Connecting Bluetooth Module and Arduino without using arduinosetup command
I’m connecting IMU9250 sensor and Bluetooth module HC-05 to my arduino and I want to get the data of the IMU using the Bluetooth module instead of using the Arduino cable.
I’m trying to use arduinosetup command but it fails at last step while testing the connection between Arduino and Bluetooth module.
I’ve tested the connection of the Bluetooth module only usning blutooth() function and it connects fine!
My question is: Is there a way to establish the connection between MATLAB and the HC-05 Bluetooth module connected to my Arduino Uno without using arduinosetup. Just by using objects and functions step by step manually.I’m connecting IMU9250 sensor and Bluetooth module HC-05 to my arduino and I want to get the data of the IMU using the Bluetooth module instead of using the Arduino cable.
I’m trying to use arduinosetup command but it fails at last step while testing the connection between Arduino and Bluetooth module.
I’ve tested the connection of the Bluetooth module only usning blutooth() function and it connects fine!
My question is: Is there a way to establish the connection between MATLAB and the HC-05 Bluetooth module connected to my Arduino Uno without using arduinosetup. Just by using objects and functions step by step manually. I’m connecting IMU9250 sensor and Bluetooth module HC-05 to my arduino and I want to get the data of the IMU using the Bluetooth module instead of using the Arduino cable.
I’m trying to use arduinosetup command but it fails at last step while testing the connection between Arduino and Bluetooth module.
I’ve tested the connection of the Bluetooth module only usning blutooth() function and it connects fine!
My question is: Is there a way to establish the connection between MATLAB and the HC-05 Bluetooth module connected to my Arduino Uno without using arduinosetup. Just by using objects and functions step by step manually. arduino, bluetooth, hc-05, imu, robotics, serial MATLAB Answers — New Questions