Enter data on a worldmap
I want to show precipitation data on the world map
This code does not appear to indicate the exact amount of precipitation in latitude and longitude
Please help me
clc; clear all;
fnm = ‘precip.mon.ltm.1981-2010.nc’
load coastlines; % Load coastline data
[X, Y] = meshgrid(lon, lat);
for month = 1:12
f = figure;
% Create world map projection
setm(gca, ‘Origin’, [0 180 0]); % Set map origin to be the equator
% Plot precipitation data on the world map
surfm(X’, Y’, precip(:, :, month)); % Use surfm to plot data on the map
cmap = brewermap(16, ‘BrBG’); % Generate the colormap
colormap(cmap); % Apply the colormap to the current figure
cb = colorbar; % Create a colorbar
cb.Label.String = ‘mm/day’;
clim([0 16]); % Set color axis limits
cb.Ticks = 0:1:16;
% Overlay coastlines
plotm(coastlat, coastlon, ‘k’, ‘LineWidth’, 1); % Plot coastlines on top of precipitation data
% Add title with month name
title(sprintf(‘Average Monthly Precipitation (1981-2010) – %s’, datestr(dateT(month), ‘mmmm’)));
% Save each figure as an image file
filename = sprintf(‘E:\Koppen-Geiger climate classes\Average_Monthly_Precipitation%d.png’, month);
saveas(f, filename);
endI want to show precipitation data on the world map
This code does not appear to indicate the exact amount of precipitation in latitude and longitude
Please help me
clc; clear all;
fnm = ‘precip.mon.ltm.1981-2010.nc’
load coastlines; % Load coastline data
[X, Y] = meshgrid(lon, lat);
for month = 1:12
f = figure;
% Create world map projection
setm(gca, ‘Origin’, [0 180 0]); % Set map origin to be the equator
% Plot precipitation data on the world map
surfm(X’, Y’, precip(:, :, month)); % Use surfm to plot data on the map
cmap = brewermap(16, ‘BrBG’); % Generate the colormap
colormap(cmap); % Apply the colormap to the current figure
cb = colorbar; % Create a colorbar
cb.Label.String = ‘mm/day’;
clim([0 16]); % Set color axis limits
cb.Ticks = 0:1:16;
% Overlay coastlines
plotm(coastlat, coastlon, ‘k’, ‘LineWidth’, 1); % Plot coastlines on top of precipitation data
% Add title with month name
title(sprintf(‘Average Monthly Precipitation (1981-2010) – %s’, datestr(dateT(month), ‘mmmm’)));
% Save each figure as an image file
filename = sprintf(‘E:\Koppen-Geiger climate classes\Average_Monthly_Precipitation%d.png’, month);
saveas(f, filename);
end I want to show precipitation data on the world map
This code does not appear to indicate the exact amount of precipitation in latitude and longitude
Please help me
clc; clear all;
fnm = ‘precip.mon.ltm.1981-2010.nc’
load coastlines; % Load coastline data
[X, Y] = meshgrid(lon, lat);
for month = 1:12
f = figure;
% Create world map projection
setm(gca, ‘Origin’, [0 180 0]); % Set map origin to be the equator
% Plot precipitation data on the world map
surfm(X’, Y’, precip(:, :, month)); % Use surfm to plot data on the map
cmap = brewermap(16, ‘BrBG’); % Generate the colormap
colormap(cmap); % Apply the colormap to the current figure
cb = colorbar; % Create a colorbar
cb.Label.String = ‘mm/day’;
clim([0 16]); % Set color axis limits
cb.Ticks = 0:1:16;
% Overlay coastlines
plotm(coastlat, coastlon, ‘k’, ‘LineWidth’, 1); % Plot coastlines on top of precipitation data
% Add title with month name
title(sprintf(‘Average Monthly Precipitation (1981-2010) – %s’, datestr(dateT(month), ‘mmmm’)));
% Save each figure as an image file
filename = sprintf(‘E:\Koppen-Geiger climate classes\Average_Monthly_Precipitation%d.png’, month);
saveas(f, filename);
end worldmap, data input, plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions