DFT and FFT of Image
Shift the Fourier transform so that it is centered around the middle of your figure and plot the
absolute value of the shifted DFT. Then apply the log transform (log(1 + |DFT|))
and plot your result.
I know that I’m supposed to use fft2 and fftshift. I have the image and this is the code I have this far.
>> X = imread(‘granular_media.jpg’);
>> X1 = double(X(501:700,1401:1600));
>> X2 = double(X(1:200,1:200));
I need to first compute the DFT of the 200×200 subimages that I created. Any help with this?Shift the Fourier transform so that it is centered around the middle of your figure and plot the
absolute value of the shifted DFT. Then apply the log transform (log(1 + |DFT|))
and plot your result.
I know that I’m supposed to use fft2 and fftshift. I have the image and this is the code I have this far.
>> X = imread(‘granular_media.jpg’);
>> X1 = double(X(501:700,1401:1600));
>> X2 = double(X(1:200,1:200));
I need to first compute the DFT of the 200×200 subimages that I created. Any help with this? Shift the Fourier transform so that it is centered around the middle of your figure and plot the
absolute value of the shifted DFT. Then apply the log transform (log(1 + |DFT|))
and plot your result.
I know that I’m supposed to use fft2 and fftshift. I have the image and this is the code I have this far.
>> X = imread(‘granular_media.jpg’);
>> X1 = double(X(501:700,1401:1600));
>> X2 = double(X(1:200,1:200));
I need to first compute the DFT of the 200×200 subimages that I created. Any help with this? image MATLAB Answers — New Questions