How to make bold font for axis labe with latex interpreter
Hey i try to make my axis label that contain latex interpreter in bold style. I have try some suggestion befor but none of them seems to works. Anybody have a clue?
This is my line
ylabel(‘$|frac{ddot{X}(iomega)_{2}}{F(iomega)_{4}}|$ ($frac{mm/s^2}{N}$)’, ‘Interpreter’,’Latex’)Hey i try to make my axis label that contain latex interpreter in bold style. I have try some suggestion befor but none of them seems to works. Anybody have a clue?
This is my line
ylabel(‘$|frac{ddot{X}(iomega)_{2}}{F(iomega)_{4}}|$ ($frac{mm/s^2}{N}$)’, ‘Interpreter’,’Latex’) Hey i try to make my axis label that contain latex interpreter in bold style. I have try some suggestion befor but none of them seems to works. Anybody have a clue?
This is my line
ylabel(‘$|frac{ddot{X}(iomega)_{2}}{F(iomega)_{4}}|$ ($frac{mm/s^2}{N}$)’, ‘Interpreter’,’Latex’) latex interpreter, bold MATLAB Answers — New Questions