Category: News
School assignment
I’m supposed to load a analysis toolpak on to my Excel. I don’t know if I am doing something wrong. Please help me figure out if I have loaded it or what I am doing wrong.
Taquyia Carter
I’m supposed to load a analysis toolpak on to my Excel. I don’t know if I am doing something wrong. Please help me figure out if I have loaded it or what I am doing wrong. Desperately Taquyia Carter Read More
How to find the line of intersection between the following two planes and plot the intersected line on the same two planes?
How to find the line of intersection between the following two planes and plot the intersected line on the same two planes?
The following points contain the following points:
The first plane:
P1 = 177668442.453315 -102576923.076923 0
P2 = -102576923.076923 177668442.453315 -102576923.076923
P3= 0 -102576923.076923 88834221.2266576
The secod Plane:
P1= 152763459.308716 -102576923.076923 0
P2= -102576923.076923 183536536.231793 -102576923.076923
P3= 0 -102576923.076923 91768268.1158967How to find the line of intersection between the following two planes and plot the intersected line on the same two planes?
The following points contain the following points:
The first plane:
P1 = 177668442.453315 -102576923.076923 0
P2 = -102576923.076923 177668442.453315 -102576923.076923
P3= 0 -102576923.076923 88834221.2266576
The secod Plane:
P1= 152763459.308716 -102576923.076923 0
P2= -102576923.076923 183536536.231793 -102576923.076923
P3= 0 -102576923.076923 91768268.1158967 How to find the line of intersection between the following two planes and plot the intersected line on the same two planes?
The following points contain the following points:
The first plane:
P1 = 177668442.453315 -102576923.076923 0
P2 = -102576923.076923 177668442.453315 -102576923.076923
P3= 0 -102576923.076923 88834221.2266576
The secod Plane:
P1= 152763459.308716 -102576923.076923 0
P2= -102576923.076923 183536536.231793 -102576923.076923
P3= 0 -102576923.076923 91768268.1158967 plane, calculus, mathematics, plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Screenshot of Edge after watching videos
See screenshot below. Is it a video cards problem or Edge problem. This happens when I click the X to get out of video and back to Edge. Lasts about 5-6 seconds then Edge is normal. No new programs installed or removed. Started two days ago.
See screenshot below. Is it a video cards problem or Edge problem. This happens when I click the X to get out of video and back to Edge. Lasts about 5-6 seconds then Edge is normal. No new programs installed or removed. Started two days ago. Read More
Cell formatting
I would like to apply some number formatting and add some text, let’s say, at the end of a cell. For instance, for the formatting code (with 4 sections):
[Red]General;[Green]General;[Blue]General;” USD” @
I would expect some colored values, any followed by USD text. This is not happening (the text part) !
Please help !
PS: I am not looking for an altenative solution, I would simple like to use what’s written in excel help:
Include a section for text entry If included, a text section is always the last section in the number format. Include an “at” character (@) in the section where you want to display any text that you type in the cell. If the @ character is omitted from the text section, text that you type will not be displayed. If you want to always display specific text characters with the typed text, enclose the additional text in double quotation marks (” “). For example, “gross receipts for “@
If the format does not include a text section, any non-numeric value that you type in a cell with that format applied is not affected by the format. In addition, the entire cell is converted to text.
