Conditional RTE Write of structure in AUTOSAR Generated Code
I would like to generate code with the "Rte_Write" call inside an "if" statement. , but output should be strcuture datatype. Problem is Autosar generator will not allow me to use virtual port in this case and RTE Write is always located on end of main runnable, not in if statement.
Error:When model ‘COMH_Mini’ has function-call root-level Inport blocks, or is set up to export functions, the input signal to the root-level Outport block ‘COMH_Mini/COMH_sigGroup_CAN_H2CU_33_CINV100msNo01_COMH_sigGroup_CAN_H2CU_33_CINV100msNo01’ cannot be a virtual bus. Consider replacing this Outport block with an Out Bus Element block, or making the input signal a nonvirtual bus.I would like to generate code with the "Rte_Write" call inside an "if" statement. , but output should be strcuture datatype. Problem is Autosar generator will not allow me to use virtual port in this case and RTE Write is always located on end of main runnable, not in if statement.
Error:When model ‘COMH_Mini’ has function-call root-level Inport blocks, or is set up to export functions, the input signal to the root-level Outport block ‘COMH_Mini/COMH_sigGroup_CAN_H2CU_33_CINV100msNo01_COMH_sigGroup_CAN_H2CU_33_CINV100msNo01’ cannot be a virtual bus. Consider replacing this Outport block with an Out Bus Element block, or making the input signal a nonvirtual bus. I would like to generate code with the "Rte_Write" call inside an "if" statement. , but output should be strcuture datatype. Problem is Autosar generator will not allow me to use virtual port in this case and RTE Write is always located on end of main runnable, not in if statement.
Error:When model ‘COMH_Mini’ has function-call root-level Inport blocks, or is set up to export functions, the input signal to the root-level Outport block ‘COMH_Mini/COMH_sigGroup_CAN_H2CU_33_CINV100msNo01_COMH_sigGroup_CAN_H2CU_33_CINV100msNo01’ cannot be a virtual bus. Consider replacing this Outport block with an Out Bus Element block, or making the input signal a nonvirtual bus. autosar, rte write, structures MATLAB Answers — New Questions