Issue with serial communication blocks from support package for arduino nano(CH340 clone)
I’m using arduino nano(ch340) and implementing serial communication with the Raspberry Pi 4B. I’m using USB cable rather than onboard uart pins. I’ve been trying to send data through serial transmit block (from nano) but no results at all. You cannot use ‘monitor and tune’ so only been reading the data(in both Arduino ide’s serial monitor and rasp pi’s terminal) after uploading the model.
The output in serial monitor is gibberish (boxes) while in terminal(screen) it is not visible at all. I generated a model for rasp pi with serial read block from support package where data is zero and status port indicates ‘data not available’. Tried all three modes for transmit block: write, print, println, but same results. I programmed a test program in arduino ide with serial.println function which was successfully displayed results in both terminal and display from rasp pi simulink model. I’ve successfully implemented basic test models like ‘led blink’ in simulink for arduino so my inference is that the problem is only with serial transmit block and its generated code.
My aim is to establish bidirectional serial communication between Raspberry pi and arduino nano, to exchange multiple values simultaneously(probably having different data types) in an array and separate them for their intended use.I’m using arduino nano(ch340) and implementing serial communication with the Raspberry Pi 4B. I’m using USB cable rather than onboard uart pins. I’ve been trying to send data through serial transmit block (from nano) but no results at all. You cannot use ‘monitor and tune’ so only been reading the data(in both Arduino ide’s serial monitor and rasp pi’s terminal) after uploading the model.
The output in serial monitor is gibberish (boxes) while in terminal(screen) it is not visible at all. I generated a model for rasp pi with serial read block from support package where data is zero and status port indicates ‘data not available’. Tried all three modes for transmit block: write, print, println, but same results. I programmed a test program in arduino ide with serial.println function which was successfully displayed results in both terminal and display from rasp pi simulink model. I’ve successfully implemented basic test models like ‘led blink’ in simulink for arduino so my inference is that the problem is only with serial transmit block and its generated code.
My aim is to establish bidirectional serial communication between Raspberry pi and arduino nano, to exchange multiple values simultaneously(probably having different data types) in an array and separate them for their intended use. I’m using arduino nano(ch340) and implementing serial communication with the Raspberry Pi 4B. I’m using USB cable rather than onboard uart pins. I’ve been trying to send data through serial transmit block (from nano) but no results at all. You cannot use ‘monitor and tune’ so only been reading the data(in both Arduino ide’s serial monitor and rasp pi’s terminal) after uploading the model.
The output in serial monitor is gibberish (boxes) while in terminal(screen) it is not visible at all. I generated a model for rasp pi with serial read block from support package where data is zero and status port indicates ‘data not available’. Tried all three modes for transmit block: write, print, println, but same results. I programmed a test program in arduino ide with serial.println function which was successfully displayed results in both terminal and display from rasp pi simulink model. I’ve successfully implemented basic test models like ‘led blink’ in simulink for arduino so my inference is that the problem is only with serial transmit block and its generated code.
My aim is to establish bidirectional serial communication between Raspberry pi and arduino nano, to exchange multiple values simultaneously(probably having different data types) in an array and separate them for their intended use. serial communication, arduino and raspberry pi MATLAB Answers — New Questions