How to get height sensor and ground feedback when UAV Simulink and UE joint simulation
Hello, I’m conducting joint simulation of UAV using MATLAB/Simulink 2023b and UE4.27.
I couldn’t find any sensors related to UAV altitude in Simulink. I want to obtain the height data between the current position of the UAV and the road directly beneath it.
Additionally, I’d like to know if there are any functional modules related to ground feedback during the UAV simulation process.Hello, I’m conducting joint simulation of UAV using MATLAB/Simulink 2023b and UE4.27.
I couldn’t find any sensors related to UAV altitude in Simulink. I want to obtain the height data between the current position of the UAV and the road directly beneath it.
Additionally, I’d like to know if there are any functional modules related to ground feedback during the UAV simulation process. Hello, I’m conducting joint simulation of UAV using MATLAB/Simulink 2023b and UE4.27.
I couldn’t find any sensors related to UAV altitude in Simulink. I want to obtain the height data between the current position of the UAV and the road directly beneath it.
Additionally, I’d like to know if there are any functional modules related to ground feedback during the UAV simulation process. uav MATLAB Answers — New Questions