Optimization Live Editor task Error “Your objective function must return a scalar value”
Hi,I’m trying to maximize a function with genetic algorithm or patternsearch using Optimization Live Editor task. But it confuses me that an Error "Your objective function must return a scalar value" always occurs, and I have alreay checked out the output of my objective function. Can somebody tell me how to fix this problem? Would appreciate any help!
I checked out the the output of my objective function as follows:
input = [0 0.5];
MaxSidelobe = FindBestPlacingGA(input);
TF = isscalar(MaxSidelobe);
The objective function and other functions needed:
function MaxSidelobe= FindBestPlacingGA(input)
input(1) = deg2rad(input(1));
mic_pos = [0 0.24 0
-0.2078 -0.12 0
0.2078 -0.12 0];
mic_pos = [Array3N(input(1),input(2));mic_pos];
MaxSidelobe= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,500,0:1:80);
function mic_pos = Array3N(theta,rho)
theta3N = [theta+pi/2;theta+pi*7/6;theta+pi*11/6];
mic_pos = zeros(3,3);
mic_pos(:,3) = 0;
[mic_pos(:,1),mic_pos(:,2)] = pol2cart(theta3N,rho);
function MSL= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,f,El)
Num_mic = size(mic_pos,1);
Az = -180:1: 180;
c = 343;
k0 = [0 0 -1];
numAz = length(Az);
numEl = length(El);
K = zeros(3, numAz, numEl);
for i = 1:numAz
for j = 1:numEl
az_rad = deg2rad(Az(i));
el_rad = deg2rad(El(j));
x = cos(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
y = sin(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
z = cos(el_rad);
K(:, i, j) = [x; y; z];
W = zeros(numAz,numEl);
for p = 1:numAz
for q = 1:numEl
for n = 1:Num_mic
W(p,q) = exp(-1i*dot(K(:,p,q)’-k0,mic_pos(n,:))*2*pi*f/c) + W(p,q);
W = W/Num_mic;
Y = 10*log10((abs(W)).^2);
local_max = imregionalmax(Y);
max_values = Y(local_max);
Mainlobe = max(max_values(:));
sidelobes = max_values(max_values~=Mainlobe);
MSL = Mainlobe – max(sidelobes(:));
endHi,I’m trying to maximize a function with genetic algorithm or patternsearch using Optimization Live Editor task. But it confuses me that an Error "Your objective function must return a scalar value" always occurs, and I have alreay checked out the output of my objective function. Can somebody tell me how to fix this problem? Would appreciate any help!
I checked out the the output of my objective function as follows:
input = [0 0.5];
MaxSidelobe = FindBestPlacingGA(input);
TF = isscalar(MaxSidelobe);
The objective function and other functions needed:
function MaxSidelobe= FindBestPlacingGA(input)
input(1) = deg2rad(input(1));
mic_pos = [0 0.24 0
-0.2078 -0.12 0
0.2078 -0.12 0];
mic_pos = [Array3N(input(1),input(2));mic_pos];
MaxSidelobe= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,500,0:1:80);
function mic_pos = Array3N(theta,rho)
theta3N = [theta+pi/2;theta+pi*7/6;theta+pi*11/6];
mic_pos = zeros(3,3);
mic_pos(:,3) = 0;
[mic_pos(:,1),mic_pos(:,2)] = pol2cart(theta3N,rho);
function MSL= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,f,El)
Num_mic = size(mic_pos,1);
Az = -180:1: 180;
c = 343;
k0 = [0 0 -1];
numAz = length(Az);
numEl = length(El);
K = zeros(3, numAz, numEl);
for i = 1:numAz
for j = 1:numEl
az_rad = deg2rad(Az(i));
el_rad = deg2rad(El(j));
x = cos(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
y = sin(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
z = cos(el_rad);
K(:, i, j) = [x; y; z];
W = zeros(numAz,numEl);
for p = 1:numAz
for q = 1:numEl
for n = 1:Num_mic
W(p,q) = exp(-1i*dot(K(:,p,q)’-k0,mic_pos(n,:))*2*pi*f/c) + W(p,q);
W = W/Num_mic;
Y = 10*log10((abs(W)).^2);
local_max = imregionalmax(Y);
max_values = Y(local_max);
Mainlobe = max(max_values(:));
sidelobes = max_values(max_values~=Mainlobe);
MSL = Mainlobe – max(sidelobes(:));
end Hi,I’m trying to maximize a function with genetic algorithm or patternsearch using Optimization Live Editor task. But it confuses me that an Error "Your objective function must return a scalar value" always occurs, and I have alreay checked out the output of my objective function. Can somebody tell me how to fix this problem? Would appreciate any help!
I checked out the the output of my objective function as follows:
input = [0 0.5];
MaxSidelobe = FindBestPlacingGA(input);
TF = isscalar(MaxSidelobe);
The objective function and other functions needed:
function MaxSidelobe= FindBestPlacingGA(input)
input(1) = deg2rad(input(1));
mic_pos = [0 0.24 0
-0.2078 -0.12 0
0.2078 -0.12 0];
mic_pos = [Array3N(input(1),input(2));mic_pos];
MaxSidelobe= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,500,0:1:80);
function mic_pos = Array3N(theta,rho)
theta3N = [theta+pi/2;theta+pi*7/6;theta+pi*11/6];
mic_pos = zeros(3,3);
mic_pos(:,3) = 0;
[mic_pos(:,1),mic_pos(:,2)] = pol2cart(theta3N,rho);
function MSL= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,f,El)
Num_mic = size(mic_pos,1);
Az = -180:1: 180;
c = 343;
k0 = [0 0 -1];
numAz = length(Az);
numEl = length(El);
K = zeros(3, numAz, numEl);
for i = 1:numAz
for j = 1:numEl
az_rad = deg2rad(Az(i));
el_rad = deg2rad(El(j));
x = cos(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
y = sin(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
z = cos(el_rad);
K(:, i, j) = [x; y; z];
W = zeros(numAz,numEl);
for p = 1:numAz
for q = 1:numEl
for n = 1:Num_mic
W(p,q) = exp(-1i*dot(K(:,p,q)’-k0,mic_pos(n,:))*2*pi*f/c) + W(p,q);
W = W/Num_mic;
Y = 10*log10((abs(W)).^2);
local_max = imregionalmax(Y);
max_values = Y(local_max);
Mainlobe = max(max_values(:));
sidelobes = max_values(max_values~=Mainlobe);
MSL = Mainlobe – max(sidelobes(:));
end optimization live editor task, error, scalar value MATLAB Answers — New Questions