Category: News
filling Index issues imfindcircles
Im having issue where i think the index is looking for instances of detected circles but it either is not filling the index or maybe there isnt enough to fill the array but im having issue getting this to work. its from the help documentation so i expected it to just work but im still having trouble and thus am having trouble understanding how to use imfindcircles. I tried using edge(canny) and using a binary image to see if that would make it easier to find circles but im still hvaing issues.
A = imread(‘coins.png’);
[centers, radii, metric] = imfindcircles(A,[15 30]);
centersStrong5 = centers(1:5,:);
radiiStrong5 = radii(1:5);
metricStrong5 = metric(1:5);
viscircles(centersStrong5, radiiStrong5,’EdgeColor’,’b’);Im having issue where i think the index is looking for instances of detected circles but it either is not filling the index or maybe there isnt enough to fill the array but im having issue getting this to work. its from the help documentation so i expected it to just work but im still having trouble and thus am having trouble understanding how to use imfindcircles. I tried using edge(canny) and using a binary image to see if that would make it easier to find circles but im still hvaing issues.
A = imread(‘coins.png’);
[centers, radii, metric] = imfindcircles(A,[15 30]);
centersStrong5 = centers(1:5,:);
radiiStrong5 = radii(1:5);
metricStrong5 = metric(1:5);
viscircles(centersStrong5, radiiStrong5,’EdgeColor’,’b’); Im having issue where i think the index is looking for instances of detected circles but it either is not filling the index or maybe there isnt enough to fill the array but im having issue getting this to work. its from the help documentation so i expected it to just work but im still having trouble and thus am having trouble understanding how to use imfindcircles. I tried using edge(canny) and using a binary image to see if that would make it easier to find circles but im still hvaing issues.
A = imread(‘coins.png’);
[centers, radii, metric] = imfindcircles(A,[15 30]);
centersStrong5 = centers(1:5,:);
radiiStrong5 = radii(1:5);
metricStrong5 = metric(1:5);
viscircles(centersStrong5, radiiStrong5,’EdgeColor’,’b’); imfindcircles, matlab, hough transform, edge detection, image processing toolbox MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Help with excel formulas
Good evening,
I am trying to create a holiday tracker to track my colleagues holiday allowance.
So my plan is the following.
Cell A1 hours Used
Cell B1 hours remaining
Cell C1 Annual holiday Allowance
So now let say the holiday allowance is 265. John Smith booked 10 hours so that 10 hours will be deducted from the 265 which would be 255. This part is easy enough just by doing
But the problem I have got is if John Smith booked a 5-hour holiday a few weeks later, and you updated the cell “Hours Used” from 10 hours to 5 hours, the total would be then 260. But realistically, it should be 250 instead due to previous holiday . So my question is how would I go about doing this. Any help or advice would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Good evening,I am trying to create a holiday tracker to track my colleagues holiday allowance.So my plan is the following.Cell A1 hours UsedCell B1 hours remainingCell C1 Annual holiday AllowanceSo now let say the holiday allowance is 265. John Smith booked 10 hours so that 10 hours will be deducted from the 265 which would be 255. This part is easy enough just by doing=SUM(A1-C1)But the problem I have got is if John Smith booked a 5-hour holiday a few weeks later, and you updated the cell “Hours Used” from 10 hours to 5 hours, the total would be then 260. But realistically, it should be 250 instead due to previous holiday . So my question is how would I go about doing this. Any help or advice would be highly appreciated.Thank you Read More
How to maintain a fixed range when cell is added
The above formula works perfectly fine
However, each week an additional cell needs to be inserted in J10:J58
This causes the formula to return an error
For example:
J34 is moved down one cell by performing the step Insert/Shift Cell Down.
By doing this my original formula changes from:
To fix it I manually change it back to
How can I prevent J58 changing to J59 when a cell is inserted into the range.
=SUM(J10:J58+G10:G58) The above formula works perfectly fine However, each week an additional cell needs to be inserted in J10:J58 This causes the formula to return an error For example: J34 is moved down one cell by performing the step Insert/Shift Cell Down. By doing this my original formula changes from:=SUM(J10:J58+G10:G58)to:=SUM(J10:J59+G10:G58) To fix it I manually change it back to=SUM(J10:J58+G10:G58) How can I prevent J58 changing to J59 when a cell is inserted into the range. Read More
How to maximize achievable Rate for spectrum sharing in MIMO?