I would like to apply some number formatting and add some text, let’s say, at the end of a cell. For instance, for the formatting code (with 4 sections):[Red]General;[Green]General;[Blue]General;” USD” @I would expect some colored values, any followed by USD text. This is not happening (the text part) !Please help !PS: I am not looking for an altenative solution, I would simple like to use what’s written in excel help:Include a section for text entry If included, a text section is always the last section in the number format. Include an “at” character (@) in the section where you want to display any text that you type in the cell. If the @ character is omitted from the text section, text that you type will not be displayed. If you want to always display specific text characters with the typed text, enclose the additional text in double quotation marks (” “). For example, “gross receipts for “@If the format does not include a text section, any non-numeric value that you type in a cell with that format applied is not affected by the format. In addition, the entire cell is converted to text. Read More
can anyone have MATLAB code for dual tier cluster based routing protocol for wireless sensor network or any basic code related to this
can anyone have MATLAB code for dual tier cluster based routing protocol for wireless sensor network or any basic code related to thiscan anyone have MATLAB code for dual tier cluster based routing protocol for wireless sensor network or any basic code related to this can anyone have MATLAB code for dual tier cluster based routing protocol for wireless sensor network or any basic code related to this mobile wsn routing protocol matlab code MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to build complex DL 5G waveform with multiple UEs, Layers and Precoding
I’m looking for examples to build complex 5G DL waveform which includes multiple UEs with different RBs per user, different number of Layes per user and different Precoding (beamforming) per user.I’m looking for examples to build complex 5G DL waveform which includes multiple UEs with different RBs per user, different number of Layes per user and different Precoding (beamforming) per user. I’m looking for examples to build complex 5G DL waveform which includes multiple UEs with different RBs per user, different number of Layes per user and different Precoding (beamforming) per user. 5g MATLAB Answers — New Questions
A Hora e a Vez das Startups
É com imensa alegria que anunciamos que a Tistto, sob a liderança visionária da empreendedora Beatriz Duart, tornou-se a primeira startup liderada por uma mulher selecionada para apresentar seu modelo de negócio no Warmup Mulheres na IA, que será realizado no Cubo Itaú, em 17/07. Beatriz também será destaque no AI Summit Brasil, em 03/09! Se você deseja levar sua startup com Inteligência Artificial ao próximo nível, o AI Summit Brasil é o lugar ideal! Este é o momento de destacar sua inovação, fazer conexões que transformarão o futuro e estar frente a frente com os gigantes da indústria, investidores visionários e especialistas em tecnologia que moldam o amanhã. No AI Summit Brasil, sua startup não será apenas mais uma – ela será a protagonista, a força motriz em um universo de oportunidades. Junte-se às startups TOP como Tistto, Nuvia e Tech4Humans e faça parte deste evento transformador. Não perca a oportunidade única de fazer história e elevar sua startup a novos patamares. Inscreva-se agora: Muzy Jorge, MSc. Presidente AI Summit Brasil INSTITUTO VALOR #AISummitBrasil #InstitutoValor #Inovação #IA #InteligênciaArtificial #AISummitPodcast #AISummitWarmup #MulheresNaIA
É com imensa alegria que anunciamos que a Tistto, sob a liderança visionária da empreendedora Beatriz Duart, tornou-se a primeira startup liderada por uma mulher selecionada para apresentar seu modelo de negócio no Warmup Mulheres na IA, que será realizado no Cubo Itaú, em 17/07. Beatriz também será destaque no AI Summit Brasil, em 03/09! Se você deseja levar sua startup com Inteligência Artificial ao próximo nível, o AI Summit Brasil é o lugar ideal! Este é o momento de destacar sua inovação, fazer conexões que transformarão o futuro e estar frente a frente com os gigantes da indústria, investidores visionários e especialistas em tecnologia que moldam o amanhã. No AI Summit Brasil, sua startup não será apenas mais uma – ela será a protagonista, a força motriz em um universo de oportunidades. Junte-se às startups TOP como Tistto, Nuvia e Tech4Humans e faça parte deste evento transformador. Não perca a oportunidade única de fazer história e elevar sua startup a novos patamares. Inscreva-se agora: Muzy Jorge, MSc. Presidente AI Summit Brasil INSTITUTO VALOR #AISummitBrasil #InstitutoValor #Inovação #IA #InteligênciaArtificial #AISummitPodcast #AISummitWarmup #MulheresNaIA Read More
All bookings disappeared/ no more staff member
I wanted to create a booking for one of my customers and noticed that all of my bookings (past and upcoming) vanished. Additionally, there are no longer any staff members shown. As a self-employed individual, only my name normally shows. However, the complete list with customers and business information etc. is still accessible.
