Installation R2021a behind proxy fails
Starting the installer stops with the following error:
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:http://localhost:32415/ui/install/matlab_installer/matlab_installer/index.html?
Connection to ::1 failed
The system returned: (111) Connection refused
Disabling the proxy, the installer starts but requires a FIK key (which i can get from our license administrator) but every system in our subnet will have the same problem. Any idea how to solve this ?Starting the installer stops with the following error:
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:http://localhost:32415/ui/install/matlab_installer/matlab_installer/index.html?
Connection to ::1 failed
The system returned: (111) Connection refused
Disabling the proxy, the installer starts but requires a FIK key (which i can get from our license administrator) but every system in our subnet will have the same problem. Any idea how to solve this ? Starting the installer stops with the following error:
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:http://localhost:32415/ui/install/matlab_installer/matlab_installer/index.html?
Connection to ::1 failed
The system returned: (111) Connection refused
Disabling the proxy, the installer starts but requires a FIK key (which i can get from our license administrator) but every system in our subnet will have the same problem. Any idea how to solve this ? r2021a proxy MATLAB Answers — New Questions