How i can get the best option plot for density and also other graph ?
i saw a lot design of graph which color are change and make a plot very better and really i am looking for such option but i can’t manage the option and i don’t know which option is good can any one help me for get the best design of plotting?
% Define the grid
[x, y] = meshgrid(linspace(-10, 10, 400), linspace(-10, 10, 400));
% Define the function
Z = real(0.3e1 ./ 0.2e1 * (0.9375e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.50625e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) ./ (0.1e1 + 0.15e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.225e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) – 0.3e1 ./ 0.2e1 .* (0.375e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.3375e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) .^ 2 ./ (0.1e1 + 0.15e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.225e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) .^ 2);
% Create density plot
contourf(x, y, Z, 50, ‘LineStyle’, ‘none’);
title(‘Density Plot of Given Function’);i saw a lot design of graph which color are change and make a plot very better and really i am looking for such option but i can’t manage the option and i don’t know which option is good can any one help me for get the best design of plotting?
% Define the grid
[x, y] = meshgrid(linspace(-10, 10, 400), linspace(-10, 10, 400));
% Define the function
Z = real(0.3e1 ./ 0.2e1 * (0.9375e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.50625e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) ./ (0.1e1 + 0.15e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.225e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) – 0.3e1 ./ 0.2e1 .* (0.375e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.3375e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) .^ 2 ./ (0.1e1 + 0.15e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.225e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) .^ 2);
% Create density plot
contourf(x, y, Z, 50, ‘LineStyle’, ‘none’);
title(‘Density Plot of Given Function’); i saw a lot design of graph which color are change and make a plot very better and really i am looking for such option but i can’t manage the option and i don’t know which option is good can any one help me for get the best design of plotting?
% Define the grid
[x, y] = meshgrid(linspace(-10, 10, 400), linspace(-10, 10, 400));
% Define the function
Z = real(0.3e1 ./ 0.2e1 * (0.9375e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.50625e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) ./ (0.1e1 + 0.15e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.225e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) – 0.3e1 ./ 0.2e1 .* (0.375e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.3375e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) .^ 2 ./ (0.1e1 + 0.15e1 .* exp(0.25e1 * x – 0.4761904763e0 * y) + 0.225e1 .* exp(0.15e1 * x – 0.2e1 * y)) .^ 2);
% Create density plot
contourf(x, y, Z, 50, ‘LineStyle’, ‘none’);
title(‘Density Plot of Given Function’); plotting MATLAB Answers — New Questions