Export Timetable data to Excel
I have a lot of rainfall data which has been uploaded to thingspeak. I want to download some of that data and analyse it in Excel. I was hoping to use the MATLab analysis to do this.
Bearing in mind I am fairly new to this and programming isn’t my thing.
I was hoping to use the following code which as far as I understand extracts the data in TimeTable format and then use the writetimetable function to create an Excel spreadsheet. When I run it it extracts the data and displays it as I want without error but I don’t know what happens to the xlsx file.
I’m probably missing something
readChannelID = ******;
readAPIKey = ‘******’;
RainFieldID = 1;
RainFall = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,’Fields’,RainFieldID,’NumDays’,7,’ReadKey’,readAPIKey,OutputFormat=’TimeTable’);
writetimetable(RainFall,’TT.xlsx’)I have a lot of rainfall data which has been uploaded to thingspeak. I want to download some of that data and analyse it in Excel. I was hoping to use the MATLab analysis to do this.
Bearing in mind I am fairly new to this and programming isn’t my thing.
I was hoping to use the following code which as far as I understand extracts the data in TimeTable format and then use the writetimetable function to create an Excel spreadsheet. When I run it it extracts the data and displays it as I want without error but I don’t know what happens to the xlsx file.
I’m probably missing something
readChannelID = ******;
readAPIKey = ‘******’;
RainFieldID = 1;
RainFall = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,’Fields’,RainFieldID,’NumDays’,7,’ReadKey’,readAPIKey,OutputFormat=’TimeTable’);
writetimetable(RainFall,’TT.xlsx’) I have a lot of rainfall data which has been uploaded to thingspeak. I want to download some of that data and analyse it in Excel. I was hoping to use the MATLab analysis to do this.
Bearing in mind I am fairly new to this and programming isn’t my thing.
I was hoping to use the following code which as far as I understand extracts the data in TimeTable format and then use the writetimetable function to create an Excel spreadsheet. When I run it it extracts the data and displays it as I want without error but I don’t know what happens to the xlsx file.
I’m probably missing something
readChannelID = ******;
readAPIKey = ‘******’;
RainFieldID = 1;
RainFall = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,’Fields’,RainFieldID,’NumDays’,7,’ReadKey’,readAPIKey,OutputFormat=’TimeTable’);
writetimetable(RainFall,’TT.xlsx’) timetable, excel MATLAB Answers — New Questions