How to do feature extraction using wavelet scattering and then perform neural network classification?
% I want to do feature extraction for signals and then apply ANN classification on them,, can you help please?
Fs = 50;
sf = waveletScattering(‘SignalLength’, 4950, ‘SamplingFrequency’, Fs) ;
s = cell(120,1);
parfor j = 1:120;
r = featureMatrix(sf, f(j, :)) ;
s{j, 1} = r;
h = cell2mat(s) ;
b = cell2table(s) ;
c = table2dataset(b);
%the single signal was in one row, but after this it becomes 202rows×10columns, and I can’t apply ANN like this
Any ideas?% I want to do feature extraction for signals and then apply ANN classification on them,, can you help please?
Fs = 50;
sf = waveletScattering(‘SignalLength’, 4950, ‘SamplingFrequency’, Fs) ;
s = cell(120,1);
parfor j = 1:120;
r = featureMatrix(sf, f(j, :)) ;
s{j, 1} = r;
h = cell2mat(s) ;
b = cell2table(s) ;
c = table2dataset(b);
%the single signal was in one row, but after this it becomes 202rows×10columns, and I can’t apply ANN like this
Any ideas? % I want to do feature extraction for signals and then apply ANN classification on them,, can you help please?
Fs = 50;
sf = waveletScattering(‘SignalLength’, 4950, ‘SamplingFrequency’, Fs) ;
s = cell(120,1);
parfor j = 1:120;
r = featureMatrix(sf, f(j, :)) ;
s{j, 1} = r;
h = cell2mat(s) ;
b = cell2table(s) ;
c = table2dataset(b);
%the single signal was in one row, but after this it becomes 202rows×10columns, and I can’t apply ANN like this
Any ideas? feature extraction, neural network, classification, wavelet, wavelet scattering, ecg signals, ecg recognition, ecg as signature, deep learning, machine learning MATLAB Answers — New Questions