How to create a Simscape custom component with 2 different thermal liquids?
Dear all,
I am currently trying to create a custom component block for Simscape Thermal Liquid that models the heat transfer behaviour of a specific heat exchanger between two different thermal liquids. The code creates the block with no errors, nor warnings, and runs fine as long as I do not define thermal properties for both liquids. When I do define thermal properties for both liquids, I get the following error:
I imagine that the error comes from the fact that my code "expects" the 4 nodes (in/out for both liquids) to share properties, but I cannot find where that definition comes from…
Does anyone know how to define nodes that do not share fluid properties?
As a simpler test case, I am trying to make it work with a custom component block based on the Flow Rate Sensor (TL) library block, with 4 ports instead of 2. Same error comes up, but the code is much simpler to work with:
component flow_sensor_two_fluids
A = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % A :left
B = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % B :right
C = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % C :left
D = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % D :right
M1 = {0, ‘kg/s’};
M2 = {0, ‘kg/s’};
[M1] : Side=top
[M2] : Side=bottom
variables (Access = protected, ExternalAccess = none)
mdot1 = {0, ‘kg/s’}; % Mass flow rate from port A to port B
Phi1 = {0, ‘kW’ }; % Energy flow rate from port A to port B
mdot2 = {0, ‘kg/s’}; % Mass flow rate from port C to port D
Phi2 = {0, ‘kW’ }; % Energy flow rate from port C to port D
mdot1 : A.mdot -> B.mdot;
Phi1 : A.Phi -> B.Phi;
mdot2 : C.mdot -> D.mdot;
Phi2 : C.Phi -> D.Phi;
M1 == mdot1;
A.p == B.p;
A.T == B.T;
M2 == mdot2;
C.p == D.p;
C.T == D.T;
Thank you for your help!
PS: (I am aware that there already exists a heat exchanger (TL-TL) block that MathWorks provide, but would prefer to create my own)Dear all,
I am currently trying to create a custom component block for Simscape Thermal Liquid that models the heat transfer behaviour of a specific heat exchanger between two different thermal liquids. The code creates the block with no errors, nor warnings, and runs fine as long as I do not define thermal properties for both liquids. When I do define thermal properties for both liquids, I get the following error:
I imagine that the error comes from the fact that my code "expects" the 4 nodes (in/out for both liquids) to share properties, but I cannot find where that definition comes from…
Does anyone know how to define nodes that do not share fluid properties?
As a simpler test case, I am trying to make it work with a custom component block based on the Flow Rate Sensor (TL) library block, with 4 ports instead of 2. Same error comes up, but the code is much simpler to work with:
component flow_sensor_two_fluids
A = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % A :left
B = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % B :right
C = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % C :left
D = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % D :right
M1 = {0, ‘kg/s’};
M2 = {0, ‘kg/s’};
[M1] : Side=top
[M2] : Side=bottom
variables (Access = protected, ExternalAccess = none)
mdot1 = {0, ‘kg/s’}; % Mass flow rate from port A to port B
Phi1 = {0, ‘kW’ }; % Energy flow rate from port A to port B
mdot2 = {0, ‘kg/s’}; % Mass flow rate from port C to port D
Phi2 = {0, ‘kW’ }; % Energy flow rate from port C to port D
mdot1 : A.mdot -> B.mdot;
Phi1 : A.Phi -> B.Phi;
mdot2 : C.mdot -> D.mdot;
Phi2 : C.Phi -> D.Phi;
M1 == mdot1;
A.p == B.p;
A.T == B.T;
M2 == mdot2;
C.p == D.p;
C.T == D.T;
Thank you for your help!
PS: (I am aware that there already exists a heat exchanger (TL-TL) block that MathWorks provide, but would prefer to create my own) Dear all,
I am currently trying to create a custom component block for Simscape Thermal Liquid that models the heat transfer behaviour of a specific heat exchanger between two different thermal liquids. The code creates the block with no errors, nor warnings, and runs fine as long as I do not define thermal properties for both liquids. When I do define thermal properties for both liquids, I get the following error:
I imagine that the error comes from the fact that my code "expects" the 4 nodes (in/out for both liquids) to share properties, but I cannot find where that definition comes from…
Does anyone know how to define nodes that do not share fluid properties?
As a simpler test case, I am trying to make it work with a custom component block based on the Flow Rate Sensor (TL) library block, with 4 ports instead of 2. Same error comes up, but the code is much simpler to work with:
component flow_sensor_two_fluids
A = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % A :left
B = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % B :right
C = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % C :left
D = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % D :right
M1 = {0, ‘kg/s’};
M2 = {0, ‘kg/s’};
[M1] : Side=top
[M2] : Side=bottom
variables (Access = protected, ExternalAccess = none)
mdot1 = {0, ‘kg/s’}; % Mass flow rate from port A to port B
Phi1 = {0, ‘kW’ }; % Energy flow rate from port A to port B
mdot2 = {0, ‘kg/s’}; % Mass flow rate from port C to port D
Phi2 = {0, ‘kW’ }; % Energy flow rate from port C to port D
mdot1 : A.mdot -> B.mdot;
Phi1 : A.Phi -> B.Phi;
mdot2 : C.mdot -> D.mdot;
Phi2 : C.Phi -> D.Phi;
M1 == mdot1;
A.p == B.p;
A.T == B.T;
M2 == mdot2;
C.p == D.p;
C.T == D.T;
Thank you for your help!
PS: (I am aware that there already exists a heat exchanger (TL-TL) block that MathWorks provide, but would prefer to create my own) simscape, custom components, themal liquid MATLAB Answers — New Questions