Formula Help: Count Unique Domains per Account ID
Hello Community!
I have an Excel file with two columns: Account ID and Domain Name. A single Account ID can have multiple Domain Names associated with it. In other words, the relationship between Account ID and Domain Name is one-to-many (1:N). What’s the best way to pull the number of UNIQUE domains associated with a specific account ID? Here is what the sample data might look like:
Account IDDomain Name1234f.com1234e.com1234g.com4321a.com4321b.com4321
For Account ID 1234, there are 3 unique domains. Similarly, there are 2 unique domains for account IDs 4321 and 5678. Can anyone please assist.
Hello Community! I have an Excel file with two columns: Account ID and Domain Name. A single Account ID can have multiple Domain Names associated with it. In other words, the relationship between Account ID and Domain Name is one-to-many (1:N). What’s the best way to pull the number of UNIQUE domains associated with a specific account ID? Here is what the sample data might look like: Account IDDomain For Account ID 1234, there are 3 unique domains. Similarly, there are 2 unique domains for account IDs 4321 and 5678. Can anyone please assist. Read More