How to write StateFcn in Nonlinear MPC Controller
Nowdays, I am doing some works about visual servoing. But there are some troubles with the nonlinear MPC Controller. I have read the example named ‘Control Quadruple-Tank Using Passivity-Based Nonlinear MPC’. There is a code nlobj.Model.StateFcn = "stateFcnQuadrupleTank".
I opened it, and the content shows as a picture as follows. It looks like the example uses code to express the dynamic system. I want to know if I can use a Simulink model, which is already done, to replace the code.
Thank a lot for your help!Nowdays, I am doing some works about visual servoing. But there are some troubles with the nonlinear MPC Controller. I have read the example named ‘Control Quadruple-Tank Using Passivity-Based Nonlinear MPC’. There is a code nlobj.Model.StateFcn = "stateFcnQuadrupleTank".
I opened it, and the content shows as a picture as follows. It looks like the example uses code to express the dynamic system. I want to know if I can use a Simulink model, which is already done, to replace the code.
Thank a lot for your help! Nowdays, I am doing some works about visual servoing. But there are some troubles with the nonlinear MPC Controller. I have read the example named ‘Control Quadruple-Tank Using Passivity-Based Nonlinear MPC’. There is a code nlobj.Model.StateFcn = "stateFcnQuadrupleTank".
I opened it, and the content shows as a picture as follows. It looks like the example uses code to express the dynamic system. I want to know if I can use a Simulink model, which is already done, to replace the code.
Thank a lot for your help! mpc, ibvs MATLAB Answers — New Questions