When I create a new booking, the customer does receive a confirmation, but it does not show up in my agenda.
Has there been a modification following an update, or is there an issue of some kind?
I wanted to create a booking for one of my customers and noticed that all of my bookings (past and upcoming) vanished. Additionally, there are no longer any staff members shown. As a self-employed individual, only my name normally shows. However, the complete list with customers and business information etc. is still accessible. When I create a new booking, the customer does receive a confirmation, but it does not show up in my agenda. Has there been a modification following an update, or is there an issue of some kind? Read More
Hello, I have a problem with my OneDrive. Because whenever I take a screenshot of my Samsung smartphone, the system automatically saves all screenshots. I even turned off the automatic sync in the settings of OneDrive, which it does not save automatically. Can you help me that it no longer automatically? I’m slowly desperate that you can’t turn it off? Thank you
Hello, I have a problem with my OneDrive. Because whenever I take a screenshot of my Samsung smartphone, the system automatically saves all screenshots. I even turned off the automatic sync in the settings of OneDrive, which it does not save automatically. Can you help me that it no longer automatically? I’m slowly desperate that you can’t turn it off? Thank you Read More
Derivation of noisy signal through Savitzky-Golay
I want to get an approximation of a noisy signal’s second derivative through the use of a Savitzky-Golay differentation matrix. The final goal is to (1) smooth out and (2) drastically downsample the initial signal without losing information. I was inspired for this idea by Jan’s post on where they used the gradient function to determine where the represented data has the strongest curvature and hence where it needs the most points.
The result is pretty much what I hoped for except for the edges of my domain where absent data is assumed to be zero which creates strong gradients across the width of the filter. This issue is not as impactful on the smoothing as it is on the derivation. In fact, function sgolayfilt satisfyingly corrects the edge effect from the straight up use of sgolay as explained in this thread.
Then my problem is: how can I similarly resolve this effect on the approximated second derivative? I tried looking into the theory of this but it confuses me a little.
My current solution to the limitations of this filter was to equate the estimated derivative on these data points close to the edges to the closest value I was able to estimate properly. Here is the code I came up with so far:
%sgFilter – Adaptative downsampling using a Savitzky-Golay filter
% This MATLAB function uses a Savitzky-Golay differentiation filter in
% order to successively smooth out a signal x(t) and reduce its sample
% size down to n datapoints. An estimate of the 2nd derivative through
% the lens of the filter allows to map out the curvature of the signal
% without concern for the noise and helps identify hotspots needed for
% the accurate representation of the signal after downsampling.
% y filtered signal
% y(idx) filtered and sampled signal
% . . . .
% dt uniform step size
% order polynomial regression order
% window filter band width
% [y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, n)
function [y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, n)
% ———————————————————————–
% Savitzky-Golay differentiation matrices
[b, g] = sgolay(order, window);
m = (window – 1)/2;
% ———————————————————————–
% p-th order derivative estimates, i.e. 0: smooth and 2: 2nd derivative
dx = zeros(length(x), 2);
i = 0;
for p = [0, 2]
i = i + 1;
dx(:,i) = conv(x, factorial(p)/(-dt)^p * g(:, p + 1), ‘same’);
% ———————————————————————–
% Correction of the edge effect on smoothing
y = dx(:, 1); % Smoothed signal
y(1:m) = b(1:m, :)*x(1:window);
y(end – m + 1:end) = b(window – m + 1:window, :)*x(end – window + 1:end);
dy = dx(:, 2); % Smoothed signal’s derivative
dy(1:m) = dy(m + 1);
dy(end – m + 1:end) = dy(end – m);
% ———————————————————————–
% Adaptative downsampling, inspired from Jan at <
% /matlabcentral/answers/1454924-downsample-data-adapively-intelligently>
% (17th May 2024).
