How to implement implicit methods in partial differential equations in matlab pdepe?
Refer to the above cited subject, I’m using pdepe for solving a complex partial dieeferntial equation. I’m not sure if matlab uses explicit or implicit method internally. However, at the right bondary for which I’m using newmann bc, I’m getting some erratic solutions which is not expected.
I’d like to know how to use implicit method in matlab, if you can show any example which can be referred, would help me.Hello,
Refer to the above cited subject, I’m using pdepe for solving a complex partial dieeferntial equation. I’m not sure if matlab uses explicit or implicit method internally. However, at the right bondary for which I’m using newmann bc, I’m getting some erratic solutions which is not expected.
I’d like to know how to use implicit method in matlab, if you can show any example which can be referred, would help me. Hello,
Refer to the above cited subject, I’m using pdepe for solving a complex partial dieeferntial equation. I’m not sure if matlab uses explicit or implicit method internally. However, at the right bondary for which I’m using newmann bc, I’m getting some erratic solutions which is not expected.
I’d like to know how to use implicit method in matlab, if you can show any example which can be referred, would help me. pdepe MATLAB Answers — New Questions