Hello, I am simulating a paper. I want to maximize achievable rate but there is an error in my code. the problem is maximiz (sum(log(1 + p2_k/ (sigma^2 + norm(w2_k,2)^2)))) when P2 and W2 are my variable matrices subject to 0=< p2_k =< tilde_P2 and sum( p2_k * xi_k =< zeta1_l. I used CVX function for optimization but I am not sure if it is true or not. my error is "Disciplined convex programming error:
Cannot perform the operation: {real affine} ./ {convex}" .
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with it.
thank you in advance.Hello, I am simulating a paper. I want to maximize achievable rate but there is an error in my code. the problem is maximiz (sum(log(1 + p2_k/ (sigma^2 + norm(w2_k,2)^2)))) when P2 and W2 are my variable matrices subject to 0=< p2_k =< tilde_P2 and sum( p2_k * xi_k =< zeta1_l. I used CVX function for optimization but I am not sure if it is true or not. my error is "Disciplined convex programming error:
Cannot perform the operation: {real affine} ./ {convex}" .
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with it.
thank you in advance. Hello, I am simulating a paper. I want to maximize achievable rate but there is an error in my code. the problem is maximiz (sum(log(1 + p2_k/ (sigma^2 + norm(w2_k,2)^2)))) when P2 and W2 are my variable matrices subject to 0=< p2_k =< tilde_P2 and sum( p2_k * xi_k =< zeta1_l. I used CVX function for optimization but I am not sure if it is true or not. my error is "Disciplined convex programming error:
Cannot perform the operation: {real affine} ./ {convex}" .
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with it.
thank you in advance. achievable rate, spectrum sharing, matlab, for loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error with addpoints when trying to animate a trajectory following a marker
I am trying to animate a trajectory following a marker.
Here is the problematic part of my code:
axis([0, ceil(max(x)), 0, ceil(max(y))])
daspect([1 1 1])
grid on
xlabel(‘x (m)’), ylabel(‘y (m)’), title(‘Bouncing Projectile’), subtitle([‘{theta} = ‘, num2str(theta), ‘°, u = ‘, num2str(u), ‘ ms^{-1}, h = ‘, num2str(h), ‘ m, g = ‘, num2str(g), ‘ ms^{-2}, C = ‘, num2str(C), ‘, N = ‘, num2str(N)])
h = animatedline(‘Color’, ‘b’);
p = plot(x(1), y(1), ‘o’, ‘MarkerEdgeColor’, ‘red’, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘red’);
for k = 1:length(x)
p.XData = x(k);
p.YData = y(k);
addpoints(h, x(k), y(k));
drawnow limitrate
Whithout the code for the marker, the program runs well. However, for some strange reason, adding the code for the marker seems to create an error:
Error using
Value must be a handle.
Error in file (line 54)
addpoints(h, x(k), y(k));
A graph is produced when I run the program, however the axes are not labeled, there is no title, and only one point is plotted.
What mistake have I made?I am trying to animate a trajectory following a marker.
Here is the problematic part of my code:
axis([0, ceil(max(x)), 0, ceil(max(y))])
daspect([1 1 1])
grid on
xlabel(‘x (m)’), ylabel(‘y (m)’), title(‘Bouncing Projectile’), subtitle([‘{theta} = ‘, num2str(theta), ‘°, u = ‘, num2str(u), ‘ ms^{-1}, h = ‘, num2str(h), ‘ m, g = ‘, num2str(g), ‘ ms^{-2}, C = ‘, num2str(C), ‘, N = ‘, num2str(N)])
h = animatedline(‘Color’, ‘b’);
p = plot(x(1), y(1), ‘o’, ‘MarkerEdgeColor’, ‘red’, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘red’);
for k = 1:length(x)
p.XData = x(k);
p.YData = y(k);
addpoints(h, x(k), y(k));
drawnow limitrate
Whithout the code for the marker, the program runs well. However, for some strange reason, adding the code for the marker seems to create an error:
Error using
Value must be a handle.