if nargout > 1
sy = cumsum(abs(dy));
sy = sy + linspace(0, max(sy)/100, numel(sy)).’; % Monotonic increasing
idx = interp1(sy, 1:numel(sy), linspace(sy(1), sy(end), n), ‘nearest’);
And following is a test script I created with this function and the associated result:
% ————————————————————————-
% One should note that the success of this method is very dependent on the
% choice of polynomial regression order and window band width. In the
% particular case of periodic signals, the window should be wide enough to
% encompass periods with corresponding polynomial behaviour—e.g. a full
% sin(x) rotation from x to x + 2*pi cannot be represented accurately by a
% polynome of lower degree than 3, nor will it always be advantageous to
% have a degree higher than 3 due to Runge’s phenomenon. On this note, one
% should be conscious of the size of the window relative to the overall
% behaviour of the signal.
% ————————————————————————-
dt = 0.05;
t = (0:dt:20-1)’;
order = 3;
window = 51;
x = 5*sin(2*pi*0.2*t)+0.5*randn(size(t));
[y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, 60);
plot(t, x, ‘-k’)
hold on
plot(t, y, ‘-r’)
plot(t(idx), y(idx), ‘ro’)
hold off
legend(‘x’,’x (smoothed)’,’x (sampled)’)
As you can see, the current band width of the filter is approximately 2.5 long on the horizontal axis and half of that window is impacted by the edge effect with an overrepresentation close to t = 0 and an underrepresentation on the other end.I want to get an approximation of a noisy signal’s second derivative through the use of a Savitzky-Golay differentation matrix. The final goal is to (1) smooth out and (2) drastically downsample the initial signal without losing information. I was inspired for this idea by Jan’s post on where they used the gradient function to determine where the represented data has the strongest curvature and hence where it needs the most points.
The result is pretty much what I hoped for except for the edges of my domain where absent data is assumed to be zero which creates strong gradients across the width of the filter. This issue is not as impactful on the smoothing as it is on the derivation. In fact, function sgolayfilt satisfyingly corrects the edge effect from the straight up use of sgolay as explained in this thread.
Then my problem is: how can I similarly resolve this effect on the approximated second derivative? I tried looking into the theory of this but it confuses me a little.
My current solution to the limitations of this filter was to equate the estimated derivative on these data points close to the edges to the closest value I was able to estimate properly. Here is the code I came up with so far:
%sgFilter – Adaptative downsampling using a Savitzky-Golay filter
% This MATLAB function uses a Savitzky-Golay differentiation filter in
% order to successively smooth out a signal x(t) and reduce its sample
% size down to n datapoints. An estimate of the 2nd derivative through
% the lens of the filter allows to map out the curvature of the signal
% without concern for the noise and helps identify hotspots needed for
% the accurate representation of the signal after downsampling.
% y filtered signal
% y(idx) filtered and sampled signal
% . . . .
% dt uniform step size
% order polynomial regression order
% window filter band width
% [y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, n)
function [y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, n)
% ———————————————————————–
% Savitzky-Golay differentiation matrices
[b, g] = sgolay(order, window);
m = (window – 1)/2;
% ———————————————————————–
% p-th order derivative estimates, i.e. 0: smooth and 2: 2nd derivative
dx = zeros(length(x), 2);
i = 0;
for p = [0, 2]
i = i + 1;
dx(:,i) = conv(x, factorial(p)/(-dt)^p * g(:, p + 1), ‘same’);
% ———————————————————————–
% Correction of the edge effect on smoothing
y = dx(:, 1); % Smoothed signal
y(1:m) = b(1:m, :)*x(1:window);
y(end – m + 1:end) = b(window – m + 1:window, :)*x(end – window + 1:end);
dy = dx(:, 2); % Smoothed signal’s derivative
dy(1:m) = dy(m + 1);
dy(end – m + 1:end) = dy(end – m);
% ———————————————————————–
% Adaptative downsampling, inspired from Jan at <
% /matlabcentral/answers/1454924-downsample-data-adapively-intelligently>
% (17th May 2024).
