Category: News
GPT-4o mini: now available on Azure AI
GPT-4o mini by OpenAI is now available on Azure AI. This new model is touted to be smarter and more cost-effective than its predecessor, GPT-3.5 Turbo, boasting an 82% score on the MMLU compared to 70%, and offering a 60% cost reduction. It features a 128K context window and improved multilingual capabilities, enhancing quality across various languages.
GPT-4o mini supports text processing on Azure AI with image, audio, and video capabilities to be added later. It is particularly beneficial for streaming scenarios like assistants, code interpreters, and retrieval services due to its speed and efficiency. The model’s integration with GitHub Copilot has demonstrated remarkable speed, providing code completion suggestions almost instantaneously.
Azure AI has also introduced updates to the Azure OpenAI Service, focusing on safety, data residency, and pay-as-you-go availability. Safety features such as prompt shields and protected material detection are now enabled by default. The service now offers data residency in all 27 regions, including the newly launched region in Spain, ensuring compliance with customers’ unique requirements.
The global pay-as-you-go deployment option for GPT-4o mini is now generally available, offering competitive pricing and high throughput limits. Customers can upgrade to newer models without changing regions, and the service promises 99.99% availability with industry-leading speed.
Finally, Azure AI is investing in efficiencies for AI workloads, introducing fine-tuning for GPT-4o mini and reduced hosting charges.
Check out this blog to learn more: OpenAI’s fastest model, GPT-4o mini is now available on Azure AI | Microsoft Azure Blog
Are you already Azure AI in your app development? Comment below to let us know what additional resources would be helpful on your AI journey!
GPT-4o mini by OpenAI is now available on Azure AI. This new model is touted to be smarter and more cost-effective than its predecessor, GPT-3.5 Turbo, boasting an 82% score on the MMLU compared to 70%, and offering a 60% cost reduction. It features a 128K context window and improved multilingual capabilities, enhancing quality across various languages.
GPT-4o mini supports text processing on Azure AI with image, audio, and video capabilities to be added later. It is particularly beneficial for streaming scenarios like assistants, code interpreters, and retrieval services due to its speed and efficiency. The model’s integration with GitHub Copilot has demonstrated remarkable speed, providing code completion suggestions almost instantaneously.
Azure AI has also introduced updates to the Azure OpenAI Service, focusing on safety, data residency, and pay-as-you-go availability. Safety features such as prompt shields and protected material detection are now enabled by default. The service now offers data residency in all 27 regions, including the newly launched region in Spain, ensuring compliance with customers’ unique requirements.
The global pay-as-you-go deployment option for GPT-4o mini is now generally available, offering competitive pricing and high throughput limits. Customers can upgrade to newer models without changing regions, and the service promises 99.99% availability with industry-leading speed.
Finally, Azure AI is investing in efficiencies for AI workloads, introducing fine-tuning for GPT-4o mini and reduced hosting charges.
Check out this blog to learn more: OpenAI’s fastest model, GPT-4o mini is now available on Azure AI | Microsoft Azure Blog
Are you already Azure AI in your app development? Comment below to let us know what additional resources would be helpful on your AI journey! Read More
FSLogix is now part of the Microsoft Management Customer Connection Program (MM CCP)!
FSLogix is a complex tool that is used in a wide range of environments. Testing and validating these environments is extremely challenging as an engineering team and we rely on customers like you to help us test, validate and ensure our product is meeting the needs of all our customers.
FSLogix is partnering with the Microsoft Management Customer Connection Program (MM CCP) to provide customers and professionals with a forum to join exclusive conversations, feedback and access to future versions of the product. FSLogix is part of the Windows Cloud Experience (WCX) organization where you can find AVD, Windows 365, and the new ‘FSLogix and user profile discussion‘ channels.
Join the MM CCP today!
MM CCP is a mutually beneficial program where members have engagement opportunities and access to member exclusive information and other benefits with participating MM CCP Communities like:
Data Security and Privacy Customer Connection Program
Microsoft Purview products: Information Protection, Data Loss Prevention, Insider Risk Management, Microsoft Purview Data Governance, eDiscovery, Audit, Data Lifecycle Management, Records Management and Microsoft Priva
Security Connection Program
SIEM & XDR, CNAPP (Defender for Cloud), & Network Security
Management Customer Connection Program
Microsoft Intune product family, Windows and Windows Cloud Experiences (WCX)
Microsoft Entra Advisors
Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, Microsoft Verified ID, Identity Advisors, Identity Developer Advisors, Identity in Education, Azure B2C Advisors
Copilot for Security Customer Connection Program
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Use cases of Advanced Network Observability for your Azure Kubernetes Service clusters
Advanced Network Observability is the inaugural feature of the Advanced Container Networking Services (ACNS) suite bringing the power of Hubble’s control plane to both Cilium and Non-Cilium Linux data planes. It unlocks Hubble metrics, Hubble’s command line interface (CLI) and the Hubble user interface (UI) on your AKS clusters providing deep insights into your containerized workloads. Advanced Network Observability empowers customers to precisely detect and root-cause network related issues in a Kubernetes cluster.
