problem in simulink (FOPID controller)
Derivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘FOPIDC/Fractional PID controller1/Fractional derivative1/Transfer
Fcn1′ at time 3.2188803386168852 is not finite. The simulation will be stopped. There may be a
singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step
size or by tightening the error tolerances)
how can I solve this errorDerivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘FOPIDC/Fractional PID controller1/Fractional derivative1/Transfer
Fcn1′ at time 3.2188803386168852 is not finite. The simulation will be stopped. There may be a
singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step
size or by tightening the error tolerances)
how can I solve this error Derivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘FOPIDC/Fractional PID controller1/Fractional derivative1/Transfer
Fcn1′ at time 3.2188803386168852 is not finite. The simulation will be stopped. There may be a
singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step
size or by tightening the error tolerances)
how can I solve this error fopid MATLAB Answers — New Questions