Matlab fitnet function ignores some input variables that contain NaN values
Matlab fitnet function ignores some input variables that contain NaN values.
My input layer contains some points with NaN values. I am aware that fitnet will not handle NaN values. However, when I get the input weights (IW) from the network with ten predictors, the input weights matrix eliminates two predictors and I don’t know which ones.Matlab fitnet function ignores some input variables that contain NaN values.
My input layer contains some points with NaN values. I am aware that fitnet will not handle NaN values. However, when I get the input weights (IW) from the network with ten predictors, the input weights matrix eliminates two predictors and I don’t know which ones. Matlab fitnet function ignores some input variables that contain NaN values.
My input layer contains some points with NaN values. I am aware that fitnet will not handle NaN values. However, when I get the input weights (IW) from the network with ten predictors, the input weights matrix eliminates two predictors and I don’t know which ones. fitnet-matlan, neural networks, input-weights, nan-values MATLAB Answers — New Questions