Category: News
Coupled ODEs by ode45 and could not get the figures
Hi everyone!
I’ve been learning MATLAB for about six months, so I apologize if I ask any basic questions. In part of my project, I have a system of six coupled ODEs (all functions of t). You can refer to the attached picture for more details.
To obtain the T profile in terms of t, I decided to define the function similarly to how many others do:
function dYdt = complexSystem(t, Y)
Aa = 1e14; % Pre-exponential factor for xa
Ea = 2.24e-19; % Activation energy for xa
Ac = 4e13; % Pre-exponential factor for xc
Ec = 2.03e-19; % Activation energy for xc
As = 1e15; % Pre-exponential factor for xs
Es = 2.24e-19; % Activation energy for xs
Aec = 1e12; % Pre-exponential factor for xec
Eec = 1.4e-19; % Activation energy for xec
Kb = 1.38e-23; % Boltzmann constant
z0 = 0.033; % Initial value for z
ma = 0.13;
ha = 1.714e6;
mc = 0.29;
hca = 3.14e5;
hs = 2.57e5;
C = -3600 * 1.1 * 3.0 * (1-0.12-0.51);
T = Y(1);
Xa = Y(2);
Xc = Y(3);
Xs = Y(4);
Z = Y(5);
Soc = Y(6);
dXadt = -Aa * Xa * exp(-Ea/(Kb*T));
dXcdt = Ac * Xc * exp(1 – Xc) * exp(-Ec / (Kb * T));
dXsdt = -As * Xs * exp((-Z / z0) * (-Es / (Kb * T)));
dZdt = Aa * Xs * exp((-Z / z0) * (-Es / (Kb * T)));
dSocdt = -Aec * (1 – Xc) * Xa * exp(-Eec / (Kb * T));
Qa = -ma * ha * dXadt;
Qc = -mc * hca * dXcdt;
Qs = -ma * hs * dXsdt;
Qec = C * dSocdt;
Q = Qa + Qc + Qs + Qec;
dTdt = Q;
dYdt = [dTdt; dXadt; dXcdt; dXsdt; dZdt; dSocdt];
Then, I defined the initial conditions and solved the ODEs using ode45.
% Initial conditions
Y0 = [298; 0.75; 0.04; 0.015; 0.0331; 0]; % [T0; Xa0; Xc0; Xs0; Z0; Soc0]
% Time span
tspan = [0 100000];
% Solve ODEs
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t, Y) complexSystem(t, Y), tspan, Y0);
Lastly, I attempted to plot the results. However, the code took forever to run, and I didn’t get any figures from it.
Could my initial conditions be incorrect? Or are my ODEs not converging?
Thank you so much for your time and help!
plot(T, Y)
legend(‘T’, ‘X_a’, ‘X_c’, ‘X_s’, ‘Z’, ‘S_{oc}’)
title(‘Solution of Corrected Complex System’)
xlabel(‘Time t’)
ylabel(‘State Variables’)Hi everyone!
I’ve been learning MATLAB for about six months, so I apologize if I ask any basic questions. In part of my project, I have a system of six coupled ODEs (all functions of t). You can refer to the attached picture for more details.
To obtain the T profile in terms of t, I decided to define the function similarly to how many others do:
function dYdt = complexSystem(t, Y)
Aa = 1e14; % Pre-exponential factor for xa
Ea = 2.24e-19; % Activation energy for xa
Ac = 4e13; % Pre-exponential factor for xc
Ec = 2.03e-19; % Activation energy for xc
As = 1e15; % Pre-exponential factor for xs
Es = 2.24e-19; % Activation energy for xs
Aec = 1e12; % Pre-exponential factor for xec
Eec = 1.4e-19; % Activation energy for xec
Kb = 1.38e-23; % Boltzmann constant
z0 = 0.033; % Initial value for z
ma = 0.13;
ha = 1.714e6;
mc = 0.29;
hca = 3.14e5;
hs = 2.57e5;
C = -3600 * 1.1 * 3.0 * (1-0.12-0.51);
T = Y(1);
Xa = Y(2);
Xc = Y(3);
Xs = Y(4);
Z = Y(5);
Soc = Y(6);
dXadt = -Aa * Xa * exp(-Ea/(Kb*T));
dXcdt = Ac * Xc * exp(1 – Xc) * exp(-Ec / (Kb * T));
dXsdt = -As * Xs * exp((-Z / z0) * (-Es / (Kb * T)));
dZdt = Aa * Xs * exp((-Z / z0) * (-Es / (Kb * T)));
dSocdt = -Aec * (1 – Xc) * Xa * exp(-Eec / (Kb * T));
Qa = -ma * ha * dXadt;
Qc = -mc * hca * dXcdt;
Qs = -ma * hs * dXsdt;
Qec = C * dSocdt;
Q = Qa + Qc + Qs + Qec;
dTdt = Q;
dYdt = [dTdt; dXadt; dXcdt; dXsdt; dZdt; dSocdt];
Then, I defined the initial conditions and solved the ODEs using ode45.
% Initial conditions
Y0 = [298; 0.75; 0.04; 0.015; 0.0331; 0]; % [T0; Xa0; Xc0; Xs0; Z0; Soc0]
% Time span
tspan = [0 100000];
% Solve ODEs
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t, Y) complexSystem(t, Y), tspan, Y0);
Lastly, I attempted to plot the results. However, the code took forever to run, and I didn’t get any figures from it.
Could my initial conditions be incorrect? Or are my ODEs not converging?
Thank you so much for your time and help!
plot(T, Y)
legend(‘T’, ‘X_a’, ‘X_c’, ‘X_s’, ‘Z’, ‘S_{oc}’)
title(‘Solution of Corrected Complex System’)
xlabel(‘Time t’)
ylabel(‘State Variables’) Hi everyone!