Error in file (line 54)
addpoints(h, x(k), y(k));
A graph is produced when I run the program, however the axes are not labeled, there is no title, and only one point is plotted.
What mistake have I made? I am trying to animate a trajectory following a marker.
Here is the problematic part of my code:
axis([0, ceil(max(x)), 0, ceil(max(y))])
daspect([1 1 1])
grid on
xlabel(‘x (m)’), ylabel(‘y (m)’), title(‘Bouncing Projectile’), subtitle([‘{theta} = ‘, num2str(theta), ‘°, u = ‘, num2str(u), ‘ ms^{-1}, h = ‘, num2str(h), ‘ m, g = ‘, num2str(g), ‘ ms^{-2}, C = ‘, num2str(C), ‘, N = ‘, num2str(N)])
h = animatedline(‘Color’, ‘b’);
p = plot(x(1), y(1), ‘o’, ‘MarkerEdgeColor’, ‘red’, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘red’);
for k = 1:length(x)
p.XData = x(k);
p.YData = y(k);
addpoints(h, x(k), y(k));
drawnow limitrate
Whithout the code for the marker, the program runs well. However, for some strange reason, adding the code for the marker seems to create an error:
Error using
Value must be a handle.
Error in file (line 54)
addpoints(h, x(k), y(k));
A graph is produced when I run the program, however the axes are not labeled, there is no title, and only one point is plotted.
What mistake have I made? matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
what does the MATLAB function ‘helperMIMOChannelEstimate’ estimates
Does the function helperMIMOChannelEstimate estimates and returns perfect channel estimate or is it using any basic channel estimation algorithm like LS OR MMMSE to calculate it.Does the function helperMIMOChannelEstimate estimates and returns perfect channel estimate or is it using any basic channel estimation algorithm like LS OR MMMSE to calculate it. Does the function helperMIMOChannelEstimate estimates and returns perfect channel estimate or is it using any basic channel estimation algorithm like LS OR MMMSE to calculate it. helpermimochannelestimate, least squares, mmse MATLAB Answers — New Questions
TOC RD generating page 1 instead of correct page numbers
I am using Word Version 2407 (Build 17830.20084) with Office 365 Apps for Business. For years, we have created TOCs pulling from multiple files using the TOC RD field. However, now instead of the correct page numbers, it shows 1 (or occasionally the first page number of one of the files). This first started on someone else’s machine and until now, I was able to successfully generate a correct TOC for them. This is happening with multiple documents. We’ve tried manipulating the page number and TOC fields, safe mode, replacing normal.dotm, and repairing the Office install. Note that the TOC works just fine on an individual document (i.e., when not using RD). Any ideas?
I am using Word Version 2407 (Build 17830.20084) with Office 365 Apps for Business. For years, we have created TOCs pulling from multiple files using the TOC RD field. However, now instead of the correct page numbers, it shows 1 (or occasionally the first page number of one of the files). This first started on someone else’s machine and until now, I was able to successfully generate a correct TOC for them. This is happening with multiple documents. We’ve tried manipulating the page number and TOC fields, safe mode, replacing normal.dotm, and repairing the Office install. Note that the TOC works just fine on an individual document (i.e., when not using RD). Any ideas? Read More
Membantu pelanggan kami melalui CrowdStrike outage
Read the English version here
Pada tanggal 18 Juli, CrowdStrike, sebuah perusahaan keamanan siber independen, merilis pembaruan perangkat lunak yang mulai memengaruhi sistem TI secara global. Meskipun ini bukan insiden Microsoft, mengingat hal yang terjadi memengaruhi ekosistem kami, kami ingin memberikan informasi tentang langkah-langkah yang telah kami ambil bersama CrowdStrike dan sejumlah pihak lain, untuk memperbaiki serta mendukung pelanggan kami.
