I am calling outside functions for this code, but when I am getting an error saying I have too many output arguments. I think the error is within my function LandingDistance
%% problem 2
% user-defined function to compute the horizontal distance
% traveled by a projectile knowing the launch angle, the initial velocity,
% and geometric parameters defining the initial coordinates of the projectile.
d1 = 0.0876;
d2 = 0.1190;
v0 = 3.2;
thetaL = 50;
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
% call initial coords function and initial velocity function
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL); % input units: m, m, degrees, output units: m
[v0x, v0y] = InitialVelocityComponents(v0, thetaL); % input units: m/s de,grees, output units: m/s
%Solve the y equation for tLand by calling your Quadratic function.
a = -0.5*g; % g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
b = v0y; % initial velocity in y direction
c = y0; % initial y position
plusOrMinus = -1;
root = Quadratic(a, b, c, plusOrMinus); % neg root
tLand = root;
% plug tLand into the x eqn to get xLand
xLand = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
fprintf(‘For launch angle = %.1f degrees and v0 = %.1f m/s, the landing distance is %.2f m n’, thetaL, v0, xLand)
Error using LandingDistance
Too many output arguments.
Error in HW3_projectile (line 36)
xLand = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
function code
% landing distance function
function LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL)
% x_Land –> the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL) % input units: m, m, degrees, output units: m
[v0x, v0y] = InitialVelocityComponents(v0, thetaL) % input units: m/s de,grees, output units: m/s
a = -0.5*g; % g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
b = v0y; % initial velocity in y direction
c = y0; % initial y position
plusOrMinus = -1;
[root] = Quadratic(a, b, c, plusOrMinus); % neg root
tLand = root
xLand = x0 + (v0x*tLand)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in LandingDistance (line 6)
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL)
>>%% problem 2
% user-defined function to compute the horizontal distance
% traveled by a projectile knowing the launch angle, the initial velocity,
% and geometric parameters defining the initial coordinates of the projectile.
d1 = 0.0876;
d2 = 0.1190;
v0 = 3.2;
thetaL = 50;
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
% call initial coords function and initial velocity function
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL); % input units: m, m, degrees, output units: m
[v0x, v0y] = InitialVelocityComponents(v0, thetaL); % input units: m/s de,grees, output units: m/s
%Solve the y equation for tLand by calling your Quadratic function.
a = -0.5*g; % g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
b = v0y; % initial velocity in y direction
c = y0; % initial y position
plusOrMinus = -1;
root = Quadratic(a, b, c, plusOrMinus); % neg root
tLand = root;
% plug tLand into the x eqn to get xLand
xLand = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
fprintf(‘For launch angle = %.1f degrees and v0 = %.1f m/s, the landing distance is %.2f m n’, thetaL, v0, xLand)
Error using LandingDistance
Too many output arguments.
Error in HW3_projectile (line 36)
xLand = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
function code
% landing distance function
function LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL)
% x_Land –> the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL) % input units: m, m, degrees, output units: m
[v0x, v0y] = InitialVelocityComponents(v0, thetaL) % input units: m/s de,grees, output units: m/s
a = -0.5*g; % g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
b = v0y; % initial velocity in y direction
c = y0; % initial y position
plusOrMinus = -1;
[root] = Quadratic(a, b, c, plusOrMinus); % neg root
tLand = root
xLand = x0 + (v0x*tLand)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in LandingDistance (line 6)
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL)
>> %% problem 2
% user-defined function to compute the horizontal distance
% traveled by a projectile knowing the launch angle, the initial velocity,
% and geometric parameters defining the initial coordinates of the projectile.
d1 = 0.0876;
d2 = 0.1190;
v0 = 3.2;
thetaL = 50;
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
% call initial coords function and initial velocity function
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL); % input units: m, m, degrees, output units: m
[v0x, v0y] = InitialVelocityComponents(v0, thetaL); % input units: m/s de,grees, output units: m/s
%Solve the y equation for tLand by calling your Quadratic function.
a = -0.5*g; % g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
b = v0y; % initial velocity in y direction
c = y0; % initial y position
plusOrMinus = -1;
root = Quadratic(a, b, c, plusOrMinus); % neg root
tLand = root;
% plug tLand into the x eqn to get xLand
xLand = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
fprintf(‘For launch angle = %.1f degrees and v0 = %.1f m/s, the landing distance is %.2f m n’, thetaL, v0, xLand)
Error using LandingDistance
Too many output arguments.
Error in HW3_projectile (line 36)
xLand = LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL);
function code
% landing distance function
function LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL)
% x_Land –> the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL) % input units: m, m, degrees, output units: m
[v0x, v0y] = InitialVelocityComponents(v0, thetaL) % input units: m/s de,grees, output units: m/s
a = -0.5*g; % g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
b = v0y; % initial velocity in y direction
c = y0; % initial y position
plusOrMinus = -1;
[root] = Quadratic(a, b, c, plusOrMinus); % neg root
tLand = root
xLand = x0 + (v0x*tLand)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in LandingDistance (line 6)
[x0, y0] = InitialCoords(d1, d2, thetaL)
>> error, not enough inputs, too many outputs MATLAB Answers — New Questions