I’ve been learning MATLAB for about six months, so I apologize if I ask any basic questions. In part of my project, I have a system of six coupled ODEs (all functions of t). You can refer to the attached picture for more details.
To obtain the T profile in terms of t, I decided to define the function similarly to how many others do:
function dYdt = complexSystem(t, Y)
Aa = 1e14; % Pre-exponential factor for xa
Ea = 2.24e-19; % Activation energy for xa
Ac = 4e13; % Pre-exponential factor for xc
Ec = 2.03e-19; % Activation energy for xc
As = 1e15; % Pre-exponential factor for xs
Es = 2.24e-19; % Activation energy for xs
Aec = 1e12; % Pre-exponential factor for xec
Eec = 1.4e-19; % Activation energy for xec
Kb = 1.38e-23; % Boltzmann constant
z0 = 0.033; % Initial value for z
ma = 0.13;
ha = 1.714e6;
mc = 0.29;
hca = 3.14e5;
hs = 2.57e5;
C = -3600 * 1.1 * 3.0 * (1-0.12-0.51);
T = Y(1);
Xa = Y(2);
Xc = Y(3);
Xs = Y(4);
Z = Y(5);
Soc = Y(6);
dXadt = -Aa * Xa * exp(-Ea/(Kb*T));
dXcdt = Ac * Xc * exp(1 – Xc) * exp(-Ec / (Kb * T));
dXsdt = -As * Xs * exp((-Z / z0) * (-Es / (Kb * T)));
dZdt = Aa * Xs * exp((-Z / z0) * (-Es / (Kb * T)));
dSocdt = -Aec * (1 – Xc) * Xa * exp(-Eec / (Kb * T));
Qa = -ma * ha * dXadt;
Qc = -mc * hca * dXcdt;
Qs = -ma * hs * dXsdt;
Qec = C * dSocdt;
Q = Qa + Qc + Qs + Qec;
dTdt = Q;
dYdt = [dTdt; dXadt; dXcdt; dXsdt; dZdt; dSocdt];
Then, I defined the initial conditions and solved the ODEs using ode45.
% Initial conditions
Y0 = [298; 0.75; 0.04; 0.015; 0.0331; 0]; % [T0; Xa0; Xc0; Xs0; Z0; Soc0]
% Time span
tspan = [0 100000];
% Solve ODEs
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t, Y) complexSystem(t, Y), tspan, Y0);
Lastly, I attempted to plot the results. However, the code took forever to run, and I didn’t get any figures from it.
Could my initial conditions be incorrect? Or are my ODEs not converging?
Thank you so much for your time and help!
plot(T, Y)
legend(‘T’, ‘X_a’, ‘X_c’, ‘X_s’, ‘Z’, ‘S_{oc}’)
title(‘Solution of Corrected Complex System’)
xlabel(‘Time t’)
ylabel(‘State Variables’) ode45 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Trouble With MATLAB Variable Creation
Hello! I would like to dynamically read in data and assign data values from a text file.
Here is the text file:
object crop_image.nii
plane 3
coeff -5.046e-19 3.168e-13 -5.716e-8 0.005 2.746
amax 1
nfact 1
pt .9906
suvr 1
regi 1
Initially, I was reading it in using this block of code (which works).
readin = readlines(insert text file name here);
for i = 1:length(readin)
this = split(readin(i))’;
switch this(1)
case ‘object’
object = this{2};
case ‘plane’
plane = str2double(this{2});
case ‘coeff’
coeff = str2double(this(2:end));
case ‘suvr’
suvr = str2double(this{2});
case ‘amax’
amax = str2double(this{2});
case ‘nfact’
nfact = str2double(this{2});
case ‘pt’
pt = str2double(this{2});
case ‘regi’
regi = str2double(this{2});
fprintf(‘Invalid delimiter: %s! Please check your text file.n’, this{1});
But a huge switch case doesn’t really give polish. I guess it shouldn’t matter if the code works, but still. I’d like it to be more refined.
Oh, yeah, the reason for all the cell array stuff (and for the huge switch case) is because I’ll be running this code (this code is a portion of a much larger script) from Linux. Also, the text file isn’t guaranteed to come in the order of object, plane, coeff, etc., which is why I have the code detect the first word.
Anyway, I thought I could solve my issue using the assignin function, but it’s not working? Here’s what I have so far.
if ismember(this(1), ["object", "plane", "coeff", "suvr", "amax", "nfact", "pt", "regi"])
if isa(this(2), ‘string’)
assignin(‘base’, this(1), this(2));
assignin(‘base’, this(1), str2double(this(2:end)));
fprintf(‘Invalid delimiter: %s! Please check your text file.n’, this(1));
I’ve done my best to debug. The code is not skipping over the assignin function. That line of code is executing, but when it executes, nothing happens.
Like, I’ve checked the values of this(1) and this(2) right before the script calls the assignin function. Yes, this(1) equals "object" and this(2) equals the object name, also a string, but nothing shows up when the assignin line of code executes. I don’t get it. Would appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks.Hello! I would like to dynamically read in data and assign data values from a text file.
Here is the text file:
object crop_image.nii
plane 3
coeff -5.046e-19 3.168e-13 -5.716e-8 0.005 2.746
amax 1
nfact 1
pt .9906
suvr 1
regi 1
Initially, I was reading it in using this block of code (which works).
readin = readlines(insert text file name here);
for i = 1:length(readin)
this = split(readin(i))’;
switch this(1)
case ‘object’
object = this{2};
case ‘plane’
plane = str2double(this{2});
case ‘coeff’
coeff = str2double(this(2:end));
case ‘suvr’
suvr = str2double(this{2});
case ‘amax’
amax = str2double(this{2});
case ‘nfact’
nfact = str2double(this{2});
case ‘pt’
pt = str2double(this{2});
case ‘regi’
regi = str2double(this{2});
fprintf(‘Invalid delimiter: %s! Please check your text file.n’, this{1});
But a huge switch case doesn’t really give polish. I guess it shouldn’t matter if the code works, but still. I’d like it to be more refined.