Sejak kejadian ini dimulai, kami terus berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan, CrowdStrike, dan developer eksternal untuk mengumpulkan informasi serta mempercepat solusi. Kami menyadari masalah ini telah menyebabkan gangguan bagi bisnis dan rutinitas harian banyak orang. Fokus kami adalah menyediakan panduan dan dukungan teknis bagi pelanggan untuk mengembalikan sistem yang terganggu secara aman. Langkah-langkah yang diambil meliputi:
Mendukung CrowdStrike untuk mengautomasi pekerjaan mereka dalam mengembangkan solusi. CrowdStrike telah merekomendasikan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dan juga telah mengeluarkan pernyataan publik. Petunjuk untuk memperbaiki situasi pada Windows endpoints telah diunggah di Windows Message Center.
Menerjunkan ratusan teknisi dan pakar Microsoft untuk bekerja langsung dengan pelanggan guna memulihkan layanan.
Berkolaborasi dengan penyedia cloud dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya, termasuk Google Cloud Platform (GCP) dan Amazon Web Services (AWS), untuk berbagi kesadaran tentang status dampak yang kita lihat di seluruh industri, serta menginformasikan percakapan yang sedang berlangsung dengan CrowdStrike dan pelanggan.
Dengan cepat mengunggah dokumentasi dan skrip remediasi manual yang dapat ditemukan di sini.
Memastikan pelanggan mendapat informasi tentang status terbaru insiden melalui Azure Status Dashboard di sini.
Kami bekerja sepanjang waktu dan menyediakan pembaruan serta dukungan yang berkelanjutan. Selain itu, CrowdStrike telah membantu kami mengembangkan solusi scalable yang akan membantu infrastruktur Microsoft Azure mempercepat perbaikan bagi pembaruan CrowdStrike yang salah. Kami juga telah bekerja sama dengan AWS dan GCP untuk berkolaborasi pada pendekatan yang paling efektif.
Meskipun pembaruan perangkat lunak terkadang dapat menyebabkan gangguan, insiden signifikan seperti peristiwa CrowdStrike jarang terjadi. Saat ini, kami memperkirakan bahwa pembaruan CrowdStrike memengaruhi 8,5 juta perangkat Windows, atau kurang dari satu persen dari semua mesin Windows. Meskipun persentasenya kecil, luasnya dampak ekonomi dan sosial mencerminkan penggunaan CrowdStrike oleh perusahaan yang menjalankan banyak layanan penting.
Insiden ini menunjukkan sifat saling terhubung dari ekosistem kita yang luas — penyedia cloud global, platform perangkat lunak, vendor keamanan dan vendor perangkat lunak lainnya, serta pelanggan. Ini juga merupakan pengingat betapa pentingnya bagi kita semua di seluruh ekosistem teknologi untuk memprioritaskan pengoperasian dengan penerapan yang aman dan pemulihan bencana menggunakan mekanisme yang ada. Seperti yang telah kita lihat selama dua hari terakhir, kita belajar, memulihkan, dan bergerak maju secara paling efektif saat kita berkolaborasi dan bekerja bersama. Kami menghargai kerja sama dan kolaborasi seluruh sektor, dan kami akan terus memberikan pembaruan dengan pembelajaran dan langkah selanjutnya.
Mathworks account login problems, anonymous user
My Mathworks account seems to be corrupted or hacked.
At the time of login, i could see the initials of another anonymous person for brief time.
Later it shows my account initals, VB
The number of answers, count is also showing incorrectly. it has not changed since 2 3 weeks. despite answering enough questions.
Anyone has idea how to solve this problem.My Mathworks account seems to be corrupted or hacked.
At the time of login, i could see the initials of another anonymous person for brief time.
Later it shows my account initals, VB
The number of answers, count is also showing incorrectly. it has not changed since 2 3 weeks. despite answering enough questions.
Anyone has idea how to solve this problem. My Mathworks account seems to be corrupted or hacked.
At the time of login, i could see the initials of another anonymous person for brief time.
Later it shows my account initals, VB
The number of answers, count is also showing incorrectly. it has not changed since 2 3 weeks. despite answering enough questions.
Anyone has idea how to solve this problem. mathworks account, answers, count, login MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can I restore a file from an over written partition?
I recently had to restore a backed-up system partition, which unfortunately resulted in the overwriting of all data on my C drive. As a result, I ended up losing certain files that were stored in my AppData/Local/Kemper Amps folder prior to the restore. Despite trying multiple recovery programs, I have been unsuccessful in recovering those specific files.
