I have a list on a SharePoint page, and it doesn’t populate properly.
I have this list I need to add for this FAQ project I am on, and I am trying to figure out why the list won’t generate properly.
I am using this JSON code to format the list and it shows up perfect on my lists. Im not a coder I used this code I found online and used Chat GPT to customize it.
I have this list I need to add for this FAQ project I am on, and I am trying to figure out why the list won’t generate properly. I am using this JSON code to format the list and it shows up perfect on my lists. Im not a coder I used this code I found online and used Chat GPT to customize it. {“$schema”: “https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/v2/row-formatting.schema.json”,”hideColumnHeader”: true,”hideListHeader”: true,”groupProps”: {“headerFormatter”: {“elmType”: “div”,”attributes”: {“class”: “sp-row-card”},”style”: {“color”: “black”,”background-color”: “#FAF9F9″,”flex-grow”: “1”,”display”: “flex”,”flex-direction”: “row”,”box-sizing”: “border-box”,”padding”: “4px 8px 5px 8px”,”border-radius”: “6px”,”align-items”: “center”,”flex-wrap”: “nowrap”,”overflow”: “auto”,”margin”: “1px 4px 4px 1px”},”children”: [{“elmType”: “img”,”style”: {“max-width”: “24px”,”max-height”: “24px”,”margin-top”: “2px”,”border-radius”: “2px”}},{“elmType”: “div”,”children”: [{“elmType”: “span”,”style”: {“padding”: “5px 5px 5px 5px”,”font-weight”: “500”,”font-size”: “15px”},”txtContent”: “@group.fieldData.displayValue”}]},{“elmType”: “div”,”children”: [{“elmType”: “div”,”style”: {“display”: “flex”,”flex-direction”: “column”,”justify-content”: “center”}}]}]}}} Thanks! Read More