Powergui FFT Analysis Tool doesn’t work!
When I use the Powergui FFT Analysis Tool (in the matlab 2019a), I find it can’work. In the module of "Available signals","Name" and "Input" are always "Empty", though I have selected “Log data to workspace” and "structure with time".Are there any other parameters to set?When I use the Powergui FFT Analysis Tool (in the matlab 2019a), I find it can’work. In the module of "Available signals","Name" and "Input" are always "Empty", though I have selected “Log data to workspace” and "structure with time".Are there any other parameters to set? When I use the Powergui FFT Analysis Tool (in the matlab 2019a), I find it can’work. In the module of "Available signals","Name" and "Input" are always "Empty", though I have selected “Log data to workspace” and "structure with time".Are there any other parameters to set? powergui, fft MATLAB Answers — New Questions