Do you have any suggestions or solutions that do not involve the common advice of backing up files in advance? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I recently had to restore a backed-up system partition, which unfortunately resulted in the overwriting of all data on my C drive. As a result, I ended up losing certain files that were stored in my AppData/Local/Kemper Amps folder prior to the restore. Despite trying multiple recovery programs, I have been unsuccessful in recovering those specific files. Do you have any suggestions or solutions that do not involve the common advice of backing up files in advance? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
Change cell between 2 colours based on upcoming date 2+ years in advance
Hi there,
I’ve got a project on at the minute, where I need to have cells containing dates change between colours under 2 conditions. (Technically 3 but I’ve already sorted the last one out.)
The dates are split into 2 columns, one for the date the source is deleted, and the other is when the source document should be downloaded by. The source deletion date is 6 years after the source date, and the source download by date is 2 years prior to the deletion date.
My requirements are as follows:
When the source deletion date is within 4 years and 25 days of today’s date.When the source download date is within 2 years and 25 days of today’s date.
When the source deletion date is within 4 years of today’s date.When the source download date is within 2 years of today’s date.
Basically, I want a 25 day window where both cells in D and E go from white to orange – showing it needs to be tasked, and then orange to red – showing that the 25 day window has passed.
See example below:
I’ve spent a good time trying to work out the cell formatting for this, and just can’t get it to work. Either it stays orange, or doesn’t pick it up at all when I test it with different dates.
Any help would be appreciated, and step-by-step would also help as I’m still new to this type of Excel.
P.S. In my actual sheet, I’ve got a formula in the D and E columns to pick up the date in C, and add 6 years and 4 years respectively.
I’ve also already got a rule for the green colour whereby if “Yes” is noted in G column, then it will mark all dates as green (completed) regardless of today’s date.
Hi there, I’ve got a project on at the minute, where I need to have cells containing dates change between colours under 2 conditions. (Technically 3 but I’ve already sorted the last one out.) The dates are split into 2 columns, one for the date the source is deleted, and the other is when the source document should be downloaded by. The source deletion date is 6 years after the source date, and the source download by date is 2 years prior to the deletion date. My requirements are as follows:OrangeWhen the source deletion date is within 4 years and 25 days of today’s date.When the source download date is within 2 years and 25 days of today’s date.RedWhen the source deletion date is within 4 years of today’s date.When the source download date is within 2 years of today’s date.Basically, I want a 25 day window where both cells in D and E go from white to orange – showing it needs to be tasked, and then orange to red – showing that the 25 day window has passed. See example below: I’ve spent a good time trying to work out the cell formatting for this, and just can’t get it to work. Either it stays orange, or doesn’t pick it up at all when I test it with different dates. Any help would be appreciated, and step-by-step would also help as I’m still new to this type of Excel. P.S. In my actual sheet, I’ve got a formula in the D and E columns to pick up the date in C, and add 6 years and 4 years respectively.I’ve also already got a rule for the green colour whereby if “Yes” is noted in G column, then it will mark all dates as green (completed) regardless of today’s date. Read More
System Making Shortcuts | Desktop
I am experiencing a perplexing issue with my Windows 11 computer – it keeps re-adding shortcuts to the desktop for programs that were originally installed over a year ago, despite me having deleted them previously. It’s as if these shortcuts are reappearing out of nowhere, almost like a haunting presence. Interestingly, I do not have OneDrive installed on the system.
Windows Build/Version: V23H2 (OS Build 22631.3880)
I am experiencing a perplexing issue with my Windows 11 computer – it keeps re-adding shortcuts to the desktop for programs that were originally installed over a year ago, despite me having deleted them previously. It’s as if these shortcuts are reappearing out of nowhere, almost like a haunting presence. Interestingly, I do not have OneDrive installed on the system. Windows Build/Version: V23H2 (OS Build 22631.3880) Read More
The Importance of Validation HostPools in AVD Deployments: Lessons from the CrowdStrike Global Issue
In the rapidly evolving world of IT, ensuring the stability and reliability of virtual desktop environments is crucial. Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) deployments offer a flexible and scalable solution for organizations, but with this flexibility comes the need for rigorous testing and validation. This article explores the importance of validation host pools in AVD deployments, particularly for testing updates before pushing them to production, and draws parallels to the recent global issue caused by CrowdStrike.
