How can I use the iswt2 from the wavelet toolbox with a different dwtmode?
The iswt2 is the inverse function of the swt2. In the swt2 the dwtmode is set to:
modeDWT = ‘per’;
I want to customize the swt2 to extend images in a symmetric manner, so changed the code to:
modeDWT = ‘sym’;
Unfortunately, I have not found an explicit parameter to consider the dwtmode in the iswt2. Is there a way to modify the iswt2 in this respect?The iswt2 is the inverse function of the swt2. In the swt2 the dwtmode is set to:
modeDWT = ‘per’;
I want to customize the swt2 to extend images in a symmetric manner, so changed the code to:
modeDWT = ‘sym’;
Unfortunately, I have not found an explicit parameter to consider the dwtmode in the iswt2. Is there a way to modify the iswt2 in this respect? The iswt2 is the inverse function of the swt2. In the swt2 the dwtmode is set to:
modeDWT = ‘per’;
I want to customize the swt2 to extend images in a symmetric manner, so changed the code to:
modeDWT = ‘sym’;
Unfortunately, I have not found an explicit parameter to consider the dwtmode in the iswt2. Is there a way to modify the iswt2 in this respect? wavelet, signal processing, image processing MATLAB Answers — New Questions