IF, AND, OR Formula Help
2.5 2.5ModifierModifierHQUPHQUN
Hello! So I have a spreadsheet I use for invoicing and depending on which box I input the hours in (2.5), determines what modifier I need to use (UP or UN). So I was wondering if anyone could help me generate a formula that if I input tie in the upper box it returns the value of UP or if there is a value in the lower box it would return the value of UN and if there is no value, it would just remain empty.
Thank You!
2.5 2.5ModifierModifierHQUPHQUN Hello! So I have a spreadsheet I use for invoicing and depending on which box I input the hours in (2.5), determines what modifier I need to use (UP or UN). So I was wondering if anyone could help me generate a formula that if I input tie in the upper box it returns the value of UP or if there is a value in the lower box it would return the value of UN and if there is no value, it would just remain empty. Thank You! Read More