The Role of Validation Host Pools in AVD are a critical component in the deployment and maintenance of AVD environments. These pools allow organizations to test updates and changes in a controlled environment before they are applied to the production environment. This process helps in identifying potential issues that could disrupt user experience or cause downtime.
Key Benefits of Validation Host Pools:
Early Detection of Issues: By testing updates in a validation host pool, IT teams can identify and resolve issues before they impact the production environment.
Minimized Downtime: Validation helps in ensuring that updates do not introduce errors that could lead to downtime, thus maintaining business continuity.
Improved User Experience: Regular testing in a validation environment ensures that end-users experience fewer disruptions and maintain productivity.
The CrowdStrike Global Issue: A Case Study:
Recently, a faulty software update from CrowdStrike led to a massive global outage, affecting millions of Windows computers. This incident underscores the importance of thorough testing and validation before deploying updates to production environments.
What Happened:
A software update for CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor caused Windows computers to crash, leading to widespread disruptions across various sectors, including airlines, banks, and emergency services.
The issue was traced back to a logic error in the update, which was not detected before the update was pushed to production.
Lessons Learned:
Critical Need for Validation: The CrowdStrike incident highlights the necessity of having robust validation processes in place. If the update had been thoroughly tested in a validation environment, the issue could have been identified and rectified before causing widespread disruption.
Continuous Monitoring: Even after deploying updates, continuous monitoring in a validation environment can help in quickly identifying and mitigating any unforeseen issues.
To implement Validation Host Pools in AVD, follow these steps:
Create a Host Pool: Use the Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI to create a new host pool or configure an existing one as a validation environment.
Define the Validation Environment: In the Azure portal, select the host pool, go to properties, and enable the validation environment setting.
Regular Testing: Ensure that the validation host pool is used regularly for testing updates and changes. This should mimic the production environment as closely as possible.
The recent CrowdStrike global issue serves as a stark reminder of the importance of validation host pools in AVD deployments. By implementing and maintaining a robust validation environment, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of disruptions and ensure a seamless user experience. As the IT landscape continues to evolve, the role of validation host pools will only become more critical in maintaining the stability and reliability of virtual desktop environments.
In the rapidly evolving world of IT, ensuring the stability and reliability of virtual desktop environments is crucial. Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) deployments offer a flexible and scalable solution for organizations, but with this flexibility comes the need for rigorous testing and validation. This article explores the importance of validation host pools in AVD deployments, particularly for testing updates before pushing them to production, and draws parallels to the recent global issue caused by CrowdStrike.
The Role of Validation Host Pools in AVD are a critical component in the deployment and maintenance of AVD environments. These pools allow organizations to test updates and changes in a controlled environment before they are applied to the production environment. This process helps in identifying potential issues that could disrupt user experience or cause downtime.
Key Benefits of Validation Host Pools:
Early Detection of Issues: By testing updates in a validation host pool, IT teams can identify and resolve issues before they impact the production environment.
Minimized Downtime: Validation helps in ensuring that updates do not introduce errors that could lead to downtime, thus maintaining business continuity.
Improved User Experience: Regular testing in a validation environment ensures that end-users experience fewer disruptions and maintain productivity.
The CrowdStrike Global Issue: A Case Study:
Recently, a faulty software update from CrowdStrike led to a massive global outage, affecting millions of Windows computers. This incident underscores the importance of thorough testing and validation before deploying updates to production environments.
What Happened:
A software update for CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor caused Windows computers to crash, leading to widespread disruptions across various sectors, including airlines, banks, and emergency services.
The issue was traced back to a logic error in the update, which was not detected before the update was pushed to production.
Lessons Learned:
Critical Need for Validation: The CrowdStrike incident highlights the necessity of having robust validation processes in place. If the update had been thoroughly tested in a validation environment, the issue could have been identified and rectified before causing widespread disruption.
Continuous Monitoring: Even after deploying updates, continuous monitoring in a validation environment can help in quickly identifying and mitigating any unforeseen issues.