Oh, yeah, the reason for all the cell array stuff (and for the huge switch case) is because I’ll be running this code (this code is a portion of a much larger script) from Linux. Also, the text file isn’t guaranteed to come in the order of object, plane, coeff, etc., which is why I have the code detect the first word.
Anyway, I thought I could solve my issue using the assignin function, but it’s not working? Here’s what I have so far.
if ismember(this(1), ["object", "plane", "coeff", "suvr", "amax", "nfact", "pt", "regi"])
if isa(this(2), ‘string’)
assignin(‘base’, this(1), this(2));
assignin(‘base’, this(1), str2double(this(2:end)));
fprintf(‘Invalid delimiter: %s! Please check your text file.n’, this(1));
I’ve done my best to debug. The code is not skipping over the assignin function. That line of code is executing, but when it executes, nothing happens.
Like, I’ve checked the values of this(1) and this(2) right before the script calls the assignin function. Yes, this(1) equals "object" and this(2) equals the object name, also a string, but nothing shows up when the assignin line of code executes. I don’t get it. Would appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks. Hello! I would like to dynamically read in data and assign data values from a text file.
Here is the text file:
object crop_image.nii
plane 3
coeff -5.046e-19 3.168e-13 -5.716e-8 0.005 2.746
amax 1
nfact 1
pt .9906
suvr 1
regi 1
Initially, I was reading it in using this block of code (which works).
readin = readlines(insert text file name here);
for i = 1:length(readin)
this = split(readin(i))’;
switch this(1)
case ‘object’
object = this{2};
case ‘plane’
plane = str2double(this{2});
case ‘coeff’
coeff = str2double(this(2:end));
case ‘suvr’
suvr = str2double(this{2});
case ‘amax’
amax = str2double(this{2});
case ‘nfact’
nfact = str2double(this{2});
case ‘pt’
pt = str2double(this{2});
case ‘regi’
regi = str2double(this{2});
fprintf(‘Invalid delimiter: %s! Please check your text file.n’, this{1});
But a huge switch case doesn’t really give polish. I guess it shouldn’t matter if the code works, but still. I’d like it to be more refined.
Oh, yeah, the reason for all the cell array stuff (and for the huge switch case) is because I’ll be running this code (this code is a portion of a much larger script) from Linux. Also, the text file isn’t guaranteed to come in the order of object, plane, coeff, etc., which is why I have the code detect the first word.
Anyway, I thought I could solve my issue using the assignin function, but it’s not working? Here’s what I have so far.
if ismember(this(1), ["object", "plane", "coeff", "suvr", "amax", "nfact", "pt", "regi"])
if isa(this(2), ‘string’)
assignin(‘base’, this(1), this(2));
assignin(‘base’, this(1), str2double(this(2:end)));
fprintf(‘Invalid delimiter: %s! Please check your text file.n’, this(1));
I’ve done my best to debug. The code is not skipping over the assignin function. That line of code is executing, but when it executes, nothing happens.
Like, I’ve checked the values of this(1) and this(2) right before the script calls the assignin function. Yes, this(1) equals "object" and this(2) equals the object name, also a string, but nothing shows up when the assignin line of code executes. I don’t get it. Would appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks. data import, variable MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can integral2 left a variable inside?
Hi,everyone.There’re three variables in my function,x,y and w.
I want to integral x and y first,but there were a variable w stuck in my function.Can I left it and integral x,y first? Thank you.
syms x y w
l=0:(2*L)/(2*k):L % Approximate sections dvided
% Cm0
for s=1:1:sec
for t=1:1:sec
for m=1:1:k
P{s,t}=(P2+P3) % s section multiply t section
endHi,everyone.There’re three variables in my function,x,y and w.
I want to integral x and y first,but there were a variable w stuck in my function.Can I left it and integral x,y first? Thank you.
syms x y w
l=0:(2*L)/(2*k):L % Approximate sections dvided
% Cm0
for s=1:1:sec
for t=1:1:sec
for m=1:1:k
P{s,t}=(P2+P3) % s section multiply t section
end Hi,everyone.There’re three variables in my function,x,y and w.
I want to integral x and y first,but there were a variable w stuck in my function.Can I left it and integral x,y first? Thank you.
syms x y w
l=0:(2*L)/(2*k):L % Approximate sections dvided
% Cm0
for s=1:1:sec
for t=1:1:sec
for m=1:1:k
P{s,t}=(P2+P3) % s section multiply t section
end integral2 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to get Free vouchers for az-400
Anyone help me how to get the vouchers for writing the az-400 certification exam !!!
Anyone help me how to get the vouchers for writing the az-400 certification exam !!! Read More
Array Filter not working as expected
This flow works with one glitch. If there were two schools with the same date (which is probable) then, the violations for each school are being included in the email for both schools.
Here is the code for my filter:
“type”: “Query”,
“inputs”: {
“from”: “@outputs(‘Get_items_-_All_Violations_from_30_days_ago’)?[‘body/value’]”,
“where”: “@equals(items(‘Apply_to_each_-_for_each_”Get_Item”‘)?[‘School’],variables(‘Unique School’))”
“runAfter”: {
“Set_variable_-_Unique_School”: [
“metadata”: {
“operationMetadataId”: “86fb4366-e227-42eb-bf2b-07d9219c316d”
The string variable at the point where the filter is occurring has only one school in the string and I’ve been able to confirm things on the data side. The data is good.
Thanks for any help that can be offered.
