Function (in 2024a) to separate implicit directory parts from a folder string?
In MATLAB versions from 2014 to 2023b there was an internal utility function called matlab.internal.language.introspective.separateImplicitDirs
Its job was to identify portions of a folder structure that were implicit (like +packageName on the end of myFolder/+packageName).
That function no longer exists in 2024a. This is possibly due to the change in nomenclature from packages to namespaces. Does anyone know a replacement function? I could of course just copy the function from 2023b (it is just a set of regexp tasks) but pointing to the inbuilt version would be nice.
SvenIn MATLAB versions from 2014 to 2023b there was an internal utility function called matlab.internal.language.introspective.separateImplicitDirs
Its job was to identify portions of a folder structure that were implicit (like +packageName on the end of myFolder/+packageName).
That function no longer exists in 2024a. This is possibly due to the change in nomenclature from packages to namespaces. Does anyone know a replacement function? I could of course just copy the function from 2023b (it is just a set of regexp tasks) but pointing to the inbuilt version would be nice.
Sven In MATLAB versions from 2014 to 2023b there was an internal utility function called matlab.internal.language.introspective.separateImplicitDirs
Its job was to identify portions of a folder structure that were implicit (like +packageName on the end of myFolder/+packageName).
That function no longer exists in 2024a. This is possibly due to the change in nomenclature from packages to namespaces. Does anyone know a replacement function? I could of course just copy the function from 2023b (it is just a set of regexp tasks) but pointing to the inbuilt version would be nice.
Sven implicit, folders, directories, packages, namespaces MATLAB Answers — New Questions