if nargout > 1
sy = cumsum(abs(dy));
sy = sy + linspace(0, max(sy)/100, numel(sy)).’; % Monotonic increasing
idx = interp1(sy, 1:numel(sy), linspace(sy(1), sy(end), n), ‘nearest’);
And following is a test script I created with this function and the associated result:
% ————————————————————————-
% One should note that the success of this method is very dependent on the
% choice of polynomial regression order and window band width. In the
% particular case of periodic signals, the window should be wide enough to
% encompass periods with corresponding polynomial behaviour—e.g. a full
% sin(x) rotation from x to x + 2*pi cannot be represented accurately by a
% polynome of lower degree than 3, nor will it always be advantageous to
% have a degree higher than 3 due to Runge’s phenomenon. On this note, one
% should be conscious of the size of the window relative to the overall
% behaviour of the signal.
% ————————————————————————-
dt = 0.05;
t = (0:dt:20-1)’;
order = 3;
window = 51;
x = 5*sin(2*pi*0.2*t)+0.5*randn(size(t));
[y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, 60);
plot(t, x, ‘-k’)
hold on
plot(t, y, ‘-r’)
plot(t(idx), y(idx), ‘ro’)
hold off
legend(‘x’,’x (smoothed)’,’x (sampled)’)
As you can see, the current band width of the filter is approximately 2.5 long on the horizontal axis and half of that window is impacted by the edge effect with an overrepresentation close to t = 0 and an underrepresentation on the other end. I want to get an approximation of a noisy signal’s second derivative through the use of a Savitzky-Golay differentation matrix. The final goal is to (1) smooth out and (2) drastically downsample the initial signal without losing information. I was inspired for this idea by Jan’s post on where they used the gradient function to determine where the represented data has the strongest curvature and hence where it needs the most points.
The result is pretty much what I hoped for except for the edges of my domain where absent data is assumed to be zero which creates strong gradients across the width of the filter. This issue is not as impactful on the smoothing as it is on the derivation. In fact, function sgolayfilt satisfyingly corrects the edge effect from the straight up use of sgolay as explained in this thread.
Then my problem is: how can I similarly resolve this effect on the approximated second derivative? I tried looking into the theory of this but it confuses me a little.
My current solution to the limitations of this filter was to equate the estimated derivative on these data points close to the edges to the closest value I was able to estimate properly. Here is the code I came up with so far:
%sgFilter – Adaptative downsampling using a Savitzky-Golay filter
% This MATLAB function uses a Savitzky-Golay differentiation filter in
% order to successively smooth out a signal x(t) and reduce its sample
% size down to n datapoints. An estimate of the 2nd derivative through
% the lens of the filter allows to map out the curvature of the signal
% without concern for the noise and helps identify hotspots needed for
% the accurate representation of the signal after downsampling.
% y filtered signal
% y(idx) filtered and sampled signal
% . . . .
% dt uniform step size
% order polynomial regression order
% window filter band width
% [y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, n)
function [y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, n)
% ———————————————————————–
% Savitzky-Golay differentiation matrices
[b, g] = sgolay(order, window);
m = (window – 1)/2;
% ———————————————————————–
% p-th order derivative estimates, i.e. 0: smooth and 2: 2nd derivative
dx = zeros(length(x), 2);
i = 0;
for p = [0, 2]
i = i + 1;
dx(:,i) = conv(x, factorial(p)/(-dt)^p * g(:, p + 1), ‘same’);
% ———————————————————————–
% Correction of the edge effect on smoothing
y = dx(:, 1); % Smoothed signal
y(1:m) = b(1:m, :)*x(1:window);
y(end – m + 1:end) = b(window – m + 1:window, :)*x(end – window + 1:end);
dy = dx(:, 2); % Smoothed signal’s derivative
dy(1:m) = dy(m + 1);
dy(end – m + 1:end) = dy(end – m);
% ———————————————————————–
% Adaptative downsampling, inspired from Jan at <
% /matlabcentral/answers/1454924-downsample-data-adapively-intelligently>
% (17th May 2024).