This flow works with one glitch. If there were two schools with the same date (which is probable) then, the violations for each school are being included in the email for both schools. Here is the code for my filter: {
“type”: “Query”,
“inputs”: {
“from”: “@outputs(‘Get_items_-_All_Violations_from_30_days_ago’)?[‘body/value’]”,
“where”: “@equals(items(‘Apply_to_each_-_for_each_”Get_Item”‘)?[‘School’],variables(‘Unique School’))”
“runAfter”: {
“Set_variable_-_Unique_School”: [
“metadata”: {
“operationMetadataId”: “86fb4366-e227-42eb-bf2b-07d9219c316d”
} The string variable at the point where the filter is occurring has only one school in the string and I’ve been able to confirm things on the data side. The data is good. Thanks for any help that can be offered. Read More
I would like to find and plot the means and standard deviations for lots of columns of data.
I have gone over and over this, but I can’t seem to figure out what is going on. Eventually, I would like to plot the mean of 3 columns of data, based on their category. There are four categories, Spring, Summer, Winter, Autumn. I can import the data from excel, find the variable names, and recreate the table with just the data I want, but I can’t seem to find a way to calculate the mean based on the category. For example, I want to find the mean for all Spring for each of the final three columns. This is just one set of data. There are 8 total sets (all different lengths), so eventually, I would like to plot all of them, but I thought I would just start with 1 set. At this stage, if I can get to show the mean for table A, that would be great. Please help me get the means and standard deviations.
T = readtable(‘SdAlphabetSeasons.xlsx’);
Season = T(:,4);
dD = T(:,5);
d18O = T(:,6);
xs = T(:,7);
A = table(Season,dD,d18O,xs);
SSNMean = grpstats(A,"Season");
Function ‘subsindex’ is not defined for values of class ‘string’.
Error in dsgrpstats (line 97)
[group,glabel,groupname] = mgrp2idx(a_data(groupvars),a_nobs);
Error in grpstats (line 136)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = dsgrpstats(x,group,whichstats,varargin{:});I have gone over and over this, but I can’t seem to figure out what is going on. Eventually, I would like to plot the mean of 3 columns of data, based on their category. There are four categories, Spring, Summer, Winter, Autumn. I can import the data from excel, find the variable names, and recreate the table with just the data I want, but I can’t seem to find a way to calculate the mean based on the category. For example, I want to find the mean for all Spring for each of the final three columns. This is just one set of data. There are 8 total sets (all different lengths), so eventually, I would like to plot all of them, but I thought I would just start with 1 set. At this stage, if I can get to show the mean for table A, that would be great. Please help me get the means and standard deviations.
T = readtable(‘SdAlphabetSeasons.xlsx’);
Season = T(:,4);
dD = T(:,5);
d18O = T(:,6);
xs = T(:,7);
A = table(Season,dD,d18O,xs);
SSNMean = grpstats(A,"Season");
Function ‘subsindex’ is not defined for values of class ‘string’.
Error in dsgrpstats (line 97)
[group,glabel,groupname] = mgrp2idx(a_data(groupvars),a_nobs);
Error in grpstats (line 136)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = dsgrpstats(x,group,whichstats,varargin{:}); I have gone over and over this, but I can’t seem to figure out what is going on. Eventually, I would like to plot the mean of 3 columns of data, based on their category. There are four categories, Spring, Summer, Winter, Autumn. I can import the data from excel, find the variable names, and recreate the table with just the data I want, but I can’t seem to find a way to calculate the mean based on the category. For example, I want to find the mean for all Spring for each of the final three columns. This is just one set of data. There are 8 total sets (all different lengths), so eventually, I would like to plot all of them, but I thought I would just start with 1 set. At this stage, if I can get to show the mean for table A, that would be great. Please help me get the means and standard deviations.
T = readtable(‘SdAlphabetSeasons.xlsx’);
Season = T(:,4);
dD = T(:,5);
d18O = T(:,6);
xs = T(:,7);
A = table(Season,dD,d18O,xs);
SSNMean = grpstats(A,"Season");
Function ‘subsindex’ is not defined for values of class ‘string’.
Error in dsgrpstats (line 97)
[group,glabel,groupname] = mgrp2idx(a_data(groupvars),a_nobs);
Error in grpstats (line 136)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = dsgrpstats(x,group,whichstats,varargin{:}); table, mean, standard deviation, grpstats MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Billing Account Type can only be ‘US Exempt’?
This relates to:
Been a partner for years. Now I apparently must create a Billing Account (and Profile). When I attempt to create a new ‘Billing Account’ most of the information is correctly populated with my company’s information. However, when I enter the firm’s EIN (TAX ID) then I see under it that ‘Type’ only has the option ‘US Exempt’. My company is not tax exempt.
How do I create a correct ‘billing account’ for my LLC?
This relates to: a partner for years. Now I apparently must create a Billing Account (and Profile). When I attempt to create a new ‘Billing Account’ most of the information is correctly populated with my company’s information. However, when I enter the firm’s EIN (TAX ID) then I see under it that ‘Type’ only has the option ‘US Exempt’. My company is not tax exempt. How do I create a correct ‘billing account’ for my LLC? Read More
Can not know how to use minibatchqueue for a deep learning network that takes input as 4-D numbers and output 3 numbers through fully-connected layer.
There is a MATLAB example that uses minibatchqueue for input date as 4-D (image) and output as categorical. What I need is to update this example to accept output to be three numberical values (through a 3-fully connected layer).
The MATLAB example is:
[XTrain,YTrain] = digitTrain4DArrayData;
dsX = arrayDatastore(XTrain,IterationDimension=4);
dsY = arrayDatastore(YTrain);
dsTrain = combine(dsX,dsY);
classes = categories(YTrain);
numClasses = numel(classes);
net = dlnetwork;
layers = [
imageInputLayer([28 28 1],Mean=mean(XTrain,4))
net = addLayers(net,layers);
net = initialize(net);
miniBatchSize = 128;
mbq = minibatchqueue(dsTrain,…
function [X,Y] = preprocessMiniBatch(XCell,YCell)
% Extract image data from the cell array and concatenate over fourth
% dimension to add a third singleton dimension, as the channel
% dimension.
