how to have a matlab script give you a choice to automatically open other scripts
Hi, I want to have a starting script where it allows me to open a different script. For example I want the main script to ask me, do you wish to follow procedure A? and then if I select yes, then automatically the matlab will open script A. If the main script asks, do you wish procedure B? then Matlab opens automatically script B and so on. Then once in the secondary script, I will enter the parameters needed to perform the calculation. Thank you.Hi, I want to have a starting script where it allows me to open a different script. For example I want the main script to ask me, do you wish to follow procedure A? and then if I select yes, then automatically the matlab will open script A. If the main script asks, do you wish procedure B? then Matlab opens automatically script B and so on. Then once in the secondary script, I will enter the parameters needed to perform the calculation. Thank you. Hi, I want to have a starting script where it allows me to open a different script. For example I want the main script to ask me, do you wish to follow procedure A? and then if I select yes, then automatically the matlab will open script A. If the main script asks, do you wish procedure B? then Matlab opens automatically script B and so on. Then once in the secondary script, I will enter the parameters needed to perform the calculation. Thank you. script MATLAB Answers — New Questions