FAQ: Changing the price of a private offer at time of renewal
Q: If partner has set a private offer to be renewed annually, can partner change the price at the time of renewal? And if partner has set the offer to be renewed annually, can partner change the price during the period?
A: if a private offer has ended and a renewal is due, the partner can create a new private offer with a new price, however the customer must accept it, meaning that the customer agrees to the price change. For private offers that have a multiyear billing component, partners cannot update the price midterm Frequently asked questions about Independent Software Vendor (ISV) to customer private offers in Partner Center. – Marketplace publisher | Microsoft Learn.
Q: If partner has set a private offer to be renewed annually, can partner change the price at the time of renewal? And if partner has set the offer to be renewed annually, can partner change the price during the period?
A: if a private offer has ended and a renewal is due, the partner can create a new private offer with a new price, however the customer must accept it, meaning that the customer agrees to the price change. For private offers that have a multiyear billing component, partners cannot update the price midterm Frequently asked questions about Independent Software Vendor (ISV) to customer private offers in Partner Center. – Marketplace publisher | Microsoft Learn.
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