This blog will focus on ACNS enabled on Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with Azure Managed Prometheus and Grafana enabled.
Before setting up AKS, ensure that you have an Azure account and subscription, with permissions that allow you to create resource groups and deploy AKS clusters. Follow instructions in this guide to setup an AKS cluster and run the scenarios below.
High level steps:
Create AKS Cluster
Enable Advanced Container Networking Services on this cluster
Create and attach Azure managed Prometheus and Grafana
Install Hubble CLI on your local machine following these instructions.
Deploy Hubble UI Component on this cluster following these instructions.
Cilium: Cilium is an open source, cloud native solution for providing, securing, and observing network connectivity between workloads, fueled by the revolutionary Kernel technology eBPF.
Hubble: Hubble is a fully distributed networking and security observability platform. It is built on top of Cilium and eBPF to enable deep visibility into the communication and behavior of services as well as the networking infrastructure in a completely transparent manner.
Retina: Retina is a cloud-agnostic, open-source eBPF based Kubernetes Network Observability platform, it is the technology behind advanced network observability in non-Cilium Linux nodes.
Customer Scenario 1: Domain Name Server (DNS) intermittent failures
Ruling out Domain Name Server (DNS) issues is the first step for any major network issue. Having powerful visibility into Domain Name Server (DNS) requests/responses at a detailed pod level enables faster incident resolution and cloud cost optimization. With Advanced Observability, customers can not only view requests and responses by type and fully qualified domain name (FQDN), but they can also see error codes returned to requests, IP addresses returned in response for a given request and much more.
Retina uses eBPF programs to examine every DNS request and response packet in the Linux kernel and pass the packet and its metadata to the user space program. Here, the metadata is further processed to extract returned IPs in DNS response packets. All this metadata is used to produce relevant metrics that show status both at node level and pod level.
This is an example of how Advanced metrics can help you. DNS latency, errors and timeouts are hard to troubleshoot and can cause severe application issues. But our dashboards make it easier for DevOps engineers to detect and fix DNS problems. The dashboard panel below shows a sudden rise in missing DNS responses within the cluster, the most common DNS errors, and which nodes have the most errors.
The dashboard shows a summary of all DNS activities in the cluster – what kinds of queries lack responses, what’s the most common query and most common response. All this information can help administrators prevent possible problems with usage and security, and act to reduce them.
Customer Scenario 2: Network Policy Drops at Pod level
Debugging network policies in large, intricate clusters with multiple namespaces can be a daunting task, especially when there are numerous network policies per namespace. To address this challenge, the network policy addon leverages eBPF in Linux to collect crucial information about dropped packets. By attaching kprobes at various critical locations in the Linux kernel, such as the netfilter drop function and the netfilter nat function, the network policy addon effectively determines if a packet is being dropped.
When a dropped packet is detected, the associated eBPF programs generate an event that includes packet metadata, along with the drop reason and location. This event is then processed by a userspace program, which parses the data and converts it into Prometheus metrics. These metrics offer valuable insights into the dropped packets, aiding in the identification and resolution of network policy configuration issues.
Let’s walk through an example and see how pod-level metrics and flows can help debug packet drops in a cluster. Below is a snapshot of a workload running in AKS cluster. The panel shows a heatmap of the pods running as part of a deployment, and the number of packets originating from those pods being dropped. This panel is very useful, because this lets administrations know there is a problem in real-time, and the pod being impacted. The panel also immediately shows the reason for the drop – “policy_denied”, indicating the drops are happening because of a networking policy applied in the cluster.
To dig deeper, we can leverage the Hubble CLI tool to inspect flows in real time. The below snapshot shows how we can filter traffic using namespace and type. Hubble cli will show the source and destination pods of the packets being dropped, helping us narrow down the policy even further.
Another tool user can use is the Hubble UI, which shows traffic flows occurring for a namespace. Below, we see the pods in agnhost namespace interacting with other pods in the same namespace as well as pods in different namespaces. Also, it’s receiving packets from outside the cluster. The UI also shows which packets are getting dropped, and the details include source and destination pod names, as well as pod and namespace labels. Using this information, we can dig through network policies applied in the cluster and identify the offending policy quickly.
Customer Scenario 3: Imbalance of traffic for pods within a workload
Pods fronted by a service expects an even distribution of traffic when a request reaches the service. However, that may not always be the case. Faulty settings can introduce subtle distribution bugs, and this may only manifest when the application performance degrades even when scaling up the workload.
Retina deploys eBPF programs that attaches itself at various interfaces in the Linux kernel and observes all TCP/UDP packets flowing through the node. This allows Retina to generate rich pod level L4 metrics which can show, among other things, traffic distribution amongst all the pods under a workload (deployment for example).