X = cat(4,XCell{:});
% Extract label data from cell and concatenate.
Y = cat(2,YCell{:});
% One-hot encode labels.
Y = onehotencode(Y,1);
Again, what I need is to know how to modify the code to accept three regression values at fully connected output layer.
Actually, I tried alot and alot without success. I think the main trick is the update that should be done inside this function: preprocessMiniBatch (defined above).
ThanksThere is a MATLAB example that uses minibatchqueue for input date as 4-D (image) and output as categorical. What I need is to update this example to accept output to be three numberical values (through a 3-fully connected layer).
The MATLAB example is:
[XTrain,YTrain] = digitTrain4DArrayData;
dsX = arrayDatastore(XTrain,IterationDimension=4);
dsY = arrayDatastore(YTrain);
dsTrain = combine(dsX,dsY);
classes = categories(YTrain);
numClasses = numel(classes);
net = dlnetwork;
layers = [
imageInputLayer([28 28 1],Mean=mean(XTrain,4))
net = addLayers(net,layers);
net = initialize(net);
miniBatchSize = 128;
mbq = minibatchqueue(dsTrain,…
function [X,Y] = preprocessMiniBatch(XCell,YCell)
% Extract image data from the cell array and concatenate over fourth
% dimension to add a third singleton dimension, as the channel
% dimension.
X = cat(4,XCell{:});
% Extract label data from cell and concatenate.
Y = cat(2,YCell{:});
% One-hot encode labels.
Y = onehotencode(Y,1);
Again, what I need is to know how to modify the code to accept three regression values at fully connected output layer.
Actually, I tried alot and alot without success. I think the main trick is the update that should be done inside this function: preprocessMiniBatch (defined above).
Thanks There is a MATLAB example that uses minibatchqueue for input date as 4-D (image) and output as categorical. What I need is to update this example to accept output to be three numberical values (through a 3-fully connected layer).
The MATLAB example is:
[XTrain,YTrain] = digitTrain4DArrayData;
dsX = arrayDatastore(XTrain,IterationDimension=4);
dsY = arrayDatastore(YTrain);
dsTrain = combine(dsX,dsY);
classes = categories(YTrain);
numClasses = numel(classes);
net = dlnetwork;
layers = [
imageInputLayer([28 28 1],Mean=mean(XTrain,4))
net = addLayers(net,layers);
net = initialize(net);
miniBatchSize = 128;
mbq = minibatchqueue(dsTrain,…
function [X,Y] = preprocessMiniBatch(XCell,YCell)
% Extract image data from the cell array and concatenate over fourth
% dimension to add a third singleton dimension, as the channel
% dimension.
X = cat(4,XCell{:});
% Extract label data from cell and concatenate.
Y = cat(2,YCell{:});
% One-hot encode labels.
Y = onehotencode(Y,1);
Again, what I need is to know how to modify the code to accept three regression values at fully connected output layer.
Actually, I tried alot and alot without success. I think the main trick is the update that should be done inside this function: preprocessMiniBatch (defined above).
Thanks deep learning, neural network, optimization, deep learning toolbox, deep learning toolbox model quantization library MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to plot a poincare beam showing its singularity using polarisation distribution plot
How to have a plot as shown in figure in MATLAB. It is polarization distribution with different C points in a poincare beam. Can anyone help me pleaseHow to have a plot as shown in figure in MATLAB. It is polarization distribution with different C points in a poincare beam. Can anyone help me please How to have a plot as shown in figure in MATLAB. It is polarization distribution with different C points in a poincare beam. Can anyone help me please polarization, polarization singularity, optical vortex, vector vortex beam, poincaré beam, singularities, c points MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Warning: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN
These data are already preprocessed so they are already syncronized and they are of the same size. However, when I tried running, MATLAB says: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN. What seems to be the problem with this and how can this be fixed?
% load data
ld1 = load(‘CALT23A.mat’);
ld2 = load(‘CALT23D.mat’);
ld3 = load(‘CALT23M.mat’);
ld4 = load(‘CALT23S.mat’);
ld5 = load(‘CALT23K.mat’);
% Accelerometer
accx = mean([ld1.Acceleration.X ld2.Acceleration.X ld3.Acceleration.X ld4.Acceleration.X],2,’omitnan’);
accy = mean([ld1.Acceleration.Y ld2.Acceleration.Y ld3.Acceleration.Y ld4.Acceleration.Y],2,’omitnan’);
accz = mean([ld1.Acceleration.Z ld2.Acceleration.Z ld3.Acceleration.Z ld4.Acceleration.Z],2,’omitnan’);
accelerometerReadings = [accx accy accz];
% Gyroscope
angx = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.X ld2.AngularVelocity.X ld3.AngularVelocity.X ld5.AngularVelocity.X],2,’omitnan’);
angy = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.Y ld2.AngularVelocity.Y ld3.AngularVelocity.Y ld5.AngularVelocity.Y],2,’omitnan’);
angz = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.Z ld2.AngularVelocity.Z ld3.AngularVelocity.Z ld5.AngularVelocity.Z],2,’omitnan’);
gyroscopeReadings = [angx angy angz];
% Magnetometer
magx = mean([ld1.MagneticField.X ld2.MagneticField.X ld3.MagneticField.X ld4.MagneticField.X],2,’omitnan’);
magy = mean([ld1.MagneticField.Y ld2.MagneticField.Y ld3.MagneticField.Y ld4.MagneticField.Y],2,’omitnan’);
magz = mean([ld1.MagneticField.Z ld2.MagneticField.Z ld3.MagneticField.Z ld4.MagneticField.Z],2,’omitnan’);
magnetometerReadings = [magx magy magz];
lat = mean([ld1.Position.latitude ld2.Position.latitude ld3.Position.latitude ld4.Position.latitude],2,’omitnan’);
long = mean([ld1.Position.longitude ld2.Position.longitude ld3.Position.longitude ld4.Position.longitude],2,’omitnan’);
speed = mean([ld1.Position.speed ld2.Position.speed ld3.Position.speed ld4.Position.speed],2,’omitnan’);
gps_speed_combined = speed;
%% IMU Filter (indirect Kalman Filter)
fuse = imufilter(‘SampleRate’,100, ‘DecimationFactor’,1,’AccelerometerNoise’,0.5,’GyroscopeNoise’,0.01);
q1 = fuse(accelerometerReadings, gyroscopeReadings);
orient1 = eulerd(q1, ‘ZYX’,’frame’);
f = figure;
f.Position(1:4) = [100 20 1100 600];
plot(orient1(:,3)); hold off
grid on
axis tight
xlabel(‘Time (sec)’);
ylabel(‘Angle (deg)’);
title(‘Orientation Estimate using IMU Filter’)
saveas(gcf, ‘imufilter.png’)These data are already preprocessed so they are already syncronized and they are of the same size. However, when I tried running, MATLAB says: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN. What seems to be the problem with this and how can this be fixed?
