Random Number Generation with Parameters
Dear All,
Kindly ask for your assistant, I am trying to generate a time series with approx 500 data with the following parameters
1)values between min=0 max=1500
2) 0-100 range 50% of total data, 101-200 25% of total data etc
3) x/x+1 data should be +/-10% at 20% of data, x/x+1 should be between +/-10% – +/-20 at 15% of total data etc
Any ideas will be highly appreciatedDear All,
Kindly ask for your assistant, I am trying to generate a time series with approx 500 data with the following parameters
1)values between min=0 max=1500
2) 0-100 range 50% of total data, 101-200 25% of total data etc
3) x/x+1 data should be +/-10% at 20% of data, x/x+1 should be between +/-10% – +/-20 at 15% of total data etc
Any ideas will be highly appreciated Dear All,
Kindly ask for your assistant, I am trying to generate a time series with approx 500 data with the following parameters
1)values between min=0 max=1500
2) 0-100 range 50% of total data, 101-200 25% of total data etc
3) x/x+1 data should be +/-10% at 20% of data, x/x+1 should be between +/-10% – +/-20 at 15% of total data etc
Any ideas will be highly appreciated random number generator, discrete distribution MATLAB Answers — New Questions