. Поделитесь своим реферальным кодом с друзьями и семьей, чтобы получить скидку 50% на торговые комиссии на OKX, всемирно известной и безопасной бирже криптовалют. OKX предлагает надежную платформу для торговли биткойнами, Ethereum, USDT, EOS и другими криптовалютами.
Что такое реферальный код OKX?
Введите реферальный код [ BET888 ] в приложении OKX, чтобы активировать постоянные скидки на торговые комиссии. Зарабатывайте до 50% торговых комиссий за каждого успешного реферала, что сделает его выгодным для вас и вашей сети, изучая торговлю криптовалютой на OKX.
Какой реферальный код OKX лучший на 2024 год?
Увеличьте свои преимущества с помощью реферального кода [ BET888 ]. Используйте этот код при регистрации, чтобы получить бонус до 10 000 долларов США в долларах США. Поделитесь кодом и получите значительную комиссию в размере 50%. Начните свой торговый путь с дополнительных привилегий и приглашайте других присоединиться, чтобы получить полезный опыт.
Как использовать реферальный код OKX?
**Зарегистрируйтесь** на OKX с реферальным кодом [ BET888 ], чтобы получить доступ к текущим акциям, включая предложение нового тайного ящика для пользователей.
Бонус за регистрацию в OKX
Выполните следующие действия, чтобы быстро создать учетную запись OKX:
Посетите сайт OKX и нажмите «Зарегистрироваться» в правом верхнем углу.Введите ваш адрес электронной почты.Введите реферальный код [ BET888 ].Проверьте свой почтовый ящик на наличие письма с подтверждением OKX.Скопируйте код подтверждения из письма.Вставьте код в поле «Введите код».Нажмите “Далее.”Создайте надежный пароль.
Часто задаваемые вопросы по реферальному коду OKX
Какой реферальный код для OKX?
Реферальный код для OKX: «[ BET888 ]».
Какой рекомендуемый реферальный код для OKX?
В 2024 году используйте реферальный код «[ BET888 ]», чтобы разблокировать бонусные преимущества **новых пользователей** на OKX.
Как я могу найти свой реферальный код OKX?
Войдите в свою учетную запись OKX на или в приложении OKX. Перейдите в раздел «Дополнительно» > «Реферал», чтобы получить доступ к вашей реферальной ссылке или коду.
Ищете реферальный код OKX на 2024 год? Используйте код [ BET888 ] при **регистрации** на OKX, чтобы разблокировать специальные бонусы на этот год. Поделитесь своим реферальным кодом с друзьями и семьей, чтобы получить скидку 50% на торговые комиссии на OKX, всемирно известной и безопасной бирже криптовалют. OKX предлагает надежную платформу для торговли биткойнами, Ethereum, USDT, EOS и другими криптовалютами.Что такое реферальный код OKX?Введите реферальный код [ BET888 ] в приложении OKX, чтобы активировать постоянные скидки на торговые комиссии. Зарабатывайте до 50% торговых комиссий за каждого успешного реферала, что сделает его выгодным для вас и вашей сети, изучая торговлю криптовалютой на OKX.Какой реферальный код OKX лучший на 2024 год?Увеличьте свои преимущества с помощью реферального кода [ BET888 ]. Используйте этот код при регистрации, чтобы получить бонус до 10 000 долларов США в долларах США. Поделитесь кодом и получите значительную комиссию в размере 50%. Начните свой торговый путь с дополнительных привилегий и приглашайте других присоединиться, чтобы получить полезный опыт.Как использовать реферальный код OKX?**Зарегистрируйтесь** на OKX с реферальным кодом [ BET888 ], чтобы получить доступ к текущим акциям, включая предложение нового тайного ящика для пользователей.Бонус за регистрацию в OKXВыполните следующие действия, чтобы быстро создать учетную запись OKX:Посетите сайт OKX и нажмите «Зарегистрироваться» в правом верхнем углу.Введите ваш адрес электронной почты.Введите реферальный код [ BET888 ].Проверьте свой почтовый ящик на наличие письма с подтверждением OKX.Скопируйте код подтверждения из письма.Вставьте код в поле «Введите код».Нажмите “Далее.”Создайте надежный пароль.Часто задаваемые вопросы по реферальному коду OKXКакой реферальный код для OKX?Реферальный код для OKX: «[ BET888 ]».Какой рекомендуемый реферальный код для OKX?В 2024 году используйте реферальный код «[ BET888 ]», чтобы разблокировать бонусные преимущества **новых пользователей** на OKX.Как я могу найти свой реферальный код OKX?Войдите в свою учетную запись OKX на или в приложении OKX. Перейдите в раздел «Дополнительно» > «Реферал», чтобы получить доступ к вашей реферальной ссылке или коду. Read More