Generating a list of Dates using nested array inside SEQUENCE function?
I am trying to generate a list of dates with different intervals using an array inside of a single SEQUENCE function. How do I do this? Cell references are in bracket below and the results I’m looking for.
Start Date End Date Day Interval
(A1) 2024-02-15 (B1) 2024-03-07 (C1) 7
(A2) 2024-02-23 (B2) 2024-03-22 (C2) 14
Looking to generate
Basically it generates a list of values going through each start date in the array (A1:A2) and their respective interval (C1:C2). I am trying to use one instance of the SEQUENCE function to do this nesting arrays inside instead of using a SEQUENCE function for each start date. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Hello, I am trying to generate a list of dates with different intervals using an array inside of a single SEQUENCE function. How do I do this? Cell references are in bracket below and the results I’m looking for. Ex:Start Date End Date Day Interval(A1) 2024-02-15 (B1) 2024-03-07 (C1) 7(A2) 2024-02-23 (B2) 2024-03-22 (C2) 14 Looking to generate 2024-02-152024-02-222024-02-292024-03-072024-02-232024-03-082024-03-22 Basically it generates a list of values going through each start date in the array (A1:A2) and their respective interval (C1:C2). I am trying to use one instance of the SEQUENCE function to do this nesting arrays inside instead of using a SEQUENCE function for each start date. Any ideas? Thank you in advance. Read More