Reading and storing data efficiently – from spreadsheet to cell array
Hello everybody,
I am wondering what is the most efficient way to read data from a spreadsheet file and store it in the most efficient data structure. The question is general, but I also provide the way I do to welcome any suggestion.
I read data from very long spreadsheet (hundred-of-thousands rows for each sheet), and I need to store only one column for each sheet.
for j = 1:12
Data = readtable(filename, ‘Sheet’, j+1, ‘ReadVariableNames’, false);
Data = table2array(Data(:,3));
Data = rmmissing(Data);
filenameOutput = [outputDir, indexName{i}, monthName{j}, ‘.mat’];
save(filenameOutput, ‘Data’);
What is the most efficient way to do it?
And what about if I want to store the data in a cell format (that is, a N(i)x1 cell where N(i) is the variable length of each column)?
Thank you very much in advanceHello everybody,
I am wondering what is the most efficient way to read data from a spreadsheet file and store it in the most efficient data structure. The question is general, but I also provide the way I do to welcome any suggestion.
I read data from very long spreadsheet (hundred-of-thousands rows for each sheet), and I need to store only one column for each sheet.
for j = 1:12
Data = readtable(filename, ‘Sheet’, j+1, ‘ReadVariableNames’, false);
Data = table2array(Data(:,3));
Data = rmmissing(Data);
filenameOutput = [outputDir, indexName{i}, monthName{j}, ‘.mat’];
save(filenameOutput, ‘Data’);
What is the most efficient way to do it?
And what about if I want to store the data in a cell format (that is, a N(i)x1 cell where N(i) is the variable length of each column)?
Thank you very much in advance Hello everybody,
I am wondering what is the most efficient way to read data from a spreadsheet file and store it in the most efficient data structure. The question is general, but I also provide the way I do to welcome any suggestion.
I read data from very long spreadsheet (hundred-of-thousands rows for each sheet), and I need to store only one column for each sheet.
for j = 1:12
Data = readtable(filename, ‘Sheet’, j+1, ‘ReadVariableNames’, false);
Data = table2array(Data(:,3));
Data = rmmissing(Data);
filenameOutput = [outputDir, indexName{i}, monthName{j}, ‘.mat’];
save(filenameOutput, ‘Data’);
What is the most efficient way to do it?
And what about if I want to store the data in a cell format (that is, a N(i)x1 cell where N(i) is the variable length of each column)?
Thank you very much in advance readtable MATLAB Answers — New Questions