I try to run code for precoding in spatial multiplexing in MIMO from the book MIMO OFDM wireless communication system book and the code doesnt work.
% pre_MMSE.m
%MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB¢ç Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang
%2010 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
clear all; clf
%%%%%% Parameter Setting %%%%%%%%%
N_frame=100; N_packet=1000;
b=2; M=2^b; % Number of bits per symbol and Modulation order
demod_obj = modem.qamdemod(mod_obj);
NT=4; NR=4; sq2=sqrt(2); I=eye(NR,NR);
N_pbits = N_frame*NT*b;
N_tbits = N_pbits*N_packet;
fprintf(‘ Pre-MMSE transmission’);
fprintf(‘n %d x %d MIMOn %d QAM’, NT,NR,M);
fprintf(‘n Simulation bits : %d’,N_tbits);
SNRdBs = [0:2:20];
for i_SNR=1:length(SNRdBs)
SNRdB = SNRdBs(i_SNR);
noise_var = NT*0.5*10^(-SNRdB/10);
sigma = sqrt(noise_var);
rand(‘seed’,1); randn(‘seed’,1); N_ebits = 0;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Transmitter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for i_packet=1:N_packet
msg_bit = randint(N_pbits,1); % bit generation
symbol = modulate(mod_obj,msg_bit).’;
Scale = modnorm(symbol,’avpow’,1); % normalization
Symbol_nomalized = reshape(Scale*symbol,NT,N_frame);
H = (randn(NR,NT)+j*randn(NR,NT))/sq2;
temp_W = H’*inv(H*H’+noise_var*I);
beta = sqrt(NT/trace(temp_W*temp_W’)); % Eq.(12.17)
W = beta*temp_W;
Tx_signal = W*Symbol_nomalized;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Channel and Noise %%%%%%%%%%%%%
Rx_signal = H*Tx_signal+sigma*(randn(NR,N_frame)+j*randn(NR,N_frame));
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Receiver %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
y = Rx_signal/beta; % Eq.(12.18)
Symbol_hat = reshape(y/Scale,NT*N_frame,1);
msg_hat = demodulate(demod_obj,Symbol_hat);
N_ebits = N_ebits + sum(msg_hat~=msg_bit);
BER(i_SNR) = N_ebits/N_tbits;
semilogy(SNRdBs,BER,’-k^’,’LineWidth’,2); hold on; grid on;
xlabel(‘SNR[dB]’), ylabel(‘BER’);
legend(‘Pre-MMSE transmission’)
In the above code, there are lot of functions like modem.qammod , randint that are outdated and are not supported by MATLAB anymore but does have equivalent syntaxes that is supported by the current MATLAB bUT i couldnot find the equivalent of syntax ‘modulate’ anywhere in the google.Does someone know about this ?% pre_MMSE.m
%MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB¢ç Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang
%2010 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
clear all; clf
%%%%%% Parameter Setting %%%%%%%%%
N_frame=100; N_packet=1000;
b=2; M=2^b; % Number of bits per symbol and Modulation order
demod_obj = modem.qamdemod(mod_obj);
NT=4; NR=4; sq2=sqrt(2); I=eye(NR,NR);
N_pbits = N_frame*NT*b;
N_tbits = N_pbits*N_packet;
fprintf(‘ Pre-MMSE transmission’);
fprintf(‘n %d x %d MIMOn %d QAM’, NT,NR,M);
fprintf(‘n Simulation bits : %d’,N_tbits);
SNRdBs = [0:2:20];
for i_SNR=1:length(SNRdBs)
SNRdB = SNRdBs(i_SNR);
noise_var = NT*0.5*10^(-SNRdB/10);
sigma = sqrt(noise_var);
rand(‘seed’,1); randn(‘seed’,1); N_ebits = 0;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Transmitter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for i_packet=1:N_packet
msg_bit = randint(N_pbits,1); % bit generation
symbol = modulate(mod_obj,msg_bit).’;
Scale = modnorm(symbol,’avpow’,1); % normalization
