Change marker colour of pzplot
Hello everyone
I’m trying to change the marker color in the pzplot graph. I’m using version 2024b.
Apparently, in this version, a new object(?) called "PZPlot Properties" was introduced, which is great.
Using this new object, I can easily change the size and line thickness of all markers. But I can also only change the colour of all markers. I’d like to change the colours of the markers for the poles and zeros separately.
I tried using the "findobj" method and found, that the PZPlot apparently consists of two Scatter-Plots called "PZPoleScatter" and "PZZeroScatter", and I tried changing the color of the markers in those Scatter plots, but this does not seem to have an effect on the markers.
When I change the colour of the markers using the PZPlot properties Object, I see the color definition of the markers in both scatter plots change, and I can also see that the colours change if I directly access the properties and change the colour, but the plot isn’t drawn with those correct colors.
I tried using refresh after changing the values, but that doesn’t have any effect either.
See my code below:
s = tf(‘s’);
f = (1 + 1/s)
pzp = pzplot(f);
% See for new PZPlot-properties object
pzp.Responses.MarkerSize = 10;
pzp.Responses.LineWidth = 2;
%pzp.Responses.Color = ‘green’; % Changes colour of all markers
oPole = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZPoleScatter’);
oPole.MarkerEdgeColor = ‘red’;
oZero = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZZeroScatter’);
oZero.MarkerEdgeColor = ‘blue’;
rsp = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZPoleScatter’); % read object again to see if properties got changed correctly
I also found the following two topics, but they do not work anymore as there is no "Line" child in the PZPlot object. everyone
I’m trying to change the marker color in the pzplot graph. I’m using version 2024b.
Apparently, in this version, a new object(?) called "PZPlot Properties" was introduced, which is great.
Using this new object, I can easily change the size and line thickness of all markers. But I can also only change the colour of all markers. I’d like to change the colours of the markers for the poles and zeros separately.
I tried using the "findobj" method and found, that the PZPlot apparently consists of two Scatter-Plots called "PZPoleScatter" and "PZZeroScatter", and I tried changing the color of the markers in those Scatter plots, but this does not seem to have an effect on the markers.
When I change the colour of the markers using the PZPlot properties Object, I see the color definition of the markers in both scatter plots change, and I can also see that the colours change if I directly access the properties and change the colour, but the plot isn’t drawn with those correct colors.
I tried using refresh after changing the values, but that doesn’t have any effect either.
See my code below:
s = tf(‘s’);
f = (1 + 1/s)
pzp = pzplot(f);
% See for new PZPlot-properties object
pzp.Responses.MarkerSize = 10;
pzp.Responses.LineWidth = 2;
%pzp.Responses.Color = ‘green’; % Changes colour of all markers
oPole = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZPoleScatter’);
oPole.MarkerEdgeColor = ‘red’;
oZero = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZZeroScatter’);
oZero.MarkerEdgeColor = ‘blue’;
rsp = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZPoleScatter’); % read object again to see if properties got changed correctly
I also found the following two topics, but they do not work anymore as there is no "Line" child in the PZPlot object. Hello everyone
I’m trying to change the marker color in the pzplot graph. I’m using version 2024b.
Apparently, in this version, a new object(?) called "PZPlot Properties" was introduced, which is great.
Using this new object, I can easily change the size and line thickness of all markers. But I can also only change the colour of all markers. I’d like to change the colours of the markers for the poles and zeros separately.
I tried using the "findobj" method and found, that the PZPlot apparently consists of two Scatter-Plots called "PZPoleScatter" and "PZZeroScatter", and I tried changing the color of the markers in those Scatter plots, but this does not seem to have an effect on the markers.
When I change the colour of the markers using the PZPlot properties Object, I see the color definition of the markers in both scatter plots change, and I can also see that the colours change if I directly access the properties and change the colour, but the plot isn’t drawn with those correct colors.
I tried using refresh after changing the values, but that doesn’t have any effect either.
See my code below:
s = tf(‘s’);
f = (1 + 1/s)
pzp = pzplot(f);
% See for new PZPlot-properties object
pzp.Responses.MarkerSize = 10;
pzp.Responses.LineWidth = 2;
%pzp.Responses.Color = ‘green’; % Changes colour of all markers
oPole = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZPoleScatter’);
oPole.MarkerEdgeColor = ‘red’;
oZero = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZZeroScatter’);
oZero.MarkerEdgeColor = ‘blue’;
rsp = findobj(gca, ‘Tag’, ‘PZPoleScatter’); % read object again to see if properties got changed correctly
I also found the following two topics, but they do not work anymore as there is no "Line" child in the PZPlot object. pzplot, marker, customization MATLAB Answers — New Questions