FAQs from Mastering the Marketplace: Developing your container offer
Developing your container offer is a webinar offered regularly through the Mastering the Marketplace series. In this webinar, you will learn how to set up and develop the new Azure Container Offer used to deploy containerized solutions as Kubernetes Apps from the Azure Marketplace.
Attendees can also participate in a short Q&A following the session.
Below is a list of recently asked questions from this session.
Q: Can we use external registry for apps?
A: No, the registry must be in Azure on your tenant. so that Partner Center can see it.
Q: Why do we need images to be in ACR? K8s can pull those images from any registry, no?
A: The image in the ACR gets read by marketplace and put into a special marketplace ACR from which it is actually deployed to AKS. The final deployment comes from this marketplace ACR so the image is controlled for security purposes.
Q: How do we pass data for nested charts from UI to helm?
A: The data collected during deployment is passed to an ARM template, which then passes those params to the Helm chart using an AKS extension, defined in ARM.
Q: How we define array and map data type in UI, and define complex data types?
A: Go here to see all the installation UX elements you can use:
Q: Would you please also share doc which explains how UI data can be mapped to Helm chart?
A: Do the labs here: https://github.com/Azure/mtm-labs/blob/main/container/index.md
Lab 1 has examples of doing what you are asking.
Q: Is there a way to upload a JSON file with data for configurationSettings?
A: The Helm charts are embedded in the deployment package. Please refer to https://github.com/Azure-Samples/kubernetes-offer-samples/tree/main/samples for additional information.
Q: What is different from kubernetes transactions versus SaaS offers?
A: k8s offers run on an instance in the customer’s Azure environment. SaaS solutions run in the seller’s Azure environment and serve the solution to users from there. For more, see here: https://microsoft.github.io/Mastering-the-Marketplace/biz/select-offer-type/
Additional Resources:
Register for the next webinar on Developing your container offers, September 26th at 9:30 am PT.
Register for additional Mastering the Marketplace webinars here. Read More