Handling memory when working with very huge data (.mat) files.
I am working with two 5D arrays (A5D and B5D) saved in a big_mat_file.mat file. The size of these arrays is specified in the code below. I want to perform three simple operations on these matrices, as shown in the code. I have access to my university’s computing cluster. When I run the following code with 120 workers and 400GB of memory, I receive the following error
In distcomp/remoteparfor/handleIntervalErrorResult (line 245) In distcomp/remoteparfor/getCompleteIntervals (line 395) In parallel_function>distributed_execution (line 746) In parallel_function (line 578)
Can someone please help me understanding what is causing this error. Is it because of low memory? It there anyother way to do the following operattions?
clear; clc;
% it has two very huge 5D arrays "A5D" and "B5D", and two small arrays "as" and "bs"
% size of both A5D and B5D is [41 16 8 80 82]
% size of "as" is [1 80] and size of "bs" is [1 82]
xs = -12:0.1:12;
NX = length(xs);
ys = 0:0.4:12;
NY = length(ys);
total_iterations = NX * NY;
results = zeros(total_iterations , 41 , 16, 8);
XXs = zeros(total_iterations, 1);
YYs = zeros(total_iterations, 1);
parfor idx = 1:total_iterations
[ix, iy] = ind2sub([NX, NY], idx);
x = xs(ix);
y = ys(iy);
term1 = 1./(exp(1/y*(A5D-x)) + 10); %operation 1
to_integrate = B5D.*term1; %operation 2
XXs(idx) = x;
YYs(idx) = y;
results(idx, :, :, 🙂 = trapz(as,trapz(bs,to_integrate,5),4); %operation 3
XXs = reshape(XXs, [NX, NY]);
YYs = reshape(YYs, [NX, NY]);
results = reshape(results, [NX, NY, 41, 16, 8]);
clear A5D B5D
save(‘saved_data.mat’,’-v7.3′);I am working with two 5D arrays (A5D and B5D) saved in a big_mat_file.mat file. The size of these arrays is specified in the code below. I want to perform three simple operations on these matrices, as shown in the code. I have access to my university’s computing cluster. When I run the following code with 120 workers and 400GB of memory, I receive the following error
In distcomp/remoteparfor/handleIntervalErrorResult (line 245) In distcomp/remoteparfor/getCompleteIntervals (line 395) In parallel_function>distributed_execution (line 746) In parallel_function (line 578)
Can someone please help me understanding what is causing this error. Is it because of low memory? It there anyother way to do the following operattions?
clear; clc;
% it has two very huge 5D arrays "A5D" and "B5D", and two small arrays "as" and "bs"
% size of both A5D and B5D is [41 16 8 80 82]
% size of "as" is [1 80] and size of "bs" is [1 82]
xs = -12:0.1:12;
NX = length(xs);
ys = 0:0.4:12;
NY = length(ys);
total_iterations = NX * NY;
results = zeros(total_iterations , 41 , 16, 8);
XXs = zeros(total_iterations, 1);
YYs = zeros(total_iterations, 1);
parfor idx = 1:total_iterations
[ix, iy] = ind2sub([NX, NY], idx);
x = xs(ix);
y = ys(iy);
term1 = 1./(exp(1/y*(A5D-x)) + 10); %operation 1
to_integrate = B5D.*term1; %operation 2
XXs(idx) = x;
YYs(idx) = y;
results(idx, :, :, 🙂 = trapz(as,trapz(bs,to_integrate,5),4); %operation 3
XXs = reshape(XXs, [NX, NY]);
YYs = reshape(YYs, [NX, NY]);
results = reshape(results, [NX, NY, 41, 16, 8]);
clear A5D B5D
save(‘saved_data.mat’,’-v7.3′);Â I am working with two 5D arrays (A5D and B5D) saved in a big_mat_file.mat file. The size of these arrays is specified in the code below. I want to perform three simple operations on these matrices, as shown in the code. I have access to my university’s computing cluster. When I run the following code with 120 workers and 400GB of memory, I receive the following error
In distcomp/remoteparfor/handleIntervalErrorResult (line 245) In distcomp/remoteparfor/getCompleteIntervals (line 395) In parallel_function>distributed_execution (line 746) In parallel_function (line 578)
Can someone please help me understanding what is causing this error. Is it because of low memory? It there anyother way to do the following operattions?
clear; clc;
% it has two very huge 5D arrays "A5D" and "B5D", and two small arrays "as" and "bs"
% size of both A5D and B5D is [41 16 8 80 82]
% size of "as" is [1 80] and size of "bs" is [1 82]
xs = -12:0.1:12;
NX = length(xs);
ys = 0:0.4:12;
NY = length(ys);
total_iterations = NX * NY;
results = zeros(total_iterations , 41 , 16, 8);
XXs = zeros(total_iterations, 1);
YYs = zeros(total_iterations, 1);
parfor idx = 1:total_iterations
[ix, iy] = ind2sub([NX, NY], idx);
x = xs(ix);
y = ys(iy);
term1 = 1./(exp(1/y*(A5D-x)) + 10); %operation 1
to_integrate = B5D.*term1; %operation 2
XXs(idx) = x;
YYs(idx) = y;
results(idx, :, :, 🙂 = trapz(as,trapz(bs,to_integrate,5),4); %operation 3
XXs = reshape(XXs, [NX, NY]);
YYs = reshape(YYs, [NX, NY]);
results = reshape(results, [NX, NY, 41, 16, 8]);
clear A5D B5D
save(‘saved_data.mat’,’-v7.3′); parfor, for loop, performance MATLAB Answers — New Questions