The panel below shows the heatmap of incoming and outgoing traffic of pods under a workload. As evident, one of the three pods is receiving a higher volume of traffic that the other two. Administrators can be proactive and help mitigate this issue before application performance degrades and impacts end users.
ACNS with advanced network observability enables deep insights into container networks and enhances the operability of AKS. This blog has explored its capabilities through real-world customer scenarios, demonstrating its capabilities in tackling common network challenges. We’d also love to hear how enhanced observability can help make your deployment scenarios easier in a comment below.
For more info about ACNS please visit (
To set up Advanced Network Observability visit (
Pricing for ACNS is here ( ).
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80 Guru Pelatih SMK dari SMK NTT Siap Tingkatkan Mutu Pengajaran dengan AI Generatif
Read the English version here
Kupang, 18 Juli 2024 – Kemajuan teknologi kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence-AI) harus bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk bagi para pendidik Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur. Terutama, agar para guru dan murid SMK di wilayah ini bisa memanfaatkan AI Generatif dan bersaing lebih baik dalam memasuki bursa kerja, di tengah persaingan dengan 149,38 juta angkatan kerja nasional lainnya (BPS, 2024).
Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) menggelar pelatihan untuk para pelatih (Training of Trainers–ToT) yang diikuti oleh 80 guru SMK dari Kota Kupang, Kabupaten Lembata, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Kabupaten Nagekeo, dan Kabupaten Manggarai secara daring dan luring pada Kamis (18/07/2024). Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program ketenagakerjaan dan kewirausahaan Plan Indonesia, AI TEACH, yang didukung penuh oleh Microsoft.
Dini Arifah, AI TEACH Project Manager Plan Indonesia, menjelaskan bahwa ToT ini merupakan lanjutan dari upaya berkelanjutan Plan Indonesia untuk meningkatkan akses penduduk di NTT terhadap pekerjaan digital. “Sebagai organisasi yang sudah bekerja lebih dari 50 tahun di NTT yang merupakan wilayah kerja utama kami, Plan Indonesia berharap dapat menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para guru dan kesiapan kerja murid SMK di NTT. Tujuannya agar mereka dapat bersaing di era industri digital 4.0,” sebut Dini dalam pembukaan acara ToT di Kupang, Kamis (18/07/2024).
Kegiatan ToT AI TEACH ini terselenggara melalui kerja sama antara Plan Indonesia dengan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan NTT. Kedua lembaga ini bertujuan menjangkau 1.000 guru SMK melalui pelatihan berjenjang (cascading) dan menjangkau sekitar 60.000 murid SMK di NTT hingga akhir 2024.
Ambrosius Kodo, Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan NTT, menyambut baik inisiatif Plan Indonesia untuk memajukan kuailtas pendidikan di NTT, terutama untuk mengurangi tingkat pengangguran terbuka NTT yang mencapai 3,17 persen pada 2024.
“Kita tentunya diberikan kecerdasan, ruang untuk memanfaatkan teknologi dengan baik, teristimewa untuk kemajuan sektor pendidikan di NTT. Dengan adanya AI, sebetulnya segala sesuatu akan menjadi lebih mudah. Pendidik maupun peserta didik harus benar-benar memahami cara memanfaatkan AI untuk pengetahuan dan kemajuan karier, daripada melihatnya sebagai suatu ancaman,” sebut Ambrosius.
Sementara itu, Microsoft ASEAN Philanthropies Lead Supahrat Juramongkol mengatakan, “Sejalan dengan misi Microsoft untuk memberdayakan setiap individu dan setiap organisasi di planet ini untuk mencapai lebih, kami merasa senang dapat mempercepat pengimplementasian program AI TEACH bersama Plan Indonesia. Melalui AI Generative Toolkit yang kami siapkan, kami berharap tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan peluang karier dan pendidikan para peserta, tetapi juga membantu pemerataan akses pendidikan digital, serta mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi digital inklusif di NTT.
Topik pembelajaran yang diberikan melalui AI TEACH adalah keterampilan AI Generatif di dunia pendidikan, soft skill (kesiapan kerja), keterampilan digital dasar, kesetaraan Gender dan Inklusi Sosial (GESI), hingga kesadaran terhadap perilaku berisiko. Seluruh pelatihan ini diakses melalui modul AI Generative Toolkit yang tersedia di platform pembelajaran milik Plan Indonesia, dilengkapi dengan materi tambahan dalam platform LinkedIn learning.
Selain memberikan pelatihan awal kepada 80 guru yang akan menjadi pelatih di NTT, program AI TEACH oleh Plan Indonesia dan Microsoft juga bertujuan menjangkau 5.000 pendidik SMK yang akan melatih 300.000 murid SMK dari seluruh penjuru negeri. Para pendidik juga akan mendampingi setidaknya 60.000 murid untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi penyelesaian oleh Microsoft dan LinkedIn hingga akhir Desember 2024.