% load data
ld1 = load(‘CALT23A.mat’);
ld2 = load(‘CALT23D.mat’);
ld3 = load(‘CALT23M.mat’);
ld4 = load(‘CALT23S.mat’);
ld5 = load(‘CALT23K.mat’);
% Accelerometer
accx = mean([ld1.Acceleration.X ld2.Acceleration.X ld3.Acceleration.X ld4.Acceleration.X],2,’omitnan’);
accy = mean([ld1.Acceleration.Y ld2.Acceleration.Y ld3.Acceleration.Y ld4.Acceleration.Y],2,’omitnan’);
accz = mean([ld1.Acceleration.Z ld2.Acceleration.Z ld3.Acceleration.Z ld4.Acceleration.Z],2,’omitnan’);
accelerometerReadings = [accx accy accz];
% Gyroscope
angx = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.X ld2.AngularVelocity.X ld3.AngularVelocity.X ld5.AngularVelocity.X],2,’omitnan’);
angy = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.Y ld2.AngularVelocity.Y ld3.AngularVelocity.Y ld5.AngularVelocity.Y],2,’omitnan’);
angz = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.Z ld2.AngularVelocity.Z ld3.AngularVelocity.Z ld5.AngularVelocity.Z],2,’omitnan’);
gyroscopeReadings = [angx angy angz];
% Magnetometer
magx = mean([ld1.MagneticField.X ld2.MagneticField.X ld3.MagneticField.X ld4.MagneticField.X],2,’omitnan’);
magy = mean([ld1.MagneticField.Y ld2.MagneticField.Y ld3.MagneticField.Y ld4.MagneticField.Y],2,’omitnan’);
magz = mean([ld1.MagneticField.Z ld2.MagneticField.Z ld3.MagneticField.Z ld4.MagneticField.Z],2,’omitnan’);
magnetometerReadings = [magx magy magz];
lat = mean([ld1.Position.latitude ld2.Position.latitude ld3.Position.latitude ld4.Position.latitude],2,’omitnan’);
long = mean([ld1.Position.longitude ld2.Position.longitude ld3.Position.longitude ld4.Position.longitude],2,’omitnan’);
speed = mean([ld1.Position.speed ld2.Position.speed ld3.Position.speed ld4.Position.speed],2,’omitnan’);
gps_speed_combined = speed;
%% IMU Filter (indirect Kalman Filter)
fuse = imufilter(‘SampleRate’,100, ‘DecimationFactor’,1,’AccelerometerNoise’,0.5,’GyroscopeNoise’,0.01);
q1 = fuse(accelerometerReadings, gyroscopeReadings);
orient1 = eulerd(q1, ‘ZYX’,’frame’);
f = figure;
f.Position(1:4) = [100 20 1100 600];
plot(orient1(:,3)); hold off
grid on
axis tight
xlabel(‘Time (sec)’);
ylabel(‘Angle (deg)’);
title(‘Orientation Estimate using IMU Filter’)
saveas(gcf, ‘imufilter.png’) These data are already preprocessed so they are already syncronized and they are of the same size. However, when I tried running, MATLAB says: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN. What seems to be the problem with this and how can this be fixed?