Symbol_nomalized = reshape(Scale*symbol,NT,N_frame);
H = (randn(NR,NT)+j*randn(NR,NT))/sq2;
temp_W = H’*inv(H*H’+noise_var*I);
beta = sqrt(NT/trace(temp_W*temp_W’)); % Eq.(12.17)
W = beta*temp_W;
Tx_signal = W*Symbol_nomalized;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Channel and Noise %%%%%%%%%%%%%
Rx_signal = H*Tx_signal+sigma*(randn(NR,N_frame)+j*randn(NR,N_frame));
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Receiver %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
y = Rx_signal/beta; % Eq.(12.18)
Symbol_hat = reshape(y/Scale,NT*N_frame,1);
msg_hat = demodulate(demod_obj,Symbol_hat);
N_ebits = N_ebits + sum(msg_hat~=msg_bit);
BER(i_SNR) = N_ebits/N_tbits;
semilogy(SNRdBs,BER,’-k^’,’LineWidth’,2); hold on; grid on;
xlabel(‘SNR[dB]’), ylabel(‘BER’);
legend(‘Pre-MMSE transmission’)
In the above code, there are lot of functions like modem.qammod , randint that are outdated and are not supported by MATLAB anymore but does have equivalent syntaxes that is supported by the current MATLAB bUT i couldnot find the equivalent of syntax ‘modulate’ anywhere in the google.Does someone know about this ? % pre_MMSE.m
%MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB¢ç Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang
%2010 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
clear all; clf
%%%%%% Parameter Setting %%%%%%%%%
N_frame=100; N_packet=1000;
b=2; M=2^b; % Number of bits per symbol and Modulation order
demod_obj = modem.qamdemod(mod_obj);
NT=4; NR=4; sq2=sqrt(2); I=eye(NR,NR);
N_pbits = N_frame*NT*b;
N_tbits = N_pbits*N_packet;
fprintf(‘ Pre-MMSE transmission’);
fprintf(‘n %d x %d MIMOn %d QAM’, NT,NR,M);
fprintf(‘n Simulation bits : %d’,N_tbits);
SNRdBs = [0:2:20];
for i_SNR=1:length(SNRdBs)
SNRdB = SNRdBs(i_SNR);
noise_var = NT*0.5*10^(-SNRdB/10);
sigma = sqrt(noise_var);
rand(‘seed’,1); randn(‘seed’,1); N_ebits = 0;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Transmitter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for i_packet=1:N_packet
msg_bit = randint(N_pbits,1); % bit generation
symbol = modulate(mod_obj,msg_bit).’;
Scale = modnorm(symbol,’avpow’,1); % normalization
Symbol_nomalized = reshape(Scale*symbol,NT,N_frame);
H = (randn(NR,NT)+j*randn(NR,NT))/sq2;
temp_W = H’*inv(H*H’+noise_var*I);
beta = sqrt(NT/trace(temp_W*temp_W’)); % Eq.(12.17)
W = beta*temp_W;
Tx_signal = W*Symbol_nomalized;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Channel and Noise %%%%%%%%%%%%%
Rx_signal = H*Tx_signal+sigma*(randn(NR,N_frame)+j*randn(NR,N_frame));
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Receiver %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
y = Rx_signal/beta; % Eq.(12.18)
Symbol_hat = reshape(y/Scale,NT*N_frame,1);
msg_hat = demodulate(demod_obj,Symbol_hat);
N_ebits = N_ebits + sum(msg_hat~=msg_bit);
BER(i_SNR) = N_ebits/N_tbits;
semilogy(SNRdBs,BER,’-k^’,’LineWidth’,2); hold on; grid on;
xlabel(‘SNR[dB]’), ylabel(‘BER’);
legend(‘Pre-MMSE transmission’)
In the above code, there are lot of functions like modem.qammod , randint that are outdated and are not supported by MATLAB anymore but does have equivalent syntaxes that is supported by the current MATLAB bUT i couldnot find the equivalent of syntax ‘modulate’ anywhere in the google.Does someone know about this ? help-answer MATLAB Answers — New Questions