Get singular sagittal slice from nifti file saved as axial slices
Hello, with the following code i’m able to retrieve a single axial slice from this nifti file of a lung CT scan. I would like to know how to be able to save a slice from another view, such as sagittal or coronal in a separate image format such at png or jpg for image processing.
L1 = load_nii(‘lung_029.nii’);
NumSlices = size(L1.img,3)
S = L1.img(:,:,125);
I’m using the image processing toolbox and tools for nifti and analyze image add ons.Hello, with the following code i’m able to retrieve a single axial slice from this nifti file of a lung CT scan. I would like to know how to be able to save a slice from another view, such as sagittal or coronal in a separate image format such at png or jpg for image processing.
L1 = load_nii(‘lung_029.nii’);
NumSlices = size(L1.img,3)
S = L1.img(:,:,125);
I’m using the image processing toolbox and tools for nifti and analyze image add ons. Hello, with the following code i’m able to retrieve a single axial slice from this nifti file of a lung CT scan. I would like to know how to be able to save a slice from another view, such as sagittal or coronal in a separate image format such at png or jpg for image processing.
L1 = load_nii(‘lung_029.nii’);
NumSlices = size(L1.img,3)
S = L1.img(:,:,125);
I’m using the image processing toolbox and tools for nifti and analyze image add ons. nifti, image processing, medical images MATLAB Answers — New Questions