% load data
ld1 = load(‘CALT23A.mat’);
ld2 = load(‘CALT23D.mat’);
ld3 = load(‘CALT23M.mat’);
ld4 = load(‘CALT23S.mat’);
ld5 = load(‘CALT23K.mat’);
% Accelerometer
accx = mean([ld1.Acceleration.X ld2.Acceleration.X ld3.Acceleration.X ld4.Acceleration.X],2,’omitnan’);
accy = mean([ld1.Acceleration.Y ld2.Acceleration.Y ld3.Acceleration.Y ld4.Acceleration.Y],2,’omitnan’);
accz = mean([ld1.Acceleration.Z ld2.Acceleration.Z ld3.Acceleration.Z ld4.Acceleration.Z],2,’omitnan’);
accelerometerReadings = [accx accy accz];
% Gyroscope
angx = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.X ld2.AngularVelocity.X ld3.AngularVelocity.X ld5.AngularVelocity.X],2,’omitnan’);
angy = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.Y ld2.AngularVelocity.Y ld3.AngularVelocity.Y ld5.AngularVelocity.Y],2,’omitnan’);
angz = mean([ld1.AngularVelocity.Z ld2.AngularVelocity.Z ld3.AngularVelocity.Z ld5.AngularVelocity.Z],2,’omitnan’);
gyroscopeReadings = [angx angy angz];
% Magnetometer
magx = mean([ld1.MagneticField.X ld2.MagneticField.X ld3.MagneticField.X ld4.MagneticField.X],2,’omitnan’);
magy = mean([ld1.MagneticField.Y ld2.MagneticField.Y ld3.MagneticField.Y ld4.MagneticField.Y],2,’omitnan’);
magz = mean([ld1.MagneticField.Z ld2.MagneticField.Z ld3.MagneticField.Z ld4.MagneticField.Z],2,’omitnan’);
magnetometerReadings = [magx magy magz];
lat = mean([ld1.Position.latitude ld2.Position.latitude ld3.Position.latitude ld4.Position.latitude],2,’omitnan’);
long = mean([ld1.Position.longitude ld2.Position.longitude ld3.Position.longitude ld4.Position.longitude],2,’omitnan’);
speed = mean([ld1.Position.speed ld2.Position.speed ld3.Position.speed ld4.Position.speed],2,’omitnan’);
gps_speed_combined = speed;
%% IMU Filter (indirect Kalman Filter)
fuse = imufilter(‘SampleRate’,100, ‘DecimationFactor’,1,’AccelerometerNoise’,0.5,’GyroscopeNoise’,0.01);
q1 = fuse(accelerometerReadings, gyroscopeReadings);
orient1 = eulerd(q1, ‘ZYX’,’frame’);
f = figure;
f.Position(1:4) = [100 20 1100 600];
plot(orient1(:,3)); hold off
grid on
axis tight
xlabel(‘Time (sec)’);
ylabel(‘Angle (deg)’);
title(‘Orientation Estimate using IMU Filter’)
saveas(gcf, ‘imufilter.png’) matrix, singular MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Formula based on a combination of two other cells where the combination varies
Hello forum friends
I need a formula that will look at two other cells and depending on the combination in those cells populate the third cell. For example:
If A1 says Critical and B1 says High then C1 will = Priority 1.
For example, the combinations will be as follows:
A1B1C1 (cell with the formula)CriticalHighPriority 1Critical MediumPriority 2Critical LowPriority 3Urgent High Priority 1Urgent MediumPriority 2Urgent LowPriority 3RoutineHighPriority 2Routine MediumPriority 3Routine LowPriority 4
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello forum friends I need a formula that will look at two other cells and depending on the combination in those cells populate the third cell. For example: If A1 says Critical and B1 says High then C1 will = Priority 1.For example, the combinations will be as follows:A1B1C1 (cell with the formula)CriticalHighPriority 1Critical MediumPriority 2Critical LowPriority 3Urgent High Priority 1Urgent MediumPriority 2Urgent LowPriority 3RoutineHighPriority 2Routine MediumPriority 3Routine LowPriority 4 Thanks in advance for your help! Read More
Flormatting a Table including columns, rows
Dear MS Word Communiy Specialist:
I would like to create a Table with a row consisting of 8 columns of varying widths. I would like to do so from a source Word docx doc into a destination docx doc and trying to maintain the souce Table’s column width properties and set each indiv. column cell to leave the max space avail forr text and min. space set for margins?
David C.
Dear MS Word Communiy Specialist: I would like to create a Table with a row consisting of 8 columns of varying widths. I would like to do so from a source Word docx doc into a destination docx doc and trying to maintain the souce Table’s column width properties and set each indiv. column cell to leave the max space avail forr text and min. space set for margins? David C. Read More
order using first column in array cell
Error using matlab.internal.math.cellstrpad
Cell elements must be character arrays.
Error in sortrows>sortBackToFrontCell (line 137)
tmp = matlab.internal.math.cellstrpad(A(I,ack));
Error in sortrows (line 77)
I = sortBackToFrontCell(A, col);newList=sortrows(newList,1);
Error using matlab.internal.math.cellstrpad
Cell elements must be character arrays.
Error in sortrows>sortBackToFrontCell (line 137)
tmp = matlab.internal.math.cellstrpad(A(I,ack));
Error in sortrows (line 77)
I = sortBackToFrontCell(A, col); newList=sortrows(newList,1);
Error using matlab.internal.math.cellstrpad
Cell elements must be character arrays.
Error in sortrows>sortBackToFrontCell (line 137)
tmp = matlab.internal.math.cellstrpad(A(I,ack));
Error in sortrows (line 77)
I = sortBackToFrontCell(A, col); order using first column in array cell MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I plot a spectrogram plotting time vs instantaneous frequency vs amplitude from an exported output signal?
I have a text file with time(1st column) and voltage amplitude (2nd column). How do I plot a spectrogram plotting time vs instantaneous frequency vs amplitude? Could you please help me plot it? I will really appreciate it.
I have attached the text file and a picture of the time domain representation of the signal.I have a text file with time(1st column) and voltage amplitude (2nd column). How do I plot a spectrogram plotting time vs instantaneous frequency vs amplitude? Could you please help me plot it? I will really appreciate it.
I have attached the text file and a picture of the time domain representation of the signal. I have a text file with time(1st column) and voltage amplitude (2nd column). How do I plot a spectrogram plotting time vs instantaneous frequency vs amplitude? Could you please help me plot it? I will really appreciate it.