To implement Validation Host Pools in AVD, follow these steps:
Create a Host Pool: Use the Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI to create a new host pool or configure an existing one as a validation environment.
Define the Validation Environment: In the Azure portal, select the host pool, go to properties, and enable the validation environment setting.
Regular Testing: Ensure that the validation host pool is used regularly for testing updates and changes. This should mimic the production environment as closely as possible.
The recent CrowdStrike global issue serves as a stark reminder of the importance of validation host pools in AVD deployments. By implementing and maintaining a robust validation environment, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of disruptions and ensure a seamless user experience. As the IT landscape continues to evolve, the role of validation host pools will only become more critical in maintaining the stability and reliability of virtual desktop environments. Read More
How to Import Gmail Contacts into Outlook?
I’ve been struggling for a long time to synchronize my Outlook contacts with my Gmail contacts, and I’m looking for a solution to import Gmail contacts into Outlook while avoiding duplicates. Is there a method that allows for seamless integration without having to delete all existing Outlook contacts before importing from Gmail? Furthermore, the limitation of being able to delete only 10 Outlook contacts at a time seems to hinder the process. Is there a workaround to streamline this tedious task and achieve efficient contact management between the two platforms?
I’ve been struggling for a long time to synchronize my Outlook contacts with my Gmail contacts, and I’m looking for a solution to import Gmail contacts into Outlook while avoiding duplicates. Is there a method that allows for seamless integration without having to delete all existing Outlook contacts before importing from Gmail? Furthermore, the limitation of being able to delete only 10 Outlook contacts at a time seems to hinder the process. Is there a workaround to streamline this tedious task and achieve efficient contact management between the two platforms? Read More
Can I see how much my IGPU is being used vs dedicated?
Hello, I’m interested in monitoring the utilization of my integrated graphics processor (IGPU) in comparison to dedicated graphics. I’m in the market for a new laptop and want to assess if I truly need dedicated graphics based on my usage patterns. Is there a tool available to track historical usage or is monitoring limited to real-time data only? Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hello, I’m interested in monitoring the utilization of my integrated graphics processor (IGPU) in comparison to dedicated graphics. I’m in the market for a new laptop and want to assess if I truly need dedicated graphics based on my usage patterns. Is there a tool available to track historical usage or is monitoring limited to real-time data only? Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
How to click on hyperlink inside email message?
How to click on hyperlink inside email message (Outlook 2007 and above).
Do you have video or tutorial?
use the module of you email service and « Watch emails » (Outlook 2007 and above, …)Use a Webhook → Mailhook and configure a redirection in your email tool to redirect to that new mail hook address
How to click on hyperlink inside email message (Outlook 2007 and above).Do you have video or tutorial?use the module of you email service and « Watch emails » (Outlook 2007 and above, …)Use a Webhook → Mailhook and configure a redirection in your email tool to redirect to that new mail hook address Read More
Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage
On July 18, CrowdStrike, an independent cybersecurity company, released a software update that began impacting IT systems globally. Although this was not a Microsoft incident, given it impacts our ecosystem, we want to provide an update on the steps we’ve taken with CrowdStrike and others to remediate and support our customers.
Since this event began, we’ve maintained ongoing communication with our customers, CrowdStrike and external developers to collect information and expedite solutions. We recognize the disruption this problem has caused for businesses and in the daily routines of many individuals. Our focus is providing customers with technical guidance and support to safely bring disrupted systems back online. Steps taken have included:
Engaging with CrowdStrike to automate their work on developing a solution. CrowdStrike has recommended a workaround to address this issue and has also issued a public statement. Instructions to remedy the situation on Windows endpoints were posted on the Windows Message Center.
Deploying hundreds of Microsoft engineers and experts to work directly with customers to restore services.
Collaborating with other cloud providers and stakeholders, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to share awareness on the state of impact we are each seeing across the industry and inform ongoing conversations with CrowdStrike and customers.
Quickly posting manual remediation documentation and scripts found here.
Keeping customers informed of the latest status on the incident through the Azure Status Dashboard here.
We’re working around the clock and providing ongoing updates and support. Additionally, CrowdStrike has helped us develop a scalable solution that will help Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure accelerate a fix for CrowdStrike’s faulty update. We have also worked with both AWS and GCP to collaborate on the most effective approaches.
