Function Call Trigger Problem
Outport block must be connected to one of the following blocks: an exported function, a Simulink function, an Initialize/Reset/Terminate function, a Merge or Mux block that is driven by exported functions, or a Ground block.
How can i solve this problem? Thank you.Outport block must be connected to one of the following blocks: an exported function, a Simulink function, an Initialize/Reset/Terminate function, a Merge or Mux block that is driven by exported functions, or a Ground block.
How can i solve this problem? Thank you. Outport block must be connected to one of the following blocks: an exported function, a Simulink function, an Initialize/Reset/Terminate function, a Merge or Mux block that is driven by exported functions, or a Ground block.
How can i solve this problem? Thank you. matlab2024a MATLAB Answers — New Questions