if nargout > 1
sy = cumsum(abs(dy));
sy = sy + linspace(0, max(sy)/100, numel(sy)).’; % Monotonic increasing
idx = interp1(sy, 1:numel(sy), linspace(sy(1), sy(end), n), ‘nearest’);
And following is a test script I created with this function and the associated result:
% ————————————————————————-
% One should note that the success of this method is very dependent on the
% choice of polynomial regression order and window band width. In the
% particular case of periodic signals, the window should be wide enough to
% encompass periods with corresponding polynomial behaviour—e.g. a full
% sin(x) rotation from x to x + 2*pi cannot be represented accurately by a
% polynome of lower degree than 3, nor will it always be advantageous to
% have a degree higher than 3 due to Runge’s phenomenon. On this note, one
% should be conscious of the size of the window relative to the overall
% behaviour of the signal.
% ————————————————————————-
dt = 0.05;
t = (0:dt:20-1)’;
order = 3;
window = 51;
x = 5*sin(2*pi*0.2*t)+0.5*randn(size(t));
[y, idx] = sgFilter(x, dt, order, window, 60);
plot(t, x, ‘-k’)
hold on
plot(t, y, ‘-r’)
plot(t(idx), y(idx), ‘ro’)
hold off
legend(‘x’,’x (smoothed)’,’x (sampled)’)
As you can see, the current band width of the filter is approximately 2.5 long on the horizontal axis and half of that window is impacted by the edge effect with an overrepresentation close to t = 0 and an underrepresentation on the other end. smoothing, derivative, downsampling MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Email the selected Cells
I need help in finding a solution to send email
automate feature is disabled so no idea what should I do
email content
To : W1
Subject: S1
Body : A2:K151
There is no CC
Please help,
My list seperator is | (pipe) instead of , (comma)
I tried this formula but its not working
Kindly help
I need help in finding a solution to send emailautomate feature is disabled so no idea what should I doemail contentTo : W1Subject: S1Body : A2:K151There is no CCPlease help,My list seperator is | (pipe) instead of , (comma) I tried this formula but its not working=Hyperlink(“mailto:”&W1&subject=”&S1&”&body=”&A2:K151|”Email”) Kindly help Read More
Rapport d’accompagnement des élèves aux oraux
Décrive moi un rapport d’accompagnement des élèves CPGE aux oraux des écoles Polytechnique, Centrale et Mines pont de Paris.
Décrive moi un rapport d’accompagnement des élèves CPGE aux oraux des écoles Polytechnique, Centrale et Mines pont de Paris. Read More
gitignore configuration for Mesh projects
I’ve noticed that some files are created in the Assets folder during the build. Is it safe to put those folders to gitignore to not keep them in the repo (they can be like 50-100MB files)?
Do you have any other advice on which files can also be ignored?
