Error using ilwt Expected LEVEL to be a scalar with value <= 1.
[ca,cd] = lwt(x1,’LiftingScheme’,lsc,’Level’,2,’Int2Int’,true);
…working on ca
x11 = ilwt(double(CA), cd, ‘LiftingScheme’,lsc,’Int2Int’,true,’Level’,2);
Error using ilwt
Expected LEVEL to be a scalar with value <= 1.
Error in ilwt>ilwtParser (line 339)
validateattributes(level, {‘numeric’},…
Error in ilwt (line 82)
[LS,ext,level,~,isI2I] = ilwtParser(lvl,varargin{:});[ca,cd] = lwt(x1,’LiftingScheme’,lsc,’Level’,2,’Int2Int’,true);
…working on ca
x11 = ilwt(double(CA), cd, ‘LiftingScheme’,lsc,’Int2Int’,true,’Level’,2);
Error using ilwt
Expected LEVEL to be a scalar with value <= 1.
Error in ilwt>ilwtParser (line 339)
validateattributes(level, {‘numeric’},…
Error in ilwt (line 82)
[LS,ext,level,~,isI2I] = ilwtParser(lvl,varargin{:}); [ca,cd] = lwt(x1,’LiftingScheme’,lsc,’Level’,2,’Int2Int’,true);
…working on ca
x11 = ilwt(double(CA), cd, ‘LiftingScheme’,lsc,’Int2Int’,true,’Level’,2);
Error using ilwt
Expected LEVEL to be a scalar with value <= 1.
Error in ilwt>ilwtParser (line 339)
validateattributes(level, {‘numeric’},…
Error in ilwt (line 82)
[LS,ext,level,~,isI2I] = ilwtParser(lvl,varargin{:}); expected level to be a scalar with value = 1. MATLAB Answers — New Questions