I have attached the text file and a picture of the time domain representation of the signal. spectrogram, fft MATLAB Answers — New Questions
TS_PROCESS_CRASHED error virtualised macOS 14.4.1
Hello, I am trying to install MATLAB on a virtualised macOS 14.4.1 instance. However, the installer crashes, reporting ‘TS_PROCESS_CRASHED’. I have Corretto 11 installed and 12GB of RAM is allocated to the VM. What might be the cause of this? The host machine is a M3 Pro 36GB model.Hello, I am trying to install MATLAB on a virtualised macOS 14.4.1 instance. However, the installer crashes, reporting ‘TS_PROCESS_CRASHED’. I have Corretto 11 installed and 12GB of RAM is allocated to the VM. What might be the cause of this? The host machine is a M3 Pro 36GB model. Hello, I am trying to install MATLAB on a virtualised macOS 14.4.1 instance. However, the installer crashes, reporting ‘TS_PROCESS_CRASHED’. I have Corretto 11 installed and 12GB of RAM is allocated to the VM. What might be the cause of this? The host machine is a M3 Pro 36GB model. installation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Creating sensor network on matlab
Dear Sir/Madam,
I just wanted to know how to create sensor network on matlab with different layers like physical,data link layer and network layer.Dear Sir/Madam,
I just wanted to know how to create sensor network on matlab with different layers like physical,data link layer and network layer. Dear Sir/Madam,
I just wanted to know how to create sensor network on matlab with different layers like physical,data link layer and network layer. sensor network MATLAB Answers — New Questions
passcode expiry on personal devices
My work has enabled enforcement of minimum password security requirements for personal mobile devices accessing work email.
Unfortunately, this imposes a requirement to frequently change the device pin code which is annoying everyone.
Our IT admin wants to remove this requirement while still enforcing a minimum requirement that devices must have a pin code but doesn’t know where to find the relevant setting in Azure AD. We don’t have any devices enrolled in Intune as that requires a P2 licence which we don’t have.
Any guidance that I could pass on would be appreciated.
My work has enabled enforcement of minimum password security requirements for personal mobile devices accessing work email.Unfortunately, this imposes a requirement to frequently change the device pin code which is annoying everyone.Our IT admin wants to remove this requirement while still enforcing a minimum requirement that devices must have a pin code but doesn’t know where to find the relevant setting in Azure AD. We don’t have any devices enrolled in Intune as that requires a P2 licence which we don’t have.Any guidance that I could pass on would be appreciated. Read More
C: Users Documents folder empty
I have encountered an unexpected issue and require assistance in resolving it.
Upon exploring my User folder located on the desktop (accessed through Desktop Icons), I noticed that the Documents folder contains various items.
Interestingly, when I navigate to the Documents folder using Quick Actions in a file explorer window, I also find items stored within.
However, when I access This PC > C: > Users > MyUsername > Documents through a file explorer window, the folder appears to be empty.
Could you kindly provide guidance on how to address this discrepancy?
Greetings, I have encountered an unexpected issue and require assistance in resolving it. Upon exploring my User folder located on the desktop (accessed through Desktop Icons), I noticed that the Documents folder contains various items.Interestingly, when I navigate to the Documents folder using Quick Actions in a file explorer window, I also find items stored within.However, when I access This PC > C: > Users > MyUsername > Documents through a file explorer window, the folder appears to be empty. Could you kindly provide guidance on how to address this discrepancy? Read More
New Recovery Tool to help with CrowdStrike issue impacting Windows endpoints
As a follow-up to the CrowdStrike Falcon agent issue impacting Windows clients and servers, we have released a USB tool to help IT Admins expedite the repair process. The signed Microsoft Recovery Tool can be found in the Microsoft Download Center: The steps to use the tool are detailed below.
A Windows 64-bit client with at least 8GB of free space from which the tool can be run to create the bootable USB drive.
Administrative privileges on the Windows client from prerequisite #1.
USB drive with (1GB). All existing data on this USB will be wiped.
BitLocker recovery key for each BitLocker-enabled impacted device on which the generated USB device will be used.
To generate the USB repair solution, from the 64-bit Windows client in prerequisite #1 above, execute the following steps:
Download the signed Microsoft Recovery Tool from the Microsoft Download Center.
Extract the PowerShell script from the downloaded solution.
Run MsftRecoveryToolForCS.ps1 from an elevated PowerShell prompt.
ADK download and install will start, may take several minutes to complete.
You will be prompted to optionally select a driver directory for image import. We recommend you select “N” to skip this step. Some devices may need specific keyboard and/or mass storage drivers, however “N” is sufficient for most devices. NOTE: The tool will import any SYS and INI recursively under the specified directory.
Insert the USB drive when prompted and provide the drive letter.
Once the USB creation is complete, remove the USB from the Windows client.
To repair an impacted device using the BitLocker recovery key from prerequisite #4 above:
Insert the USB key into an impacted device.
Reboot the device.
During restart, press F12 (or follow manufacturer-specific instructions for booting to BIOS).
From the BIOS boot menu, choose Boot from USB and continue.
The tool will run.
If BitLocker is enabled, the user will be prompted for the BitLocker recovery key. Include the dashes in for the BitLocker recovery key when entering. The recovery key options are provided here.
The tool will run the issue-remediation scripts as recommended by CrowdStrike.
Once complete, reboot the device normally.
For more information on the issue impacting Windows clients and servers running the CrowdStrike Falcon agent, please see:
A wide variety of Windows information is available at
Recovery steps are available here
For Windows Virtual Machines running on Azure follow the mitigation steps in Azure status
Additional details from CrowdStrike are available here: Statement on Falcon Content Update for Windows Hosts – CrowdStrike Blog
Please note this tool does not use Microsoft Intune, but we’re sharing as a Support tip to help customers. Let us know if you have any questions by replying to this post or reaching out to @IntuneSuppTeam on X. We’ll continue to provide updates to this post as needed.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
The image errors when fitting MR damper data using bouc wen model
I’m trying to fit the MRD data using the Bouc Wen model, but there seems to be a problem with the image . I can’t find the cause of the problem.
the image just like thatI’m trying to fit the MRD data using the Bouc Wen model, but there seems to be a problem with the image . I can’t find the cause of the problem.
the image just like that I’m trying to fit the MRD data using the Bouc Wen model, but there seems to be a problem with the image . I can’t find the cause of the problem.
the image just like that bouc wen, mrdamper, matlab, curve fitting MATLAB Answers — New Questions