I’ve noticed that some files are created in the Assets folder during the build. Is it safe to put those folders to gitignore to not keep them in the repo (they can be like 50-100MB files)?Do you have any other advice on which files can also be ignored? Read More
How to search and delete specific phishing email from all mailboxes
Hi Everyone! We recently received a couple of phishing emails at our company. We have a 3-node Exchange 2019 cluster. I have been assigned the task of deleting these emails. First, I ran this command to find out the amount of received emails:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery ‘subject:”subject of the phishing email”‘
And I got this error: The path of the destination mailbox or .pst file is required
My idea is to test first and then run this command to delete the emails:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery ‘subject:”subject of the phishing email” AND from:”email-phishing-sender”‘ -DeleteContent
Am I on the right path? Could you help me with the right steps to do this task?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Everyone! We recently received a couple of phishing emails at our company. We have a 3-node Exchange 2019 cluster. I have been assigned the task of deleting these emails. First, I ran this command to find out the amount of received emails: Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery ‘subject:”subject of the phishing email”‘ And I got this error: The path of the destination mailbox or .pst file is requiredMy idea is to test first and then run this command to delete the emails: Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery ‘subject:”subject of the phishing email” AND from:”email-phishing-sender”‘ -DeleteContent Am I on the right path? Could you help me with the right steps to do this task?Thanks in advance! Read More
Your AI Partner in Cybersecurity: Microsoft Copilot for Security
The world of cybersecurity is constantly evolving, with new threats emerging at an alarming rate. Security professionals are under immense pressure to keep their organizations safe, but traditional methods are often slow and resource-intensive. This is where Microsoft Copilot for Security comes in.
Copilot for Security is a game-changer in the cybersecurity landscape. It’s an AI-powered security solution that acts as a virtual assistant for security professionals. By leveraging the power of generative AI and machine learning, Copilot for Security empowers defenders to:
Respond to threats faster: Copilot can analyze vast amounts of security data at machine speed, helping you identify and respond to incidents quickly and effectively.Improve threat hunting: Copilot can uncover hidden threats and vulnerabilities that traditional methods might miss.Gather intelligence: Copilot can help you gather and analyze threat intelligence from a variety of sources, giving you a comprehensive view of the security landscape.Maintain a strong security posture: Copilot can help you continuously monitor your security posture and identify areas for improvement.
How Does Copilot for Security Work?
Copilot for Security works by interacting with you in a natural language interface. You can ask Copilot questions about your security data, and it will use its AI capabilities to provide you with tailored insights and recommendations. For example, you could ask Copilot:
“What are the most suspicious activities happening on my network right now?””What are the vulnerabilities in my system that attackers are most likely to exploit?””What steps can I take to improve my overall security posture?”
Benefits of Copilot for Security
Increased Efficiency: Copilot can automate many time-consuming tasks, freeing up security professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives.Improved Threat Detection: Copilot can analyze vast amounts of security data at machine speed, helping you identify and respond to threats faster.Enhanced Decision Making: Copilot can provide you with tailored insights and recommendations, helping you make better decisions about your security posture.Reduced Costs: Copilot can help you to optimize your security resources and reduce costs.
The Future of Cybersecurity with AI
Copilot for Security is just one example of how AI is being used to transform the cybersecurity landscape. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions emerge that will help us to keep our organizations safe in the digital age.
The world of cybersecurity is constantly evolving, with new threats emerging at an alarming rate. Security professionals are under immense pressure to keep their organizations safe, but traditional methods are often slow and resource-intensive. This is where Microsoft Copilot for Security comes in.Copilot for Security is a game-changer in the cybersecurity landscape. It’s an AI-powered security solution that acts as a virtual assistant for security professionals. By leveraging the power of generative AI and machine learning, Copilot for Security empowers defenders to:Respond to threats faster: Copilot can analyze vast amounts of security data at machine speed, helping you identify and respond to incidents quickly and effectively.Improve threat hunting: Copilot can uncover hidden threats and vulnerabilities that traditional methods might miss.Gather intelligence: Copilot can help you gather and analyze threat intelligence from a variety of sources, giving you a comprehensive view of the security landscape.Maintain a strong security posture: Copilot can help you continuously monitor your security posture and identify areas for improvement.How Does Copilot for Security Work?Copilot for Security works by interacting with you in a natural language interface. You can ask Copilot questions about your security data, and it will use its AI capabilities to provide you with tailored insights and recommendations. For example, you could ask Copilot:”What are the most suspicious activities happening on my network right now?””What are the vulnerabilities in my system that attackers are most likely to exploit?””What steps can I take to improve my overall security posture?”Benefits of Copilot for SecurityIncreased Efficiency: Copilot can automate many time-consuming tasks, freeing up security professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives.Improved Threat Detection: Copilot can analyze vast amounts of security data at machine speed, helping you identify and respond to threats faster.Enhanced Decision Making: Copilot can provide you with tailored insights and recommendations, helping you make better decisions about your security posture.Reduced Costs: Copilot can help you to optimize your security resources and reduce costs.The Future of Cybersecurity with AICopilot for Security is just one example of how AI is being used to transform the cybersecurity landscape. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions emerge that will help us to keep our organizations safe in the digital age. Read More
I enabled fft function in oscillioscope and it saved the data as FFT amplitude (dBV) and frequency domain how ever I want my time domain and ampltude signals original data.