While software updates may occasionally cause disturbances, significant incidents like the CrowdStrike event are infrequent. We currently estimate that CrowdStrike’s update affected 8.5 million Windows devices, or less than one percent of all Windows machines. While the percentage was small, the broad economic and societal impacts reflect the use of CrowdStrike by enterprises that run many critical services.
This incident demonstrates the interconnected nature of our broad ecosystem — global cloud providers, software platforms, security vendors and other software vendors, and customers. It’s also a reminder of how important it is for all of us across the tech ecosystem to prioritize operating with safe deployment and disaster recovery using the mechanisms that exist. As we’ve seen over the last two days, we learn, recover and move forward most effectively when we collaborate and work together. We appreciate the cooperation and collaboration of our entire sector, and we will continue to update with learnings and next steps.
The post Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
On July 18, CrowdStrike, an independent cybersecurity company, released a software update that began impacting IT systems globally. Although this was not a Microsoft incident, given it impacts our ecosystem, we want to provide an update on the steps we’ve taken with CrowdStrike and others to remediate and support our customers. Since this event began,…
The post Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.Read More
While loading an object of class ‘nnet.cnn.TrainingOptionsSGDM’: The value of ‘ValidationData’ is invalid. Unable to read file: ‘D:#KAHSYAPFYPTransferLearningtrainingdata
Post Content Post Content validation data, unable to read file MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to create http MessageBody body with fields that contain dashes
I would like to create http message bodies with fields that contain dashes. I haven’t been able to find a workaround for Matlab disallowing hyphens (dashes) in the var names.
Here is what I’m trying to do – for illustration – I have an underscore in place of a hyphen the "test_var" (below)
Even after generating the RequestMessage (req1 below), you cannot change "test_var" to "test-var" because the RequestMessage is still storing the request as a struct (not as a string which could be modified).
method =;
header =‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);
header = addFields(header,’User-Agent’, ‘my-client/99.9’);
header = addFields(header,’Accept’, ‘application/json’);
% Struct approach
struct1 = struct(‘login’, ‘me’, ‘password’, ‘pw123’, ‘test_var’, true)
body1 =
req1 =,header,body1)
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: my-client/99.9
Accept: application/json
ans =
struct with fields:
login: ‘me’
password: ‘pw123’
test_var: 1I would like to create http message bodies with fields that contain dashes. I haven’t been able to find a workaround for Matlab disallowing hyphens (dashes) in the var names.
Here is what I’m trying to do – for illustration – I have an underscore in place of a hyphen the "test_var" (below)
Even after generating the RequestMessage (req1 below), you cannot change "test_var" to "test-var" because the RequestMessage is still storing the request as a struct (not as a string which could be modified).
method =;
header =‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);
header = addFields(header,’User-Agent’, ‘my-client/99.9’);
header = addFields(header,’Accept’, ‘application/json’);
% Struct approach
struct1 = struct(‘login’, ‘me’, ‘password’, ‘pw123’, ‘test_var’, true)
body1 =
req1 =,header,body1)
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: my-client/99.9
Accept: application/json
ans =
struct with fields:
login: ‘me’
password: ‘pw123’
test_var: 1 I would like to create http message bodies with fields that contain dashes. I haven’t been able to find a workaround for Matlab disallowing hyphens (dashes) in the var names.
Here is what I’m trying to do – for illustration – I have an underscore in place of a hyphen the "test_var" (below)
Even after generating the RequestMessage (req1 below), you cannot change "test_var" to "test-var" because the RequestMessage is still storing the request as a struct (not as a string which could be modified).
method =;
header =‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);
header = addFields(header,’User-Agent’, ‘my-client/99.9’);
header = addFields(header,’Accept’, ‘application/json’);
% Struct approach
struct1 = struct(‘login’, ‘me’, ‘password’, ‘pw123’, ‘test_var’, true)
body1 =
req1 =,header,body1)
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: my-client/99.9
Accept: application/json
ans =
struct with fields:
login: ‘me’
password: ‘pw123’
test_var: 1 #messagebody, #requestmessage MATLAB Answers — New Questions