Invoke-command Access denied on Windows 11 but works with Windows 10
I’m trying to connect to a remote computer using Invoke-Command while running an elevated Powershell ise. I recently upgraded to Windows 11 and my scripts no longer work and are giving me an Access is denied error. Here is a test script I’ve been using to try and resolve the issue.
$Creds = Import-CliXml -Path “C:InstallPowerCredsCred.xml”
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $Creds -ScriptBlock {
Test-Path “\networkFileLocation”
This is working just fine on my secondary computer with Windows 10. I cloned my Windows 10 computer to a new computer to test Windows 11 in our environment. I’ve checked all the execution policies and they are set the same as my Windows 10 computer. Trust for Delegation Kerbos Only is turned on for all computers, this was required for Windows 10 to get over the Double-Hop. Does anyone know if there is a setting that is new with Windows 11 that needs to be changed
I’m trying to connect to a remote computer using Invoke-Command while running an elevated Powershell ise. I recently upgraded to Windows 11 and my scripts no longer work and are giving me an Access is denied error. Here is a test script I’ve been using to try and resolve the issue.$Creds = Import-CliXml -Path “C:InstallPowerCredsCred.xml”Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $Creds -ScriptBlock {Test-Path “\networkFileLocation”This is working just fine on my secondary computer with Windows 10. I cloned my Windows 10 computer to a new computer to test Windows 11 in our environment. I’ve checked all the execution policies and they are set the same as my Windows 10 computer. Trust for Delegation Kerbos Only is turned on for all computers, this was required for Windows 10 to get over the Double-Hop. Does anyone know if there is a setting that is new with Windows 11 that needs to be changed Read More