folder = ‘C:UsershaneuOneDrive바탕 화면New folder (2)’;
filename = ‘550mvp.csv’;
data = readtable(fullfile(folder,filename));
frequency = table2array(data(3:end,1));
amplitude = table2array(data(3:end,2));
xlabel(‘Frequency [MHz]’),
grid on,
folder = ‘C:UsershaneuOneDrive바탕 화면New folder (2)’;
filename = ‘550mvp.csv’;
data = readtable(fullfile(folder,filename));
frequency = table2array(data(3:end,1));
amplitude = table2array(data(3:end,2));
xlabel(‘Frequency [MHz]’),
grid on,
ylabel(‘Amplitude[dBV]’) %%
folder = ‘C:UsershaneuOneDrive바탕 화면New folder (2)’;
filename = ‘550mvp.csv’;
data = readtable(fullfile(folder,filename));
frequency = table2array(data(3:end,1));
amplitude = table2array(data(3:end,2));
xlabel(‘Frequency [MHz]’),
grid on,
ylabel(‘Amplitude[dBV]’) signal processing, fft, data acquisition MATLAB Answers — New Questions
New Project Site does not reflect as per the Template
We are running on-premises Project Server 2019, SharePoint 2019 environment.
The Project Site created from a template saved does not reflect the template.
Following are the steps that we are doing:
Create new listAdd columns to the listAllow content type to YesMake Title column hiddenAllow content type to NoRemove the Title column from the AllItems viewSave site as templateAssociate the site template to the EPTCreate a project with the EPTWhen we go to the list the Title is appearing as a mandatory field
When we see the template, the Title column is not seen in the New Item but it appears in the Project Site, New Item.
This is very annoying and we cannot remove the unwanted Title column anyway.
Your support is appreciated.
We are running on-premises Project Server 2019, SharePoint 2019 environment.The Project Site created from a template saved does not reflect the template.Following are the steps that we are doing:Create new listAdd columns to the listAllow content type to YesMake Title column hiddenAllow content type to NoRemove the Title column from the AllItems viewSave site as templateAssociate the site template to the EPTCreate a project with the EPTWhen we go to the list the Title is appearing as a mandatory fieldWhen we see the template, the Title column is not seen in the New Item but it appears in the Project Site, New Item.This is very annoying and we cannot remove the unwanted Title column anyway.Your support is appreciated. Read More
Black outline
MS put black outlines everywhere now, what’s the point exactly ?
Because it looks very ugly
Favorites : :
Hello MS put black outlines everywhere now, what’s the point exactly ?Because it looks very ugly Favorites : : Read More
DNS Issue – nslookup resolve to random localhost ip
Hello all, I am new here. hope there is someone will help me.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
the host domain can be resolve using public DNS. but while using internal DNS it will resolve to random localhost IP.
this is new fresh install windows server 2022 std with AD, DHCP and DNS roles.
Hello all, I am new here. hope there is someone will help me.Please help me to resolve this issue.the host domain can be resolve using public DNS. but while using internal DNS it will resolve to random localhost IP.this is new fresh install windows server 2022 std with AD, DHCP and DNS roles. Read More
Convert to MATLAB Code
Post Content Post Content convert, matlab function, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions